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Dante Joy

English 102- Honors

Trent M. Kays
Beginning my second year of college I enrolled into English 102- honors. A class
required by my major in order to graduate. While in this class I learned a great deal
about current events, different perspectives, and grasped various tactics to tackling a
paper. The most difficult being the hours spent writing thousand word essays and the
contents inside. However, I have never been one who found it hard to express himself
and my writing reflect my confident attitude as such. I hope to improve on the spelling
and grammar of my writing as I progress through the rigorous stages of my academic
career. This class has taught me patience is very important, working alongside others
and ensuring the matter at hand is finished. Although working with others has it downfall
such as procrastination, different ideas, and attendance on day of presentation. It yields
in benefits, one I previously stated as being a downfall which is different perspectives.
This increases the pool of ideas on which we can generate for the overall and longevity
of the essay. In addition, I learned a vast majority about the African American
community, civil and segregated ideals, and a great deal about the social aspects within
the African American community. The main current topic surrounding this semester was
the massive debate of Hillary vs Trump. This sparked countless feud within our class
and many were either social or political debates. The year twenty sixteen was a very
special year in which Trent Kays taught a magnificent English course.

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