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against all odds contre toute attente CUCU Ree UCU Cem CCU According to the Fibonacei sequence of Leonardo di (1170-1240), everything on earth is predete ‘mathematical probabilities. The patterns are hidden in plain sight You just have to know schere to took, ‘Thinge most people see as chaos, actually follow a set of law of behavior. If we could see them, life sould be magical beyond our wildest dreams. The quantum entanglement of cause and effect rchere everyhing and everyone reflect oneach other, every action, every breath, every conscious thought ..comnected ‘The ratio is alueays the same. 1:1,618 over and over again, Galaxies, plants, sea shells, the segments of a pineapple. Mathematical in design, the patterns neverlie 1 live on this planet among 7 billions 80 millions 360 thousands other peoples. aon weill cay 2250 coords to 74 is messages, all adding to the giant mosaie of patterns and ratios. ‘Yet we'lstill feel alone. 7 billions people on a tiny planet, suspended in the vasiness of space ...all alone Howse make sense of that isthe great mystery of our frail existence. Maybe it's being alone in the universe that's old ‘us all together, that keeps us needing one another in the smallest of ways : creating a quantum entanglement of you, of me, of us. And if that’s wally 1 everything is possible. then sce live in a seorld scheve fim kring Selon Leonardo di Pisa (1170-1210) dans su suite de Fibonacci, tout sur ta probabilités mathématique Lex plans sont juste sous wos yous. I suffi de savoir ois ree est prédéterminé par des regarder, Les chosex que la plupart des gens voient comme le chaos, suivent en réalilé un jew de loi de comportement Si nous pouvionsles voir lavie serail magique, an-dela de nna téven tex plu fore Lienchevétrement quantique de cause i effet oie tout et hacen réfléchit Un sur Uautre ; chaque action, chaque souffle, chaque pensée consciente Le ratio est toujours le méme, 1:1.618 encore et encore Galaxies, plantes, coquillages, Tes segments d'une ‘orange... La moindw structure est laujours parfaite Je vis sur cette planite au mitiew de 7 milliards, 80 nillions, 360 milles autres personni Anjourd' hui, ¢ un dira en mayenne 2250 mots i 74 ‘autres personnes, Nous enverrons plus de 300 milliarde demaila, 19 milliards de ams, et tout cela iendra s'ajou. ler ala mosaique géante des plans et des ratios, lons | de personnes sur une plandte minuscule, suspendue dans Vimmensité de Vespace. Entizrement seuls, Comment donner un sens au plus grand mystere de wotre frile existence ? Peut-five qu’étre seul dans Vunivers est ce des autres :la création d'un enchevélrement quantiquequi serait fail de vows, de-moi,de-nows, Si c'est vraiment le cas, alors nows vivons dans wn monde FAIT POUR DES IMAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES i De BESTA wNancuNesstinMoesin rr eNIt — wwweoneer-parcom CONCat anentiles actions, Surceillezvox actions, ‘avant qu’elles ne deviennent des habituide Surveill v0s habituses woant qu'eltes ne deviennent Watch your actions before they become habits. Wate ypurhobs bf: they Become you charac Z Watehyoter character Before it bacomes your Jae. jerome okermnred jer aller anthony pect Ai won terse. Joahehine baba me. peat * : ee - by ae ae = ee Ta oui Fb ¥ Sais sk ei pce cuguatiniesal +elfredebrant eo ae y tatanasrga pone tana ire 4 Nit ei incr ete, kine fuse err, x \ % /\ é : : ~ » 3 My ss ll \ rp T © © y “3 FOUR 20122 THE EXCLUSIVE CUSTOM-MADE TRADESHOW FOR THE CREATIVE COMMUNITY WEDNESDAY 18" & THURSDAY 19™ APRIL 5 . LONDON “4 NEW YORK // WEDNESDAY 6™ & THURSDAY 7™ JUNE PARIS // FALL 2012 CONNECTIONS is LE BOOK live. The place to find talent for all your campaigns, editorials and other visual productions FOr CHA P ¥ Mp, ies ¢ for fashion, photography, enue Me atta 5 international collectors’ print editions per year NCO eau! SenaOrT eamreen ee ge nd portfolios. The very best of the creative industry Pee Det ah a toutes ces images ex imagen dun Ar elles denon compa, ont tout {ee inaable, Rn ler egurlunt je ver oor leu len depuis Vorigine, sented ligueleres concerts, je me ra Palle du cane ov dh foi dh Hew es date, du hors cham, feta murprige den aenin aadour de elle remmaie ae shange A merare que jevolue, image nemo, donne aadre chow avai fru cr quelle mann jour pow rin sane que se former ne ne Aiptacent, Peat mon mppior hells ql moe eet ma dap ition demiroi A quai downer cin en avant une image de tai? Cex images {qd nous runinsent oi rtentelles Sy rece: om tonjours, smdme quand Fun lew deiruit? Klee weacmbtent i ew ravines ‘chien jour hui sn fee anseten, ata tite a danger Un jour niques eaialies, injuaéex de sentiment, ellen rege vent progrenivement leur canton premire; un ansemblage de Jormes de couleur, un grin, wn fur te mative physique qui a por ute hose que ne prope mate pour xe fave Hie. Cha tune d'tles plate wm pai gayi dans la mae pad ui * doigne- Biles ont Calla de protorationas dane mimote qui me utp more trea omme ue illaion, Ajeet hu qu mane fy ames pax ensemble, je cmprende que ter ai ait an mirage, une da rene parodie: quark lesa vie voleet tn flo menace contimellzmentdle les fairenanfrager. Qu dles sont mentale maa, ‘a plus ellen images ont er mo wn fet ema aloe ple tells mt eiquer: elle me Lancet comme ua Sans medownerense de bong, lexlaissel él partie de ai sem wn expe pi hat Lint Imowsement que je me rdvouce. (Cetra depwinies images eo pele vere moi gu sme comtsil ser leroy que jeconnain per lesentira Pinterienr, gue je-peunexplaverxana fin. Ce ena infin co ter Meu qui remsemblent a lande de Dubliners fle de pits denser e de hoc do-scop, ah myplere une image ui monte dex hese ‘une grande hai ita. tombee ie la wu, jy marche nana en traces, cele sourie et We neient de ma dente, de pry inamacites ponent me fondalions, Je nei ps fort ace mement fue louncru gui cherchent en sin leurs alaskense je the conmais pt la tonite de ners con somes sa erase mo ce pemeellament meompont dex rife lima qu sme rompene Acar de Vorage, que nao mont de tex Landen ice west a mer qui bo le sable de ex pages? inj spe te © dances vine antowme SOUb Yer © photos jerome dalmeida Lacollection de ruptures LUT: Sesion cheeher de affaires, ELLE (sans inser mn journal) : Laine. je oui dit pad che leteinterier LUT Ta mecomprends pas Fe ai aes, jem se (apperenment nd évente laujoursderrine wn journal) Eitutenses out? LUT: Jeneanis pas. Ailewrs Jemeplanterai devant paren des dépats ee chain ta deaGvatien qui aura te nom te ple oun K, te diconselle 7 LUE (meilard des fires daa nt): Nome pein plus Chi 1 (njnrs dewib 0 jonmal) * Cent bien ma seine It faut que ta Ven ailler pour que je dvounre queer super ealé en ve soit un pe triste Au revoir Marian teate edgard montjean nolwenn brod ww derive? Tu me demandes je regoiatoutesteletren, Moi, jeme demandes tu ti ler miewnes fort mal ew tout eas. La place limite wablge& condenser ma pensée de la date la signature, chaque mot exprime wne réuite Drofonde, Bien sowcent fai le cour ser en constatant aque mex mols weceillen! dane tex reponaey qu'un én Bien faible. Sécoque tel sujet termine, Je Ventrions de lle ffare. Je fais une allusion préiee, Je cherhe om ‘ain, me seait-ee qu'un mot qui me dise que nous nous amines compris et que nous samance i 'unianon. de te (ai jt aiané entendre dans mes précédenes lettres, La communion dex enfants fait une chowe importante ur laquelle jaurais aime des dats. ce demande tu ma écrit en effet... que tu me Vavais déja écrit La sanlé. Creat dome Pabnence de sanlé que tu appeles la Bowne santé. Tw m’as dit que tw detain suite wn traitement, sans wen dive plus. Tait dece qui eat on tei. Turne doi pas trourer maurais que ela me prdoeupe particalizement. Que sais de toi de ce que (u pene, de ce que tu fas, de tes occupations ? Juste ce que je sais dle w'importe qui dans ton cas, oblgée de traailler pour ‘ior ase ex enfant Ce que je devraie savoir de Wi, ute distinguerait de « wimpare laquelle», tu aCosex pas me le dive. qui oxranta alos te confer? N'aicje plus ta comfiance que je wai jamais cant de méiter? Si je dois m'en sortir physiquement et momitement apres pla detois ane de captiité ot desi, «1 ce wert pas fini, ‘nate anon le cur eat encore inlate, et ma Mémoire entire, car on vit muriow! par le souvent, Jere sowcent avec attendissement lex prenves atlachemont ue {nines prodiguéer.devoudraisn avoir paad auleexonven ‘Avi jamain penaé que notre situation aurait pu Ee fou dautre #7Te soils en vacancer, mire de famille sans mati et sans enfant. Quel projets auraisa® Tu ne devia air ae Vembarras du chaiz pour Foceuper, au jardin et & la ‘main qui doit dre forcement lain. Je ai vile mon amr ei und mex deus eties mensweller, Puiaestu lee teeevolvensemble! Time faud maintenant elendre six semaines ta réponsen, Que wapporteraelle? « Vraiment, mon Jean je ne comprenis pas >. Mais alors ui me comprendra ? Ol, Tinaine ler mote qu rasnrend et epainent parce quils viennent de ton eweur ? Ce coeur que je vertu ojours centitrement i moi. Je ne tai déja que trop perduc, fart-il Ate je le perde encore davantage t Tul cla peu! parailre Tien petit el dex conculions qui tordeut le dems de note plant, mais oie Tex petits, Fes tut pon moi ele reatewziste qu apré sous. 'ln lait antrement, ta lle whem’ ural pas buleverde Se sais que tw ne peur, en devs letres et deus cartes par mois, me livrer une description complete et fidele de votre ‘ie, mate tu aaa ei et ais enter le maim. Si nous passoms cis, te courrir dont nous bénéficerons sera peutdie la principale améioralion. Hl faut que je marie, Quajouteraix jet Ne Cai-je par dij tout dit ? The rete plus qu’ atendre, cela ne changera pas. Je ne Juis par ante chove depuis lnglemps. J expire que mon Ateate ne ara paa vane. Priczbien pour moi ponrqu'ien soi aina et que je tons ois rendu bien Je vous embranae comin je ous aime, Je vous aime tant C orvespondance — Es-tu lasse de mattendre ot de Ninienagaor ts (smn ot orvespond Are you tired of wait ing and reviting to me? You asked if Te ceived all your letters, But 1 sconder if you saetually vead mine, anil pethaps you do, but in the wrong sway. Limited space forces meto redueeschat I scant lo serie d from the date at the top of the page to the xignalnre, ach word covey a often hve aheaey heart th in your responses if angling at specific, Lwerite astory of I hint at something in particular, In your laters, I'm looking for some proof that we under bout in vain, Ease amy letters arowse euch a distant echo stand one ther, that we are in harm falrealy to you a ‘abou the chile na this im any previous letters, Wha first communion? I soould ike to knone same details about this important matter. When 1 asked ow said that yout had already told abowt it! And health! By it the absence of health that you call “in good health”? You tol me about a treatment you'd under gone and then nothing, more, Dow't think less of me for being worried about you. What do I enose about you, about shat you thinks, xchat yon do, your daily habits outdoors? 1 know only that yon are ike any bi Joreed to work in order olive with her thildven, Yourwcoulda’'t dave tell me anylhing abou! you that touli distinguish you from others like you. Who then scill be your confidant? Don't you trust me anymore? all dhink that U never slopped manage t leave three years of ea et) my ‘memory is intact, beeause here ce all tay alive th memories. Fajen think tenerdy ofthe proof Uhave of your live your devation, I xeish these were my only memories Have yourver considered completely different? Here you are mother ofa amit aloursitwation could hare been ‘on holiday, the th neither ehildren wor husband. What cere your plans? Vou must have had an embarrassment of Fishes to have to choose between the garden and the house, ashich mi sd mny heart out and ve used my tio monthly letters, Lf only you could receive ‘hom atthe same time! None, 1 have to wait six woeks jor your response. What 2 L veally don't understand, my dear Jean” Then reo will? Where will Fvead the soothing and norting words that should come from your heart and howe me that its still mine? Hve already lost you enough fam 1 to wait to lose you even more? AU this might look insignificant compared to the pangs ranunder, but everyphing else matters lees tome than you andl the children. Uf this cevew't true, your last leer couldn't hace abatered me as it did, four planet beingtorn T krone that you cannot relate your life im faithful and ters and to cards a month, but yo krane hore to make the most of your seriting. [fone day se can again be civilians, if we are able to send ana vee lettre to ome another than all sill have been xorthschile. 1 hhave to top here, What should Ladd? Hace L not said i all? Thace only a wait; thie owt change, For sa Tong Pve done ho nothingele, Honly hope th je i 30 and fo yo acith my le. er ‘bein vain, Pray forme won tobe released very soon. Lembruce yon xomuch, e text[e] vatticier oe ; carte blanche cane perne erative word til wondering Wha log” I ‘ntaptieon De Pe te nba fossa ods rede digas by Inecing ey prone draiog oe Viet On Fon weal com Dye ey ofthe ager’ whe unarmed oad eucomaier pee erases tearing bias ah bah afeerlorsend nfs faeaie crmenral ord Stel: n 2004 Shel iw an Fac Pm (USVOFF esac) hs ber Sill pus ol ela tere paseus ware mores og Teel teal ois hink ASVOFF woth orn oat of ic rts eel ost ona motion rng to maintain a readership of well over iding voice in her industry soon realised that a platform was 1 to tap inte new bu ‘ral pow ASVOFF is now a celebrated international festival comp es. feature filn - out-of stallations. dita von eese diane perne Silty or seventy years ago there was an exquisite ritual in the ceremony of resentation. twas a meticulous, slow and persevering elegance in the art of dressing wp or ‘undressing, These courteous manners have somehow gotten lost with modern life. LT sat down with the always glamorous Dita Von Teese to discuss her thoughts on life and glamour Diane from hepa ds you Diva Von ‘ese: L mostly mise that everday things weve once mae with 4 sense of artistry and beaut am see ecamples ofthis everychere in design of the past, from cars, homes, small household appliances....etty much evenghing. This is something thal i definitly los fr the most part ‘atthe present time, andi it dare exia, its usually out of most people's price anges, whereas once upon a time, ‘almost exerypne conld afford to have Pout in their eoeryiy tives collect lots of antiques, and Fam constantly amazed atthe crafiamanaip of thins that sceren't even rer or cosy, expe ally in Ameriea,,..ecen the avery Joes er wus beatiful inside nl fot, al you ea il lta andl of example of engflamanship in tile ‘kings that ser” for the verge const ‘mer. Heat just normal! Ia reavon 1 love fea-muarketing in the US, there's Jus so much of io fin here still and ‘heap. think that ix beeause the 1s aud 508 wer auch a gr America. where llsof 20a ling produced, Jor moss con so there fa Milka lot of ively be collected enjoye Patiful bey of youre inf DUT: Lado a loaf pitatens and think the hey is thal yon cat eve let youl go. H'2e never wally taken time of rom habits 81% of tc time, Font eat junk fond. and shew doing, is Jor a 0d wean, tke DIVINE Joa from a {fabulows esearand? Flow drnlesoda fatal, T haven't in oer decile half. Ware Weare that you ca our boy to love healthy things, aa to stop cng junk. U dink ‘ing geeen smoothie exery day anal af er a month of hacing it cack morning instead of eggs. my body nove ceases avcens, Vou can train your body tov Jeet sigar tao. mavely crave sees, ‘a get ening, ba i's move for ings ihe chips with guacamole an tacost Ws imposible to find great mexican food in pari, a Fm snafes when there, but ie Lat..ccell, there we have mexican Joo, anu actually increible healthy Joo Someone is axays telling me about some AML ZANG mesivan spots in Purix, ad then Ugo, ana ite nat very god, so Tse sontofpison upon that here, Same with sega foul...itall quite meocee, se Jor hate heathy euinine eles. So anypoay, Pari in fabulous for many, many things, but for Mexican and vegan oF rae fod. rot 40 much, And asking « parisian reaiter if the soup ix made with ewan ia kind of blasphemy. You jut can't ‘ak that! Taio have a harder tie kee ping up with my pilates avd ballet rou timer there, because i's not ax easy lo ron with the (aris and such, 90 ‘very hard to slay health yschen 1 lax abiton ig while Lising don't stay to lng, U hase to win At paris fo re-set my uyicaly pe: DVT: 1 just cant to havea nie supe ‘and enjay the look: and fee ofa corat T don't actualy hae the diseipline to corset train, 1 don't want ta lst in a forse When T seas younger anal cor sets ree really rare (here were maybe thee oF four good corset makers tn everyday tife.Lstated 1 1989, and ites just here was wo big pinup) ‘scene then, Over the the anie by of beautiful loft duchesse silkr, mare laces, mb the only aay ogo Beyond i a Mr. Pear, because no one can do rohat he docs, No ane! He's maser, 1 swear corals onstage for my shows, for pietures, and occasionally tha dre tailored to my cinched-shape, and of ore, nore that Uwe Mr, Part al the quality and fel of hix incredible seork, I le weearing, HIS corst... tout Fatt cant imagine hacing all of ry clothes tailared to my corset-shape Mr, Pra’ dismay! VTS 1 think that the only reat way {forthe burtenque scene to survive is if performers start secing it as something ha int just retro. if they can begin to gan the idea of the spirit of bur league but without thinking that it's Jub about retry style T think that the ‘Marulands are being set higher ax mare ‘and more performers ness their acts, ‘an nul unique act ae formed [part ofxhat shaped my camer in the first place DVT: Theres ‘a altbave on hthing ny intageitio ha Tales ar mae, Trsaned hep it very simple foreach ean, can sy fred and nuke ue each pe pf and at ely designed mpl rath hae Icing omeoné do fore. Some ofthe rans ee based om pce ae cornor 12 yparsxer anderen aentanentoa death tne centri hace made them mone cara by hanging itl things ik tweldiney, hemline, and making than out of he et quit ries they made oa bah pyscally andy Aa agin, keto, Muse by Dita Vow Tov fe dremovacic "ing tein phasis wo. Thiet reo ing ig, it relly abot ‘loc mrt desn fade th ti DVT: Betty Gres my ft ose, mat hase ben cat 7 oF shen Lge one of hse WWE encom th her anda Mira and x boleh on that exact em of lt th hart rake the cerdeoe, Uno tied of ething ne fl, ey ar enuf and tac spel me in Ameria Lsnssch great onmtry then. My dl colton is mastly comprised of tha tebe murals rom the Hs, Uso bed Marlyn Monee, toscth her bend ow Ty ensemble something hat taught taunt myc perfor ace al ae bringing hase leet dash of uma, thats soma sey Is tant bing an eter Is ot abou being beatiful and sey and sophisticated in appearence als revealing yoref an Lnghing at your, that is the wage hingtha ae peopl at for yaaa ae DVT: Wa Lent foshion sen or aod a your case Tug ‘wunedtossrkin fosion bu thal nme Torlarting ora my s ts monling ihe fish ene aa 1 kept dropping ual trae od jo a a paler mahing bu es aking seca buat staring al a i part of cha sparked my ei to get mow ind th tro age i my el desing tye an fn Sol-wusjuttakingar dors falingatthombense Ica: dseny i ing lato pe for eh magix europe... Lal ot something rom tal, em ifsc aeta dye? DVT“ ely te to perform my Opium Dn sn, be aus ithe west nique, eivematic end tines, ane en very proof ad ofr, oe in burr has Wand copie it. My other umes gt up ali. Labelse dtle Rhinestone Cnet hrs bowie ite fy and caters, and tbringathe house in che Td tin om fullof el burs faa hraua Wa atchat ey sly se from rr bemse the staging is cul. Bu Tg it depends on rb the ‘auc i Sometimes ifr that devi, Po hap nts and even my cov ess vt bese ica fre aa mater sln'sinthe tnaieee een hye ner heard they kei, Hae en init Tusullyreinceat ne: ernst | dont gt bred ding igh we Mr Purl i making anr cont forthe besser of ad Alexis Mebile x making bratiful treo go eit. DVT: Ha hae the ish prea Bertie Lg ere ih ie his Jura: Dia xd ot isto porn forte Prine? The Quents Me: sth yeaa gue Why nt Tice dang se, Lon ely careseo efor «..Ctothe gan tao heave «RAUNCHY DITA DYIN TER KIT OFF FORTHE QUEEN! Weve ail they ka we the ord ean. aml ay, tink thebrish prea ce hae wo deity chat sever on thre reporting. His Tcl any Um grneraicing, ba invmy experience, en! Their enstonalit eadlne aoe rary hae ‘aphid ht the pera being interim. Note nen tine yo veatheeeile, DVT: ve taken he bof burexgu nde ae going four with Lise [Nation supporting the ur thie pring Hm really excite and being a to perm ny mt Lavish shox ox part ofthis inet inc of ba leu performer that 'e chosen. Thre hat weer ben burke age kas ‘wthatnderof showmanship tahigh Igoarenecll Hary sgl per Jrmer ce hae brings he howe del We ae artng on the Wen Goa in Ameri this pring, nen moving the US au find bringin, ito Kuve in late 207, Illy sane gt bak to pefrming in he US, bce ast my ses hae Wen in crop the pte rar The schndukclhe pean atsece dianet Diane Peret for Ninja magacine cathervne diane perne a nen Gripe baba Australian stylist and designer based in Paris for eighteen years, Catherine Baba is eccentric, a modern day Greta Garbo wearing vintage pieces, a turban, sunglasses and high heels as she pedals her bike through the streets of Paris. My style could be defined as inter-war blit although T have a weakness for Lanvin she said. During Paris fashion week she launched a jewelr collection of couture pieces for Maison Gripoia. Catherine is always ‘on’, and rather than try to sum wp our conversation, L thought it would be far more interesting just to let her speak for herself. was deep sea diving in the ocean of neo-romanticism! dark & smoky possib ‘he minds of the pseudo-punk poets in c was int even misty dens of ing prose verse & ls swaying ser c was flying high in the mythological rmousseline sky of opium & absintle mingling with Wilde, Beardsley, Bernhardt & AL One late october mom, whilst ceyeling om Ue rivoli celebrating birth, she happened upon the vitrine chez Gallignani homaging the writers posts artists from tum-of-the-century late 60s to easly 19008 counter & post vieto nism, She invested! Mid november she wasapproached to collaborate & ereateher collection for Gripoix. Her respons complete & uller po Official work on producing Ube collection commenced the ast days oF ja Introd ten for Sars ar Wilde & illustrated by dsley, a tragedy later performed for the silent silver sercen by Alla Nazi Aubrey E Paon, her earrings embracing Uke peacock, fetish avian {talisman of the neo-romanties, symbolizing love, compassion, knewledge, patience & ctemal life his phumagecyes are stars Une heavenly hemispheric skies. Fortuna, her tresor chest oe fortune & luck in jade & oF (gold) Cupidon dedicated to the goddess of Judooor' her arrow brooch, piercing Uhrough the heart fi {the heavens of eupids bow bleeding with desire Geisha, her lipstick holding sautoir, devoted to the beauty of lips that schisper words of love, Dragon, impesi embracing the mythical cereale thal symbol Aegle, her helt come choker, & beauty of tf Phoenix, hor belt come 1y wealth & longevity: spired by tl nymph of health, choy. necklace & come again harness symbolizes the ancient mythical firebird resonating renaissance &etemit Coeur, her bracel the heart beats life & power to love, illustrating the poaco plieeof the neo-roM Ver poukless of love & bea ler her pressed pe pact cuff, represents the Vanity; her mirror ring, reflecting perfection when one feels If toreapply & re Loach one inj agin © we blunela dine porn Collection was evolving & Twas deseri= bing her to you You asked if Lakshmi the hindu god: Voila kl Jutch bracelet, fina Iivest & her but definitely not the hi is the brightest evoking light wisdom fertility & fortune J Losey’s ‘Boom’ iam), adapted fe se Willian the milkman doesn't stop here anymore, orchesteatio nals John harry, theatricals Elizabeth Richard Burton, Noel Coward 1s] theart dircetion | theseript a | the sou Ue looks phy Tigh idowor every A completely misunderstood & under rated masterpicec! Being 1 my first ln ever is priceless and divine Directors, among the living, she would lover an abridged version:) Reo anski Martin Seorses work with sry Schatz nan Po Pee sdovar wn | Gus Van Sant | David Wong Kar Wai | an Claude Chabrol | Quentin MeQueen | Julian Jim Jarmusch | Alfonse Spike Lee | Blake Kalua la | Guy Maddin | Zoe David Jean Lue Godard | Miche John Cameron Mit- Jonze Campion Tarantino | Stew Sola Cs Cassavetes | Baz Lulirmann Fincher Hazanavicius Spil Quay Brothers n Frears | Chris Cunningham Ryan MeGiney Clint Eastwood. When Twas bom my eldest sister's rerth Jadooor injections of Rick Owens in any life! More Viitton male & female in Moments of Martine Sitbon jadooor! Jadooor Martin Geant .jispeceab) coupe couture! Jadooor Raf Simmons, vintage Yves Saint-Laurent, Lanvin, Givenchy, Aluia, Haider, Ackermann and encore Schiaparelli, Grés, Bob Mackie, Antony Price, Jeremy Scott Tam faithful but not possessive Dirssing up is « glorious rite & ritual in Tite jadooor embracing be it 15 minutes or forever! Boredom generale Once upon a time, many Fashion weeks head for ago, wore w chan a fashion fete. My friem, phot Ali Madhavi, had is Ui @handelier from their living, bless them, to cater to my fantasia The weight of the world was upon us! Perfcet Parisian nightings to symphoni Diane Bom master diane pearl perne When Mr. Pearl was a young boy of 3 he used to help his grandmother lace herself into her corset. She wore it everyday and that was the beginning of his fascination for the corset, over the years that followed his mind went in other directions. From the age of 13 he dreamt of moving to London and could not wait to leave South Africa. As soon as he finished his military service he was off to London and one of the first stops was Manolo Blahnik where he bought too pairs of shoes and then was ready to head off to the BLITZ. New Romantics were all I cared for along with the incredible museums, I had no idea I would end up in Paris but after 3 1% years in NYC, Iwas introduced to Paris through Thierry Mugler whom I met in NYC and started working for in Paris Said Mr, Pearl. Mr. Pratl started comseting himself after he saw photograph ean lend to unl ff ukir Monafar atthe a ded feedomn, which ae usefil in human inte © of 20, ne of the most fascinating, ruetions oth private and secial, The perfected, hourglass shape ysteriousand seduetive aspeetsof corsetry is the possibility to attained through years of corset wearing sugyests delicacy and alter the human forms throu eof eu, structure (be 1 strength, It abso gives the Aiseipline, elegance and a sand tho srmple, yet important, corset lnc.” The best material wearer « sense of freedom, How far you ean go in reducing the for corsets are natural fibers, silk, cotton an sadly, the unavai-— meas ‘nl of the waist also as to do with age: at one point Inble whale-boncs, whieh give the maximum reslts. Some nylon you reach a plate Hr sheneonee further. TH ality asa second skin.” Suid Me. Pearl. ismgjcl nny’ smaller is simply from the divine, Those with the 18" waist is interesting for it q divine status hel Granger inches, Poaire 1sinches, Dance has abrays awe inspired Mr. Pearl with the awareness of Cathy ding 1 upress of Austria 16 inches the hody and its lines and that in partis wht led Mr. Peatl to and Fakir Musafar,18inches, the defined world of corsetry: He started out working in the war sare we've admired Mr, Peatls creations on the ley Hall, \ee- gue, Sophie Dal and seen his work on the ru Mugler, Christian Lacroix, John Galliano, Jean Puul Gaultier, loys the Vivienne Westwood, Alexander MeQucen & Hussein Chalayan himselfa Asa total pert robe of theballet company he was ater to oin. “Boned baices ‘Through the ‘were theinitial step to the fase with thesilhouelteaniits most icone wou a Vou Teese lie conrves, Lek nid Mr. Pearl, though he i a legend is 1 lassi hallet an corsets are dep or 1 of Thierry eworkd ate ist, Mr, Peart considers all had faults snl comet missing ingredients but although he cannot give a favorite mo: sleeps in their corset if mentinhisearcer he docs admit that seeing Dita von Teese in his iat eduction. “Corsetry is corset is the ultimate heauty for h n.“Corsetry isan exchange wave very rewarding the ywenrer shares with the viewer itis the most intimate of all epersonality whoem- adornments, One oan self depending ifthe corse has Drnces corsotey iseonneetingg with a deeper selfawsrvness both an opening in the front but to be tunlaced is far more mentally and physically. ” Said Mr, Pearl, Wearing a corset is pleasurable Suid Mr. Pen empowering, One is contained, supported a 4 restrained which Diane Ped for Ninja magazine wetes ]) crteiere diane wmnocent les rover andre faces the ola grochowska andrert zach models robin & james hair é&-make-up pace chen stylist. emma pulbrook yao chang stephanie wong jennifer murray jaume rubvano stare & jason last Jaime Rubiano and Jason Last met when they were both in school studying fine arts. One reason that the two were drawn to each other was the fact that they shared a similar visual aesthetic regardless of the diversity in their backgrounds. Creative Director Rubiano grew wp in rural Colombia while Filmmaker Last spent his childhood in Canada. In Colombia MTV and CNN with Elsa Klensch were the lifelines for Rubiano, “Whew Klonsch did « special on this new kid called Atocander MeQueen with hie '95 Highland Rape collection, 1 knew that Fd fauna the universe thal Preanted to beng to." ssid Rubiano, Last wns also heavily influenced hy: musie videos and the culture that surrounds them, He loved the visual language fand branded identities, “There ix something about the muving image and sound that draco me into it it docen't matter if iti cinema, video art ar musie video. Ive found my inspiration comer from semeshere hescen MOMA and MTV. That is all I need to be inspired.” Said Last. No surprise then that the soundtrick: dictates the energy of the duo’ films, Recently they warked with the composer Sarah Neufeld who ereated the soundtrack for theie film Sealpel/Stradivarius. Other musicians that they enjoy working with are: Grimes, Black Atlass and Nicolas Lea, When the idea of shooting fashion films was still Lingering in the blurred haze of experimental arts, Last and Rubiona began their jou dedicated th ‘Their first collaboration vas the film Elegin which was bused fn a work by Faslerien Gareia Lorea and basically kick started the work that they do today. “We serren' mem of hae x worve lending fashion, art and videw but we knee schal chad in mind ‘male. has continued to ecole from there.” Sail Last.Dhe poser (at wee share ie ur connectivity and ome ability to it the saame marke visually, to be able to wad one another's mids, iti tbe a separate language between us tht ix purely viawal” Sail Last and Rubiano. Over the yours Last and Rubiano have worked sith, many ceslablished designers and fashion brands ike Rodarte Ungaro, Dior Honume. Rubiano works asthe Creative Director where as Jasons Lest is th “Fashion allows for aloof evel freedom, chic is eesential and ‘adovamn for us.” Said Last and Ruano, tu Director. Fashion film as a genre is still snore brands contin to re Aefined and growing, the the power and the necessity of ‘he moving image the more the m rahont replacing printed modia oF runway’ shows ding a new way {0 create a story and to express Uhe a ‘hough the Internet is bit abundant and shamdess when it comes to distributing new content the web abso allows for ano: ther layer of interactivity tis still ony without rules or limitations and perhaps th njeots the field with just thoright amount of energy: What ean we exp et from Last & Ruhiano in the foture? “We are constantly pushing our srk Pecausesin the ered all hal really mallers ts i chal wor are ale to ‘veate.” Said Last and Rubiano, Diane Pema for Ninja magazine cemyich My first encounter with the handsome couple, I might add that they look like they just stepped out of an F, Scott Fitzgerald novel, was in Paris at my favorite tea salon. Nana Aganovich is the designer behind the brand Aganovich while Brooke Taylor comes wp with the narrative and the concept. They met in 2002, fell in love and decided that they wanted to work together. Their dream was to establish their brand in Paris. Now, a third party has stepped in, the Chinese entrepreneur that every one dreams about, Jimmy K.W. Chan. Chan is admired, among other things, for his positioning of creativity. over profit margins, Recently he acquired. the Aganovieh brand, Chan's philosophy is to give artists the freedom to ereate fist and the creation, With his fina build «business around their alinvestn ‘everything is now possible In Taylor's past akindot 10 Lonidon in 2000 he did not believe in had burned quite a few bridges as wannabe beatniks tend lo do And sinew my desire to write was very minel inked tomy’ desire ‘oexperience and the ideasextracted therefrom the whole thing kind of stalled, The eo interests has abways been about love anyway: be it universal or incidental the substance, the feeling, the thing and when Tet Nana I met someone who had fas meh lave to give as T did, * said Taylor, As a writer used to spin exolie stories of international conspiracy and nine intrigue to impress his future partner, The stories revolved around a clows ‘as Sint Bog danovich. This exelange evolved model for the Agauiovich collections, Taylor would devise the narratives that Aganovich evoked with her aesthetic, “As a writer (especially ‘4 young writer) I us always on the lookout for the dangerons muse; like Truman Capote’s Helly Goll Lady Dui Beysdon (Lransformed into Lady ett Ashley forthe [purposes of The Sun Also Rises) I was eager to eneonter that sexually charged, exotic, untamable cliché that would tara my My first was stripper called Squidy in tothe timeof tay around on tay motoreyede that ly oF Hemingway's “When Tet Nana she exuded a similar sense of danger (albeit ofa straightforward, Russian literature ein sky oF f far more sophisticated version than t th stripper). Having grown up Twas convineed that anyone w Bat beyond energy and Setionalized ver with stories about Sisi thro Ihadled a far moreinteresting if than mine anywa that she seemed to be cloaked in all sorts of oveu shadowy intrigues, Sisi Hogdanovich wa sion of Nana. Fused to entertain Nan Hogdanovieh ridding the world of evil dubious means, Esuppose the French N sa recogniaable parallel.” SaidTuy eel would he "The collaboration has evoky power hasshifted, At the be bling. idle of anol bat ‘he brand and all the elements fll inte plac coming into her own and there is less noed for the seufolding. ‘The clothes are ging to do the talking from now on, the year. The scaffolding for welof the experience atleast allereativity is about trust and put {yand in thal respect it doesn’ Umalter whether you are writing, dancing, designing oF cooking. Your ereative side is extremely stubborn, And it takes a lot of convincing to get it to cough upp the goods, You have to show it you mean business hy pructicing, your chosen medi happy to produce a string Js: Once it trusts yen it starts to feed you of substandard ren inereasinghy pure inform snnieh Lager picture than ‘ining, In Uisregard itis this process at mntext.” Said Taylor, mation that pertains to a are capable of sis rach Nana that tsgoing through ly providing old, we're Were an inted of Borges loclowns, we'e into the writ into 10 the physical and m nowhere’, we're into disp weinated by dannage fut. But it in no way guarantees a collection expressive of these elements, The more you access the fad playfulness, AML of t truth of what you are dong th lize adit all becomes more: 1 things seem to eros feet id Taylor, Diane Pena for Ninja magazine inj agin © we blunela dine porn boudicca diane pernct Inorder to really understand the brand Boudi a, one must recognize where the name comes from. Queen Boudicca embodies aspects of love and force, values and courage, rage and revenge and power. She's one of those heroines like Cleopatra or Dido, who brought a strong and deeper meaning to the idea of feminine royalty, a valiant passion, a dramatic spirit and ultimately tragedy. nage to convey these ideas ust “L think fragments of this powerful en © passionately text of her spivit raw for us Tuave heen revealed spires us today. Yet she is rarely eal qu jing justice for your people ix passion as you state, within oar every day’ cliiees but a place hank is the anly plac herent of imagination, a sabeonscions m eft untouched at this point. As Willian re. O history, the past changes in front of us, Add to all of that our fown personal journey’ as peopl al Limes, more fragile, humman in err and oceasionally huraour plays alongside it all” Said Zowie Broach (one half of the design akes up Houdieea) future will he fully mapped sn ony Whit i offen less brive atl ‘duo that “Zowie Broach snd Brian Kirkby resort, “A place that belonged to Fe fand his life, where he filmed parts of La Strida where 1 ins Gelsemina snd Brian vs Anthony Quinn; 4 fight, love that basically held our whole relationship 1 then we began all over again, A film, a brit nent of truth where there were other players ‘The essence of estoe “fori fl encounter, to interrupt oF co use." Broach goes on to ged since ci first ow 1. The collections from BOUDICCA are storioss short seen esate simpleand reference the obviens, a thers become om cern paranoia of mum ie, fof moder life, the anger ff another, the fake les that we are told and forget.” “Ws iments have; more function tha al truths We says Broach, nspoken language, that gar 1 covering the body, There is nthe gar- ned. Boudiees's designs and this social documentation, intimate relationship formed hetween the wearer. ‘ment that Boudieea demand reflect this demand, this jon {aking inte aeeoant an emotional sponse to the system that is life. Rondiceastrivetosee a future of people wearingelotles that express a porsan’s feelings and emotions to the world they exist in, Not clothes ss eseapi Broach and Kirkby, As Max Ernst sid "Artis dead, long live Fashion.” Dut ofexpression."S ines is part of the brands DNA. “Every da in and out of one scene, ere is a walk, least a combination of many. Ht is ‘he purest imaginative place to he audit is our future t to be walking along the em tight zippered dress on your body as Monica Vitti did aud te sounds pummel nagine road of aut Antonioni, fel the be part of another serven dimension where {you an ask so many’ complex ‘that relationsh ki whisper *Rock-a- bye" and then the red shoes dates you forw he train eaves the platform and 1 to your death...and that us ust the morning!” said Brow live in the middle of a forest, have a studio where they ean build To read tantly; write, ask questions, and cities, sernpes, online de of ranil examine theie woeld fina asses." il Heo Diane Pema for Ninja magazine MAayrYC perne audibet diane Some people just seem destined for a life in fashion, as was the case with designer Mare Audibet. Even as a child it was vital to his survival. He used to like to disguise himself and dress wp his stuffed animals. Initially he studied architecture but that was more a way of satisfying the desires of his parents than fulfilling his own dreams. nlo the worldof fashion le Turekcim who proposed h eat Ungaro, Later he went on ut for Ninno Cerruti who hi alist He to design mensw holds in the highest regard. It was at Cerruti that he learned all about the process of design and the importance of a good eut, and how to work hoth with tailoring and fluid volumes. He als learned about textiles and how to design for both men and jn the NO'she initiate tion in fashion. In collaboration with Dupont he was able to develop the new lyera stretch, Audibet wanted his fashion to correspond with what he saw as the overwhelming desire to be fit and to fulil their unconseion “Ln ng with son Balmain, she told me how Marlene Dietrich always put a sills body si rely with elastic thread, wom what wastorbecome a revo desire tobe fee. era mect (cof the frst assistants at Mai which had been eut om the bias and sewn enti- der cach of her stage costumes. ‘This just confirmed my intuition that in order to ereate the tteetile that would be the solution to modem dressing would betocrcaleastreteh material, Hissin: to realize this mate- I the attention of the Ditetor of Communications 1, Mie und his idea interesting, fand offered to give him kilos of lyera fiber and the names of ‘manufacturers that could develop these textiles for h Tt was not such an easy project, as he frst had Lo eon textile manufacturers of Ue merit of his ideas. Mrs Arai well-known Japanese textile manufacturer initiated Ue Lo various raterials Like jer J Gérin and sh cl satin, wool, viscose and other fibers, This process took him o und much experimentation wi aly and Japan be wens created. There was alot of excite about one hundred trips h different fabric re the ls from Franc ly innovative textiles id Audihet's first stretch collection. The fashion world was stretch and Audibet found himself as, among other things, a consultant for Dupont. Jon his creations were different from other designers and they wrote about it, Soon other designers were ako working with stretch but most of them only worked with strvteh tricot fand stretch jersey. Audibet worked in jersey but also made dimensional garments with lyera being woven into less adap Able materials. That was the birth of stretch, Fashion is like a love story for Audibet, He wants his designs tomake women feel like they arcactresses and feel freedom, within their clothes, The development of the allowed Audibet to reinvent the cut, ind scams. His draping lookseffortless ike an ancient togaor draped African dress. Inthe dircetion of freedom, Audibet celebrates and elevates the elassc U-shirt, the iconie modern lists understood him and how object. ‘The idew of streteh was Audibet's way of introd cing the concept of modem sports designs “H's Tike a second skin but without a fect hou freedonm like in di ity, sensuality, life, death, eroticistm ‘or sports. said Audibet, He likes to refer to a “Ln oruer for a gurment to be be ‘the woman searing it has the aie of being Diane Perna for Ninja magazine Jashion StALC Ig, MOE en SCETVE florals elements nave colours primitive shapes mosaics macro buttons self fabrics draped asymmetric geometric cutout pleats transparent multicolors leather one-sleeved cotton lace plaiting materials kimono sleeve jungle atmospheres tie-dye como adoran el santo,estos “enmniSGLOGL es tamara vignate cahier de tendance | m mood board a cinematographic story by Pierre Cialdella sereenplay in 3 parts to follow in the neat issues of the magazine (01 int day —posptal rom {ma hosptal room, ica, 2 teenager about 1617 yoars of, s agp in a coma in 2 huge bed su Teunded ty tesippod machines ‘A.woman win gar son, in her 408 otessea in stle"Yooco" wah long tack is seated atthe {ool of ths bed and watches over im "Neaty, in a cha, 2 young boy i his twenties, ‘somenhat pale wit large feathered wings tung tom nis back, 1s deep absorbed by he ‘ook prety woman. (LATER WELL UNDERSTAND ‘cal phone sings and the angel ebows goa wno Jmesto answer Goa. stor ‘Vice of (te taopnone) sa calasiophe, ort ‘Your rater restening to eu eas te Sup- por systems ¢we 2 not sender God. Trt him ight now ‘Assembla our wars; general mosing tonight atom. {time we eush those batons once anor a ‘008 hangs up her posta ‘het ieguiar beeping from the life support ma- Etinesbezome ene ong tone. “The quadian ange! jum’ up and sat tapping the macnines, tying to restat them, but van ‘Then he bends vere, snaking hen ‘ignited and poise, god gery pushes hn back ‘han bends overuea,taing him her arms. Shs ‘uls him get towards het bythe hand. {a's tody doubles the darker version of him fervalns on he Ded, wate the tne, ger ver Son gets out of bea and meves towards od, Sak and sing. [Nurses and doctors rn nto the room and ty 0 vain te fevwe ca, Hes dead. No one naces ‘nthe god nor the guaran angel (wno shaking {he ea spt by inanand). The 3 fave the rom, In toe nanway. 2 beaut young women, on= ‘lack, one asan, and one pues rcan.aessed ‘nnn satis wit Iarge white fated wos thle backs aro heoping guard (ne of eso 3 angeles: caresses cas mack ‘and sal wings appear ger on his tack ‘Tne ottnem wax down the alway nde by Inte, mer mage Tages us the e2 phone back in 02 ext= y= sang quay / my posal ‘A ion nth ona ih comer ofthe screen in aoe s YEAR EARLIER” ‘Ananesome man, abaut 50 years ol, very ee and pesed, wan + har face and sharp features Wwaks along the sand quary onthe my board wwaktowards god, whe is seated ontop of eran ‘He lbs a laser toon her and in avery an ‘ted manne, st8 down beside her Satan (mockngy) ‘Youtook tee a moun at her oun funerat God "Youre 20 minutes att Winy oid you want to S82 me! its not me you to ome n person Since fathers cea the ont things youve been intrest ‘Satan (ung he of ana rishing her sentence) ‘seni the bad guy around you, bia, an, ‘ah! Everyone krows tat youre the good child ‘ndrmthebad bute day decidedto wa you ‘is ponars, ts bocduse agreed tot Goa ‘And you brought me un et ‘Satan (ring treaeneroush) ‘ot Secu ou nant analast hase step. totelime this? Goa Win are you taking abou? Satan [Look vo been slaying the bad guy for hw lat 2000 years, and nad qute enough o atng tne wap for everytang wie You ware around th yaur faggot Iaie angels, busy encouraging ‘he piss fouck tle boys: ‘A thse racy haraclere youve made me olay ‘my whole ena9e up aving more of fo than ‘me. time | ook matters back xo my Own Got ‘Going trouoh your occasional existe crisis sero saan LUsten, sister youre show ist nging athe wets anymore, 80 sop pratenaing tat YOU passing chanel a's Now tus sat were goingto do ve picked out anoldhag obe heparin out inal combat. Ive Seen to at sno got dumped by net eortiend. ‘Now she tnds hers 9 alone a8 anes espe fa, and rating ne young sento Doct AlYounave'e co sting Ret anew ove. not shel de cf a broken heat. wth my Delp. of furs. cot ‘Andean now wty? Son Rs simi ‘The 2 loves wil be the pawns In our utimate Dalle you we, they can cary out the most ‘eauteu love story ete ever was_ A romance Jul pale ia compas, # you ke ‘nai mit sappear because you wil ave po- ed you iro supremacy! Buriwn, anitiwin. | Goa "Yue never rghtened me wen your tres ana you's not about te tek me in playing wth you saan ‘Dayou not gets or what? This nt atest ts fteaay done Iryeu dm meen the peor tte ‘lot ve chosen cle You are hus cbbged to ‘in ner anew ov You watt sae he [Mtorwards, out ball can commence of cous, 1-0 evrything can to tear bem apart And ‘tou ate not capable of keeping them together. ‘ey Wil be separated by cea You wi mus Drove your pomrrlessess ana wit be My tum fotoign over tne ean God gumping up an rasing er voce) You ats realy perverted! ‘Satan (retraining seat) Wie wee termes by he same rel Goa Couldnt you tnd anything move loys? Love is feventnng You dont understand) To beg by ‘enorence Satan ‘They might seem inacent, they might bs prety, bol they aren worth more than 3 at's ass! Satan (sting uo) ‘You are my adversary. So wake ut God (nervousy) yi can do nothing but ower his arms inte face purty is s0 doveus, open Your eyes, ou Somthave a nance! Satan It we were to meet for hearst te ane you were to gve me your telephone number fd tow t ‘auay before You cou tum Your back. You ate sowete God (suprise) Wie dont nave toe each cer, wee us pat of tne same tay Satan Gavating In thal cave, you dont hare anying to wer ‘Seoul. buts would save yout raly the tHeops.- wallthen tr ‘on tese words satan umes tom the crane ang, In slow mation tangs on me guna t cornu walng’"God doesnt move, jw open sia ata, a eeauttl mato inna 308 wen wep lke readocks 18 sting in ont of man approx. 4B year ol, souching na lage leather chat. He ‘smokes a cigataroganty, ensconced behind an ‘ormous desk on when as placed an ost and ‘gr eramy The walsofthe oom are cavered win ‘Signed photos of mtematonal personas Man taking a sept tom afolsen ira’ gotten into you cen? Youre not an lot as fora can el User i pay youtowte ‘stems forthe masses. And he masts at 00. lish ey want aaron speBing. not ay cart ino you mink you ae, eying fo pass an such ‘piece of she? Mala shugs her shoulders and ties timid to shy rea [Hust wanted pu alte spceintne series tor ‘Syenrweve been tenng ne same so, ana ‘The man cats he of ying Man For ets’ sake, you dont dra a tain running atop spect (he tows the srg at maa and gets up) "dont wart ose any more of ths and of vel ny dosh tne you continue to write quay steoms for fe, oF you join the ine at the unemployment ‘fie. Oo! make myser lear? ‘Mata noas tay and gets upto eave, ‘Saturabon anschost Inthe courtyard, ea Is seated alone agant 2 ites, hs watiman on. He acs 80ers come Book Ati fet, 3 fais, barely 1O S s j k ‘ S 7 Y — ~s Franchement , elle l'a cherche La France est 35% sur 168 pays au classemene mondial REPORTERS ii par Reporters sans fronti¢res. SANS FRONTIERES de la liberté de la presse érabli Taformez-vous sur www-rsFOTg PORTRAITS OF A REVOLUTION PART 1) THE PEOPLE WANT Portraits réalisés ¢ mul juste avant les 1° re the first tunisian se) ve sm rs mame osnce Rashay Lazar a étudié au Rabson College de Boston, I a misses cds de cOté pour ventreren Tunisie afin dey impliquer dans lavie associative ciloycnne, notamment en eréant Vassociation Saxly (« ma vias en tunisien). Le 91 jancier 2011, ave Ismail Beji et Yassine Rediasi il lamee wn ansta construction dela no nisi» tla jeunease tunisienne. « Nous souhaitonscréer un cadre de rflerions et avtions pon onmer des out a jeunesse afin quelle puisse connative sex droits el devoirs dans lave eitoyenne et démocratique», Fatma Nouri est bloguewse « Jexuisobservatrice a Prance 2, spécialement pons lacoucerture des élections Tunisie, Avant, jetaveillais avec lex véseaucrsocianr ainsi que lex grandes pages dela révolution tuninie, Seapine une tunisie laique et démocrate qui garantira la démocratieet la ake pour tows parole de Jeunes Indépendants Démocratex, qui a pont bul dinform Vaire BEN Ali, Ladi Eile eat encore dans latte des gens. long terme j'espéve que cite erainte ®effacrra dex mentalit » Jen'ai conn que ler politique juaqy'a sein de fale, stephangs mangriotis prerre- enumanuel dawma thirteen temana Marre tamartt: moorea wamarcella & salerre alb Perry plu? WORST PRESIDENT Vilie hofesh shechter Ville Cate Gross" OSS “Und, Klemm big and small Lotte | ig & Small Cent Claude Régy qui, le premier, en 1982. onnaitre en francais Grand et pe ollaborateur de Peter Stein qui, en 19 en France en version original Berlin-Oueat, ville ense fait Et Botho Strauss, 8, erde la pice a la Schaubiihne de fe dans ta RDA volontiers lerrance de Lotte, la Berlin. i, Pon imagine une femme qui tente en ain de trouver sa place, se heurte a de seule, de plus en plus s wee Claude B Edith Clever 1 présent, c'est Cate Blanchett ‘australien Benedict Andi Lotte, et gens fermés ule sans pour awlant pr dy elle fait Bulle Ogier, vee Peter Siein, pax de ersion anglaise de la. pige dans la traduction de Martin Crimp. Alors, le problems Liplace. Comme ailleurs, depuis les années 70, ses déplavée la situation de Berlin, det Europe les modes de vie. L’histoi tel marneain ot Lote, ti wrist personne aqui parler, se par bonus extras te alexandre roche Nui Hoe...toc... une fois Lender Along dan te coma epousser le woment..Encore le. Imrinnble de wéchapper.. Debord dcindre tAeision, we fos bion dene e ois ne pas pense, fie it ufuge bai une Jos, dens Join ranger le canape 1i-jebien bain le chin fage Verifier, bin érfier--mans de te? Kind le salon, ne fois, dew Jos. Vite ne pax Derdrede tee. foi. pues efit! Teenuloir Verifer la porte deniée, abord ta serrure, puis le vertu eto In verre pul le bron tne ols dou fois tos fin... Fleinde te couloir rllumer,deindre regarder encore a port, ne finder fix. marr de rage..oni eat formd! Ne ps penser. Vir Inns. ire! Répition.. Mt Bie es isin, Tacwisine 1 crur ew alert, main Econchion, igo ferméeaftibe tent robinet ferme, we fon, de fis, is fois. mal latée Le aecompliue., sueur fod! un bouton, deur, ioin quatre, cing, e.recommenceraty dew trois, quatre, cing Je transpine, we vols plus-encont Ade! Un, deus, oie sual, cing. oie bane: Arete Veet cower! tmponsible! Pourquni? Lae ges wn, dvs trois. alop! wn, der, trois. drvacher ape Criter abord len jamber es maine ongjours la lee CPel ta fin. ana ie noir jereden. pre Parma. fim ante mansecreTAe was obvi !Titevoclet Lachambre Courin, vite! La porte caque | Onf sainé! Souffer! Réminisence.Angeiae.amns cea. méme vitoudl «Alec bien tein? » Doucenent Uoncrin Pabst! gg ton, de, trois, quate mines et Bien dein? 1 Reedom.-iy fait ("eat Ii! Cet eua!-laquer a pote! ‘Tourer la clef! Seauis ben enfermé, oui Ctr em let laican reir, pour de mourit Porte bien ferée! Your bien cancerture, biew cach, trem: Mlement, mains rouges, sg, Sonceniy du sangt Vite! wvallumer.sporte fermitas éeindre..llumer teindre. porte.uallumer.lée coupée! Etcindr, tomber de tont mon long. never! Aban- donner! Lawn ‘inte! Le Noir! Cris dam la rue! Lees gens vient, les y fermés,..derwicrs instants... petit tax pour: issant rap Irempés..corpa abimé.. suleul ne pas mourn, 22 CA) toms xtre . ,-benort rruda e Uae 9 re + ad oat carolane ayette I nce ah VODKA + Faire dorer 1/4 cfoignion at 1/4 dans une poéle avec uh peu dolve! + Ajouter une poignée de Pancelia et 1/2 shot de vodka, + Une fois la Pan ote un verte de purée det + Laisser cuire 5 minutes: laa greens ae + Continuer la cuisson encore 5 min + Ajouter une petite brique de créme fraiche et un shot de vocka. ue aN ina frying pan|with a bit' i

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