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NewS _— GOOD LETTERING — IS AS ESSENTIAL IN MAKING EFFECTIVE POSTERS AS ITIS IN DISPLAY ADVERTISING ANYONE WHO CAN WRITE CAN LEARN TO LETTER ,FOR NO UNUSUAL TALENT IS NEEDED. STUDENTS WHO INVEST SUFFICIENT TIME T@ MASTER THE FUNDAMENTALS’ AS PRESENTED IN THIS MANUAL WILLENJOY RICHER RETURNS ON*THEIR INVESTMENT THAN CAN BE DERIVEDSFROM ANY SIMIGAR INVESTMENToIN-THE ALLIED ARTS. NOXART_GOURSE SHOULD BE COMPLETE WIFHOUT A WORKING KNOWLEDGE Tt Books Linea ll rt Ilustrations and methods of instruction ap sn this book copyright ~ pba in UA yin Pen of nde i gl pics f Sid rods ~3 a PSs ey fee sem a ig Lhisiop cn sn vont aeffag:hhii aif “mm: apypooP gar Dib St: ALU TUN VW WW XX93 Gils. Hie ai of Vertical Writing’ to aera Lettering, Round writing ERroined and. loops left off-ab Round L writing thus ‘becomes, ‘Roman syle pe abedef ghij klmnopqrstuvwy abcdefghi J jkimnopgrstaw abedef, ghij kimnoparstuvwxyzagy ee ijkimnopgrstuy, most characteristic letter styles are those of the single-stroke variety i f Teasers) students and craftsmen will find in this book a comprehensive guide to practical letteriny and poster art. Whether working for a livelihood or for the pleasure it affords, these alphabets an ‘examples will eliminate much unproductive effort. The beginner will make better progress following the order of practice as given starting with page cight, see footnotes—use the style of pen or brush suggested, making letters large enough to develop an arm movement—the smaller size pens can be used for smaller letters as soon as the formation of the alphabet has been learned with the larger pens. Merchandising depends so much upon sho-cards for quick turnover that we seldom see displays without them, Supplying this demand has created profitable positions for experienced letterers every- where. The fact that skilled letterers can do about fifty per cent more work with the pen, explains why most of the cards are pen-lettered. It is quite a feat to letter a mass of copy on a sho-card with a brush and keep it uniform yet the artist cannot ask more for a brush masterpiece than he would get for a good pen job. When the work appears uniform, easy to read, and is ready on time, the customer is seldom concerned with how it was made. The following will acquaint the student with the different style pens and their use. ‘The Style “A” Speedball pen was the first tool of its kind, designed to produce square poster letters single stroke. The Style "B” pen was next developed for single stroke round Gothics. Then came eB Nogue for the graceful Roman and Italic alphabets which were originally created by the Italians ‘with hand-cut reed pens. This called for a lettering tool that would duplicate the strokes of this flexible reed, The Style "C” Speedball pen was the first to successfully meet these requirements. The next period saw the development of bold poster Roman alphabets. These were first made with the round tip pens, building up all thicker elements with additional strokes, This “building up” took so much extra time that sho-card men asked for a tool to produce these thick-and-thicker alphabets as easily and quickly as the Style “C” pen did the thick-and-thin letters. Style "D” Speedball pens proved satisfactory. The oval marking tips made them remarkably easy to handle, The newest Speedball pens are trade marked “Flicker.” Their ink reservoirs are hinged. Both upper and lower feeders “flick” open simultaneously so they can be wiped clean. Flicker pens ‘and their feeders are both made of pen stecl, tempered to give longer service. FB-6 is equipped with ruling flanges for drafting work. All Speedball pens are equipped with triple reservoir ink retainers. The main reservoirs load with a dip and handle a generous supply.of ink. The ink is fed to the auxiliary reservoir above the tips it is used, which also acts as an automatic check to prevent blots by spreading the ink evenly over the entire surface, thus insuring perfect-strokes at any speed, To successfully handle any tool, it is helpfull for the operator to- become familiar with its limita- tions as well as its potentialities. In making letters by hand, choose the size and style of pen that will produce their elements with the fewest strokes, There\is # Speedball pen designed for each of the different alphabets. It is never clever to try to form letters with a pen or brush not adapted to their production. Such efforts are generally misdirected and wswally.cesult in a failure or a wasteful expendi- ure of time and effort, Besides the Speedball pens every letterer’s kit should inchide two or more red sable sho-card brushes, sizes 10-12 and 14, to'take caré of the letters that are\too large for the pens. ‘The use of a Tsquare, ruler and compass in, drawing the letters-of some alphabets is necessary, ‘The T-square or ruler is always recommended for guide lines, Letters that are tuled Jook-mechanical and are seldom a good substitute for freehand work. The freedom, grace and individual-beauty in hand lettering usually come with-regular practice. Training the hand, arm and fingers'to act. in unison is accomplished by a coordination of inovements much tke same as those taught in penmanship. Without the proper inks it is difficule to. get the best tesults from any pea: Thin, watery, trans- parent inks or thick, gummy, sticky mixtures never produce good results,-Most standard brands of Sraterproof black drawing ink can be used for lettering purposes. When-good lettering inks are not available, thin opaque colors will be found satisfactory, Sho-card colors prepared {Or brush Ge will work satisfaétorily in pens when thinned to a free- flowing consistency with a litle of this solutionwater, nine ounces; alcohol, one ounce; gum mucilage, fone ounce; and a fewcdrops of,glycerines\Diluted sho-card colors must be kept well stirred to flow freely from the pen. Do not prepare a large quantity because they work best when freshly mixed. When using white or opaque colors or_inks, brush’ pens occasionally with a wet toothbrush to prevent the feeders from getting clogged with dried ink, Crusted pens should be scraped or brushed clean before using, The best way to clean lettering or drawing pens is to scrub them gently with a wet toothbrush. LIFT FEEDER TO CLEAN Artists who desire a specially prepared ink that has proved exceptionally successful in this type of drawing and lettering pen can obtain Speedball inks from their stationer or art dealer. They are made in all the brilliant colors of the rain- bow, plus black and white. $]X9Q., DINLOD W NVINOY SIX3] 914308 ,Weuror UeWOL a y Tr IT sSTUULUUTIUI usyE] e Jo aoueieadde o4y soBueyo =/7.49S-.24} JO SUOI}ED!4/POW JO SUOIJEIEA MOY MOYS 0} djay j[IM sudneijsnj|! eSay} Ssyoqeydie Meu yo UO!}eE‘D OY} Uy) “suanyo que yxap ogUOg “3x90 fia|gQuIGE’ [op WeMIID ‘PID WIG SqROD ADYSTOLD' PADI "POD YOUN Jo sows TTP sogMPUG, yliysysqaqy Ip FDLBEDEE Kooy ‘ TYSJopoae I pesoduio SIN] TV forcadodyv el 09 oe OW es a — HOWIaDeV eS TOO) sd.) J1SUG, DALY OY” isn e¢ abcde qrstuvWwayZaprsty -ABCDEFGHIJK MNOPORSTUW VEX 1233891 1YZ? HEAKAWAR ysabyd oun yfrySyopoqe SLOCHSI LOS ALL R@GLS BED a AXNOAGESIUCIH THES) BEE SY NWINOY GOROIN WA 682 9G$ CQ Eee ‘esoumn) Eee Mf FUOWUOSIP AAPG ULPOHW/ OTT, FOR AY DOV d17SIREDEOR ' uorssadip Lagrein( hyanoy Kppompiaspus sof 97, ous aaa OWL ee 9 aouasanary, prin prsremusz fosy ‘ Krrong ' hpnbrpspg. tof DET UL SIXID © 1 Cee UienOnees ‘hprubiig, wexqonsasucg 40f NVWOU' OISSVIDe poobly oink, & snob smb of SOU NSTWOU SURG 7 SCOOW DNISLDETACY Qp buniaypay $0 UZAY Yi) zxahiien psy AMET OCONW. wu OUMNpH? FEMS pe ybfopog» 200K Phbviliig OF. | GBCDE ia TGHIPK J EeaR UNOP ony, QREFU ws 16 \aapxtz $12. 23 345 6. 78 3 ¢ bedof ff hs Lift bedef guncpgre shed KLMNOPORS Snags TUVWIEXYZ arcpea ebcdet Coloks Shijkm mouope 2opeqri RSTUeR Stuywx WawaE Jsayzte 123 ABCDEFGHUKL 67 45 MOPORSTUVWYZ 89 ARCDEFCU KLMNG@PE@S RTUVWZX 12345 ¥ E789: ssaajoereyp TeuIBi10 UI pungy jou syersuMU EF 4:VAN'T GMYHF MOY uuMjopueleyy, uo seme Woy pouocrysey 6 li! AN W A = | XVIT i Siero ROMAN ith an Ornamen yim ming SAS —with saa rod . on g” ar pit Bw EF i 3 , Se al ie Ne Fo : " Te nil oe Th oe * ol at ait AaseiAM? atctostensce ZXPAN sencgs5e7t SUOGON 2x9ARISHD WMELHSD cONIATHS AQGIEV BOTICIY j mA Lb ZR 8010) ONIAVT BBAO AS asuvae> Saavds Inds NOILSNGodd 3a $S320Ud N3389S wos BaLsod ¥ SNDIVW NI Sd as BAISS3YOONd BHL DNIMOHS a (a¢ MIYTLE BEAR. 47 5 iio mnie pnp for Framing coy, lates iBnok “3 (Gafalogue@ours< Fs ambalf kinds of Designing ger GD Retciintr << Fle Thxmmannyssbdouw)4fiysbyapaqe Che MON PEE DET WLH9I930I90 | er ee ee 9.2.)K9S ygrm apoys puo jpoqpoads g ak7s D yid s1aRa/ 2U7177— LEMMA TA ISI Abdousayls yusyopoqe BZ 2S82 AE SALE SUD SAONPCT MT MAMA DAVY : QIWL WINALS “ l, | iguegnntou Nl ZOOL SSMCLON Wa66 66D EIGIND 90 (l= CHRTIJOWH- PZ TOE Pry aa Wh bdouuw d kyl Yojaprge SPZANMAML e SHONWIMNE ' [HOATIGIAV AOXT TAXMMA MLO nesHodd SdNOT sano) wu Id9g 7 al SSUdWO9 8 9-84 +LUb SUBWIbHO: = Ranjsabdoum © Kanjysabdouw rafyssopsqe yylydjopoge %, ZAXM © nasa % ¢ o 3 : By ie . q a | VV * BOLD DISPLAY 7 tne eLreretoas” Do , sbedetid beijt mnhe pqrstuvwxy Rough-in these letters 1 Speedball + spatter —+ add the tint spot ZIP RIG By eee DANSE 2 Zlbgndyy LIaDay | FMT TCS SOUETED HEADLINE ABCOEFGUL KMNOPORS TUVWXYZ? 1234561 ACHJKMNORSWAYS JZIQUE KANG DOU, Gicbug> Fipapoge LEXA MIALE COOUW FE CHELPIBODIO NUMBERED ARROWS SHOW STROKES Single- Stroke Copyrights Reserved by Loss F George: Ee alte ee eee ing oe okos Use a size 12 ved sable sho-card brush with any good poster color: __ Dip into color and then shape brush finger manipulation will produce clean cut strokes. Do not overload brush. Most sho-card 64 Show TWIRLING OF BRUSH (5 Seattle, U.S.A, 1928-1939 ~19¢8* 1952 on palette to get a sharp working edge. A smooth arm movement combined with the necessary) colors need « little water and sometimes more mucilage added to make them flow freely from the brush 65 <= sasiouis 20 bimmon mows sxcuny eausanon — IHLLO' BWOULS ZFIDNIS , GRY) HS Hsnus didv4a 66 ANBINBNOW ONS SMOBRY a3¥sBiAnN— WML MONS SMOMLY aaitcg 67 BALANCING THE LAYOUT “Layout” is the printers’ word for 1 “copy.” es very important subject for a is the printetly spaced, is ineffective if poorly arranged. Copy Foataleing only a few even, good lettering, correctly Paty hagd to lay out, But COPY Conse oy valed vo words, and pethaps_ an furore can be better bandied when ————— » P rations Gg made to arrange i i approptian Blocks before any nce a Japon i to teat all words, lintiations, boric: ome. «The quickest way t0 learn bow. re children’s building blocks. ‘Group the word blocks into evens aril oli masses a8 DOUBLY pcs 2 single word is = bloet in ie) and then balance all larger phrase blocks (though sometitics ° Vith these phrase blocks according to theit size and attrac pictures, spots of color or decorative masses TM [NT robiems because, instead of a lot of individual Bion, Itis easy to see how this scheme cn space. BY keeping the blocks simple in Sses of groups to fit into a given dee ani fon mans EPs and ecive manne, Hanlin any Boat on paper and cutting out the different blocks you eats poem around until you/are ettidhed with the fs i ages 23-84-8 layout before aplyng ae (See pases card it should pot all be done in the same size leer P there is eamsiderable copy 19 4° i a. page out of book. The difference in the sine of the ing. This would make the poster ‘e of the various words or phrase blocks. Less a a the relative importaneé ous wor leering nataraly depends non We ot ie agit harmonizing wih th ay of ley ed for the rest of the copy. It is not generally ‘considered the best of taste to mix Gothic letters with the Rom: ire, TRL wi ana ABBCDDEEFFGHHIIKKLCM MNOPPRRSSTTURVWWX aabbecddeeffgghhiijjhhllmmnnoppqq rrssttuunwyv & YYZ wwwwxxyyy72z abeddefghijhimnopgrstuowxyzyvsrfa ABCHDEFGHIJKCMNOPOERSTUVWX UY abcdefghijhimn opqrstuvwxyzy &S5Z ABCDEFGHIJKLINNINOPQRS TURVVWWXYZ O1s English Suit faz’, - Old English: StyleD ABCDEF G6 | Bites! ABCDEFG HIIKEAN se HIILCAN OP QRSTH || OPORNSTH | DWRUZEH ESs DWAYZG?. abebefghijkl || abcdefghijk miropgrstyw | = Ee ae = Imnopgrstyy pstabissexcz © é __ aw HASTE Xz A gi tor ge A 1 Ze. : English ce bbe Thi mn ongrstuneeys 11934567 oie | ce ata or 5 ee i= 0) fal Bre ace Say bdEni hjble nepars ro twat “7 g2 rn i a atel 7a x 1 hed X08 OLD) STOCOU WLLL dDGDAP SN3d T1V8G33dS 3HL HLIM NOISAG YIdOE W ONIOTIAIO eee (aaa AWAWAWAWas NVA AWA) resess iA : « Hy yr 5 fy Fy oD- ex RO Sh” a ( Sa alt, 9 alli - li i) SUGGESTIONS FOR POSTERS AND BORDERS “SS SS \ [agate AYN igi A timely, shipment of Hats Bewitchin nevis Spring A timely shipment of Springllats Harn Ww muse FLOWERS New sires GENG “With that’ Southern flavor S| ‘AReal specials Zab 50 can AGOOD INVESTMENT IN A STYLE- COMFORT: LONG WE: Whaupactired S Guarani by NEPTUNE KNITTING CO; FOR A BEAUTIFUL ARDEN i ™~ ee fakesidy SUPPLY CO. MARKET $1. AT IB WHOLESALE!<«RETAIL IMECHANICAL, SPACING, OF UNIFORM LETTERS AND ~ |MARGINS OF EQUAL WIDTH MAKE A POSTER (MONOTONOUS THE EFFECTIVE USE oF| CONTRAST, POWERFUL HEAD-LINES | Cory ARMARGED IN “| BALANCED |’ ON ON OPTICAL CENTER } eps ZZ ‘NE TINE | Swim Suite (0) Regassinavesument int t STYLE comMFoRT LONG WEAR au oO Bites SA? sets 1 Alaniptied \Y) Giese by NEPTUNE KNITTING co. FOR A BEAUTIFUL DE GAR gt » Jahehde SUPPLY CO. SEEDS TODLs = YY ke Rae, HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS pe eal ‘ BRU oft Wa i eg SN et HOTEL OF ‘SOUTHER OW CO: + bubrication: xs : Af Fon Tie TORE SOF HAPPINESS, TV SMITH ano CO, PAu NAMEOE- OBJECT? OPEN AL a Na -suad yoqpodls, T&a,ypin uneip sqnodby ‘ Burey yoqoy, Kg spreures: Wyroape todedsmoy oaryequosaiday SLNIWNGLSNI NOILVSIAYN DRAMATIZE MAPS Le BS Sketching Nature with the Speedball pen Fr gi yy ben PRD NUL 92 NOTICE ALSO. THAT THE SUPPORTING, FOOT 19 DIRECTIN UNDER CENTER OF GRAVITY, SHOULDER 1S LOWER OFF BALANCE FIGURES (ON Eilon i oullel oi Bais Bache | tim i iil / j a 3 a a- pe ee NOTICE-ALSO THAT é THE SUPPORTING. 2 --©, FOOT 15 DIRECTLY THE Bopy's UNDER CENTER WEIGHT IS So OF GRAVITY oF Figures fa OW ACTION is oF Se Rea ae | WWOD DOC Dd C.D DDD TO) D0 WD AXXO D DX XRRT ARNT XXTXT ALT AIX 1X XXX XA ANX XK NIX MAK ITAX TAX AX AIX IX TIX IXX XT MIA WX TA ALI WI Ss Iwuaawoan NWWOW LL fey ee PLO A er Ws Mle ZY end ~" iI INDEX OF CONTENTS i . Ce eases. Sense vl ey \ Architects’ Alphabets: 26 Modern Caps and Lower Case 41 ; eee ime ae ane i i ree a ets tke a na S ee ee yes es a j ee ra eet meee ith Bape ee 2 naman a 9 Le et eR RE Agi tra. orn a5 GOTHIC ALPHABETS ROMAN a ae ca i eae a 8 Bie pci Lhe Date ee iy Bios Hi be ee caee es ey $3 Bruty Shard Gis Si aie a ace ci Seordensed Paser Biyle A a Bulleio n a Dee oe ee, aA Gun Diy 2 kts e s ielemestteyt Baers 3 Gay Ninety 4 Baany 8 Bi 6 Rr A ie 20 Mialies Siple C 2 Nie arene cin iy pie salaec td Pumice, Sle 4 patscne $4 A Roman Numerals 56, sine a Oa ttt Same ON Sera FA) Serge Can, singe Ot Teas Siyle"A 20 Split Script Bs Vertical Manuscript 6 seal Ttalies “ 34 Vertical Script, StylesA\ an Stunt ¢ x PEO KO, WlarEA sO ck % (in color)’ 48, 49, 52 Western rr 40. ITALIC ALPHABETS ‘SCRIPTALPHABETS i gee a 0° ae i ee 2 Re i" Display 1 ‘Shadow 4 Bee y cee i ; me BN 4 Gd a On Bear see 3 ee eens ann ; Layout eo\23,68, 84-90 | Stick Figures o Bee ao Wee For ‘i Manuscript, Bold Roman, Style D 2B ‘TEXT ALPHABETS \ ee ee Ae A New Alphabets, How Made 2, 31,46 Sage 16,79, fa We errs Bc A a ee Fe eens Ai Ai aetna a Bold Roman Display 59 Speedball, Styles C and D 16 Builders 60 —_Uncial Alphabet 2 m4

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