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Sources of the constitution

The sources of the constitution of India are divers and many. These are both
indigenous and foreign.The founding fathers made it very clear that they were not
writing on a clean slate. They took a conscious decision not to make a complete
departure from the past but to build on the existing structure and experience of
institution already established even otherwise the constitution India had an organic
growth it evolved through the interaction between various demands for
representative responsible governmental institutions during the nationalist struggle
for independence and
the small doses of constitutional reforms grudgingly
conceded by the British rules from time to time howsoever rudimentary in form in
the early stages the process of political institution building particularly the
legislatures in the modern sense of the term can be gauged from as early as the
late 1920 onwards in fact the sources of some of the provisions of the constitution
can be traced back to the beginnings of the east India company and the British rule
in India. Reference to organization of village panchayats under the directive
principles was clearly inspired by mahatma Gandhi and the ancient indian
institution of self government the 73 rd and 74 th constitution amendment acts have
since tried to give greater meaning and content to them.
Demand for some the fundamental rights was made as early as in 1918 at the
Bombay session of the indian national congress. The commonwealth of india bill
finalized by the national convention in 1925

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