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Philosophy of Education

1. Accountable

Fairness- I believe that the first and most important thing to keep in mind
with accountability measures is that there is an issue of fairness with in
both creating objectives and in testing, and that this is the first and
foremost thing to keep in mind. Fairness is giving students what they need
to succeed.

Objectives- Hence, if we are to study an educational program

systematically and intelligently we must first be sure as to the educational
objectives aimed at.- Ralph Tyler. Clear objectives are key to holding
myself and my students accountable.

Testing- Although there are problems with it, I do think that testing is a
needed way to hold myself as an educator accountable not only to my
employer but to the community. While I admit the problems, I still see
value in testing.

2. Humble

Freire- On the other hand, dialogue cannot exist without humility

Men who lack humility (or have lost it) cannot come to the people,
cannot be their partners in naming the world.

Socrates- A wise man knows what he does not know.

Lao Tzu- Thus while the tangible has advantages/ It is the intangible
that makes it useful.

I strive to take advice from these great thinkers, and remember the
limits of my own knowledge within both the classroom and the world.

3. Authentic

Personal- I believe that I must be personally authentic and honest with my


Cultural- I believe in culturally authentic education that responds to the

needs and realities of my students lives, and to use classroom materials
and teaching practices which honor cultural identity.

Classroom-Community Connecti0n- Give these children a chance to

utilize the historic and industrial material which they see about them and
they will begin to have a sense of ease in America, a first consciousness of
being at home.-Jane Addams. The community must be brought into the
classroom, and the classroom a role in the community, as a centerpiece of
authentic education.

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