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Piliposyan, Lusine

Professor Altman
English 114A; T-Th 2-3:15
Cover Letter
Dear whomever this may regard,
My name is Lusine Piliposyan and I am a freshman in College. Since this is my first year,
let alone my first semester, I think I should get a B for my grade. I think this because I did my
work and gave it my best shot, even though sometimes it was not enough. With working full time
and being a full-time student was more hard then I expected it to be. I think overall I did a good
job, juggling work and school and homework.
One problem I had with the second essay was understanding the concept, for some reason
I had a very tough time starting that essay. I could not decide what to write about and how to
write it. The way I got over this was by making an outline. In the outline, that I did for myself,
not for a grade, I drew a bubble with the topic I was going to do about then I had more bubbles
coming out of the main bubble. The bubbles coming out represented paragraphs and inside of
them I would write the topic of that specific paragraph. Next to the bubbles I made a bullet point
list which was just made up of certain quotes, phrases, examples that I thought of for that certain
For the third paragraph, I would say one of my main issues was grammar. For example, I
would write the word ocra instead of orca. I think I had bad grammar in this essay because the
topic of SeaWorld was not anything new to me. I have known about it for about 2 years. So,
when we were assigned this essay I was thinking of what I can write about for at least an hour.

So, when I got the idea of SeaWorld I was so excited to write about it because its a topic I have
known about, but I don't believe a lot of other people have, or if they have heard about the things
SeaWorld is going through, they havent heard about how bad it is, so for me to write about it
and to tell at least one person about it was exciting. So, exciting, I messed up on my grammar, a
Overall, I did learn a lot in my English class. I dont think I learned on how to improve
my writing, maybe because I am stubborn, but I did learn on how to write a cover letter, how to
do a works cited correctly, what an annotated bibliography is and how to do it. While I am not
planning on being a writer, what I did learn will help me in my daily life. For example, I am
going to need a cover letter at some point in my life, thanks to this class, I know what a cover
letter is and how to do it.


Lusine Piliposyan

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