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Digital IC design - RC delay calculation, designing circuits using CMOS,

transmission gates, NMOS, memory design etc.

Computer Architecture - problems oriented - so learn cache miss, no of bits
calculation problems, MIPSBasic Verilog questions - Blocking vs non-blocking,
describing latch in verilog
> Creating AND, OR functions using MUX
> FSM design - to detect odd number of ones and zeros
> Number of bits required to represent a given math function, etc.
If you had a risc instruction set architecture with a 4 bit ASLU unit, how would
you extend your architecture to include an 8 or 16 bit ALSU unit without heavily
modifying the hardware?
what's the logic of a mux
2. how to realize x and y by just using mux and inverter.
3. how to code a mux in verilog
4. how to detect a sequence and how to reduce the number of registers needed.

set-up and hold time questions ,Inverter VTC related questions, FSM different
state coding,basic C programming. STA , FSM ,Digital Electronics , LPC
They asked me about differential amplifiers, about the various advantages and
disadvantages of CS, CD and CG amplifier stages.

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