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TASK 1: Narrative essay, that starts with the sentence it was a rainy

It was a rainy night. Dad was counting bills, mum was entering
data and James was snoring peacefully on the couch. At that very
moment, the bell rang. Something was amiss, it was like I was the
only one who heard it, like time just froze. Yet, I paid no attention to
my guts and went to get the door. Not a shadow seen, and I began
to panic. As I shut the door, something blocked it. I left the door ajar
and like a flash landed on my bed shivering under the covers. Still,
the members of my family stood frozen, unaware even with all the
shattered glassware. The sudden roar from outside set me upright,
falling onto the cement floor.
[122 words]

TASK 2: Argumentative essay with the topic, internet kills

Internet is the new, modern way of communicating. But in all
honesty, we all know that it creates a wall between the real
communication that truly strengthens the bond. There are pros and
cons to this technology. Internet is great for getting to know new
people but what we see on the internet may not be entirely true
because we only see what their eye desires. In addition to that, what
they say may not come from the heart and could just simply be lies.
By communicating face-to-face, people get to know each other
better, share laughter and the bittersweet moments. Through the
internet, we dont get all that verbal and non-verbal communication.
So yes, I strongly agree that internet kills communication.
[122 words]

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