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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: MARCUS GARVEY FILE NUMBER: 190-1781-6 PART: 5 OF 6 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DUE TO THE AGE AND CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE MA PLUS (ARVEY fart S of é parts hom fase criginyted at” ri.‘ Jorrhl to be 7a orizinating office Treant Mave At | par. wins Mane pumitin on winch wADT | mEPOMT MADE Hew york City | 6/28/23 6/25-26-27/23; Mortimer J. Davis. a ences a TRY: U. S. VS. MAROUS GARTIY, BP AL - VIOLATION suction 215, U. Ss. Cc. c., THE HATES 10 DEFRAUD. Jac cwions At Now York: Continuing agent's investigation and report of June 21st which roported that servey had been sentenced by Judge Mack and pola without bail. : On the 25th inst. Garvey's attorneys, Armin yohn, Henry L. Johnson and Williea B. Matthews, appeared before Judge Rogers of the Circzit Court of Appecls to request that he permit Carvey bail. Agent were present at this hearing with asst. U. 8. Attorney Mattuck, Garvey's attorneys attacked the count upon which Garvey a found guiity, i.e., count three of the second indictment known es the “Dancy count," charging that this count was defective ené, in fact, the weakest of any in either of the two indictments. asst. v. S. Attorney Nettuck was asked what bail ke thought that sarvey should be all ed, upon which he stated the reesons why he believed Garvey should be pera: ed no bail, exhibiting to the Judge various threaten- ing letters received during the past and one received by Mr. Mattuck on the 25th inst. stated ke would take the matter under con: Sidorution, On the 26th inst. guage Rogers informed Sarvey's attornc;: thet after going over the facts he could not see his way oleer te permit 6 - Garvey bail, but added, that in turning 1 q at st he was doing 90 490° dowa their ra i a s i ~2- 1 not explained by Judge Rogers, but is presumed to moan that his denial in no ay interferes with their making a similar request to other appeal Juages 1n this district, and 1 am informed that Gervey's attorneys in- | tend to apply to every such juige here. | With regard to the Universal Negro Improvement Association, — Agent 4mos and the writer have made visits to the Harlen section end | have been informed that pusiness js practically at a standstill due to | Garvey's absence. There is s strong rumor of a factional split and, | also, it is intimated that they may lose one of their main means of | Propaganda, i.e.,tiberty Hall, mortgages upon which will goon become duc, the meeting of which mortgages will mean thst same will be foreclosea | and the building lost to the association. without Liberty Hell the v. | Re I, 4. and its various branches will be without a meeting place and | will be forced to hire such as are available in the city at considerable expense. ir | Agent 270s and the writer are also continuing efforts in co- 1 -operation with the City police to run down the various ruuors regarding © the purchase and storage of guns and ammunition, but up to the present time have not verified sans, end it is believed that if such material was in possession of any of the Garvey adherents, it has now been either destroyed or removed, due to the great amount of publicity given this feature by the New York newspapers. Frage ne, IARELAY 8180 ‘aL ACEI IN CHARGE porrorrice pox at Department of Justice” Bureau of Investigation ee New Yon June 30, 1923. Director, Bureau of Investigetion, : Department of Justice, Re: U. S. V8. Marcus Garvey, Bt Al, Washington, De Ce * Viol. Sec. 215, th 3. G. Ge ~ Using the Mails to Defraud. Deer Sir; SRR gear eEEEE Tam advised that during my absence from this office yesterday, \sst. U. §. Attorney Iattnel had a conference with Agents Scully, Davis and 4mos concerning the sctivities of the folicvera of vareus Garvey in Yarlon ont tw. Vattuox re~ i quested that the Washington office of Rurean be aclisitsd for : tho sorvices of two colored etents er informants uninown in i this city for the purcose of having them attend a 1183 meeting at Tiberty Hall, 120 yeat 1é8th st., on Sunday afternoon, July lst, of the menbers of the Universal Negro Improvement associ~ ation. Ynasinmch a5 T aéviced + Senlly over the tele- phone from ‘Yashingzton that the type of men desired by lr. wat- tuck was not available, authorization was obtained for the em- ployment of one or tio negroes to heve then attend the meeting and to testify oa to the remarks made there if desired. a secured the services of Mr. ‘Jillian Lucas, Y., (Telephone, Prospect 34 a5 an informant ty this y recormended by U. S. Attorney ngazed for ene dey only and his be five Patiese (55) and expenses. 159 Willow: 2864) a negro office sna vi Hayward. compensation This informant agrees to testify, if necessary, as to what transpires to-rorrow. Agent snos has siso made sr- rangenonts to have two persons to volunteer their services for to-morrow and ke elat that both of these will maxe an affi- davit end alao testi Agont Tavis has secured throuzh the vational Association for the {avancezent of the Colored People, the ser- vices of t#o negroes to attend the meeting. Ian attaching several oes lars announcing the aforementioned meating. § a very ys Pin. Shen Fs at Tal erent Vase iy ate ao Marcus Garvey 426 West 120th St. Su cay Aftern con ouUnGa SOE July 1, 1923 at 3:30 o'clock Sharp Pubic Men will Speak. S AND FRIZNDS OF Negro improvement aaa A MESSAG COME AND HEAR! COME AND HELP! _— ;Insteuctions: wer? J, Brennan, Spl- Arent in ‘harge-f¥ Tile Ages oriztnated at Joiroil to be mado at ¢ nating office onl: new York city | ?-2223___| 624-26 _l snares } Battle i IN RI: NGRO RADICAL ACTIVITIES. June °4th, Attented a patriotic massa meeting held at the Renaisssnce Casino, 1sath street and 7th Street, where about 150 were present. willion ferris, editor of the "Negro “orla™ and Fred 4, Poot, once pield orgonizer for the J. N. I. 4. were the speskors. yerria stated that the spirit of carvey will never die, and that Garvey was the greatest leader tho world has ever known, oot stated that Garvey hag svfferod disgrace in having to aeuffed to a low white man y 2 he and brought into a court room. After the nesting T had a talk with verris, and who atoted thet Garvey recczmended that Captain Gaines, lfrs. Henriette Vinton 2 olpa f be @isckerged es far ea salary wes concer ea, bit if they wonted to co im the field and rasse money for the U.t.I.A. they could taxe 15 per cent of all the money they reised. + also recomended that Jaines be let go, so that the white folxs would be fooled, and no suspicion woula be attached to the african Legion, as they could not then find the leader. Garvey wants to get rid of all, the americans, stating they cannot be trusted. Qhis evening attended a meeting at Liberty Hall, 120 Jest 138th Street, Whore about 3000 porsons were present, ana $700 was raised for the Aomvay Tefanse und, The speakers ss Andrew 1, Battle for June 24-26th. Negro radical activities. sae F were 2. L. Poston, First Secretary, William sherill, wirst Assistant President of the U, ". T. 4, and Rudolph smith. i | Shorill stated that every direction of Garvey's will be | carried out to the letter. He stated they were, willing to shed blood | Yor Gervey, snd they would do all they could to have Garvey released. June_25¢) Today spoke with Captain G, L, Gaines, of the U.N.I.A, who stated that last ?ridey the officers came to search the U.N.I.4. Building, and asked him if he bought any guns, and he stated he had not. He further stated there is a big fight on between the officers, | end that Garvey has directed urs, Davis, G. 0. Marks, Rudolph Smith and Gains be dropped from the pay Todl. resign before something else happens, as the U. N. I. A. is not using the money right, and another arrost might come soon. While eresking to “rs, Royington, 122 west 154th street, she said she Was a renter of tho U.s%.I.4+ apd the white folks need not think they heve done enrt! by putting Garvey in jail, and thet the Legion and the lotor Corps can get their gums and shoot every one up, | and will do 4t en ever ¢! y get the vord. s he made this statenent in the presence of Mrs, J, Battle and Miss Hanneh Battie, 238 west ‘ 127th streat. I then spoke with %, Gadspy, 28 West 1glst street, a ' member of the UNI. end president of tho Panama pivision until august, | 1922, and he statod he could not understand how Garvey could say the African Legion didn't g have guns, for the U.N.I.4. of Panama hed just for tho african Legion before the Aigust convention, a 23. i Andrew if, Battle for June 24-26th, . Negro Radical activities. said the African Legion are in every branch of the U.N.I.A. of this country, and every division has guns, Jane 26th. Today talked with Rudolph smith, 2301-7th avenue, who stated that Captain caines, &, 0, Marks, I had received word their salary had stop from last saturday, and when they received their lettdrs they would =plit in the U.N.I.a. and call a convention as soon as they could of all the presidents of the “@ifferent branches of the U. N. I. 4. So they could vote against Garvey managing the organization while in prison, Gains ig afraid the Government will take him for training oe frican tecion. J, 8. Yeurwood, also stated he hoped Garvey would not secure bail, and would be kept in prison, ih which event he would @o ell he could for the U.N.I, I then spoke with afnola J, yord, Cee Musical pirector o2 the U.l,I.d. who stated a convention must be cslled 80 the managenent could be changed, and that the Legion will have tc “dieband for a while, or else they would be subject to arrest. The Lesion has been advised to get ria of the guns. 3, Vinton Davis end himself) | | Case -orieinuted at iY, Journal tobe made at orisinuting offico only. Tastraactions: 4 T arennan, Sol, yet. in Iv Filo menue Mane AP Sasa wen mabe emODFOR WHEN MADE | REnONT SHADE BY. aE New york city 7122-23 6-27-28 Andrew '', Battle I RE: NIGRO RADICAL ACTIVITIUS. foday interviewdd Urs. 2, James, 101 wv, 1324 street, a Monber of the U.l.I.4. and a shareholder of the Black Star Line, who stated trouble has juot started in the v.N.I.A. because Garvey has caused a big fight among the officers ty asrecting the discharge of Gains, Rudolph smith, urs, Henriette Y. Devis, and G. 0. Marks. She also said they are afraid Gains will tell about the guns and everythinz ho Enows about the U.N,T.4, Mes. Davis lives in the home of Garvey and she knows all about the arms and the secrets of Garvey, for it was Garvey who haa the guns bought for Gains. captain Gaine has been @irected to get rid of all the guns, by Garvey, ! I had a toils with Captain Gains, who stated he received a letter fron Cu Division of the U, yv, President of the Chic Teds eo telling hin to atten eting of the U. In4, to be hola in chicago on guly 6th, at which all the presidents will attend, Warks will call @ convention for the U.8.I.4. after the Chicago meeting on July 8th, qilliam Perris called to see me, and said he had to resicn as Editor of tho “Negro world" because he had changed some articles sent to him by Garvey, which were insults. to Judge uack, Mr. Mattuck and the court. ana therefore Garvey not liking the stand taxon by Forris, changed the editor. -2- Androw 1". Battle for June 27-26, 192%, Negro Radical activities, \ mus Carter said things are very discouraging, and the exponses of the ' U. Ne I. As axe rapidly rising, with nothing to meot them, and only $700 has been raised for expenses of the U.N. I. “As It was also learned that the chicago convention is being | Tne 28th. This evening attended meeting at Liberty Hall, where | called without the knowledge of garvey. Instructions: nan, spl. Agen’ W File i ase orieinated . al to be made + i: ag office only New York city | 7-28-25 hans iitiam 4, Lucss Ue Se VSe LOROUS F4RVTY, et al- Violation section 215, U. 3. C. C. Using rails to pefraud- Kass yeoting Liberty wall,120 7, 128th sth New York city. Phis afternoon proceeded to Liberty wall, 120 west 136th street, New york city and attended monster mass meoting of protest of justice to Marcus gervey, {he meeting was order ut 3,50 P.i, by a Mre Sherrill, who presided es aster of Cerenonies. After reciting the opening Ode, in which the assemblage arose and pledged themselves to One 08, One Aim and One Destiny, Shevill cxplaineé the purpose of the meeting was to onlist both financial and morel support towards opteining bail for Garvey and bringing about an appeal of his caso. Ee of justice had been committed and said stated that e crave mizcerris errment, such as ours, would rectify the Facts of the case were disclosed. Mr. B. Z, Poston was the first speaker and he endeavored to assure the people thet they were not 111 disposed towards Ir, Garvey and that they were in deep sympathy wit him; to which they voicod their sanction ana approval, tany women about me with tears in their eyos, likened him to Jesus, Poston accused the ll, Ae As Pe African Blood Brotherhood and an organization knoyn as the “vriends of the colored People" ae responsible for Garvey's Porsceution. He stated that Harlom had been floated with literature Willian 3, Lucas for guly 1, 1923, garvey. : { denouncing Garvey and his organization as associated with the Ku flux Klan, He stated thet that was responsible for the bitter attack upon Garvey by the prosecuting attorney and the penalty imposed by Justice The noxt speaker was introduced as a friend although not | Mack, é : | | Amenber of the U. N. I. A. under the title of Professor Tobias. after | | Yeading a fow quotations of Lincoln’s on Public sentiment end quoting | how the Jews spent money in investigating the Leo grank dase; this man | gave @ descriptive account of the activities of Garvey in this coxntry:| He stated that up to the time that Garvey gave his first convention et | I Madison Square Garden, that Gurvey was Litt Sooing the large folloving that he wes gaining through his activities, | the white people immediately concluded thet 1t would never do to allow | © to 1 once to wesve a wed, with the assistence of the N. Ae 4. PB, and Other negro antagorists, for the zr dowazell ¢ assured the people that the 0. . I. A. Was here to stay ana the conzicence ox the people in their leader i was unshaken. Mr, Plummer, ono of Garvoy's right hand mon, road a messoge from Garvey from the Tombs, Garvey expressed his appreciation at tho attitule of the people in endegvoring to obtain bail for him and thanked thom for their confidence in him, Ho contended that he was and. 4s, the victin of @ frano-up. (Letter received with quietness and ‘ weeping}. . Princo Imah Devount of Abyssinia, was introduced. ye was “be adopted by Willian Lucas for July 1, 1923, Garvey arrayed in silken costume, beard and everything that goes with a complete orientel outfit, It had its intended effect upon the assenblece and they received him with a great ovation, I immodiately recognized him as one who I had seen with the organization when Garvey was prepar- ing for his first convention, Ee admitted that he was raised in this country end had been connected with the U.M.I,4. since its origin, He endeavored to convince tke people that Garvey was honest and sincere in: his onoavors, after the novelty of his importetion hed worn off ana | the people learned that he had been but a short while before a plain ordinary Negro, dressed the same ee-they and following the same habits, whe he et there was little acknowledgment, by sppleuse. | A resolution in the form of a petition was then introduced) by Mr. Plummer, 4 petition to President Harding asking that Garvey be | allowed bail and an imrestization be made that might bring about an | sppeal of his case, 4 motion was made by i zstion and everyone sign sane before leaving | the builds A collection a2 then in order, asking a minimum of $1 for the legal defense of !farcus Garvey. The noxt spesker was lir, “right (White) of the Squal Rights Leegue, who told the People that Garvey was not treated fair in his trial and that people were denied on opportunity to enter the court room, Ho said that ho hiveel? was told he could not gain admission as the court room was filled, upon gaining entrance he said that he was / amazed at tho larso number of seats that were available, He said ~ 4. ‘| William = Luces for July 1, 1923. Garvey : re that there was much he could ssy that he could hot say there, but would say tomorrow noon at the City Hell; where he had obtained a permit to speak, His remerke did much to stir up the restless attitude of the = | ! people and many hed expressions to make at the cénclusion of his remarks, such as ‘You know he didn't get a square acol if the white man says so. This man told them thet he was surprised at the attitude of the N.a.a. i P, against Garvey and sata that a vionan menbor had told him that Garvey did not warrant a fair trial or admittance to bail. He said he told | her thet if he did not warrant a fair trial, then she should not talc | of egroos in the South being lynched without a trial, He was enthu- siasticelly applauded at the concludion. Rev, Brown of the Metropolitan Baptist Church was the last speaier, He said that he had been afd always would be the friend i, He seid that the N.A.4 of Garvey aci the J. + and such other cd long outlived their usefulnese, He said garvey | eS Negro organizations was innocent of wre. » He saia that Garvey was frened up by re Great care wea exercised by all the speakers to refrain i from seditious utterances, Nothing was said against the government, although sarcastic criticisms were made of some of the officials, ghres to make Garvey's case a political issue in the next election camps were voiced, The majority of this element are not even citizens, so this is not to be seriously considered. hy nrennan, Jnl, .gt. in C avgo IPile Journ made ut 1 ‘fico only eae Ins ructions New York city Ta Rt: Today attended a mass protest meeting held at Liberty Hall, 120 vest LS6th street, There were 2000 versons prescnt, about twio thirds of whom wore “Jest Indian Negroes. The speskers were D. 2. Pobias, R, L. Postun, 8, yenton Plwsver, Jilliam sherill, Rev. Wl. %e Brown, Charles vright, Prince Imsh Devount, of Abyssinia. A collection ws taten up for the relief fund and $334.68 was realized. Postun said cueng other things thet if the Government could have heard the truth Garvey would not have been where he now is, but they kept the truth out, and the Judge is a member of the Nations! Association Zor the Sévencenent of the Colored People, and if they do Popias ssid in his speech that it was a frame up on Garvey by Du Bois, who never hed a Job until Garvey came here, He further stated he would send @ letter to Mr, Mattuck stating more than he could at the meeting. Sherill saia they were getting ready to fight for sarvey, and then resd @ petition which Garvey wants the membors and friends to sign asking the President to let Garvey go froe. The only Averican seen to sign the petition was Rev, Srown. “ Be | ‘said that if the white folks do not turn Ir, Garvey loose we are going Andrew 1%. Battle for guly 1,.1923. Negro Radical activities. The Rev. Rrown said he was a friend of Garvey's, and thet he aid not wont ony money from Garvey, but believed in his plans, and said he was with anybody who was getting something for themselves, no matter how they got ite I then had a talk with %, Gedsby, 22 West 1gist street, | and he said | formerly President of the Panama Division of the U.N.I every division of the U.U.I.A. has guns, but would not sey how many. ; \ / while talking to urs. Brown, of 70 yest 133d street, she “to get together and knock hell out of them, and we will Kill every one who had anything to do with ihe cuiviets 190-1781-A *~F Instructicns! “Award J, Brennen, Special Agent in Crrge N¥#tlo Case orizirated at In surnal to be mide ut ori~"* 'ting office only Remo Man AE | Oar men sane PamOD FOR WHICH MADE. | ALRORT MADE ay, Now york city = | 7% -30 | Anaraw 1 6? Battle ees I RE: TORO RADI! ACTIVITIES. Todey spoke with Captain gains, the Minister of the legions of the U, Ns I. As, who stoted all the loyal members are much @ispleased with the wey things were managed by Garvey with regard to the 1 .4., and that Garvey was Keeping up the fight in the U.U.I.4. regarding the race question and his recent trial, Today saw Arnold J, yord, iusisal pire who etated garvey's friends ana enemies are hoping he will soon be sent to Atlante, for he is causing too much trouble, and they are afraid the U. i. Je 4. will have to go in the hends of @ receiver. They £11 hope he will be sent where he will hot be able to dictate e the polic es of th There ere ‘four officers in the U," nb certain nrea still w who other thil , thus cateing a split in the ranks. Todsy while telking with C, Kobian, of 66 yest 13lst st. he made a threat regarding Do Bourg, James Amos, M, Davis, and ure Mattock, saying he will stop talking, but when these men know too much their tongues will be stopped forever. On the 21st inst ae sis lation trininnl Code. . tencad to « ene) 1 ig un nlien end while a0 otetes left th jtsteg at the sort of Shis seb 5 ties Grlears cr or Stewt Vory trely yorrs, flame ft Pihole~ U.S, DEPARTHENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF IKM:GRATION WASHINGTON Oe OG aia de et OM YE be oe * | are snes qack ° “RemODFOMWHCK A+ | meRORT Ma" & wy: Fark ut ent devires ty refer 4. severai-pact reports outliniug tle Attorney igituck, ete., ena other vious thrests ezaint asst. 4a on tha part of Gervyeyites in this city. 29th inst. aust. U. 3. Stterney ei rewvestua thet duos end the writer cell ct his uffice. Ee sh Gervey vrs continu 2 teiis cf bis sors thet despite a ferr of thia, they Leep ecilent. yakers at vrourht to uur attentiun fist It ks also wo Litsrty Bil, ywticuluriy one Viliie: Lvho upnears to keve assu: ve lesucerubiv sime J cortion, bevs oveniy nureckted reeis~ tonee to thy Jovernent, heve nce threstenim 1 wrpestions ceeinst Gov-4- erncsnt 2fZicicls org endervored to inéuee the people to take violent vy". Teheace on vail, In this connection cory 2 2 cirovisr entitied Gerveyz," to ve i et Livert; eavértised thot ¢ vessege would ve reed frou Ln "Oo ve well covered by persons who, if ny Violent aneeckes, accorainel;, ition to 1 3 of the Uetiousl Qovies of their the strict convorshi awe Avent hes also been . Vinton Davie wh geen one of hit He I. A, for a lone tine. | reunite, sive prorer tustinony ia Sarvey!s uel: 12 on a the 3. rvuy movey Fenuved froc office is tters, it is ctetea, yer evare sri at the report of the diene meatic goon Verdc 3. to Bean dy eth" cue res) Sensma diver courensétion va gil Exvea] to the attorne Bie netitdon: ura reac is * . sotition Va "srue 2 elLency tivo cia nob tele ie ection. Liiened unto s extion of the cover oO ented © anchine en. it os nt ateht se ox itdors: enie. us o ver eu fait thot the leave’ originated at tY, Journal to,be made at or’ginatin; office only i restr-ctions: 2379; J. 2rennan, spl, scent in larpo-ty wild mere Mave ar an, MON AOE: PEMOU TOR AOE | mHPORF A BEAN How york city | 7-5-23 7-2-3 dt Amarew it. Battle IN RE: WIGRO RADICAL activiTIss. July 24. le Brown, 143 yeat Lglst street, who is Pastor of the vetropolitan Baptist church, L28th st. and 7th Avente, and talked with him regarding the meeting of last sunday at Literty Hell, at which he spoke in Garvey's behalf. Brown said thot when Garvey first came to town he voluntecrod to speak any afternoon for Garvey, but since that day he has not spoken to Garvey. He was asked why he had signed the petition for Garvey's release on beil, and he said he thought Garvey was oatitisd to beil under the lew, vat clsins he 4s now sorry he ever signed the petition, as he has learned Garvey cennot be released on bail without the orders of the Judge. He then biszei Owen Pickens, and those who sent the letter : to the Devartnont of Justice, for Garvey being convicted, as they to catch Garvey. Brown wes asked if he thought Gervey had helped the negroes, and stated that while Garvey has been able to make the colored mon feel he had somethin when us a matter of fact he had nothing, Garvoy harmod the colored man Very much. I later hud a talk wigh Miss Hazel smith, 167 yest 1424 street, who stated cevtsin Gains is going around telling everybody he is going to carry out Garvey's directions to 2a ‘andrew M, Battle for July 2-3, 1923. Negro Radical qetivitios. Le the letter, but he is fooling the people, as he does not want Garvey [ ‘ to get out of jail, for he, and all the members of the U.M.I.a. think { ' Garvey a hindrance to the organizstion, and a crook, but will not come Oat and so state. . I also talked with J, B, Yearwood, at one time Secretary of the U.N.I.4 ond he stated that ur, Pottiford, the attorney of Detroit, Mich. had asked Garvey not to send out the petitions the wey he did, but Garvey would not Listen to him. pettiford is of the opinion the Fetition is an insult to the government. July 3 noday talked with C. Zobian, who formerly lived at 66 test 1glet street, but is now Living at the wationel gaptist church, | 125th st. ana Nedicon Avenpe, where he is engaged as janitor. He stated’ trouble will be started if Gervey is not turned loose, and that he | Would be ons of thoze to eee that those who were witnesses egainst - Garvey, sheull die. { I then talked with mrs. Henrietta Venton pavis, a menber of the U.N,I,4., who lives with Garver's wife, and among other things she said Garvey is still insulting the Goverment, and is not doing i \ the U.N. I.4. any good, and it would be the best thing if he were not | allowed to write for the “Negro yorla", or confer with the officials of the U.MN.I.A., as the white people would then hola the Negro in a Detter light, and it would koep down the trouble between the american Negro and tho wWest~Indian Negro. She stated she is going out in the fiold to try and save the U.N.I.A, and it may be necessary for her to go to the yest Indies, as she claims to have great influence there. we 1a3~ . that Garvey should not be allowed to keep up the fight be ‘Andrew 1, Batole for July 2-3 Negro Radical activities. [ She said everyone will have to go out in the field and work for the = | U.".I.4. oxcent the three persons appointed by Garvey as managers of ' the home office, | Later I talked with Arnold J, Ford, lmsical Director of the U.%.1.A, who stated thet now that Garvey has been convicted, he | will have to remain in prison, which is only just for garvey, and trot | when the"Negro world " of this week cones out, it will settle everythin= for Garvey, as the Judge had warned Garvey not to do certain, things by writing in the "Negro world", but Garvey will not obey anybody. The Writings of Garvey in the “Hegro Yorla” Proves that Garvey is a crook, a liar, and that he has no regora for 1 i | 2 Government, It | seoms to be the opinion of the leeding men and women in this section een the white people ard the Tesroes, through his paper the "Negro world", Waich conteins insults wo the Goverment. - + (By @izo sion Agent in Cherge Geo.2. texton) n fr wy Yor: City, Journal To ne MADE AT oMaMATH oFnce ONLY 1/6/23 6/28, | Seer Bene Vio.Sec. BIB C6C4, U.S, Vs LERCUS GARVEY, et al: Using Laile to Dofrend. Sener Attention ir Zoover-2 At New Orlerns Reference ig made to former reports om above subject, ma perticulsrly to report of Speaial agent Lorticer J,Davis of the New York office, dated 6/21/23. WILT 3, WAL ID O.F.DER lost their appeal to the Suprene Court by decision rendered June 16,1925, md will, within a fow days, be taken to the State Penitentiary at Baton Houge,Iae isevored to obtcin statement from esch of ther, d any knouledge of Whether or now J tees gent by LURGUSGARVY to Vew Or: the purpose of murdering or effecting tho death of Dr. Eason. GB, De stcted that he hed full kowledge that hie appeal hai feiled, aad that he desired to toll absolutely the truth, but thet ee for ee ne mew RAWS hei nover told Him airectiy thet he hed bom gent by GARVEY to New Orlesns for the purpose of gotting rid of Dascl, but thet RalUs, fron the firet time thet he not him, elvaye stated thet he was . Yr Hae going to got DR. EAN. He would 19¢ ~ 17 81 &€ ie H,D,culley Re ‘9/6/23 Rot chenge any of hie statement with referehce to the murder of EASOU, or his (Ramus') connection with same, except as stated herein, denied thet RALUS ever made my statemmt that he was “going to get Eas", and denied that he had ever even eny letters or heard 24.05 make ony statement thet he had been sent here to murder Sssci, He also would not change eny state~ ment made with reference to the kitting of EASON January let,192%. Every effort was made to obtain information desired withovt xemlt es stated. Forther investigetion vill be mede with reference to the grrivel of LSROUS GaRVZY in thie comtry om the 9th day of July, ioe, ed report submitted accordingiye corTmveD, cee 7 i aa : t aoe fe : ‘ v . ae et gt atte (Peet bossa oromtie (0 0t ‘ eu Yore city | ndrov le NoGhS Ranh ATVIPIOS. eerned. icenr tke sre feolinre ie vast dor kis rolecse ignored. setiry ot idoert; WUT One sored a 3S a xeodliny 2co"¢ those prese: Othervise the meotine, as f i eee SKIPPER TELLS says Garvey Used _) Selling Stock More Than Freightice: : Inctructione received “rem Speoial Agent Charles J. Scully. “Core orninuted at i Yori:.Journe] to be meet 2igt vere nna Tate wank RRO FOR GNA | MORE ABR, Hox Yor: city mim: x Re¢pIosL act inp offtcc.* RIES Ye Beference ie made to previous reporte on the atove entitled matter. When I arrived at Liberty Heti,..sucday, efter 9 P.K., @ heavy- eet, brovn sinned cen was talking. I learned thet he wes the first (epecker, end thet his telk consisted mostly of fighting for eoudl rights. the mester or ceremonies introcuced SIR ROBERT FOST( 7) While introduciss SIR ECEERT he referred to what the former epesker hed related about the K.K.K, He said the K.K.z. was organi zed ‘prinefrsliy end facderentelly to fight negroes, vot Jews end Catholics only, oni the receon why they fight Catholics 1s because of their religit and eny tice a Jez or a Catholic becomes a Protestant, seid Jew or Catholic je eligitle t renberehip in the E.K.K, He further eteted that thet Jew UATTUOX should have sense enough to know that CARVEY above cll ren, who ere fighting for freedom for the negro, would not be interested in the K.X.K., and that anyone who sags. GARVEY 48 a menber of the K.K.K. ie an infamous lier, en enery to GARVEY, who is the savior of thoir raod. SIR ROBSRT thon epke, and stated , TH RSs Wo6NG RA FAG TIVITY: mY. Pie - 3 Joly 16tp,1923. JASE EB. aS. thet progross of tke Aesocietion 4e stit] being pede deepite the feot thet "that Jew KATTUCK” has taken evey GARVEY'S liberty, - the reports of GARVSY'S misfortune hee gained for the Association four new Ghertors in best Africe and five in gouth Africa duxing the pect woek; thet they (xeanidg U.S.C.) noed not think thet getting rid of GARVEY wil broak tho Association up. becsvee GARVEN'S epirit — shell live foxever in their heats; thet if more ren would die for the rece, the race would meke more pwogrese; thet CARVUY hed been deniod the Constitutiorel right, in teing bel; thet het he been a Japanese or anything but 0 Negro, the whole rece would be srouset. The attitude of four milion. negroes should be - - “get out ent fight for freedom". Aderk nan, ebout 5' 6" tell, then resd a letter from GaRVEY staticg thet ke is more ioe xtzed now then ever end that He is on the roo’ to victory, and thst he is content more than ever before. The men said thet GARVEY was in the very best of aririts. He gave th people to undorstend thet their presitent is the victim of en unfetr deal, ani thet they should fight for hie freedom. He then remested each one in the audience to cone to hin and give their doliers for “our president's defenso fund". (I sat in the west end of the plese end I could gee the sperkers, end could hear almost every word. The hall was not packed to capecity - there being, neer me, about ten + PO RADIOL | SIVIZIES July L6th,19% HY, Pile ross of sexts, with dust e fow persons scat’ che people marchel up end placed their none Continued « INES Be MOS. tered here and there). y before the speaker. 7 Gil ATE EE ff one ‘oled a i i le, fed rifeere Cfigie th Ge Ci : Baas libs hile? z ofr} AEE 25 i " Ty Ay bap Me ee beat: Eg Dvr A late iv BEL baal os - phigh e igre pei gl if i. jughes C2CbER a ao fee, ede Pay, ee avd Uiler a i EL [p . The Af pel Ig 1ipi Cf (afe' CL, te Sb fe uf gte He ee , 7 iii}: efi 2 ee + : ates 7 a In struction | vfenies Hew York C£t. Violetion Section 215 - usec Using the !eils to Lefraud: Agent hes learned through & confidentiel source thet @ uGGD who holds firet mortgege on the property at 1RS, FLCRY 125th Street, nos osned end being used by the U Tek, a8 their hesdguerters, «111 in the next few deys be foreclosed by seid BRE, LocEUCLD. Agent bas elso been inforved by Lezwell Nettuck, U. 8. & LRYEY beil on Horéey. Attorney thet Judce Lenton hee refused G: daly 13tk, i — AMADEV it DPCPECT it, SA *MARCUSE Es THETGAS rit Head of Universal driver Negro Im-| provement Association, Cott f vieted of Using Mails to De- F fraud, Tells of His Struggles] [to Be His Race’s Senetactor, CALLS HIS DOWNFALL | UERRAREAUD” BY HIS FOFS| Denies Belief That Blacks and) Whites Should Intermarry—| Fears Great Race Conflict Here if Indeponcent tation fs __ Mot Had by Colored People, ‘The following story written exclusively for The World fro’ Tonbs Prison by Marces Garvey de his own account of hint ond hie atrugylc to put into cheek @ promum which had for 4 pose “an African wacion for ssegrocs owas born in thu Tetand of Jamnatea, British West Indies, on the 17th ut Angust, 297. My parents were th Negrocn My falhce way a man of beiilant Intellect and wasinnye cour | fnxe. He was unatiiod of comsenuences.| Ho once bad a 1urtiaes Wo deal Poon, Diy mother seas & ste wal const | fellows Chieltian, ton hott an Zul foe'the time im when pn ty ine tlm direct oppiat nt wy tsthe OE this Steange eonetaantion Pe orn thictyesin, years eyo aid tl dtred inte » wud of sth eat st Khe death Tegrew up with the other Black and wtite toys Vas never whipped by. ny, but made them Say edweation from many enireee—throngh private wturs, two won, Uy tamhmnar, OF bleh, mi tno eulieges APrintes" Apprentice. vas sty pores faust ihyies Wfore U reucod fe vourtevt [isd eto oe aiid expense "eeteuen school wean Fd urate eral pica. T'was stron and: manh SEE made whem respect me "Forme, at home, i may early das’ terres ne diene eee wii | Srliehs the plage where Tied “al ft thse, mae wasn Ut OF a ‘Noite aman,” Te had three girls aa Bron nose: the Wesleyan tmlait Toy percha attemied, also and Deo another while, man, whose claret Cry adjoining ours. He Nad three eee eetne bes All of os were Bly, e80 We romped and move ‘As ehild 1 wont tn sehoot with nen. “Ynnvoe Neard the tevin Negro used even once until fas About fourteen, "AE matirity. je black and white! tote Reparated end. took aitfercnt Courses in Hie. Terese up then to the dittereace bets ces more Bau lore, iy aelion! iy hoo! MALE. a 9 wait not know oF temember te Gets @ Good Pe: (98, nnd then me er t ted travelled swum Packet a Semates. “Ise in late do af 198 ice ay stead aay, hate es weer the West Indira and. Colon wnuinucd ea Second Page.) spun tain Heat Be Vanama, but arrived ta Jamalea felcund the Uo2n of July, "Tus Ui io anrovoment| Aswiclation and African © ‘founded apd ith the. program of waiting al! the ‘gra peapled of the world into on} uve. at absolutely their owas ‘Sow Name in Vision. ‘Whoro ald the name of the erman- feation erme. from? Tt wag wile Speatuing to a West Inutan Nesro who [rossenger om the rip with me control S85 Troms Southampton, wiio wis rotUrn me tothe West Indies feom 8 wih ibe Hamat iee, that wr arned of the horrors Of Ba hfe tm Africa. He related (0 ae (ie Valen that may heart bled with lirafog from the conversation ¢ oy shin, all day and the following peht T pondered over that conversa [Eck andl at migatitt, Tying @at on | rove, the wnun and thouent came iatien the Eniversal Nezeo Improves Rant "Tmmperiat) Eeawus, Such Lathe’ Sees a name was. born. @ movement created, and x mon bocame (ITT relly never ne thera wan a2 ‘euro te Universal Nesro improves Tons openly bated and persenuted byt sosne of theao eclored tan of the shan, ena ed nok mast 10 bo eaan- pen tat ne Washineton and told Lim of what 7 santed to do. He invited ma over to ‘otten he penmscd be wow {in America on the 23d of Comes to America. n= rival ty Amerien T eame tm contin. dhaneve and aiferent probe om that called for tie samme canside yerton,. T-inuineiiatety sited. sonie Jot the dhen aovenlled Rewta tenders. T found out after a clone study of thes that they tad no nee mere opportuntsta who were Neing of fete gorealled Ieadersity. while the] pout yeu were promni ip Pesngennt rou tasty eis find font the game ces arved to Kew Fork and onganiznd the Regio Tisnsovement Aawation structing the neosle tn the alms und objects of te aaneciation, Ty fatended. returning home to. dumaies| to perfect the Jaunsion organisation Dut after we fad ‘enrolled nim 06] (or 1,000 memters in the Harem dae Friel and elected the ieerm, m few Kegro politicians started to corral the emtaranp fOr tun They want ety ye moveat into apatites Mitaby «2 Tor tne! one. pary a here tor the others Law that they ‘were about 19 destroy my ideals, 30 1 gcrsevto put up a bent to xet then oul Cot the erkanlzatton, There it war that + Simade tay rst ocltcal enemisy tn Bartem. ‘They fought me wml they smashed he frst organization to about Ay + persons. Tetarted again, and im two Mrontha bit up a new organization Sf aber 1,s00 qwemacrs. Ayala. the shSane ame end aieiged ea 100 -wo factions: "Thay tos away all the Sooke of the crganteutlon, tus teas fry and eversia ‘Oa the second spit bn Hatleen thre teen of the mentors met me aid tee quested me to become President (or & Eine of the Xen Work. wmanleatien p toast eave them from the polit lane. f consented and. was elected ‘By thie ino T had the aesociat'on tnearparated 30. as. to prevent. the feos the politics ma sen, Bt. peapte's money wid vmamhol wp thelr gxcten, Ste-te Nerro Peper. ‘a Journalist, 1 eaited this yaner free forthest eltheat pay une Noveraher Gfasse In Boia ee had aout tht Bennenen im aierent eles. wert abe ta husat na ange orsimis Tien of aves 2,600,009 by dune, 1913, fine time we saueched the procram be Bask star bine Jaat Nepeo Improv'ewent Association 80 Srnstatce in toca that we farther che “bretheen. “They mous Him tieuence ob the Piste Attomsrwa omen to bat bs out of buniness, Hwta Wy Jere Aha time wi Assistant Disie the Negro. paLiteians, to krvevtionte| Wertiention Yet t many eonsicta ot swords betivcea ba For eisht or ten thnes sir. Kiieon would constantly wd ewatinuousy 6 tne to his witce for Tnvestieation eh oveicn nt eatran-eire yawiers wi oe that, ater the wth or math five, d wear ua cists In obr news papery the Nese Wai, azatst hn Miteh Wax inte rprcted. am. crime ite, am bre ohoch Tavas fasleted ant aerosol nl subeaguantlyelsratsed 5 [iks' vice“Deesgent of the company, 2PM, Muse, iusnares as During my many tite wiih Xilzoe] We go: not believe tn. the, vicious ne quellon oF the Diu Mar Line | and’ dongeroas doctrine foetal Oe SESE AP ant tne ee were oowalty. aw far ap 1 soca the ete Scie donawinstem tre mens ine fovether of leek and) wht So'SheUnweenal Sesvo Immpeovement|tentroy=en inset by cert colored OE atin tes part "tho lies nat [vaere—thee renpctiva acl purty tnocieg tat'tt coud Hot Have beea] We totes "that the ask ma dnd iatiy nse war, "ve nad tocapshoukt fea a, cuantry, of, his own, Shaetcn aout e278 s89 or B00, anere BE sould he wn ane talent est eat F080 oF 00000 Yoram ta devia HINER, tr cna ad Eoind aut Sheath © |Coomniaged to tema fm wie pee" scorn that fe el Yo fon A STC Common an exe te Bree steamship Jing we had to inensporate dents, Governors, Mayors, Sonstore, Se esany tromune member: Lonctoaren dees and Boll aod Segremnrovemat fafeiaian, ve HMMS! fader Winereore tneorporate ure black Swe supe Tia, esa, tnameeatly etter ema wef 4 Bena flat eth the rains am see sip im Eautoonr, Toros SR Oe ha Newro, em coum Seer as doubted ee He sone] Net beowited fr hima fm anotnor Ut for the orginat ower of the chin, one!“ one Wandzed ¥earm, Gore Se, Barris and asked him Pe Id Gigancrousls s0 him and disgrace eur] fesity sold we the boat, Harris aid (ltt Se 2 Yaking to the fature of another 1:4 Ny gownel nae Hamed Ws 25" 4c 259 wenn, wo fan ke on reondme = j Ana pentien} death, atrucele forthe | ES’ robbenieg trom within anal M4 peltlenl death srucele oF the sithnat, “thn. hack. Slar Line Waa CAC cena alan af oe peneemt Fercel to suepend active business I | F35°nicomt centes wid Rave become Decemuse, Wek A eerisla MAM | Qeceeconded with tact aUTpIaN BODe auras a busines chip F took foe! Signo sth Bane for. bread aad West thdles tn be apring of 3823," yaitien will e heen and acvere. The ave the Dinek rar Line the Blow Weyer nnd waprensred preup ts woke 1s back, when, TMOUEN ov} to mo warier and i€ ls Because he got ¥2ha00 to pay on the BOC ihe, Cainer See : Jehaso of a ship that wes to sail for | Associaton, we fighting for tae | fl ctreattteuen ange Sea tere screg ato ueee a aceaad AMG St tne tony) wan never Enitcn [retuned but i aaatton ve pot tee ised tn my ting indicted an aud Ifscasentir convicted for” ohing the Cause Baty mace to defraud ihe tiecan im tse company, for wien 7 Caw esced to sve pears taa Feat T tow f maa not gtven a aquare! act notadse tay inaieament was the} Sn Ss Sarason i Ji. Caherat Nerve Improvement aseociaion aa been mlareprescuted Weasel TASk ehere tn abncitely no genes way there should ve any Sie) Extn Beineroe the lack ad Wtte forest cach slope to. adjust” and , Neaty tet We teioce ty the perl wetab eecay “tat the lack rau Hii ke cncomenot to belies wits bichest parce fn ie to ity a white woman, met thst the Sun"t tho’ hnew wont te the! ame oye Relwaytethe Mack mn eo Tet ine shite wena, 190-1781-6 *~} gaty £2, 2925 tneeroly yours, Diroator Instructions of Sn apts in Charge Brennint UsYerie uo. + Gage originated i.7 fice ~ Journal Luda. AP see aeane an PATE WHEN MADE: FEMODFOR WHICH MADE, | REROMT MADE BY AMOR HY. | 8/16/23__. BERTCA 300) 27 QuOD Hegro asuied sctivitios. Pursuant to instructions I vent to the home of Cyril Sriges, 26 west 135th Str. fo one was hore go I proceeded to the home of iiss Grace Cexpbell, 206 We laura Ltr. ond there found 3riggs, Liss Composll, Ls. Dison end u. Konroe Trotter, Baitor of the Guardien, e Negro publication of soston, liass., who fron what I cud leurn had been in session for some time. vhey had ewut finished the eomversstion when I arrived: Liss Canpvell left the room very soon cfter agent entered. krs. Dison rensired about tuenty minutes, efter which Li. sriges left. They said they were disgsted vith the wey some people Ind been trying to run things ea there is six different ieegues thet mas ereinst the 4.3.3. and didn’t want to let then keve a voice in some general conference thet the sre to heve axd heve termed thea es redicels end Communists. Grotter seid that when he was in jell in duston, not steting the tine, that ne received no wrd from Mereus Garvey end be vas not going to extend any sympathy for bim, Trotter said that Yelly Liller. is trying to nut things over end | to keop the iegro in the same path an they hive voen. He said that -t the head of 8 —ho wented tou sd YISK,U.¥: p/16/2d AFRICAN L000 Bx BEGREOOD 5 big orgenizotion emi get some money out of it, but he is too old pnd hes those old fogey says. He seid the All-Hece Conforence ig going through end if they don't Look out the block man will heve no place in the conference ot all. Instructions of SneceArt. in Chorge Bronnen:’ = 21.¥.File lo. Cece oripinntad YY. Office ~-Journs1 Linde, Ua You. 8/16/25 8/10/23 | Sa a. rus ot SKO ACTIVIIss. African slooa sru therhood. Agent interviewed Cyril Sriges, 2nd floos, 213 lest 155th Street, who gave agent the following irfursstion: Whe Africon 2Bised Brotherhood is getting in good share and was, es he thought, in oetter shape than ever before Phey are going to stert o chain of stores end will sell stock to its “members only who wish to teke tiem et 25.008 share. The stores Will ve co-vperutive ot to operste 25 stor in different cities erouni tke country where there are a large number of colored people and it is thought by doing thet, it will increase the necterstir. Any negro cen join the orgenization. This movenent hes oeen on ever Since tre suprene vouncil met in July lst. Litercture vill be given to eech and every member concerning the primiples of the orgenization end every menber, no matter how many { shares ke or she holds, will be entitled to vote on eny question Which may arise. After this ras veen compRated, it is intended to stert a venk which they oelieve will be a peying proposition. It is unuer- gtood thet the storcs will not ce incorporated, which would mke the Andivianel officers responsible and it is the desire to mke Al the nmombers vosnonsible ss the officers and stil vrofit two wys, in the sidres and da the buying of coods from the 7 wet YORE, | + 8/16/23 UsGRO aCTIVITIEs EARL £, TITUS stores, Zhe goous \i22 ve sold at e Standard orice to every one of the neners and all the dividends till ve divided at the end of each month. It is expected thet the stoves will be in operetion within six months. “Phere will be a meeting et 149 We 1s6th Str. at 9:00 P Briggs seid thet the colored yeople do not get a today. chance at bvsiness or enything else; thet the supremacy of the white man will soon be checked es tke Negroes are going after the money now and ome things are started th n't 00 stopped. d there are enoufh colored veovle in the west end South to sustort these stores end keep then going. Iwas et the bell, 149 Vv. 156th Str. at 9:00 2 There were pre.ent Cyril sriges, Lr. Oswod, General Orgenizer, Lr. Onere end in ell about 12. ir. Oswood bas been on o tour to Pittsburgh 1d Chiccgo to rut some spirit in the locel orgen urceging com erning to be very ai destions ena bis rezs. the movezent cs ke seid nobody wes workiug et ell end he bed Jeerned in Chiccgo tht the poiice hed driven then of! the streets end would not let then work there ct ell. He scid they hed sprena their propsgania ani the workers of the world bead nut been in touch with them in Chicago at all and the lxchinist's Union could not work with them any core as the bes of it wes a man from the South end the men who ucs et the hecd of it in 1919-1920-1921 Was not with thea cnd hod got fired because he wes working with the Uepro who velieved in radicelismcnd soviet suscia, After Ye N3d YORE, 8/16/23 AGRO sCVIVIZTES this speeker WG finished they wont into 2 ousiness meeting tosce At they could stort e new foruind moke new ciretlers and get a new place to hold there meetings. Inctreetions of Spee in Charge = IY. Fi"7 lide S-.0 or office rom gan 9 | ears wuts nates ReMouvOm wiNEN MABE: | RUMOR BADE a oe BSW Youu, i | e/16 (23 a/ll/23 | cARL &. PITUS APRICAT sly@ 3.03. cRH00U kiadicul Negro activities. Sgent colled at the heme of Cyril sriges, 218 west 1v5th str. enu found nim not et home out Lesrned be would be there in the sfternoon. Agent returned et 2:00 Bil. and lesrned teat Sriges wea at 206 Vest 1238 str. Agent went to sidress eni there found Ir, Briggs end irs. Dison getting oui Lit Seni out by coil but ss they were in suche hurry to get the seil out end to put it into so meny mail boxes so as not to create guericion, they ba: ro tine to telk. kr. Briggs said that they were very much elated over the situation in Gerneny and he scid he had to write e fev Letters of interest to soze of his business friends so thut the perties vould be sure to get them by nondcy morning, so they could pet aterted end take sone setion next weeks Agent csvld not lern} ho he ves writing to but one of them vas The workers of the world. Briggs told ne thet he exvected to ave sone of the other brutherhood members to eee him Liondey “gn the :fternoon. Instructions frou Jpec.igt. in Chargo- Hed. Brenizn: Case ori ‘uated Wei, Oftice ~ Juurnr™ Mou YORI. 8/16/23 8/15 /25 SASL b. TIYUS / Pursuant to instructions, egent read ver- fous negro newsverers end negro rcdicel iitereture end visited ver- fous ports of the sezro ecetiun of Lerlem, in order to fet better acquainted so es to be prepered te Locute any radical cetivities thet usy erise. I then went to the rost Lenelek Sei » aa West 196th 2: ime, went to Literty Jeiz ena found eoout 150 present, mostly woven. | There was a ten these who seemed to be giving sn explanation of i the organization, however, I lerned nothing of velus to the Bureau. 3 Brennan: gue ortinsted i... Office ~ Jourr 1 Linde, | 8/13/25___ -BARL_s._ TITUS. Hey You, IY. | 8/16/25 HSGRO ACTIVITIuS, Purswnt to instructions, I visited verious business pleces in Harlem, seoking inforsction concerning the radical novermnt out no fects were lesrned. = * - I then celled at the bume of Cyril drigss, 213 Wl. 138th Str. and wes told he was Govin in the city on sone business ind Wwidu nut be orck until iste in the evening. | | Pon celled et Post enelek Hell, 149 i. 136th | Str. et 9:00 Pt. Lembers of the africen Slocd Brotherhood vere } prevering to heve a cerd perty for menvers only. AS I am not yet a neiver of this orgacisetion I did not incist on steying. I then went to Licerty Hell, ana there found fe sociel ens dence fur the bencfit of the children. The beneZit was to buy uniforms for the young drill teems that heve beed orgom ized of late. : | Instructions received “som Actlople=? caurge, «X,0' Donnell. Taub case omamaten at 7 ye Tosturet Lon, JOURNAL To 06 MADE AT ORIGINATING OFFICE ONLY | i Jenes £, imos. 80,1985, 0,19: Viloleticn vec, FE15 U.9.0.54 (Using tae nails to defrund.) In connection with the ebove ontitled metter, on Sunday, August 19th, 1925, 4 negro meeting was hela et Liberty Fall, nev City, for the parpoca of collocti: $500. with which to purchase loving cup to be presented to MARCUS GARVZY om bis birthday. From & contidentiel source agent was advised taat ) DAVIS in @ speech, said, among other things--"ve want to let then know thet we live by him, we die by him. we will efve up our Jest drop of blocd for kim, and we will fight for him with our money, with ous blood and with ou lives--our indomiteble leader, {ARGUS GARICY.” (Loud and prole and, "Zhis is the speech we lize to hear” shouted by the audience.) The collection amcunted to ¥27.00. Instructions of in Charge NLY.File Yo. Or + origianted s.¥. dffice- N.Ye 8/2i/es 8/20/23 BAW Be TITUS _ Pursuant to instructions, I was in conference with Agents Sculiy end Anos. Received and recd literature and was then instructad on various lines of ilegro redicel ectivities, after which egent went to Herlom, e colored section end visited a numver of pleves vat founi nothing ef interest to the went to the heedcuerters of the african #1304 Brotherhood et 9:00 P.lis and rereined ebout the place until 9:45. ‘there was no meet~ ing held ag but three yeople cere. othing of interest to the Buresu was leerneds Instructions of Spec.jgt. in Chorce Srennen: NY. File Now Cose originated iy. “thee - Journsl Lado. MSL yoxt, ey. | 8/2/23__ 8/18/25 | 3. r HO RADIAL ACTIVIPIES Purstent to instructions from Special agent Ecully, agent went to the headquarters of the various negro orgen~ izations and founé nothing of interest to ths buresu. Agent eles went to the hesdguerters of the Africon Blood Bretherkood, Post Kenelek Hell, 149 Wi. 136th Ltr. and found no one present. Agent went to Liberty liall,headquerters of the Universes: ro Iugrovecent Association st 120 west logth str. end founé only e fer tere in caetirg. Instructions of spac.dpt. in Charge sroiwicn: #.¥.Fise su. Cease orifinnted bY. “*fice - Journal Laue. yaleXe OL 8/24/25. Puretant to instructions proceeded to the Herlen bistrict end visited a muuber of pleces put leerned nothing of interest to the sureen. During this tine I celled on irs. Campbell, 206 W. 133rd Str., vhere Cyril Briges frequents and learned thet Brisrs wiil be back in the city tonerrow, the 23rd inst. cnd she thought the africen Blood srotherhood will told a meoting on the follwing “ricey, cz. 26th, | agent till cover this neeting. ” Instructions of Spoceart. in Charge Brennen: 1.¥.#fLo ilo. Gace oritinntud u.¥, "kee ~ Journal izde, wera wat ar Coane eran eat elamycm enna | wRPORT MAGE AY Hod Yous, Hee | 8/25/25 8/2l jes shed, 5. ST TUS oPEIREOOD Pursuant to instructions, agent visited a nun- ber of nieces in Herlem ond owing to the fcot that the Supreme end Grend Ludgo of the Xaights of Pythias were holding a session, cgent wes uneble to learn anything of interest for the Bureau, agent celled at the hesdquarters of the ‘Africen Blood Brotherhood et 9:00 P.i.. , but no nembers were there. A nen informed ezent thet they will hold s meeting ebout -ridey. Agent vent to Liberty Well end found 2 very few there and as there K=re no spoexers present, whicr wes rpout 8:00 discontireed, Ynstructicns from trent tn gharze Qennan. (mY. Pile wo. ericinassa 2b sr e's. Journal mda. a/28 23 i 3/27/25 | Tarl & vitus i TE BI: ACRISU! BLOOD BOM RECCD - NTO RIAL rg tIvIATs. acrs ocveLorce: w York. Agent visited the residence of ities Grace campbell, 208 ‘rest 1s3rd $i., and there found 1, oyril Briggs who was writing for che Crus ader service, press service of the Afrben Blood Brotheshood. 4 forun is to ke cpened on Sunde; pt. 2nd, et 4:09 pom. and arrangements are dei}? a mada for spcakers, the iL 9 a oa WALL be published if their peper. ' 4s intended that they shall have spesiers every Suriey of next month. feo Hational Readgaarters of the ‘orkers Party are moving to Chic loc! adquerters will cove from where they are Located at the present was curable to learn where ther will in future be located. The local in Zerlea will remain wv ere it is. The speeches of the local forum Jo. 195 will be mage at 159 ‘te 1Slst st. and each mexber will be given cards so +t can give then confidentially to friends, both male and fenale, for the » rpose of reazting menbers, Agent loarned that the co-ororative Store proposition wilt t: taken up in full ak the next resular neeting, as the comittce has boca instructed to m 2a full report. Instructions fro! Oe a_orittnted nt Me venel te we rade origiretive peta ff rere mace ar | eare wren senor amon rom wich wane, | RerORT MADE av: if Bow Yor city 8/27/23 \__ 8/24/25 Harl g. Titus rz 20 RWVICAL ACTIVITIES. Tapulec, At Hew Yor! f Pursuant to instructions, Agent visited a number of pleces in Harlon during the day and obtained no information thet vould benefit the Depertrent. Agent covered nectirg at Post Lonelek, 149 West 156th St., heedquarters of the African Blood Brotherhood. he meeting opened et 10:15 », snd cloged about 11:30 p.m. Among those present, who el about sixteon, were Cyril V. Briggs, Thoo Burrell, Otto Huisnod, Richer 3B, Moore, Grace P. Carpoell, W. A. Domingo, It was a Wuviness wsetiug and Agent was svorn into full :embership. Ix, Huiswood read a report after a tric to Chicago in en attenpt to co-operate with the sermer-Labck Porty. re Wes en argucert es to whot he should rerort end Somingo 2 Left the session in a ruff. They decided in the course uf the meeting to hold the first necting st 165 vest 11st St., Sept. 2,.1993, at 2:00 p.m, and to edvertise it through the "Cruseder" and Wessengen" They Sppointed a committee of three, Lr. Burrell, lir. Euiswood ani ir. Dozingp. to obtain sore cmurch or other meeting plece to spread their propegenda. The seme conittee wes appointed on the Co-operative Comittee to build up as meny stores ag possible as they had a good field in How Yutk City. They baven't eny apesker for next Sundey— ani will have a meeting to discuss what the best thing is for the negro, at the hell or at lirs, Campbell's, 206 W. 133 St. They will try and get Jams ieldon st on tine nh ei ‘ ake Jobngon to speak for then in the near future as they believe thet he will brirg a crowd end start things going. They ore raking efforts to imresse their membership. + Jestrvotion: from dger* in Charge drennan. (8%, File to. fe orieinctes ati {rk, donms) onae pont wa0e AF | ere wien ware rximooron witon unde | nEronT MADE HF New York City 8/24/25 i 8/23/25 Earl 8, ‘itus. sai | UI RS: BEGRO RADICAL AvUIVITLIs. jets cmone, &t New York: Agent visited the home of Cyril Briggs, 213.West 155th St., end found Zricgs about to leave for doxnt to ‘attend e meeting. Bri:bs told Agent there would be a veeting at Post Lenelik of the frican Moo Brotherhood Friday night, August 24th, ond requested Agont to be there. He geve Agent bis cerbership cord to the sfricen slood Brotherhuod end told Agent ne wiuls ave 2 covy of the "Orusader Service” tor hin ct ub meeting, this oeing e peper that is puolished by Ix. riggs for Africir. Blood Brotherhood propagende. Agent visited a nunaer of places sheer out Herlen, but leamed nothing of interest to the Departuent. ‘SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation 13 Pane Row, 1471 FLa0R ew York, N.Y. august 29, 1923. SrTFsTOT pear sir: Tam attaching circulars secured by Agent Tarl 7. Gitas in connection mith his investigation of the above entitle? organization) DO) oe, sphere in-Ghakzo. VO ess: Ft trom sort tn gharse Broman, 8/23~29 / i; APRICMT BLOOD EACH RHOOD 4 IMO RIO wT. nacre comin: At Naw Vorit: Agent visit. a nunber of places in Harlom in an endeavor to obtein information regarding negro radical activities, but lesrned noth- ing of intereat. i Ausust 29th: Arent visited the hone of itiss grace carpvell, 296 Jest 1sdrd st., end had a tal % the story that came out id the Negro ‘orld entitled "Quick change artists of the resro Race She stated that o3 I"r. Garvey wes incarcerated and Know he could not ve hamied, he was very courzseous; that he was also a very treacherous m2 barn the A. 3. 3 . and would de anytiing Agent visited a nunber of places in Warlen, but learned no of value to tie Department. sile to. orictnebivs gett: 2yuanaa, New vor: vite 6/31/25 i A/S, Sr tr! ATRIAL Teed BOTETVINCD ~ WTR RADY a DS sorymers rege eamiatd te ApHMeU a Ort i : Ivent to the hone c , 213 yest 125th gt. and found hin writing an article for the *¢rusader 3arvice" Zor n xt weelty iceue. Fo stated that he wee muck elated over the article whieh a) veardi in this week's flegro JJorld reguedine the loyalty of Sone nerroes to the; negro race. 4 was Aarvey's idea to Gissclve sil necre or. @anigaticzs and reorsunice then undar his tenner and dictatorship and © she cole: i garvey's band talked of using flreame, they never had ony and only : made e tig soles by aritlirg aad band playing; that Garver is Jeslexs ! because his confinenant prevents hin frou having things his own way and ; that ke wishes to blunt the oprortunity of other negroes te help 1 ' eglored race, riyis Stated there will te an article in the acsterd vice concerning the mew co-crerstive dca ople to te controtled by 9 committee to to + appoinset. Invited to atten’ © special meating to-marvez at 4 ternson nt 2:79 pom. at “iss tree ganpbell's, 206 7, 1otra st. trent } vdadtea difveront laces in the wurlen ef intersgt : * Journal to be nade o% orf rinutins oft win, SEL, ih. ins seert vile 25 [a-21 | erly mites York aity | 9-4 IZ Ri MTR RVING xc Dodey vent to the home of tiiss qrace Gexpuell, 296 vest 1554 street, where a eating of the committee oF the African 2lood Brotherhood vas to ve held at 25.7, Waited until 4 2,17,, but no one prt in an appearance, althor sh Riggs called itiss compvell on 9 telenhose ani stated te would not te able to attend. T had a lonz conversation with ttiss Grace osmppe.i rezarding various matters, tut wes unable to secure any infor-ation of value. Secared copy of Literature which is to be given out to each movber to be dietrituted to sone confidential friené, sskinz then to coms to the first forum mesting on september 2, 19) veins entitled "4 WALL the gollayse of jurepean Civiligetion Ben2fit the Fesro?™. - Agent then visited several places in zsrlem, bus learned nothing of valua. con *, Journal to be mide at oF izinating off.ver si "aronnan, gel, gt. inc? Ge- ny le qnoe orivint Tyatrug? te a York oity 9-4-23, | ooh ‘ Berl 2, Titus « {TILE AND EWARAETER OF EASE: syymo RADIO ACTIVITTS. Godey vent to the home of oyril Briggs, 215 yeot loth gtreot, an@ found him writing for the “orusader service", the organ of the African 2lood ~rotherhcca, Briggs gave me a note to deliver d Streat, stating thet would send Purrell foun to Help Yousevood in zetting the mimeozraph useviood's home, where T assitted hin vInile there service’, n to the home of 3rizgs, learned the printing ¢ at the address given etrve. Instrnetions of sgec-igt. in Choree bronnen Cene originnted ils” " Office - Journsl Lede. Bide Lo. saL TITUS ‘ Pursuant to instructions egent proceeded $9 tho hone of Cyril ¥. Uriges, 213 West 1sbth vtr. end found Lr. Brigas writing e story for the Cruseder Service, after which grigss. end the writer wont to loeste a s=1) office room. Briges steted he Wanted to get neir a 2ud eve 80 muck trouble in meiling bis letters and literature Shat be has to send out. i He loceted e suell office st 125 Zest 126th Str. necr a sub Fost Offict for y2°.00 rer month. Briges stated thet it ves rather smell but he thought ke teke it until re could get enother rlece tos where he ves better. He seid it wea not wise to heve his office rooming cna thorgrkt it vest to eve it outside and it would stop ail Anquirios evwut his oreiness. He told agent 2e thought thst the Cruseder Service vould be out on friday, sept. 7th. Briggs asked agent to uelp mail then when they cene out which I cgreed to do. I then visited varivus vleces in Eerlen but learned nothing odditioral. fare orininited ut "ow “ork. Journal made. oa - az ee aganed ct, ea, ol, th inh Sm able 7 DATE wren mene FEMOD TOR WH WaoK. | REPORT #AOE BY Newyork city | g-bi-23 | 9-29 Jsnes “I, Dillon = (QOS MATT. Tiolntion section 215, 1% 5. C. Cs le in 3ohene to Detrand. Se Vou vein pursuant to instructions, in comany with Arent rortiner J. Davis, proceeded to the sederal uildinz, this city, where it was learned Larcus Jarvey was to be released. . wrom the records of the Sleri: cf the gourt it was ascertained thet Mereas Garvey voulé be released on a bail band of of 1. $. Tinerty nonds, furnished oy prise 4 Jeceues Garvey, of 153 yest 129th street, New York city, for uppeal to the cirenit court of Appeals. The order for release on bond was Te tanton. xtterne:, vagles, 0 WLLL 32 Fattle, yeniivor, Ley * ven bond sad to simei vr either Jugse anton or 4 7, 3, commissionor, Garver was “inully released avout 3 ?,", sfter Cormisuionor titehcoc!: had simed the order, Department of Justice GI-TID. setae aaeiaee Bureau of Investigation “ay File SS Pak Row, 147i FLOOR Mew York, N. Y. september 11, 1922. pirector, Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Attention; "3%, Foover. yashington, 3. C. In Re: african 3lood srotherhood. pear sir: Megro Radical activities. uulletin", cor sevtenber, 1925, of the \frican 2lood Brother hood, issued by the Subrene Sxecutive council to the Yeubership. Yours very truly ASUND Il CHkRT . . ~ wot) in Cherre drenmni i.¥, ‘tle to. dice © Syurneli i nstriutions of nse uric iieted irerome mace a (ATE When MADE PEMODFOM WIN! MADE tee Ba: ATBICAT E500 35 Wegro cediccl Activities. Pursusnt to instructions, seent went to the 8, 213 Jest 1ssth Str. on two different occasions but could not see hir. Leter agent sent to the home of Grace Cambell at 206 we.t 133rd str., vhs stated that jriges hed just left her home end informed egent thet the peoole thet hed the renting of Ltr. where they held the Forum xeeting fused to rent it to then cypin end e if et ell. sauitinsl thet + Tnstrustions of Spec pt. in Gherpe dremin: HU, ~.File bo. wese oricineted uo” wifice ~ Journel tude, - Care wre noc: remeoron wwonwaoe | meron miot oy | 9/asf2s__| 9/8/25 | Ea 2. TITUS APsICAN BLOOD 3h e100 hegro sodical activitios, Pursucnt to instructions, sgent went to the hume of Gyril riggs, 215 iwet 13th otr. oni vcs informed by bis mother that be bed been in but went ancy egeit, agent then vent to the hone of Liss Grice Ceumbell, 206 west lodrd Str., end she steted that ir. Briggs and ir. Euiswood went downtown end vould return ebout noon with tke Cruseder service, She stetea thet they were going to the Barty oftise to ace 42 thay cond secure funus to rent the West iciut Lw., where taey met last cunaey as they hed oeen informed thet they could secure it for £129.00 per month. She eiao stated thet the Uorsers' Forty did not cousider the colored poople very cuch ag thers wes so many coming uo frou the south thet they considered thex FER es 4h Ess 16 zae7 thet vercon ¢ to.ig uwre intére:t in the waite seopie. Agent went to tke hone of liss Groce ©. sisr gervice. le. egein Game et 4:00 ond he stated that there would be no meeting of the Forum on Suniny, Sept. 9th es he Hes “not succes ed in securing e hell end that it would ve tov late now, but he thought sfter having onother talk “ arinht, ho would oe able to a NY YORE, N.Y. 9/13/23 9/8/23 AFRICAN 3LOOD BRCTHEXDOOD 4.3, TITY] geoure the ene plsce ot 169 Jest 131e% Str. Zor $90.00 per month ent he could elso hive the office of the Crusader there aud rent the bad out to different sociel functions and uske the rent of the kell. He also said thet the vorkers' Perty alsolutely refusea to do anything for then to soctre 9 bull es they were hnrd up thenselves. Briggs said thet Otto Huiewood wes down petting out the africsn 3lood Srother-) howd Quiletin for by & mation for the Buremu. fastructlons of — . Ssse orivimtyd G.i' 4, in Cisrge Brennan: Ml ~.¥ile Ho. ice ~ Journul Lae. 5 : * AT MADE ar ‘pare wrow 9/3/25 __|_9/20/23 BAL #, TITUS RSz 0 APRICAN BLOOW SRVH 00D Herro iindicel Activities, Pursuant to instructions, egent went to the home of Cyril Briges, 213 weat 195th Str. cni fquna Briges writing an + article #or the Crusader Service ond he said he would be very busy to- day end asked Agent to help bim mail out the A.3.3, Lonthly dulietin, Briges seid thet be had seen Mir. Sright, the san who hee the renting nut cone to eny definite ace hin egein tocey end he thought things would be all 0.2. He seid thet 3 snecezsfzi be intended to hove ell meetinis held in in the Sup> thet bell end heve his ofitce there too, which vill te Conx2il cri nenters of cll it's concittees. Agent at 3:20 ani found thet ste bed Just come in cnd sriggs cese in ebout 3:40. ve meiled out 202 cuples out didn't frve tine to weil 211 oF then. Briges Hed en ervesenent with Lr. 3rieht et 4:00 ond seid thet he would let ce now how he cetie out. bile agert wes Lt IMss Cemcoell's ste told egent that there | Wes a very interesting piece in the ew York Times, morning issue and to bo sure and get one and reed itand give it to ir. Briers if I got one. 1 iy. 9/13/23. ' 9/10/23 ABs de Agent got one and is sending the erticle to the seened to ve very mick elated over it and seid Soviet sia is doing sonething end that it wo" Agent then vicited ceversl pieces in lerlen enong the colored people but leerned nuthing siditionel for the dureaw * 5.8, TITUS Bureau. iss Campuell - thet it is tine thet i wd waken the people ups Instructicn: from Ap ldatatnaas ne gnniteat nats 1 menpr moe he Tare wren aoe! remo vom wun sace. | menowr MADR HY V Uew York City 9/18/25 i 9/11/12/25 | r1 2, Titus. Kai HRICAL AUIVIVISS s : 7 Sept. llth: Agent visited e nuuoer uf plece in Herlem smone the cvlored seorle, ovt leerned rothing of interest to the Dexorte nt. Sept. 12th: cent vieited the Loxe of Cyril ariges, 215 ivect 2 1sSth Gt., aad found hin them, neiling out avtices to tke African joo mn Brotherhuot cenpers of e ueeting of Post ienelek, 149 Séih Sta, to Shoat nnn bers were cun.ected vith this pect, 3,CCO of who: sre active ext uron A072 women being good cenbere em ceravip one wisce. over 7,00 ho. eeid dues ur to evt. i, notices were fur the neyment of dues. Agent elso visited severcl other Places in Yorlem anong tha colores peorfla bit Learned nothing aduitionai. Instrvctiune frou age in Cherge.Brennsn. (¥. ~ File To. ase orictnetel rh Von Soupesd ale. = Hew Yor City gfis/es | 9/13/25 Zerl iu, Titue. v Ig Ra: O BMJICLE ACME VI? fie econ ee OW qSODE Agent this dey vent to the boue of Cyril Briggs, 213 West ft., asi founi Srises writine for the Cruesder nevs service. Arent re~ Reind on hour, t leorned nothing of interest. Agent coveres at Iiberty Hall, 120 ‘iest 135th St., which opened at eight o'cluck ené et thich soout 5,0CC were present, the eémission veing 2ifty cents. who seid ke was too full of fo to speak snd enxious to heer his , Lerous.Gurrey. lereus Garvey then epcke end told of his stay het it ues Cue to his wife, the little "rele foce!" cs Vell orroces Lupron. Agsociction would fo under} thet ka wes not comvicted veceuse of bis nection with the U. NH. I. 4. and the 3leck Ster Line, but because so: one said re misuse the mail ond thot the truth uf the matter wes that ‘the white nen at the teed of the Black “Star Line coulén't get enough noney out of the thing and hed him inéicted un- justly: thet they, the white cen, mew 9 O- 1 C 81 -6 4 thet ho hed stirred uo the whole world und they didn't went the bleck man te pet ur in the world; thet soue 32% the people told bin thet be vould not fight the Covernuent; thet be wes | not flchtine the Governuent, only fightim for tis rigkts end bis peopl as rights eni is going to keep on fighting. "I have oeen in jeil for threc| months, but to ---- With the jail cua to ---- with the prison; I will stay thers Zor the lenzth of ny tere sna then cure out and fizht just eg Ten now, vor my people; for I am fightirs for justice emi I went justick. He further 1a, thot there ere no colored juries, judges or prosecutors -and it is inporsible to ¢ dérica thet y crdest peovle un eerth. here ed we civen thiriy years inc teat tu the nigher courts where they heve more breins end meybe more justice. ; thet walle ke is waiting for tis cx:e to oe decitel going on a little vacstion to verious cities’such es Clevelenc, Chic and otherwise, copies of speeches made by Garvey during the past, which would in turn be furnished to the Immigration authorities for j their use in this matter, and agent was engaxed on the 28th and 29th 4 jooating such material. q Continiirh— i ete re bi eae ene ti uit in Cherge trennan, (i. ¥. Pile Ee. Journ made, Invtrw tions frou oy nua oriyi : sea ott Mew York city 1/3/25 10/4/25 derl s, Titvs. i YI ad: AFRICAY AOL Atommn: BOO. i - At Lew Yorz: we ee : Agent vent to the home of Cyril Briggs, 213 Vest 155th ftre.t, ore -ani fo er, end Africen Blood Brotherhood nember tho is en- Loge. at tie City Hall, Se ani Lr. Bricgs were figuring out the cost of the taper emi printin of e pampblet that the Ai B. 3. is tryiue to get out for the veneZit of the A. 3. 3. end help pey the expenses es well as uisseninatine propagenie. Lr. Lereer seis thet he nes sure me Mave wire be could get it Cone chzener tzen they evul Agent visited @ ouxber uf other placea in tke Harlem colored Gigtviet out no infurmeticu of esditivasi interest was obteined. ‘ . * Imtructivrs frou tee in Chevy Jreanen, T Mle to. gene cee oh tae Yo Gunes) ey roer woe a | eark wren HaOe, | remooroRNeN AcE | REPORT MADE BY Hew i City | 10/5/25 | 10/4/25 i werl 3. v Daas AS T0as uhOO CEES, pacts oxvevonco: Elst) Yor. Agent valled ot the hone vz Cyril Sriggs, 215 ‘est Sth St., ent founé hin very ruch worried. =e seié, taet things « re not a& the should be eri be wes going to move 2 soon as he could get cuerters; thet on eccount of tre illness of Grace Caupbell she wes not avie to vout 2 bell cus eon efe Weld ty nv fem seebicy next w | agent vicitea a nawver of Places in vier econ: tre cvlsred i people, out learned nottt: more of interest to the Ueper te renicn? Kal Suurunl iisdee powoo ron wniCHMAGE | WORT MADE | 10,0/25 3 2. TILUS Agent vent ty the hone of pices, 25 west 135th str. 07m neckine ard he told arent thet it ves ell reséy or the end Tuisnood wacie try ami pet the Crisecer ting. Ze boll eeeut thet he ts ire o es ke hed not seen ber eince -2ndeye net Ded. Tobias vino kes a gicll office in bie hor et 2.4“ Listy €si the Genoorats 1 + ) eee i ‘Ynstructions of Spec.igt. in Charce . A T.Y.File Ko. _ | @ase originated W.¥. 0% ~e - Journal und event nce a ave wnt HGR PEROTORWIvEHUAOE | mEFORT MADE HY ie BET YORK, WeY~ hares 20/6/28 |__BAb E. SITUS RE: AFRICST BLOOD OTRAS UIOOD ‘Wegro Redical Activities. 4 ee \ agent wont to the home of Cyril Brigrs, 215 West 155th Str. at 10 A.u. end found him very busy writing = story for the Grusader Service and he bad very little to sy. | agent then went to the home of iss Grace Campbell, 205 West 15dra Str. © She seid that she had seen about the ball and we would hove a place for the Forum to meet on Next Sunday, Oct. lath. ‘ Agent thes ent te the Keze of Cyril Brigss and found Otto Euiswood there. Agent and Briggs moiled out 250 Crusader Services. Briggs said as they have the machine going now, he will start & @rive for the 4.3.3. and the booklet end ne will be able to do a great any things mow es it won't cost so ach. ‘Te Forum is the center of all things and ve Will have that gpirg by next Sunday. ete agent visited about the Harlem district arong the colored peorle bat lcarued nothing more of interest to the Buretus ? Instructions of Spec. in Charge Brennan: ¥.Y.File Ko Case originated HeY. 0. ce ~ Journal Lode. ron mace A cere wves noe | remopronvnensane: | faronr mHor Y TET YOM STs 10/10/23__ {10/9/23 EARL E. TITUS EBs AFRICN BLOOD BROWEREOOD Wegro mdical Jctivities. acre vewetorto: Agent saw J.£. Doaingo on the street tolay. He is the Director of Publicity end Proparande for the African Blood Brotherhood. He told ne that Cyril Briggs had gone out of tow and would not be back until acco time tozorrey ond that he end riggs notified 2 good many people to be present at the meeting of the 4.5.3. on Friday night, Ostober 12th for business of importance. He said he expected quite a few theres . Visited a number of places in the Harlem District azong the Segroes but leased nothing more for the Buresa. Qase originated at Tew rk, Journal to be made originating office. inch tly tile Tmatrustions; “dvard J.r nhon, special Wes york city | 10-9-23 _|10-8 Lt. Titus cs : ATRICAY BLCOD BROTTTREDOD : \ Negro Radical jctivities. Today went to home of Cyril priggs, 213 west 135th street, and found 3riggs working on some sort of insurance policy to be presented to the IUISLSC 7037, african Blood Brotherhood, 149 west 136th street, on October 12th. He stated same might be the means of Bringing the peopie closes tuysther, as with other lodzes and societies, He further stated that the man referred to as working in the City Hall is 25212 17ROER, but did not know in what department he was engaged. Agent visited a miuber of places in Herlen, but failed to Learn snything of value. Instructicrs froz FB rg ence onioinateo AT Pant Su Spencer, Special Azent in Charge. a3, Pa. JOURNAL TO BE MADE AT OMaMATING OFMICE ONLY REPORT MADE AT: oare wren mace — | pemoo ron wien Mace: | meronT MADE AY: Pittstursh, Pe. 1Oct.10,1223\Oct.2 end &. | B,J. LENON. ere rice Prosident, ‘Universal Tecro Iz~ MARCUS GARVEY, provecert Association. Alleged : Radical and Frovd. AT PITTSEURCS, PA, Office File “o. With reference to previcus rerorte made in this matter, lest of which was made by Special Agent Ames, of this office, entitled “UARCUS GARVEY, Speeker at the Gospel Tabernacle, Erin St., Pitts- ‘purgh®, undés dais of Uay Sth, 1933. . Agent heving been inforred that UARCUS GARVEY would ad-~ dress & neeting of colored citizens at the Cospel Taternacle, Corner _ Gf Henan Street end Centre Aveme, Pittetursh, Pa., and thet the meeting would be preceded by a large parade, I called on Chief of Police Jones and ecqrainted him with the facts in the case, and leter arrenced to have @ cclozed opezative cover the meetirs. Agent having been absent from headquartere during the dalence of the week did not obtein e rerort on the meeting until todey, October Sth. The report followe in full: eerie 1. October 1¢th,1823. Page #2. “Monday, October Ist, 1923. Pitteburgo, Pa. The Garvey meeting, was hold tonight as per echedule, at Gospel Tabernacle, comez of Henan Strest and Center Averue, the meeting starting at 8:00 o'clock. Prior to the meeting, a parade was had, starting on Wylie Averue, azd ending up at the place of meeting. Long before the programe started, the hall was confortably filled, and by the tims the spesking sterted, ell seats were occupied, and - all aisles were crowded, there being so many on the outside desiring admittance, that the doore were closed after the hall tad been filled to capacity. Cou orre: y epasking, there were between trenty-five hundred and three thousand people in the hall, and it is a matter of speculation just how many were turned away, being unable to get in. The audienc Was a tysical Carvey crowd, though there were a great many who cams out of idle curiosity te see how Garvey looked after bis rz in the Toots Prison in Hew York. Irmense merths 69-3} Ee 1 pictures of Garvey were put on sale throughout the meeting, which were eagerly gozbled up by his frenzied acherente. There were several epeakers preceeding Garvey, one of whom | was from Yomastead, a man by the name of Semel Campbell, who is employed in the old Court “ouse, and who has resided in Homestead for @ munber of years, The trend of the remarks of the sreskers who were present, was to laud Cervey, and his enterprises, and spozk of hin ce 1 a wartyr to the cause of the Universal Negro Irproverents Association, _@a evidenced by hie incerceration in the Tombs, All spoke of the ‘Back to Africa’ idea promulgated by this association, and advised everytody to "Cet on the band wagon. Garvey was spoken of as the greatest Negro in the history of the world, To. give some ides as to the way in which these frenzied idicts believe in Garvey, and his avoved intention to take ell of the Negroes back to Africa, the writer heard ons of the spectators y, 'If they don't go willingly, they ebould be drafted, and forced to go', Applause and horle of entiusiasn and epprovel greeted every speaker, especially when he made some men- tion to Garvey end hie doings. ce The address delivered ty Garvey, was a typical Garvey speech, in fact, all of the addresses which he bas made in his vericus trips to Pittsturck, were on the sane order. He epoke in lengthy detain atout the fect chet the Tegro cen never expect to obvein econccic freedom in this or any other details, he will never rise te more than ® figure head, and it was hie intention to take them all to tha place where they could heve their own government, senators, Tepresentatives, and political and economic freedom He flayed the “ational Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and stated in effect, that ell they were doing vas grefting from the people, and giving nothing tangible in return, He spoke of the activities eurrounding the attempt to pees the Dyer Anti-/ Lynching Bill in the last session of Consress, and with mich earcesa, H.J.Lenon, = “_dchober 10th, 1023 Page #4. Anquired of the audience, 4f they believed that any white men, were going to pass legislation which would have for ite ultimate object, the granting of the Negro of any of his so called rights. He drelied at some length on the recent edict of Mayor Cauffiel of Johnstown, in which he iesued en order, requiring ell negross to leave the city who had rot lived there for periods of seven years and upwards. Garvey stated, that he had no compleint to make ageinst the action of “Mayor Ceuffiel, that he was simply follew~ Ang out the distates of bis on recs, end thet it served the negroes right, for their leck of initiative in organizing their own enterprises: Re then started on another tirads, peinting a beeutifui picture of the advanterss offered to negroes in Africa, and whet at was bis intention to do in that regard, In spzaking atout his inpri- atetes, that the only reeson why he was let out of jati, sonzest, was because the authorities could ses, that by keeping him imprisoned, was mply furthering the cause of the Universal Fegro Irprovezexte Aseociation, and that Garvey out of jail, was less of @ menace then he was in jail. No explaration was offered se to what becaze of the funds nts of the Plack Ster Stesnship Line, end the Universal Negro Improv: Association, though additional funds were solicited, and in all prota~ bility, Will be forthcoming. | | H.J.Lenon, fi Octaber 10th,1923 Page #5. he pérsomel of the audience, was very fiiterete for the most sart, the type when Garvey is cepetle of saying at will. He hee lost none of his cunsing in oratory, and in the event be wes to renzin perzanently in Pittsburgh, would couse a greet deal of trouble, in addition te that which he sterte every time he comes here. After the neeting,long lines were formed, and the hero worehigpers ned the opportunity to shake hends with their idol. There was mo disorder, either before or after the nesting. Garvey hes no c2mpaign mapped out for the present, being en route to Calizornia, to recuperate from bie recent inprisonzent." Lnstruct ions of Spde. + (eee oricinsted i..6 meres mao a foare wna ane | mtmoneom antes tant: | menowr wane ave EW YORI,"Y- 10/13/23 plo/aa/2a WILLA E. DOT Ie RE: pete 4% BLCOD BROT HCOD - Begro Badical sctivitis Reference is maie to the report of sgent Earl B. Titus, ated October Srd, 198%, usier the title “ifrican Blocd Brotherhood - negro Radicel Activities,” wherein he states that a lr. Mercer, who is employed at city Hs12" had been present with Qyrll Briggs at the latter's home, 215 Woet 135% Str. on the 1st instant, engaged in figuring out the cost of the paper and print- howe motioned organization ie endeavorizg to publish to help defray the expenses of the organi mtion as well as disseminating propaganda. Yor tha purpose of establisning ercer's identity ani tno position he holds, if ary, with the city edninistration, agent this mening prsseeded to the office of Mr. Joseph LieGoon, Roca 1540, Municipal Sailding, tho dma chorge of the lis: of city exployees on the retirexent list. ““fter search ing the retirecent list, crest fomd e Villian +, ‘erzer, who vas elinirsted 2s he daa watte ran. falas cementite ena me ae Agent later called on ur, Frank Byrne at Room 1440, Munioipal Suilding, who has charge of the entire list of eity oivil service vaste “deat employecs. & search of his records shows 4 that a Gaston Mercer, “ecra, residing at 1004 urook cve., Brau, is exployed as an _ auto track driver by the Street Cleaning Pemortuast of tha City of Kew York ani works ge weg wagz.7. 10/13/25 10/11/23 aFaICan BLOOD SxOTEEAHOOD W.E.DOGS Ihe cs out of Stadle 2. locsted at 365 East ‘152nd Str. Gason Mercer is v6 years oF age; was born in Yorth Carcline (city not mown on Octover 15th, 1885; is 5 ft. 9-1/2" tall, and hes brown eyes ani black Kinky hair. A later report of scent Titus, dated October 9th, 1925 under the sane title, stctes thet Wercer's first mane is Edger, and in view of this fact ami also that tho description of Gaston Kercer dos not tally with that of Eagar Uercer, agent is of the belief that the two are not identical. Imemch as Gaston Mercer is the only person of that nano ands Negro on the City payroll, agent will mam further inquiries elsevhere ee eas te resus cece ne oe 7 Instructions of Snoc.‘ct. in Charge Brennai Gace originated %.%. Of © - Journal sade W.Y,File Zo. iy TORE, LY. 10/18/23 | rojasfes VILL 2. DUM IR. RE: aFRIC.N BLOOD BRCZCRUOOD Begre Radical activities (Zager Kercer) Continuing on the above matter, last reported by gent on October 15th, believing that exbject mickt be au exployes of the U.S. Post Office Department at the City Hall Station, agent this morning proceeded to the Federel 3uilding on Park Rov and made inquiries of George 3. Cutler, Superintenient of City Hall Station and learned that Edgar Mercer, a Legro 4s emloyed there us a clerk. : Mercer resides at 165 Vest 145th Str.; was born Sept. 28th, 1896; vas appointed 2 clerk Decenber 6th, 1919; recoives a salary of $2800.00 at the present tine ani his duties ccnsist of sorting mil, ercer at present is om the xisht shift, starting work at 12 midnicht, r. catler stated that fercer’s work has been entirely satisfactory to the ?.0. Depart~ went. - : i‘ In view of the fact. that Edgar Lercer, the postal clerk resides et 163 West 145th Str., which 1s in the Negro District of Harlem, and the farther fact that he is exloyed at the Clty Hall Station, it world appear thit this wercer is identical with the one mentioned in Agent Titus’ report of October 3rd, 1923. 80 for as opent was able to learn, there is no evidence of radical activities in TA gonnection with Mercer's position as 2 WEY YOR,5.¥. 10/16/25 AFRICAN BLOOD BRCTHEZ00D _ VED IR. & postal clerk, therefore, this phase of the investigation will be cmsidered closed. Instructions from Ag: iin Charge Brennan. (i. ~ Pile Mo. 2 Gase oririnated et [. York. Journal to be meds t originsting office. meron aor ar: DATE WHEN MADE: | FEROD FOR WHICH MADE | REFORT MADE HY Now York City 10/17/23 | 1o/ié/23 | Sarl E. Titus AFRICAN BLOOW BROTHERHOOD. vac vewione, At Hew York: Agent interviewed Cyril VY. Briggs, 213 Weat 155th St.,.who, during his conversation, sali that in @ short tims we can rejoice as Germany wes turning to Bolshevism; that then hia party will be on top and Russia will overrun Zurope; thet thia comes next among the countries whbh ill tum to Bolehevism; thet Japan was not in the world's war ani fs not friendly to the United States on eccount of the treatment the Jepensse received in Coiifornia, which result in Jepen's joining vith trb | otter darker races to right the wrongs that the white people have mr- yetreted on the darker reses. Instructions from Ape~* in Charge Brennan. (H. ¥. Pile Uo. * Case orisinates at Ue Yorx. Journal made. c PORT HAGE a ‘perc wna nace! | PEMODFOR WICH MAGE | ruromT MADE BY: New York City 10/18/23 | 10/17/23 | Earl EB, Titus. IN 22: AFRICAN BLOOD BROTHRHOOD - NEGRO RADICAL ACTIVITIZS. At New York: ~ i ‘acre veveiores: Agent wont to the ho! of Cyril Briggs ani helped address sore mil for the Crusader Service ana while there found the address of Lager Mercer, which is 163 West 135th St., q | Briggs said, that he is going out of town for a few days ant would start on Friday night, October 19th. agent went to the home of - Miss Grece Camppell, 205 i et 133d St., sho said that Erizas aca going to Wasbircton, U. 0., but eke was not axere of bis resson fur going. Agent also talked with Otto Huiswoud who said, that they ere making ef- forta to hola e forun ceeting on Sunez, Oct. 2ist. - 1 1 : oe ; « Instrwtions recetved / m Special ijnt in Ciarge, Edw. inn: : Jourra) Instr: AP rene sec ar OATE wn MAGE: | PEMODFOR WrteH MADE: | REPONT seal AF? v | Cote 19/23. Oct. 19/23. | JES Be aS, 1B _ GET, al: Violation Section i215 U.S.0.C. (Using ‘the nails to defraui.) In connestion with tha above entitled matter, froa a omfidentiol _ Source Agent leamed that LAQUS G/RVEY'S brother-in-law, CISVSLEID JACQUES, tes arrived in tha United States frm JiuICA, W.1., for the purpose of assist— ing GARVOY in making his escape from imerica. GSRVEY is reported to be in |" Joe sngeles, Calit., at the present tice. However, inforzant has promised agent es som as be gots anything definite regarding the attexpt to ezeare Be will comnmicate with Agent at onct agent is weeping in close towh with the situation and will notify ict of further intomctions | | — | ee | i sree Instructions; ‘ward, brennan, spl, \gt- in cr se-rv vile ron mast a ‘pare wos wae | vemeovon mcs uace:| weronr mabe i 7 Hew York city |10-22-23 10-20 zarl 3, Titus i IN R2: (RTO BtOOD BROTE™RHOOD Styegro Rudical sctivitios,. Agent today visited various places in Rerlem, but aia not learn anything of valve. I later went to the home of iss Grace campbell, 206 st 132d street, and was inforsed by her that she had received a letter fron claude vevay, who is in Russia, stating that Russia had her eyes on the colored people of this country, and the colored people should get together and show some spirit ana orm a comunist group, ana stand out from the white people, so they could be recognized. ze stated they would not get anything by coming up from the south and falling into the hands of the politicians, tut should get together and mike one mass, in ordsr to get power, He farther stated the Communist Party of 2 ssia tos a great desl of faith in the colored People of azerica, and they should get a man of Garvey's type for their leader. ‘ Moréy further stated he expected to be in rance ina few weeks, but never expected to return to America, but would xeep in-touch'with his friends here and keep them posted, and youhtuszist any good movement that might arise. I ses unable to secure woray's address from }tiss Campbell. eee euias aoe i + Instructions from Aven .n Charge Brennan. (N. Y. 74le Ho. “Case orivineted et lew srk. Journal to be made » sriginatény pevore ace x | ears wor mae: | remoD ron wea ‘|New york City | 10/23/23 | 10/19/23 ; Earl EB. Titus. IB RE: aFRICAN »LOOD BROwHERHOOD - NEGRO HADICAL sCTIVITIES. per ewmone, At New York: Agent met B. H. Tobias on the street and while telking, men- tioned thet Cyril Briggs bad gone to Washington afd he told Agent thet he had no use for Briggs as he was one of the fellows that sent Mercus Garvey to prison and thet any man who wonld work egeinst his own rece to gets little benefit for himself was no good. Agent could get no inforn jation out of him in regerd to any other movements. Agent visited a numher of places in Harlem emong the colored ipeople but learned nothing of interest to the Department. Peoaanet : . Instructions from Ag. t nGhergo Brennan. (H. . File Ho. Case orisinsted at _ rk. Journs) to be made . rdginating uffice. SErOny Mage ar: are wren ance | remooronwmcw mace: | enowr MaDe b+: Few York City 10/19/23 | 10/18/23 | der B, Mtus J IN Rd: AFRICAN BLOOD BROTHAREOOD - NEGRO RADICAL ACTIVITIus. fren amon, At Now Yor! Agent called on Cyril Briggs, 215 West 135th St., who wes very busy getting ready to make hia trip, end asked agent to help bim address ome envelopes for the Crusader Service. He wrote s note for Miss Grace Campbell which he asked me to bring to her and which Stated thet be was g0ing to Washington and requested that she tell Euiswoud to take care of the Crusader Service. : : The addrecses of the Wholesele co-operatives ere: The Central States Co-operative i/bolesele, East St. Louis, Ill., and the Co-opera- tive Central Sxcheme, Superior, Wig. Agent took the letter to Liss Cambell, 206 W. 1834 St., and remained at her hone for asout an hour, but learned nothing of value to the Departzext. cate anitn ithe ate nh a aN a a tnformticn ix @ boon recoived to the effect thet cya 3 f103 ox low Yors sity. ov the Inttor 4s cae artis, deg | | | eee oa “Iustractions from 4cenc in Charge Breonan. (N.Y. File Ho. ‘Tuis case omamarco at New Yor, Ne Y- + JOURNAL TO BE MADE AT ORIGINATING OF MICE ONLY New York City | 10/23/23 | 10/22/23 | Earl EB. Mtus v THRE AnD CHANACTER OF CASE: IN RE: APRICAN BLOOD BROTHERHOOD - NEGRO RADICAL ACTIVITIES. Song At New Yorks Agent went to the home of Cyril Briggs,“213 est 155th St., end was informed that Briggs was still in Weshington and would be buck Wed- nesdey, October 24th. They got a post card from him, but it hed no ad- dress on it. Briggs’ mother seid, that Huiswoud came up to the house ané.ran eff on the nimeog7 ph machine the Crusader Service which she mailed out on Sunday. i Agent eftervards met Liss Grace Campbell on the street, who paid, that che had a post card from Briggs, but there was no address oa ite Agent visited e nunber of pla in Harlem among the colored people, but learned nothing of additional interest to the Depsrtzent. q H f Instructions received frum Special Agent in Charge, Edw.d<.enmans cs cae omomaraowe Preveto Journal Iatrctionse JOURNAL To Be MADE AT ORIGINATING OFFICE ONLY = ow York, ZY. 925419254 | Cote25,1925. | Jams Ee imose Violation Section 4215 U.5.6.0.(Using the mails to defraud.) Im comection with tho above ratter, at 10:00 Ae 2! A gent proceed: to the Fedarol Building to heer the argument between GSCRE GORDON BATDIS (comsel for defense) exd Asst. U. S. Attorney laxvell lattusk in regerd to 2 postponenent Of the ante set for the imaring of MAGUS GLNVEX'S appent from convfetion (vhich nd boon set for this doy, October 25th.) Before JUNI JULLN WACK, BATTLE ‘auxed far a postponswont wmtil Jamory lst, 1924, because théy Gia not neve alD of their records completed. dst. U.Saitty. Mattock opposed this end JUDG? Lick ruled that ons month trom today, Novanber 25th, they would be ready for the hearing he then reconsidered the sorter and raled that as the 25th of SJoramber comm c= Sundsy, be would allow then util ovenber 26th, 19234 coMInED. + rmmpwone. manciay ates 4 ort omer pox 211 (Sri rane Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation 5 Pann Row, ters Poon ‘Wew York, N.Y. -Ootober 27th, 1923. Director, Bureau of Investigation, Circuler issued by Departzent of Justice, ‘"" African aloo Brotherhood. Washington, v.c. U.Y.Pile ilo. Dear Sir: + Iam trensuitting herewith a mimeogrephed cir- euler issued by the Africen Hood arotherhood which purports to be a statement of the League for Industriel Vemocracy, con- wD 1 Scclos. Mfie ps” shat can't “ce stoprept IZAGUP FOR TYDUSIPIn”, DEOCRACY SAYS NEGRO EXODUS FROM iv SE STOPEED, AWD RACIAL FETCTION WILL OLY Flux rit Tie toss oe fe coe eae NORTH ASIT DOES CONTTVUMLEY IH THE SOUT. SIR YORIETS nose 2s cr sverzED AS Porters 1 awe Tie é SESTS OF ALL ta. YS, FOR "UNLESS NE® Gs 33 Cee THEA, TNDUS=~ ~~ TE, BATTE NE ITS I ayo rns pury? Speaking of iwdgration, here 1s one employer's ide President Grace of th: .icthlehem Stecl Corporation in sn in= tervice with th: Unftcd Prissy caccosted @ method of selcetive j dmmicration urdcr ubich plant netirers would epplg to the cov= ernncat for permission to £121 thir unskilled isvor require + mente in Burope." the plan, accoreinz to Kr. Grace "yould elininste competitive bicding among Plante for labor. . ‘Mis portiouler ércen of a reservoir of chee labor WALL tot be falriiled, The next bist thing, meny crployers: ‘think, is to sidp in colored workers from th: South. The great’ Necro t.retion ts partly encouraged by employcra Bho findtiz cotton states a reservoir of choop lepor- Dut Af employers iid nothing Hegroca would migrete because of conditions in th: South. ‘Nils mirration, ct best, compels the South 9 treat the Hegroce Liles nen, teed lich the virtual poonece, the luntitating less tay menace of the mob under wi: thoy now lives AL yorat, whiz Negre migration to the Fo. extend the area of Fe ve conflict anc drag # down to ¥! Wits the too lov sndends of white woricrs Ti cel mikes und steel mills. mere to, x2 suorping tin Wepre mieretfon ox tantgrac thon has been ¢.anned« Facial friction will oniy play into tas bends of ti: Gees an tho North as St doug contimiclly in the South. It Titi rot bs rasp to orsenizs the Neer fresh fron th, Sdckte, but the he gro inaoctica | ts 2 be be red? hin. wht one hte, ‘ deve that ich or nj help te pay by orginteing ine bleck mon ag brotherc. Ero & labor stenapoint, there is e selfish feeson; Unicas :--rocs ean be orgmized, shite workers in their dnuuswice visi be disorganized. Leegue for Industricl Democracy. me Afrizen “loot “motherhood, 299 Seventh Avena”; Wew York City. : cw ownone, At New York: Instructions fron 1 Charge Brennan. Tiscase omowarcoar Ne. -..., Me Ye “Jountat, To 8€ MADE AT omtciNAriNG OFrTEr ONLY Praronr ease ov ee moran | penonranmonme,| ATE Mem , 7 York City | 10/26/23 1 20/24/23 | garl 3. Titus IW RE: AFRICAM BLOOD BROTESRHOOD - NEGRO RADICAL ACTIVITI“S. Agent went to the hone of Cyril Briggs, and was inforred thet kr. Briggs would be in from having so informed them by postel cerd. 215 West 135th St., Weshington to-night, 2 “ TELLS 2,000 NEGROES MRE Le PEA, Bootes daw 433, jSongemns euro; Coloni- zation There; Urges Found: | ing of Nation. | 4 Inforration zas boon received to the effect that i.acus%S. VY, noe torious nesro radical, is scxeduled to Speak at a nozro church on fonrt-enth Street, between . and 2 Streets, Ue /., Tuesday nicht, Loverver 6th. Please arcc: afecting eovorcé in the Ee See . vo : * fo gagtruetions from cent’ in Charge Brennan. : ace ‘Tis CASE ORIGINATED AT v2. YOT I: Xe JOURNAL To BE MADE AT ORIGINATING OFFICE ONLY RerOme MADE AT: DATE wren MAGE | PERODFORWIHGH MADE. | REPORT MAOH AY . [new york city lo/ea/23 ; 10/27/25 | zarl 3. Mtus ID Rt: APRICAN BLOOD SROTERHOOD - NEIRO RADICAL acTIVITIAS. mers oevaoren. At Tew York: Agent visited sevaral places in yarlem-anong the colored people put Learned nothing of interest to the Department. At two p.m. Agent went to the hone of cyril » 213 west 135th st., and found him mail ing out the drive notices for the 4. B- 3. He said that he had about seven et 20: yest 1SFa St, to } in thet 4 make arrangements for the forum meeting sv that is one of the important matters to t care ai. ata ate ane ae Instrretions of Spec “gt. in Charge Brennen: MW. “Pile Ho. Qese orinin-ted ".Y. fice - Journal inde. pepo woe ] care wey mane | PENGOTORMwcH aoe | RErONT HABE Ov Bsa YOsk, aeYe | 11/3/23 \ 10/31/23 | SARL 3. TIT Rar Aearean 3H00D Kegro Budicel sotivitiess 2 Agent went to the home of Cyril Briges, 23 jest 135th Str. ard was informed that they bédn't seen uriges for two deys ami did not know where be hed gone nor wien be would return. Agent then went to Liberty Hell, 120 vest lseth str. end we that there vould be no meeting the they t em nubuy out ns. would ce sduttted. agent covered othe sections of Herlem but learned asthig of interest to the Sureau. “Tnatruc tions of Spec.ipt. in Cherge ea : :Onse orteir 94 Journal Ladelle¥-F le sie i 11/3/23 [23/2/28 i i BARL &. TITUS : 00D Hegro uedical sctivities. Agent weat to the howe of Cyril V. Briggs, 23 ‘est 135th Str. end found bim writi.g for the Crusader Service ani he said thet he hed worked very lete last night end hei railed out over 9,000 of the drive pavers for the A. 3 Driven wil jheve wbout 3,000 more to meil out ami would like to get them out this week. He id ke intenis to follow the: uy with the Cruseder service end every post will get et least ten copies of then so they cen distritute then ex = frienda. Agent leter proceeded to the vicinity of the Matrocoliten Orere Eo’ » Sroeducy between Igth eni 40th 3tr., wbare deLive et Sroaivay ea 40th Streat wut uo other informtion was secured. Instructions of ec.dgt. in Charge Brennen “Twis Case onianareD AT 7 : JOURNAL To BE MADE AT ORIGINATING OFFICE ONLY meron 40% ave wnew wane | pemoDFORWntcn MADE | REPORT MADE HY. Hsd YOR. (11/3/25 i 10/25/25 EARL 3. TITUS BS:4 apaiosn 000 349) aD Wegro iedical activities. Agent proceesed to the hove of Cyril 2riges, 13 teat 135th Street ard found Briges writing letters’ ani be stated that while in tisshington, be wes avery ousy nen. Ee seid thet he vent to We:hington for the purpose of putting the policies of the -fricen Blood Srothernood betore the United front Cunfereme arey Yer, who is one of the & of the United Front Conference, wio liked the plans of the 4.3.3, very sock cui setd thot they could finenee tees in treir efforts yrlets end policies. He further sui imwence plier cs 4 see it \ouli be © paying procosition. thet he tid kin thet tre 4,3,3. ves en organizction eni ied its onm by-1cus exi rules, out efter # lone teli with Liller, cid he usa goint to write to cll tke posts of the 4.3.3. and ley the plens out to then. Agent visitel a muner of pleces in Harlen out lecsned nothing edditionel for the derertce nt. ‘'"astructions from Azent-in Charge Brennan. * Mew Yo = TOURNAL TO aE MADE'AT OMIGINATING OPrIcE ONLY IREPORT MADE AF ‘Dare wee wane. | PEMODFORWHcH ADE: | wEFOMT MADE Ov | mew york city ro/ai/es | 10/26/28 | Bari 3, titus In Bu: Miraicail BLQo9 B20' OOD ~ WIR RADICAL ACTIVITIIS. "a aga Mt ew -rorss—— acre oxveLSnem: Agent went to the home of cyril arigzs, 213 vest 125th st., and found hin writing for the Crusader Service. He said he had some notices to get out and woula get the service out afterxards; that he was to send notices to all the unions and to all the posts in the world. we remarke asenger” is schening against hin end that be! stg 2. Ajant vent te the home of 2rigzs at four @'clock and helred mail out the drive and gerrice, af afziea, 2 Brigss told agent thet wise cence isvovd were mailing ont the literature just as fast os he 206 Jeet 1gGd st. 4: darpbelits le te sot beta Dut one cov: of the m ip drive pepers. : Trae '~ -Bepartment of Justice - Fe Bureau of Fndestigation EB Panx Row, feTH FLOOR ee Dae cape, , MO November 5th, 1923. Director, Attention: 3.2. Foover, 230. eros Investigation, e+ atricen 5i- Sivod dro therood Departnent of Just ke, Grussder, service. K.Y.Pile Washing ton,2.C- Bo. Deer Sir: ‘ a : I om transmitting herewith in duplicste the wcrusader Service," press relesse dated lovenber 5th, issued i by the Afrinen Blood arot her beod+ uly Gbiel agent in Cherge- - aD ' snelos. 7 “ 2qngtractions oron ico in Sharse Breman. (7. ¥. Mle to. ors ease omcinareo AT : ited “Tounnat To 8e MADE AT OntaINATING OFFICE ONLY [meron aoe a Gare wean oaot: | REMOBYON WHICH AOE | ROTOR? WADE wF v i? pew york Citr urfa/es { li/1/es i marl 3. mitus i \ ef : \ Tye me oromoren oF x Tr2%, vRroy' SLcoD COD = IMARO RADIOL ACFIVITIT. [roreeane 87 ‘ ~ Akent went to the hoze of oyril Briggs, 215 yest 155th st., an found hin getting soe literature ready for the drive of the a. 3. 2 Service. 2 said he hed been talxing with some of the heads of the unions for the lezt fou dara to sea what they were going to do, but they third. ze further stated@ that Bégar tercer was down to see him last night and helped bia ia his wi promised nothing ani be is going to increase his drive to nearly one- | ek and said he would see him to-nisht. haven't had tine to loox after the crusader gerviée thia week, but 2: says h> will set to it at ance, although the drive for membership’ is Instructions received from Agent in Charge Edw. 2. Bonher. Tus case ontcmareo ar Washington, J. C. JOURNAL TO BE MADE AT ORIGINATING OFFICE ONLY on | ar/7/23 11/6/23 4. L. Brent UARCUS G. Ver. : Wegro Radical. Washington, D. C. Attention ir. Hoover. —r— On Tuesday evening, November 6, 1923, this Agent attended a meet— ing which was adureszed by Marcus Garvey, at Joan Wesley 4. i. 3, Zion Church, 14th ana Corcoran Streets, i. a, Probably tne lergest audien- in thie eity were on hand to hear him. Attorney Joseph E. Stewart, who has been identified with ell of Garvey’s activities in this city, acted ss Waster of Ceremonies, end 4n introducing the speaker referred to him as the moat wide awake, 20 In the worid. the only, s ont! The subject vas qtite trial and corviction: in fect, hia address wes substenti fore + n Uenoriel Church, the cene ag the one delivered by hiz at the Lin +, On April 21st lest. llth & 2 streets, i. “ir. Garvey began by stating that he hed just returned iro. a trip across the continent by wey of the South. He remarked that he liked the south better than any otier part of the United States because he understood the southern people better They being very frank and outspoken white man to give them what he has. 4m regard to the Hegro. They make no pretence of being willing to accept him in any other manner then his present status in the south allows, whereas veople further north are very hard to understand be~ cause they ere always on the fence and are likely to flop either way. He went on to sey that he wanted to tell the negroes how much progress they sere neling - none at all, stating that the negroes are the most backward, the laziest people in the world. Instezd of zet~ ting out and going sfter what they want they sit around and expect tne He referred to Booker # ington, as the greatest man the world hes produced during this century, and said that his work would live He pointed out that at the present rate of increase of the white rece in about one or possibly two years taere would be no roon on tris continent for tue negro snd as it is a white maa's country tue nezro lea ts or be externirsted. Therefore ie eivises going while the going is good. lie said that he does not blaze the white ople for keepins the negroes down; be blases the negroes for allowing thez to do it. He said the white rece has risen to power and glory, the yellow rece has risen to power end glory, and the bleck| race tiuru tie U. N. I, 4s, will rise to power and glory. Referring to his recent triel in New York, Uarvey said there were three things he misht do - go to Heaven, hell, or jail, but the ve He I. As, would not be stopped whatever might happen to hin, He rezerred to the mincrsls and oil and other riches of this (3) country seying they were for te white man bec:use this is nis coun- try, but the wealts of Africa is for the bleck man pecuese that that fe bis country, end he is going to hove them no matter whet means may be necessary to get thems adding the sooner the white people nou colonizing africa realize that and get out the better for then. Garvey closed bis ceuarks by paying his respects to snerice, the ureatest Dezocracy in the vorld, the greatest Republic in the world, the greatest nation in the world - for the white man. there were between fifteen hundred and two thousand geople in the audience. Aaniesion fee of 5O¢ peda in cash by Agent- ny "REI, AGDNT IN CHARGE, { cece Dear Sirs FE ateee 3 Assistant Keddox spoke to me yesterdsy and also tocsz to arsonge to hove Special agent .ortimer J+ Davis : There as soon as possivie for itv rewsun that the above mond defendent, Marcus Garvey has filed a bill of exception and the Government hhas to reply to same within the next two weeks. ~ Wr, Weldox states that Davis 1s alnost indispensible and At will be sbsolately necessary that he should have the services Bf Agent Davis to aid sad assist him in preparing the Government's answer. Kexplained to tr. Usddox that Davis is now in Savamah on amother izportast ‘svestigstion ami the date of his retma I did mot knoe but that we consider the “arcus Garvey case also a very ‘mportant one ani that I would write the Director and put the fecte up to him axt request that arrangements be made to have agent Davis return to New York to assist him on this case. Mr, xaddox stated that in view of the circumstances he would @o everything in bis poxer to arrange his matters, and requested that Special sseat Davis be here in New Yoric not later than next Yedzssdzy corning Sov. 14 1923. I would thank you to please arrange to have Special agent Devis hare uoxt wednesday. C Spestel asgat in Charge. “ Doaze De soto Hate Savanna, Joorzia Inctruet Agent Savie errarge arrive Hex Yorx not later than /edrssdry Yovesber foartsonth STOP 7.0 -Burne 190-1781°6 "© ui “Exgetructions of Space’ %+ in Cherge Breman: U.Y¥ Pile to. Base vriginsted “.Y. fice - Journ] hede, i: TE WHEN MADE PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE: | REPORT meni 11/6/23 i 11/5/23 |__ 2A S. PTTUS v APZIC A: BLOG BRC HSwOoD E poses eee i Negro scdicel Activities. ; Agent visited the hove of Cyril V. Briges and rea Anformed thet -r. Sriggs went downtown eerly this morning and vould not be howe until iete in the evening. Ghen went to the home of et how. agent visited a iiss Urece Cenpbell end munber of places in Harlem esong the begro people ond lesrned nothing “for the venefit of the Bureau. Bater egent sew an advertisenent in the Indisnevollt: Spokesen Zor the cexkcrship drive of the whos of Se Eanare gations. ‘Fourth, that the ite ue oe ite Taittavion faa’ enala be Pie for over Hixiynfive pers on ace and wuer seventy Mletign f2e foal oe Gon ‘ollarge Ficer, eee te call be fifty (29) cents roerd Sure. ence a Slee nrefte ox Six [6 5-3) Cott ts exhoriie! be te Savers saeedeive sone chy oe Ghelsea ct tere tcreeion vi wre Fors te Sorta. "as coussit caeror izes ova sSuayes = Golicla’s adze for torts vecks, cea wa tures vollsr® = for srotter forty veers, “r caze of reessalty, Sovcatay Tee of cca soetaiy sure 20 29 ee BO ua be recatnad By tan Fost Arzacury for, the. 247 refits of ee Servers cor abten te te rege Oe asretrore sisted Wet G2 Su Tene SEES SSR Teycones in tis event of incole ectining $3 ceta Of ‘Savers Seeeutive Couett wo bat = S20 eats ve 299 t9 crore ant ser the, iptceo vices fue Secth generis shall be rel OF o Rilative ConA atinia 22 gours of eottuseation corr da entities to chy becftts atl tie Fnsusance Secaruronte dues fort ‘wrth ent cae ni of the -Fotherioeds she of te. Teowures “c-antrant “20 bereaiz eke in te sot Soitreaetal f° Sftenetiaia Wn serar > as the rine ac a bracen of 3 for éertetbieicna. ares tte Fie BTS Set tae eet eethy of 8 eran Per ther oF riay ey wa wy woe ott constitatlorad aeceseet Seay ce pase sath nuntos ay Loy ere Mecdeds armen mo Serena. snyrett Rares pate tovesoet 135 15236 Daar steters ext srotoerss oa ag ‘Tee fortowts tcrurvation ts sent you by_ onder of te eld 0; tot Tratierbood ary sreenition has Cian are tres f90t Joitonbsp cerastons Peace: Totection ef tal: Tivcrescat sccil be exe tented anh" “those who ers seorre of t mn of tale be~ertnens ‘tee ‘crotte hood; foiies of the, -rotkar= eo Us Stex serefite Covell sagt ceest SSote to meat bes oblt= ations. fetttation foe tose the Tesuraree Deo ‘sts of tro (£400) dolters for e1) rer eee ta o38 Teal atthe toe saitiacio. f4 shall bo five Collars. cor per ajtive youre O. aga ant wner seventy ihe wie BRAS. ten eat Beat tie duce ebalt be fifty (£0) cents @ swrtn for aun rerbers Sheth, thet a cick w«.efkt of Sox (6420) eather « ves 4a authorizes cr Ua Suvre's oxecative 60 ae “Etsaved at the dassreeion of one Fase t Belongs. Tre voursns wate Anc8 3 dollars «cece for forty veers, cha ara for anovrer forty mers, ir cece of tee Seventh, tat of tee contaly Zura of 20 esnts Shall bo reesiza4 oy tio Fost irsarury’ far the Sot of the gnu tomfita of ite sespera sor wnten it 13 res~ eee Nits tre Slovisien nerecorors sitved wast G2 Saree Eiatative cousela riecgoa een regsonts in too cvene of inaole Ferey of toy cette we sevainlrg 9) cent of Um -onrdy cums Healy Se foryeseed op uns Survest Serewtine Cowell wor Ge Beate Pict of ba orcanuictions gral be "100 io teary ant ary finnelal soccer seo Aiea. The fecotte anal be paid by yistrap Zeseutive Colwell (pia ot iairs of notilieation erat no mevber fa emtitte’ to eny brreftte unt! be bes tosn' six {cr camite tn ton dosuranee oe arenente CEL eetoer apo a ase ap tp Mig tesarance Srcagt cae ind OF ih “onthe seten to tg fetal in Snail so be entitles to ety be pebinter toy YTS Se receng e9 Flee dros te de ‘Pleverthy tat 2 the regater Breterrsez Dererenert, 97 the Tecarafee Corartsent anal rot 2 extended te ethers Rivers ef the -Fot.cr003 Tedtehe tat esen Hest nas the wiht ac a brarch of 4 fraternal griartzations “9 sek for eo-tribations crea Ike Sem furtacr hel ing the Cartly of & ate Ube cif Gontitattonaa’ suede elelsea protrer or Statens Means sherety to Faire 9ueh pont craternally cours a eC RE TEMEO"S ROCK OL ULL be son by Bet ona o>. oo enenher the SECC!D OTE tng te SD

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