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Rehabilitation medicine by definition is a medical specialty concerned with diagnosis,

evaluation, and management of people of all ages and disabilities. Two rehabilitation careers
are occupational therapist and chiropractic therapist. These careers work to return patients back
to their original condition by helping them recover. This is important to healthcare because it can
help a person improve their condition. Professional organizations are mostly non-profit
organizations that helps student to get a career in medicine and improve public health.
Continuing education units are required to renew license/certification. Having a
license/certification is being able to legally practice your profession, certificates are issued by an
association. Licensure is authorised by the government agencies, you must pass a test and
maintain certain standards.
Gabby and Sarah
Drug and alcohol counselor is a very important person to many people who need help;
over 24 million in the United State are addicted to drugs or alcohol. They help with crisis and
long term management to become sober. Counselors help clients find housing, employment,
medical help, and peer support. People who come into this field of work are very good people,
with a huge heart. They have to be very understanding, and show how much they care, and
their clients become dependent and open to you. Going into this field of work doesnt just have
benefits including, they get the rewarding feeling of fixing families, and helping people in need.
Counselors usually work around forty hours a week, and its a full time job. The growth in this
job is twenty-two percent; thats faster than average. The counselors also are benefited with
Malpractice Insurance. I believe I have the traits to be strong, and help the people who are
really trying to begin a new life. You have to put yourself in their shoes. I can provide empathy,
and constantly being there to help them.
On the path to becoming a drug and alcohol counselor you start with getting a masters
or bachelors. Most common specialize in substance abuse counseling and alcohol and drug
abuse studies or addiction counseling. After graduating, you still have a to renew your
certification every five years. Within those five years, you still have a continuing education. They
must renew their certification every five years and within those five years you must do eighty
hours of the education. The continuing education is usually offered within the doctors office you
work at, or the hospital. The counselors can provide one on one treatment once they begin
working, and helping people.

Physical Therapy (e.m)

Jada and Erin
Physical therapists provide services that help restore function, improve mobility,
relieve pain, and limited or permanent physical disabilities in patients with an injury or
disease. They need patience, empathy, and communication skills to effectively do their
job. You will also need to know anatomy, how muscles work, and how to treat injuries.
In comparison to other jobs, it is mostly the same as other rehab careers, but physical
therapists work with bigger muscles.

Physical therapy is provided to civilians and military personnel. PTs are employed
by federal agencies, including the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA), Department of
Defense, and Indian Health Service (IHS). There is supposed to be an increase of job
opportunities in this field over the next few years. Professional traits for being a PT is
self-motivation, empathy, integrity, being patient and helping unmotivated patients. The
challenges may be that the patient or you yourself will be frustrated and ready to quit.

Emik Martinenco
Kyle Burns
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Trainers prevent injuries for athletes. They also make plans for athletes including
proper nutrition, they help with conditioning, flexibility, and strength training. Athletic Trainers
need many skills including active listening in order to know what happened to the athlete,
Critical thinking in order to be able to understand what is needed to be done, Coordination so
they dont make any injury worse. An athletic trainer is different from other rehab careers
because they involve fast thinking. Being an Athletic Trainer you have to be able to know right
away what to do to help prevent further injury you must be fast on your feet. Other rehab
careers have lots of time to actually make the injuries better without being in a rush.
Athletic Trainers on a national level work at college or professional sports games. On a
local level Athletic Trainers would be working at high schools and local club games, but either
level Athletic Trainers would be at games trying to prevent injuries and help them when they
happen. Only if the sports or schools bigger and need more athletic trainers. We believe we
understand how sports games work and this would be a major trait. We also have fast thinking
and this would be a great attribute to have. Some challenges would be knowing every single
muscle and how they work and medicine to give, but also being able to work on multiple people
at once if they all hurt.

Recreational Therapist
Karmen Merritt and Kaely Floyd
Similar to other rehabilitation careers, a recreational therapists job is to help their
patients gain back their everyday life that they have lost from injuries. As a recreational
therapist, professionals use leisure activities to enhance independence among patients by
relieving stress and anxiety. To be a recreational therapist, you must have a Bachelors Degree
in recreational therapy or another related field and a license with certifications. Along with the
degree and certifications, you must have patience and a caring heart to want to make an impact
in your patients everyday life. To be more than just a recreational therapist, a person can
choose to get certification in a more specific field, such as aerobic therapy, leaving room for
growth in this field. Nationally, recreational therapist jobs are expected to increase 12% from

2014 to 2024. Locally, recreational therapists are always needed. According to,
Tennessee hired 430-1,720 recreational therapists in 2015, much higher than most states.
To be a recreational therapist, we have patience and determination to help others
improve their everyday life. On this journey, it would be hard to see the patients become
frustrated and lose their determination to get better. It would be difficult to try to convince the
patients to continue with their therapy if they try to give up.

Tori and Abigal

Speech Therapist
A speech therapist assesses and diagnose the patient with the disorder or complication
they are encountering then they use all their exercises and knowledge to make the patient
better. Skills or professional traits needed to become a great speech therapist is a aptitudinal
attitude and positivity when communicating with a patient and gathering information on the
patient or their problem. This differs from another rehab career like physical therapy because we
work on helping the patient swallow without choking and swallowing whole foods since they
have a weak epiglottis and could aspirate. The job outlook of a speech therapist is 21% and the
employment from 2014-2024 is 28,900. We actually found 15 jobs for a speech therapist here in
Knoxville. The professional traits that youll have to posse to fulfill the job of being a speech
therapist is being compassionate, a people person, empathy for the patient and what they are
going through, and a motivated problem solver. Challenges that you would face embarking on
the journey of being a speech therapist is not being able to fully comprehend what is wrong with
the patient, or getting frustrated by the slow rate of progression to being back to as normal as

Shelby Dangerfield & Natalie Hairr

Music, Art,& Dance therapy
The role of our assigned career Music, Art, and Dance therapy, must use all of its
qualities which is physical, emotional, mental, & social to help children or adults with disabilities
to recover their educational results. The aim for this career is to arrange some effective art and
music therapy methods. The skills that comes with this career deals with communication,
flexibility, and adaptability with patients. It compares to other rehab careers like Occupational
therapy, using motor skills to using utensils Music therapy helps with speech using movement in
hands with instruments. Employment on a national level is that over 5,000 music therapists are
employed throughout the United States, continuing an increase predicted future. Areas for
growth in this career are 13% between 2012 and 2022. Traits that would enable us for this
career would be communication skills with the patients and helping them also learn how to pick
up a paintbrush and paint even if it is just a line for movement. Challenges that we may face on
this journey could be lack of interest in music, not wanting to cooperate with the therapists.

Occupational Therapist
Leon, lyanne
Occupational Therapist helps the patient perform activities of daily living that require fine
motor skills such as: eating with utensils, brushing hair, and buttoning a shirt
Notes. By focusing on wellness, managing chronic disease, improving function, and supporting
independence, occupational therapy practitioners can help the primary care team as well. In
order to become an Occupational Therapist, you will need to be creative and an adaptable
approach to work. The ability to design and develop individual treatment programs, good written
and spoken communication skills, ability to form good writing and spoken communication skills,
ability to form good working relationships with a wide variety of people, and most importantly a
good sense of humor. With this career you have to have plenty of patience since its not any
easy task to wait patiently for someone to learn something all over that is simple for us.
Employment of occupational therapists is projected to grow 27% from 2014 to 2024, which is
much faster than the average for all occupations. Occupational therapy will continue to be an
important job for treatment of people with various illnesses and disabilities. Average Americans
work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job thats enjoyable and a career that's
fulfilling. A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get
promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Here's how this job's
satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility. Frustration towards
patients may be presented but we have to be patient and understand their situation.
The role of a Chiropractor is that they believe the causes of ones illness is due to the
misalignment of their spine. This is a complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and
manipulative treatment of misalignment of the joints as well. Chiropractors must be a person
who is comfortable dealing with people- talking and touching. Have good communication skills,
shows empathy being able to understand what the patient is going through. In order to do this
career, the employee must be specialized in the muscular and skeletal systems also know
pressure points, the joints and anatomy of the body.
One way that this career is different from other rehab careers is that everything is based
on the misalignment of the spinal cord. The growth of this job is twice as high than the 14% in all
U.S occupations combined. This job is in a high demand due to the growth in the elderly
population. When you get older you experience more problems in your back. When
communities are further educated about chiropractic treatment the demand increases. The
insurance coverage for this is also growing. I feel like I possess the good listening skills you
need to have when being with a patient and knowing whats wrong with them, being able to
show empathy. Some challenges would be that you have to know the Muscular and skeletal

Jennifer, Naomi

Pet Therapy
Jackson Leslie and Melody Black
Pet therapists are often mental or physical health care professionals who use
animals as an additional component of their treatment plans. The therapists watch the
sessions that the animals have with the patients to see if the job is being done. Most of
the animals are to help with anxiety issues which helps with handling physical mobility
for direct handling. Dogs are the most used in animal therapy. Some other animals are
cats, rabbits, horses, and dolphins have been used before for specific therapy. People
in pet therapy must have access to animals that are comfortable with new surroundings
and people. The people that work in this group have to be able to work well with
animals. The workers have to make sure that the animals are trained well and friendly. It
can be very similar to other rehab careers because the animals are helping cheer
people up and help rehabilitate them. Employment opportunities in the animal assisted
therapy field were predicted to grow 22% during the 2012-2022 decade. There is
definitely room for growth considering that it is predicted to grow 22%. Some traits you
would need for this job is patience. They would have to know what dogs or animals to
pick out. Some of the challenges you would face is training the animals to be a people
person. The way you train them to be a people person is you bring them around a few
people at a time and see how it goes from there.


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