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I Sit And Look Out rework

By James G
I sit and look out upon all the rejoice of the world, and upon all
kindness and pride;
I hear laughter and cheers from men, at safety with
themselves, glad after good deeds done;
I see, in low life, the mother treated the best by her children, cared for,
confident, calm, collective;
I see the wife loved by her husbandI see the loyal companion
for one women;
I mark the faces of joy and natural love, attempted to beingI see these sights on the earth;
I see the workings of nature, health, democracyI see sharing and
free people;
I see an abundance at seaI observe the sailors who
Are waiting to get back home;
I observe the carefulness by loving persons upon
laborers, the poor, and upon negroes, and the like;
All theseAll the happiness and mental relaxation without end, I sitting, look
out upon,
See, hear, and am loud.

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