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How to Score Your Script

Units: ( // ) Think of units as chunks that break up and define a scene

Beats: ( / ) Beats break up units. A beat is the smallest structural division of
your script.
Objectives and Super Objectives: What the character wants it is
important to be clear about these because you will be fighting for them in
some way or another every moment you are on stage or film. Objectives
generally refer to the characters desire within the scene
Tactics: Strategies that a character uses to achieve his or her objective. As
with objectives, tactics should relate directly in the other person, and be
extremely specific.
Obstacles: Roadblocks: they get in the way of the character achieving his or
her objective. External obstacles: comes from the environment other
characters, circumstances or material impediments. Internal obstacles: stem
from a characters own shortcomings.
Emotion: Assign an emotion to every line the emotion you are trying to
elicit from your partner.

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