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Mikaya Carter

December 6, 2016

Source 1: The Animal Rights Debate

Annotation: This popular media article explains the origin of the animal rights debate while
including information that very much useful to the topic. Although when I read the introduction I
felt as though I was off topic. The beginning of this article consisted of the history of human
rights, where it should have at least introduced something concerning animal rights. Despite the
confusion, the connection of the Animal Rights Debate was eventually implied and was very
informative upon the topic.
Source 2: The Animal Rights Crusade
Annotation: I would have to say this book was successful at describing multiple variations that
evolved within the animal protection movement. While it did struggle going into detail about the
protesters of the movement, their activities, and the reactions they provoke. The book was wholly
concerned with recent animal rights developments in the United States. There was little material
present about the historical and religious roots of the movement.
Source 3: Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence (
Annotation: This scholarly journal article is sequenced in an order that explains the
understanding of domestic violence lucidly. Useful information about past acts, how the law can

help, and even how we the people can help as well. I favor this article because it opposes the act
of animal cruelty so I dont necessarily have negative comments.

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