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Mr Littles terrific top topic tips!!

These are all possibilities of what you might get questions on in your 3 history
Just remember these are only my best predictions, shocking as this may be Mr
Little can sometimes be wrong!
The best way to be prepared is to revise all topics so you can write a good
response no matter what the topic is. Best of luck.

Paper 1 Medicine through time.

5 Questions all on different topics (2x source
and own knowledge + 3 x just own knowledge).
Answer the 16 and 12 marker first.
: Development of Antibiotics (Fleming-Florey &
: Change and Continuity in medical training
and understanding of disease comparing
Romans and Middle Ages.
: NHS and healthcare since 1948
: Galen
: Black Death (could be a comparison with Great Plague 1665 i.e.: what had
changed/stayed same)
: John Snow and Cholera
: Hospitals since 1800 (includes Florence Nightingale)
: Problems in Public Health 1750-1900 (Industrial Revolution)
: Impact the Church had on restricting knowledge in the Middle Ages.

Paper 2: Germany 1918-45

5 Questions each on different topics (1x source and 4x just own knowledge).
They will be from different time periods across the course i.e.: Weimar and Nazi
Answer the 16 and 12 marker first,
: Hitler into power 1933-34 (Reichstag Fire, Enabling Act, Night of long knives,
death of Hindenburg)
: Nazi control of churches 1933-39
: Education and impact on the young 1933-45
: Nazi Economy and standards of living 1939-45
: Positives of Weimar Republic 1924-29
: Munich Putsch 1923-24
: Anti-Semitism 1933-45

Paper 3: Developments in Surgery c1840-1918.

5 Questions on one topic area. Each question tests a different skill (inference,
purpose, explanation, usefulness, reaching a judgement).
if no own knowledge is used!!! Answer the questions in order.
: Developments in the First World War (Blood Transfusions, Gillies & Plastic
Surgery, Problem of infection from wounds, x-rays)
: Development of Anaesthetics (at least one question on opposition to pain
: Lister and Antiseptics (at least one question on opposition to antiseptics)

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