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Today I realized that I messed up when I wrote the kids homework on the board
yesterday. They were supposed to complete exercise 3 o pages 55-56 in their grammar textbooks,
but I wrote pages 55-60 on the whiteboard. Students were confused when they went to do their
homework, but almost all of them figured out that they only needed to do exercise 3. I also didnt
know that I was supposed to pass out a handout with definitions for their vocabulary words to the
students yesterday (Mrs. Frechette never mentioned it and Id never seen her do this when she
did vocabulary on Mondays). Mrs. Frechette only remembered to tell me during second period,
so first period didnt get the handout, but were still able to do the homework. Ive seen Mrs.
Frechette forget simple things like this before, so I dont feel too bad. I mostly regret any
confusion I caused for the students.
One divergence from the original lesson plan for today that happened was that instead of
having me go over possible answers to the grammar homework (which was a fill in the blank),
Mrs. Frechette took this opportunity to spend five minutes going over the difference between
action verbs and linking verbs with the students. She had a solid idea of what she wanted to
review with them and she thought of it in the moment, so I decided it would be best for her to do
this with the class instead of me. After this, I took over again and went about the rest of the
Im also continuing to do better with names.

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