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Police Brutality

Odafe Ivri
Professor Jinaki M. Abdullah
Eng 1313 .02
5 October 2016

As African Americans/ black people we fear for our lives when it comes
to confrontations with the police, and we are beginning to question whether
we can truly find freedom, justice, and equality within the United States. We
as a whole need to find solutions to these problems or different alternatives
that will lower the deaths rates of African Americans.
My thoughts are police taking advantage of their power that was given
to them. They think that having a badge that they can do whatever they and
get away with it. Then when they see other officers getting away with
murdering young black men the rest follow them. The police are getting
away with straight murder and the law/ government is doing nothing about
Officers can also find other solutions or different alternatives. Officers
can make better decisions in any circumstance unless they are threatening

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their life. they can use pepper spray, the baton, they can also Tase you. You
can restrain the criminal but taking away someones life is something no one
should have the power to do. Officers can also go through a different training
to help them not pull out their gun unless they absolutely have too.
All we want to do is have our freedom, justices, and our equality to
white people. We want to be truly free under the white people. We want
justice for all of the black men that were innocently shot or killed by the men
in blue. We want to be equal to the white men and be able to have the same
amount of opportunities as they do.
My poster is describing how black men/ women are being treated by
the white folk. It shows the relationship that we have with the white folks. It
is showing how black people get no justices for the crimes white people
commit. As in a black person will get way more punishment than a white
man that did the same thing. My poster also shows how they have been
killing innocent black men and women for doing absolutely nothing but living
their lives.

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