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The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was direct descendent of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and

Hazrat Ismail (AS) and was born in 571 AD in the city of Makkah.

He was born as an orphan, because his father, Hazrat Abdullah, passed away before the birth of
Prophet Muhammad.

His suckling mother, Hazrat Halima took care until the age of 6 when he was brought back to
Hazrat Amna his biological mother.

Hazrat Amna had then passed away, from the journey back to Yasrib.
Prophet Muhammad's next caretaker was his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, he treated Prophet
Muhammad as if he were his own son.

In 579 AD, Abdul Muttalib passed away. His uncle then took care of him.

At the age of 12, Prophet Muhammad made his first trade route. On his trade route Prophet
Muhammad met a Christian Monk who had recognized Prophet Muhammad and realized he
was the last Prophet.

The story of the black stone is that the head of the holy mosque told four men that whoever
arrives first to the mosque in the morning will put up the holy stone. Prophet Muhammad came
first and with a black cloth, he made everyone do it.

Prophet Muhammad has a very long lineage. His great grandfather was Hashim and great-great
grandfather was Abd Manaf. And before that was Kilab and then Murrah.
Before the birth of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Arabia was a mess. It was a disaster in every single
way. Before his birth, Arabia was stuck in the dark times.

There was no sense of living. The people did not believe in Allah nor did they believe in the
afterlife or the day of judgement. Also no responsibility was taken for any action. Gambling was
very common and the consummation of alcohol was as well. No respect was shown towards

There was lots of adultery and men used to beat women up. If a baby girl was born, they were
buried alive. Fighting amongst others was very common and people were killed for no proper
reason. There was no government in the land. This made Arabia very unstable since there was
no law and order.

The Arabs were very poor before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Sons would marry
their own mothers or stepmothers. The Arabs lived like animals. The first revelation came in the
Cave of Hira. He was visited by Hazrat Jibrail

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