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My name is Aditya Chakrabarti and I am a sophomore studying

Molecular biology and computer science at UIUC. I have known

Srirang since freshman year as he was in the same dorm as me
Snyder Hall although we have become better friends over the
course of this year, mainly due to the fact that we are in a hard
class together organic chemistry. Srirang asked me to have a
conversation with him about various topics, that he would record
for his Emotional Intelligence class. We talked about a lot of
different topics from our own personal experiences in college so
far, our respective career paths and some of the stigmas
associated with being an American Indian in todays society.
Srirang mostly listened what I had to say about my personal
experiences as well as asked a few questions to elucidate some of
our common experiences in college so far. He seemed open and
receptive to whatever I had to say and had no prior biases or did
not enforce his own opinions strongly in any shape or form.
Overall, I though that the conversation was refreshing as it
allowed both of us to express our opinions about various topics in
a clear and free manner. In the future, I think that Srirang and I
will continue to have such conversations as well as include some
of our other mutual friends and I think that we will definitely
continue to have a good relationship as friends.

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