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Phases of the Moon

Image Description: An image illustrating the nine phases of the full lunar cycle depicted in the
following table. The last column of the table describes the relative celestial position of the Moon during
each phase using a clock analogy with the Earth center and the Sun positioned northwards. Note:
Movement of the Moon is counterclockwise around the Earth from this perspective, and the Earths
own counterclockwise movement around the Sun increases the amount of rotation the Moon must
undergo in order to return to a position directly between the Sun and Earth, but this clock model rotates
to keep the Sun directly north of the Earth.
Lunar Phase
Appearance to Observer
Celestial Position of Moon
around Earth with Sun above
New Moon

Not visible


Waxing Crescent

Slightly crescent shape


First Quarter

Half circle


Waxing Gibbous

Nearly full circle


Full Moon

Full circle


Waning Gibbous

Nearly full circle


Last Quarter

Half circle


Waning Crescent

Slightly crescent shape


New Moon

Not visible


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