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Gabriela Valedon

To live a fulfilling life I will:

Be someone my parents are proud of
Be a shoulder to cry on
Have a couch for people to crash on
Be able to speak honestly with my family and friends
Generously contribute to causes that are close to my heart
Show kindness even when I am going through rough times
Be proud and find purpose in the work I do
Be confident in my knowledge
Open up to others
Make sure I am heard
Have a positive effect in the community I am a part of
Be optimistic about my every day life
Be open-minded to new experiences
Travel often and appreciate all the different cultures
Laugh daily
Surround myself with inspiring people
Learn from my surroundings and my mistakes
Not be embarrassed of my emotions and be proud of who I am
Push myself to overcome my social anxieties and create new
Never regret a decision and always move forward

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