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America Mandujano

Kelly Turnbeaugh
English 1010
December 1, 2016
IEP1- Annotated Bibliography
For my Issue Exploration Paper I decided to write about the death penalty. It is something
I find interesting and Its not an issue I hear a lot of people discuss very often. I personally am
neutral about the topic. Both people against and for it make great points and I cant seem to
decide on which side I should be, but I am closer to the con side of the issue.
1. Holloway, Philip, Time to question sanity of death penalty. CNN. Cable News Network. 26
July. 2015. Web. 19 Nov. 2016
In this article Philip Holloway writes about why the death penalty isnt such a good idea.
In the beginning of this article he starts off by bringing up the case of James Holmes and how the
Colorado state find themselves having a hard time choosing his punishment. In the wether it
should be life in prison without parole or death. Holloway then goes on and states that the death
penalty should no longer be for discussion and that is time to put it to an end. He lists his reasons
and explains them.
This is a great source to use because its full of facts and statistics. There are a couple that
are based on his opinions but that is not a problem because of the sources he uses to support his
claim. Although Holloway does not have a cited page he does have a links within the text. So if
you click on the highlighted text it sends you to the website where found the information.

You can tell that Holloway has done his research and has studied this topic well enough. I
found his article to be very helpful. Although he sees no end to the death penalty anytime soon
he does question the rationality of the system.
2. List of 10 Biggest Death Penalty Pros and Cons Green Garage. The Eco Friendly Blog.
Web. 19 Nov. 2016
In this article it begins with the death penalty and where it stands at this point. Then it
goes on with giving us top five pros and top five cons.
This source does not have an author to evaluate and it does not have links to where he got
the information, but it does have a couple facts in there and in comparison to other, most of these
statements relate to each other.Although, there is a one pro and one con that contradict each
other, some of the other statements work for my essay.
I did not find this source to be extremely helpful but after I have read my other sources it
kind of made sense and some of the statements in this source can relate to my other sources. This
source did not give me a lot to work with, I didnt have a date or an author so i couldnt evaluate
where it came and it didnt list any source but it mention a couple.
3. Muhlhausen, David B. How the Death Penalty Saves Lives. U.S. News and World Report.
U.S News and World Report LP, 29 Sep. 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
This article starts off with the case of a man who was sentenced to the death penalty, with
details of the murders he committed. It also covers the most known opinions of the death penalty
sentences, and gives statistics indicating that state executions vary anywhere from 2 to 20
murders within Texas annually, and how the execution of murderers saves lives.

This is a great article to use for my paper because Muhlhausen provides information on
why the death penalty is a great system. Although he doesn't provide links to where he found the
information he provides statistics from credible sources and is able to cite them.
I found this article to be a great source for my essay. It provides statistics that can argue
with the other side of the argument and provides information that will get the peoples attention.
4. Top 10 Pros and Cons: Should the death penalty be allowed? 13
April. 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
In this article, it displays a series of 10 pros and 10 cons concerning the death penalty. It
varies from morality, constitutionally and many more. They have been written by different
people who have at least some expertise about the issue. The authors also vary from professors
of law and authors who have written about similar topics.
I dont know if this is a great article to use for essay, but it does include information that I
can be useful for the IEP.
5. States With and Without the Death Penalty Death Penalty
Information Center. 9 Nov.2016. Web 19 Web. 2016.
This isn't an article but it does have a list of states that have the death penalty and lists the
different methods of the death penalty. This website also tell you the upcoming people who are
on death sentence.
I think this is a great source because you get an idea of how many states have the death
penalty and which don't.
I didn't have any problems with this website it is pretty straightforward and pretty helpful.

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