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Declaration of Independence

1. Grade: 7th/ Social Studies

Time: 54 minutes

Students: 25

2. Teacher Preparation:
a. Find a Declaration of Independence PDF
b. Lesson Materials
i. Computer/ Projector

White Paper

iii. Colored Pencils/ Crayons

3. Goals/Rationale:
Goals: For students to know the importance of the Declaration of
Rationale: Students will understand the value of government and the
rules necessary to run a society
4. Objective:
a. After completing this project, students will be able to describe in
detail why a societal rule is important to life today.
5. Standards:
a. 8 U3.3.7 Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact,
Iroquois Confederacy, Common Sense, Declaration of
Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalist Papers), describe
the historical and philosophical origins of constitutional
government in the United States using the ideas of social compact,
limited government, natural rights, right of revolution, separation
of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
government. (C2)

6. Developmental Prerequisites:
a. Students will have an understanding of what the Declaration of
Independence is and how it was created
7. InputInstructional Procedures:
a. Introduction:
a. Read the Declaration of Independence
i. What does the Declaration of Independence represent?
b. Presentation
a. Discuss what parts of the Declaration of Independence we may
not need in 2016.
b. What new ideas could we add?

8. Experience/ Exploration
a. Brainstorm ideas of necessary rules to put in the individual
declarations as a class
9. Assessment:
a. Informal assessment:
i. observation throughout class
ii. graded on rubric
10. Differentiation:
a. Level 1: Create a Declaration of Independence with 4 ideas. Needs
to use minimal color
b. Level 2: Create a Declaration of Independence with 5 or more
ideas. Needs to use color

11. Closing Statement:

a. Share ideas with class

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