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at es JOss22 G. SUCKER SPHCLL akon season's incusoency, reyuents hed oeen made on the basis of .10,000 per gear. Owing to the eval ition of the treasury, the officials hed | Gyusented tu cut tleir respective celeries tenporerily and uncer tais “Avon bru veen ped ell excet 1,978.68, Garvey tren chorged secon with Kevias sold pietures cm ovoks belonring to the essocietion vit out cekine & return end wits neving issued 0/4 checks and borro.iug money from nenuers. Seeon adnitted giving checks Which cere usck out seid ke had made good or then ail except one in elonia, ei that the uoney in each dustinee sas usea to defray ses of envloyees. It wes decided thet the delegetes go seret session on the folloring dey end texe up the crerges | @seicst seson. Pronecrc reese’ At the session held on the 25rd inst. J. . Ee Heson wes Sound conduct unvec vii en o2licer anu dieloyelty by e jury reve un of the Gelvastes ena bis office Wes declered vecent. Yhe veriict wes rendered asains? Jason on dex wit es erter heving particireted in the no tril in the forenoon, Jsioa, through his ettorney ef 2 onnouncea his intention of si therevin, ilaselphi: rou thet no Fight wes given bin unser the constitution JAswuciztioa to eypeel fron the Gsciviun of tke Jury asiongst those teat, es resinst aason vere Jodene Larie dorrier soustoa ant Lr. Leroy wuniy of Clevelnad. aso result of cefenuing Jesua in the inpeas! weut procee. aves SPuTAb APO AUGULE 26, 492. of tke lutter, J. Austin tiorris vies renoved as one of the Celegates who | are to vinit the deugue of intione reprecentine the Universel liegro In- provewent assuciction. Gervey is now in fuli control uf tne convention es he hes sed the "otess roller dic opponents. At the sescion held on the veth inst. « officers were elected tu eun: ity wits te ‘ly enended constitution: ierous Gervey, Zresident Gencr’ end Aluinistr.tor; or. Leroy i. sumay of Clevelena, Mirat Ascot. Presiient Gen val; dillieu Sherrill, Columbus Chie, Secund Asst. President Generel, ‘ican ilegroes"; sien position o:rzies with it the title "Lesder of 3 Eudolpi Snith, third is.t. Tresivent General, cerries wit: tithe Weeder avsrice" jit Henrietta Vinton levie, Fourth aset, Fresicent Generel. ‘tke nowinstion of Marcus Garvey wes usde uneninous. The by-levie end core titution verz suenéed providing for the cretion of e Privy Council to oe couposed ot the President Gen diective nenvers 2rot the Ligh third to ve cuogen oy the Zreciuent Gensrel. be Privy Council is to ve the surrene vocy of the ecintion end to he:r ell ustters of ube. a comittes nes epsointed ty confer with Hegro hin- veal, ena Gi isters througnout the country with o view tu centvelizing the negroes’ ith into one éoctrine. Bis « sie la auday ua At the session of te convention hold on the 2th inst, o keusara frou the ilu and Queen vf auyssinia ves revd to the delerctes present 0; ersioa Consul Generel, who represents abyssi: Persica Generel reac as follows: \ | | "During a recent cuuience vith these veneredle anu distin- aulehed rulers of ¢ great historic land, I spoie of this orprosching cor venticn. ‘he exlted ruler cought, as we do, the eignificence of thie gathering and vith visiole enotion ie saia: “Kindly convey our greetings, congr.tulction: sii best cich- @ it can ve es to the ssseuvly. kere their race origineted oni bs to its highest viane of uSefulness enu honor. assure then of the cor- L invite He: veck to the tenelens, perticuleriy help solve ow vig proolecs eud to develuy our vent riters, Lusiciins, proz teschers, urtisons, #1 nen end women--eil who are ale to lenu a bend in the constructive wove chien cur eon so cea’ y feels it wrestly needs. "'3ere we have ebundent roon ami great opportunities ma jen hes suffered sii destiny is workine to ligt ond entirene a rece AnWin: 2 oul oN xroting gemin. is no. the hope of Kany Dilstone of babiiud.' “Yhus the Sine of Abyssinia snesxs end thus the thoushtiul Hla vavuna the works snore, sired. 2, Loi. "gonquerire penius todsy es never vefure in his history anu future ores ula witness ais nighor ovcen’ in the reals of seiense, lew, Litersture| relieion, industry em econouics, end his growine cyntrivutivas to tee tle-wide structure of Liverty euu civilization.” whe convention unens: voted thems and ceoled congyet~ | vi: tions ty the Ginn end imeva of Auyssinie. irene Gervey wes re-elected "svovigionel fresident vf Africe| 2 receptume seia: “ghic de the nost troublesove of:iee ia the world, decl: jenet this tine it is covetes Zor its sola ed is veins elected to 2 powder house. Berore ive president of of africe’ whose erfeirs will ve auminietered Zrom itew of Agric, insteac of Kew York, the United stat ‘gvidentiy wu ster georetery, bis Laptes aivorce proces in: is cowntry throurh the lew Tim of shel. & Gerret:. iy seid to Lave usrried Auy Jro:yuee in inst. Garvey is seid to teve ocen grented 2 do- “Ltinore on July eree of divorce ti: Jrve lest in Spencer Cuunty, Lissouri. eer eae Boat Be TUE Sue evove orcecisation ned e ceetin: et Douples ell, 1i2né { ut. om enox avemug un ounucy tee 27th inst. av which the princiyci gessher ues exdler Speeck Oven ridiculed nt anu Cervey in stated thet the licel suite ecgregsting ceven bunures emi fifty thous- mu vollers (,%5u,00C) which were recently Zilea by Gervey egeinst sev- | evel nowsrspers end iusivicusis, enong the letter veins Quen hizelf, Muar not vorth the screr they were written on." Oxen referre. to | Laie Gorrey's wrgrnizetion is holdizs its convention, rs | "sievery hall" end stetet the licel suits were wrought uy by Gervey Zor tre effect they might heve on t Gelegrtes of the conventiun. B.P2, 2,29: GRO _ACPIVITT: 5. buty. 0 T0¥ Salaries ef 41. of nition helion feptenser let, only the eelary of Iercus ervey, the Fresident-Jeneral, 110,070 2 year remeined the ' year. Originally se Secretery-genersl received 36,000 a year but tae present incumbent will te given *5,600. The Tirst-sssistast Secvetery-Senersl, °5,£50 oma the Second agwictent secretery-ceneral, 52,5005 Other salaries provided for were: second sczietart Presiient-Zeneral, cerrying title of "beaier of snerienn,sesroes," - 34,500; aird Assistent President General, carrying the title, "Leader of veat Indies, Central and south ericn, 4,0C0; 4th ssaistent Freeident-general, 000; Shencellor, }&,000; stiditor-jeneral, 34,000; Internstional Organizer, 34,000; sgaiavent Counsel-generel, 55,50 nisier of Tezion, 15,500. A Comitt ence on che JOth of aususts 4 deleration from the U.0.T.Ae ae -! Line, declaring SiFi, 2,1922. Iii GWE mony the officera electcd ere: seeretary~seneral; R. Te 105102, PEOUAS i, Second jesictent secretary— General. CLIPI0ID ZOUZU will be the mew Hizh Gueneeltor 4 ' de I. GALES of California will succeed himself as Rinister of cesion, Bt the seasion on the Slet of sugust, the main business of the day mas centered upon the offairs of the aefunct and the bcet method of forming 2 new stemmsnip company operated by the U.N.T. 4. The discugsion vas long 8 bitter and it was Zinelly voted to prolonz tae convention two days imgtead of edjourniny ot the close of that dey's seseion. The | delegates rezused to consider my other subject but the Black Star ct it wea necesaary thet they give their con- | stituents come definite informstion on the subject, | The committee ap,ointed to inveatigese the insolvent line, reco:rended the 9rzon~ ization of an suxisllary, to be known as Age SPAR PED: 0: Y end that A UAVEGSATON AND aleo ve extnblished, The delegetes aria they wonld not edjourn watil some ypecizic ways md meena were provided to redeem the nearly 31,000,020 north of stock of the Biack Stor Line sold. /SaE2, 2, 1922. afser renaininy in seasion until nearly midnicht, tae metnois of raising moncy to repsy the stockholiers were: jat: By directing ene division throuskout orld to sive yalngent once a month, the receipts to be Lied to the Liquidstion yuna: y towsra upon do not misearr ag alzeady deciacd Iz tae a nen sve pay vill te organized but vil not be promoted aasnip eo: ock-sellinz osis. President-general Garvey told the delegates thet 1: Qter Tine hed eutfered a big material losz, it hed 3 in the epiritucl sine: meee, ene ee nN EE RR ET LAO A Ao Bore. 9,1922. evenger” revion, whick orgenizet ion sy Ruel oy osed to recvived oy weil teat a yesinge whieh up a extinetion, proved to out fron the arm of a vlepro. fell ia vhick eriticises Jsudo a Hagro Tnp to veueat : ac sociation. BRenéolr seié thet in hic opinion, the reference bede to "Your Jegro Iuprovs. azsoc ict on," nsent 2 e Universel rovenamt Ageoe inti. n, iascus Garvey's ore aisetion, thick seus’ ive in opposing. Suen. 1s, iv vane ond sniviph, euitor of “Whe Messenger," © negro redicel wontkly, we cincipel opacker. Sendoiph, in discussing the micn hand vaich ned seen vent hin through the mails, steted that the incident vouie not cause him to vtop iis egitetion egaiust izrcus Carvey end the Lu Jlux den. I etssed the eizsire of the dieca Star Line ewu other venturce headed uy ervey snd eunutnced tat Keetings unser the aueiees uf the Trience vz erro Free ould ve held in all parts of the United stetes. At tke Lotions] Japtist Cimich, L2eth st. emi 5th Aveme, wn tee 10th inst, J. i, E. Season, formerly “Leeuer of Americen liegroes” of ierens Gorvey, usde a syeuch in wideh he gave Lis receons for hev- vovered i counestivin with Gervey's orgunizetivu ami farmed the Un- slitence. sagon said, ke opvuscu Garvey's action in sending a dele~ tivu to the Lecgue of Ihtions assenuly in Geneve to asx for e nencte over parts o: A’ries. He elo said, thet the neproes ef the United ot-tds fea plenty of rrovle.s of their ov end v orpenizstion a. ee ‘gsce.. 6. TOC BEST Lous! > BAM. 16, Luss. nszroc. to fuse thelr inedleie prewelix proview and nat to go to othe. wountvio. to tie uw provle:s ther nother specier, 7. austin Tumic, an attorney vf Tidirce:-| » aude the stot, tht Cur organi vation j pacvports to africen students iutent on coming to this country anu wor ius their 3 A meeting OF the Goove vrganisetios wes hele of Liberty AL, 120 Jest Sst Ct., on tre iéth inst, at whieh Lere | i | eoatrdned Zour nillion menbors caused the ‘nitich Govern:ent ty refuse i i 1 } 1 Gervey ea i ithe nein spectes, after ennourcing the issue of the first munver of ue used to "coun stat vesel gro Tprovenent acsociction hou cnything to do with sending the hand to ebilip candolyi 2 of Eo also said, in het Geles.tion which the Univer- sel ferxo L.provement associatiun sent to tee Lergue uf Nations Asservl; ! | divectee seninst hin, Garvey riiculed the idee thet mmoers of the Uni-| i "She velegetio. report. tict it te ucking splendid bent wey et sticcess throwk tle reception scvorsea ile Loner. a, the -vociovs mtieael grex-3 thet form the ie gue. Whe veleestion i ia areving the ottenti 2 piroc~, tested upon the uetives v2 the late Gernen Youtie-t Colonin), ita, ‘Sie igttr wes eroucht oegore tle Lesgue 2; Ko . .4 Mgocmr a, prem SPtr te 2To2t gr. 16, 172 wpolocite Wellagarde. The Delegation now at geneva ds acting to hare th iate aoraan colonies in Africa turnod over to the Magro peoples of the nt issocistion. worli wider the ausploes of the Universal cagre T ivorsal Yegro #4 the nagezioa will ve tventr-five cents yer eon te Li ented qorve; orzunizaticne. Tt ig reported from a confidential source that Juse hag severed his comection wit: the marve,; movement, the reason not nis tir ena oot sption yund, according to the latest : : Serene oe | stand the fact tht Dage Mohawied ili is said to have oars r eoanzetion with the Sarvey movenent, the following 1 the Vou York Torla of +1 GARTH PUBLToWwTO! 2 Cs IGRI A ropavanla of tesgro Txprove- jon, sav3 writer. : foe a, ere srr, 13, WS s weekly paper has been banned tn vigwria, «rest! Veler, and» have vaen taken by the Governient thors to to: te 1 \ propizinda of the "iy ovenent Agueciation, accordin: to & letter from Abdurezhens, reestvad here b; 50 Mokaned \Li, stitea vita foations, "owing to Garverites belonring prinednally to the Christian o writer is religion, 4 tical cf the asuociction's efforts to re~ | f deon Africa, He writes, in art: ent ia sey that no yropazanda of ' i "y Zee2 conti i ngy be, ean Bave pernameat hold in Jest wfrica if | Rammedanisr.e Perk on it would give absut 76 per cent. for the = | muith of Islan, and I feel sv n the next tuo or three decades enase les "Hete in Morthern Nigeria no propaganda can be successful un- | one of the Islamic fitz. Ttyen then it would he dist settles dow in this comtry. eve raeciys2 or seen no co} ya I imow are subseviters. _ “Abdur-himan writes fro chafe govote Pr neo.” pie entitling nineteenth mete 7 4 Larcys Garvey, tlrough the above orgenization, is ¢leiu: net the encuie. ‘of the ur: pizetion lave orsenized throughort the conn-! , | | egeimt Ein in his fortheouing trish iz lew vor: te Sivorrrige the L. 0. Te ae Gre orgcnizction hel. its usual neeting on the lst inst. Foxton, 2. 4. Woot, Eenrietta Vintow ES Lareus vey, es usuel, vies By) | | Plogissh ivger. Condiict." ce aie PreasteLity ol ae bed In the cource or ts wu is Leleone to at ue in jail i- estes 92 criuen grevus.. I do not imo. wiethe. ¢ ns dt or wut, viet G2 lereus uuevey cles, sareta CffVey!s 200 4? Pee coe Beetle eet ce won EevVenCY ever; UYOp OF vow. tm every vunce eZ Zeek tus th reevw o yeteli go on untis eternity. "I fad sure Ge ere well prep: ved Yur the ork thet dscheal oF us. @wils doce the dature es never before. ve will ust develomwnt in umvope us never vevore. Ico hope Zor wer; I ox not suc e Christin bs wt toe tine. I thet Christisn that velieves véling of Ulvod there will we no sins, © i vesieve te uneyevzeo1e “AY. ds going to ve the spent wnired mikiion uegroes Wil sew selv.tion, ami if it cones ro", oF the next dey vr a conth from now, I am preying tkrt it © core veceuse only throug the eonin: of snotivr grect War in cerove will We pet the oynortunt to etyike the olow ior ov treedon." ' In nis early remorks, t-ucting uson the prodavilit: of Sng. angieni's plea Zor coi. eh vee There vill ve ao Lore ve caluing upon colvre then, tov. I ste, Toa .tih + JOSEPH G. TUCKER SPECIAL REPORT “OCTOBER 14,1922. 0 ACTIVITTES At a mecting held at Commonwealth Hall, 5th Ave. ani 135th Stroot, uidor the auspices of the Socialist Perty on the evening of the 6th insient, A. PHILLIP RANDOLPH, Hditor of "The Messenger," and candidate for Secretary of State on the Socialist - Parner-Labor Perty tickets, made enother éttsck on Marcus Garvey and his association. He said that Garveyiem is only an attempt of keeping the Negroes from seeing the issues of today in a clesr Light. From a confidential source it 1s reported that Marcus Gervey recently sent to Lincoln Johnson, who is a Republicen State con mittcemen, at present located in washington, a check for a thousand dol+ lars which money is to be used by Johnson in endeavoring to extricate Garvey fron his present difficulties with the Government. The sane source is also responsible for the statement that one Belgrade, whe was former Chief Bodyguard for Garvey and hoad of his so-called “Secrot Servico,” left Garvey's employ about two weeks! ago, after a disagreement with hin, Belgrade is said to have mada the | Statement that he knows a great deal about Garvey's financial conditi: and that the latter dravs his salary weekly and is placing it where he Will bo able to get his hands on it in the event of needing it ino hurry. Efforts are being made to obtain information additional to the forogoing with regard to this matter. ° JOSEPH G, TUCKER SPECIAL SeP0:T . COTOIR 14,1922. | Through the Hegro World, Marcus Garvey is raising | ‘9 fund for the aefense, which 4a knovm ea "he Marcus Garvey befense Fond." Up to date the funi amounts to over $500.00. wr 0 TNPROVRENT ASSOCIATION SALT : Phe ususl Sunday night meeting of the above orgen- ization tes held et Liberty Hell om the 8th instent and as ususl, MARCUS CIRVEY was the principel apesker, his subject being "Tho Consciousness of an Ides." ‘In opening bis address, Garvey warned bis enemies, whom he enumerated as 3AGNELL, WILLIAM PICKS R OWSNS, to be careful of what they seid about 8, PAILLIZ RANDOLPH and CHAR hin or his orgenizetion. In the course of his remarks be saié¢ in part: "I have come to esk you to follow me in the things physicel for the emancipation of tho 400,000,000. Therefore, in the fight for this ammancipetion, no one will expect us to recd the Sundey School chapter in going forwerd, but we mey read the cheptor of somsthing else much more in keeping with the physical side of msn’ ennencfpetion, end those who place thenselves in the way of the Univ sel Negro Improvement Association, let me tell you this - Thet you o atteapting to place yourself in the physical on-rush of @ mighty Tac that sacks its liberty, not 30 much by apiritual force as by phyaicr force." THOUAS W. ANDERSON, Second Assistant Scerotar, "JOSEPH C. TUCKER SPECIAL REPORT OCTOBER 14,1922. Generel, another spesker said in the course of his remarks "The Bleck man has endured hardships long enough. 411 we heve hed is herdships. ie are tired of hardships not we are tired of eating the hogs head. = Now we are going to eat further down. And it is Zor you to say how fer off that is. If the Negroes of this World will unite tonight, tomorrow we cen rarch on singing the song of victory........i/a are not opposed to fighting, but we are opposed to fichting for other nen eni getting nothing for 1t sss... You are asked to go and fizht the Germans who had done you no wrong. You were told to give the Gernens hell, while they were giving you hell over hore, ami while you were giving the Germens hell, they vere giving your mothers, sistere end sons hell in Misstesppi, Georgie, Alebena, and then the legro esked "which was better, to make the World safe for denocrecy, or to make bis home safe for his wife ani children." That is what he asked then and what he is asking now.” = a 1 Jossez ¢. mozar SPECIAL #ePORT ocr. 21, 1oze.! 5. NEGRO ACTIVITINS UNIVARSAL LECxO TuP2ov, ASSOCIATION The usual Sunisy evening meeting under the suspices of the above H orgenisation was held et Liverty Heli on the 15th inst., lercis Garvey,; ba usual, being the principal speeker. He dwelt particvlarly on the | trip to Scotlund of Ur. Robert J. oton as being inetigeted by the white os é ' race Zor propsgends purposes egeinst tne Universal jiegro Improvement association. He also informed his audience that the white people who contributed to euch inetitutione as uskegee only did so for their Selfisa purposes ani “they wowld spend a doller todsy to earn a thousend @ollers fifty yeers from now.” Ancther epecker waa’ Williem B, Ferris who spoke elong practicei~ { for the Advancement of Colored People end stated that its opportunities | ly the sme lines as hed Gervey end criticised the lutions Associetion for improving the condition of the colored race were limited to # very sell sphere. Other speckera also addressed the eudience und +11 eulo- gized Garvey and the U. ll. I. A. 7 HERR OEE REE The Associstion hes announced thet from lovenver lst to 16th tkere will be held at Liverty Hell, 120 West 1s8th Street, the first eduostionel and comercial exposition sri fsir of the Universel Negro Inproyecent Associs tion. JOSEPH G. TUCKER ~ SPECIAL REPORT - ocr. 28, 1922, 7 Be MEGRO ACTIVITIS The African Redemption Fund, the purpose of which is for world-wide race adjustment and the freedom of Africa, bss reached a tot- e2 of ten thousend six hundred ani ninety-five dollers ({10,695.), the Marcus Garvey Vefunse Pani is now two thousend four hundred dollers (g2,400.) and the convention fund of the Universel Negro Improvement Association for 1922 hes now reached the eum of twenty thousand three hunired ani thirty-six dollera ami trenty-five cents (920,356.25). UNIVERSAL NEGRO _L ZOVIRENT ASS*H, The usuel Sundey night meeting of the above orgenizetion was aeld et Liverty Hell on the 22nd inst., but Larcus Garvey was not Present, bis place being taken by Henriette Vinton Davie. _- 8. Ae Haynes, J. Swift end F. A, Toot oll made speeches eelling uron the audience to support the U. U. I. A. movement and point- ing out to then the uany advantages to be gained therefrom. ‘he speeches however, were mild and eroused-very little onthusiesm, In speaking of ! the forthcoming triel of Gervey, Toot said, emong other things, “tow tart the Presidext Generel's cese will cous up in a few weeks, the eneny is more vizo: 4 ous then ever sasking inforcation end trying to @estroy the movenent’*°*" I \ ie p Fosse G. WUScER » SPLIL RS Mov. 4, 1ve2. j BS. USGRO AOMTVIPIIS The trial uf Marcus Gurvey will probably teke place about Decenber lst or shortly thereafter. Indicted with Gervey sre Zlie Gercit i formerly Secretary of the Sleck Star Line; George Tobias, formerly secre: he indictment contains eight counts, seven being for violetic tery, ana Orlundo Li, Thoxpson, former Vice President end General Lanager. of Section 215 of the U. S. Crin sl Code--use of the msils in « schene | to defreut, cn the eight for violation of Section 37-~conepirecy. It bas also veen lesrned thet Garvey perjured hitself ani eee tempted to conceal assets in supplementery proceecings brought before the Supreme Court in 3ronz County on August 19tk lest. | . Lenwhile the ilereus fense Fund is being reived anc | has reeched the sun of three thousand dollars, In this connection it is noticed thet precticelly no money to.erd this fund is veing received fron Yew Yory Scali contributions ave been received fron Jew Jersey st of t Sent froc Middle ami Couthvest es veli es cone parts of the South. A feir cond “Saueationsl vomereial Syposition" is being reld ot Liverty of the Untrersel Tegra Improv: Avaoviesion end the lst Pre ususl Sniay evening cs Feld at Liberty u, Henclette Tinton wrt ich isreua Gurves, be He JOSsPH CG. TUCLER 22. and A, J. Fowler were the apeskers. Garvey, in his speech, pointed out to the eudience that the negro's greatest enemy was the negro himself oni told them they should "create an environment of their own and follow in the civilizction of the other fellow thet bo refuses to admit you to on | ecgel terms.” The other speakers a1i ewlogized Garvey ond spoke of hin e thi greatest lesder and one of the grandest men of any rece. PUCLER S201AL KaPORT HOV. 18, 1922.! S- W3GRO ACTIVITIZS DRTV:RSA% U. OT: FROVSILINT ASSOCTATION The ususl Sunday night meeting of the above body took plese on the 12th inst. at Liberty Heli, the principal specker velug Lercus Gortey. Gervey announced that publication of "The Negro Times" would stert agein in the course of a week and that it was suspended only for the reeson that the printing plant wes veing enlarged at great expense to accommodate the increased volume of business. He also announced that his case would cone up in the Federal Court on November 27th and advised the combership of the orgsnization to be present and watch the proceedings. Ho thoroafter nade a speech slong the usual lines, and points ed out perticulcrly to his eudience what he termed wee the unfair treat- ment eccoried a negro boxer named Siki, both in Frame ami England, as weli as the allegea discrimination which he cleined was practised egeinst Jeck Johnson, enother negro pugiiist. In the course cf nis steech, eveazing of the treatment eccor-- i i "r2 I were | nite I would do just whet he is ergeody down, So I au not blesing hin, sing it, 1% the fool who wil. ellov kingel? to ve kept A since Ian not one of pt dorn, the feelow who £ down must oa eternslly vigilent. He rust be alveys watchin Len going to Euock bL (SOSEPH G. TUCKER wov. 18, 1! elso told bis hearers that if they were under the impression that the white race was going to ve kind to them and help them to become @ better and more prosperous race, they, the eudience, were making a tremendous | mistske. He also pointed out that so long as the negro would assist the white man in maintaining a position of supremacy and dominance, the negro will be regarded as the white man's friend. But should the negro attenpt to drew the line in his own interest, he would be regarded as a! eneny to society. The Karcus Garvey Defense Fund has now reached the totel of four thousani one hundred and forty-one dollers eni twenty cents (,4,141). 20). Nov, 25 purty LUT AnSOOI, Ou At the usucl Sumisy evening meeting of the above orgenization bela on ‘iovemoer 19th ut Licerty Hel, few York, Statement that it wee his intention to leave ier en extenied tour in the Western Stetes in the interests of the U. I. I A, He oteted thet the Federel euthurities hed notified hin that they were unready to proceed with the cuse egainst him et this time. It is known thet Asst. U. S. Attorney Liattuck, who ie to the case agcinst Garvey will oe reeay to proceed on becember 15th. de en address, tke 2uvject of ¥ nica was: "vhe | Burden of Leading the Hegro.” Ee told bis eudience thet while the neg ere wrangli: end fighting eech other in the United tetes, the ite world is centering on the exvloitetion eni development of Ee tol his their one kope is to redeem the county, their posterity vettaiis " Inthe! they aid uot redeen Atrice they end) "Goa the stron: y the Z maclie-9oa is | isin tt deli. Ine @ vit vom bere end exmect God to done down here he ace Weitine ror a lone tine. If you teke my OF On suk RO out pysicelly, Lientrlis, 7 JOSKrE G, TC SPECIAL RPO? Hov. 25, “politically, financteliy, educstioneli; end vight your own vattles. “This great white wen wie ie our neighour is a emrt feliou, and I conplinent hic for it. agein I repect thet I honor the white tan and respect the site wen cor bis mastery of bunan force, but if you follow this te wen he is going to lead you into the pit of Hell ve- ceuse thot is where he wents you.” Nene Ce eee ne SPTAL ROK? DE. 2,19226 GiN/AY 48 et present making a tour of tke country in the inte.ects of the above orgenizetion. Eis trirl ie set for the iSth of the rrsent month snd from present iudicetione will oven uson that cute. the exenimtion of witaesses vy the U. “attorney 4a scheduled to stert on tke 4th imstent. 620 ACIVET IES Accoréing to the latest inforaation, the trisl of need of the Bleck iter Stenvship Line and Universal ERC Tegro Inrrovenont issociation, cherged with a violetion of Section 215 of the .5.0.0, sill take plece sonetine after the first vi the peste JORSPE CL TUOLR S2CIML RIFOKT Dec, 16,1922. Rne trial after Christnos. In his orgen, the egro world, Garvey in bis usuel weezly lever, makes en etteck on the istional Avsocietion for tae Advence- ment of Colored Peorle. Ee Qhe African sedewmtion Sund kas resched a total of ¢20,F' 5 The izrcus Garvey Lefense Yuna has slso recched the sun af 46,162. Loreur Gervey vill provetly teke ince shortly| ond his associates, “lis Tarcia, Orlando I. homson and Teorge Tobias who were indicted some months ago on a charge of vidlating section 215 of the Criminal Code, using the mails in a schene to defraud, in con- nection with the investment in the stock of the Black Star Line, has Judge will hear the case. At the meetine of the Universe] Hegro Improvement societion st Liverty Hell on Londcy night, Lecemoer ilth, who tw t returnsa frou ¢ crip throwen the niedle the srincirel speeker. Ee steted thet during bis trip he hua cone in contect with thoneanas of xesbece of the UsliIsds, where he had seen en entkusinem ani devotion renizested he rad never seenecuslled. © said he had noticed a Geternination "to see the programme throx et whatever cozt.” Ee ct+tes that the ceuse of the Ust.I.A, bas been nrorerly weirked end the veonle are utoniing boldly vehind it ond ere deter- mined, cone to kave it realized. Fe elso steted trat the Yepro provlen ves a notions] issue end that unless steps were texen in the next few yeers, the Gero in the vorth wil. ee siition ag the liegro in the South in respect to his DEC. 23, 1922. The trial of Marcus tirvey, *resident of the Slack Star Line. been definitely set for Decoubor 26th. It is not known at this time whe: | Dac. 25,1927. at of the Solored “he United | L- "Zo gain for Mogro labor a higher rate of compensation ani to prevent capitalist exploitation and the oppression of the workera of the race. 2-~ “To establish a true rapprochement ani Zellow- ship within the darker races and with tha truly ‘@lass-conscious white workers." The srotherhood also hes what it terms "Tho Crusader Service" for the dissemination to the Negro press of the facts and conditions of events in the sphere of orgenized levor: reports af labor changes end increesingly the enlightened attitude towards the colored worler, ani sends out news of generel race- intereet interpr uu the working cless point of view.” Briggs claims thet this service is mailed twice each week end is used regulerly by over ona hundred Negro pepers, Otto Euiswood, uko is known to be one of the Negro nenbers of the Uonmunist Perty ent who is sold to have visited Soviet Russia some time ago, is a nationel orgenizer of the Africen Blood Brotherhood and a member of its Supreme Council. He recently returned to New Yorx efter an organizing trip on behalf of the orgenizetion to Zittsburg, Philddelphia, Chicago and several other cities. SPICIAL REFOXT “SEPT, 68,1923. | Chantior Cwen, who has long veen known as on ective | Uegro Socinlist, heving usen the nouinee of thet prrty for office on Severel oscacions, ond who with de UhLL1ip icbdolph hes been editor of The Lessenger Usgazine, hes left sew Zork ond luceted in Los angeles, i ceasit. Fron all eccounts Owen eppears to have renounced bis Soctalictic ideas es he is President of the California Development Conpuny with offices xt 12c1-1/2 Centrel avenue, Los Angeles. The compeny of Which Oven is President, it is sald will deal primerily sith eal estate and develovuent vrojects. ani is seid to heve alresdy Purchased a 12,090 gore piece of property. The conpeny, it is unierstood, Est announced thet it will provide for the locating of tones for negroes from the South in Los angeles. | | ne" = Spseqan icPor “SEFT. 81923, JOSEPH OC, TUCZIR Oyril srigrs 4s devoting all his attention to the affairs of the Africen slood srotherhood ond “he Crusader Service” He is being assisted in the latter work oy Otto iuiswood, another | Xegro-Comcunist ané they hve cen promised a mineograpbing nec bine by Allison of the Workers' Party, which hes moved ita headquarters 40 Chic ego. t 303271 GB. PUDLGR = Haz0RY eee FDS ee . i a ad dt $ AgHICAN 3 Cyril Briggs who is the prime mover in the cove i orgenizetion, issued curing the current period the “Lontbly Sulletin,” which wes eent to the nemberahip 02 the Brotherhood. In the | bulletin he steted thet e sick and deeth benefit fund would be esteb-i lished in the neer future and he eiso leid perticulir stress on the proposed establishuent of e number of co-operctive stores under the supervivion of tke africen Slood sro therhood. s _It ig understood from e confidential source that Post Lenelek of the Jrotherhood which bes ita teaicurrtera et 149 West 136th Street neg e@ memoership of 8722, included in which are about 2,000 women. Hotwith.tenaing the fect, however, that prec- tically all of these nemoers ere veia up to date in dues, the orgen~ ization seem to ve short of funis es the overhesd exrenses seen to | be quite lerge. Briggs has made the steteneut thet the Jrotherhood hed “three thousend quick-action cervers whom ke could Gell upun et eny tine and who would respond quicsly the next meeting of .ost Lenelek ig expected to take place within a few days when © cannaign | for increased membership will be instituted. STF RN rem oe = Bes .. JOSIPE CG. TR; has geen a corked inereszo in ceccerghin of the aricsm Blood Brovcer- hook ona thet cbilirer shuuid coeore senders an. all posts dd te t i | tena to tze work of orzenizing bodies of Tiger Scouts whose nges chou renge fron ten to eighteen and whose northly dues in the organization are to be five cents. : : : “ tke formetion of a sick benefit end death fund for the a. B. 3., but oyrii Briggs ie payin: precticelly ell of his attention to does not seen to have made much vrogress un to the present. : | oe : eee 7 (APRION! 31005 3..97E3z00L The dtrican Alood Broth rhood bes not veen active during the ex as a Sche.wled neeting bea to be colled off because of the illness of Grece Caspbell, one of the prize movers in the organization. Cyril Briggs is st4il busy in en enéeavor to put into oper- ation his co. ve store scheue & sufficient wt agreare te 1 goney to start it. Briggs ie eti11 getting out the Crusader Service” end the issue morked for release on September 2

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