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Problem 1

A pentagonal prism having base

edge 100 mm and height 175
mm, is resting on one of its faces on the ground with axis
parallel to HP and VP. It is cut by an AIP making an inclination
of 30o to the g
ground and p
g through
g a p
point on the axis
125 mm away from either base. Draw a sectional view.

Problem 2
A hexagonal
pyramid having
g base-edge
g 100 mm and height
g 255 mm is
standing on its base on the ground with its alternate base-edges equally
inclined to VP. It is cut by two AIPs. One AIP is parallel to the ground and
another AIP is inclined 60o to the ground. These two cutting planes meet
each other as shown in the Figure.
Figure Draw a sectional view.

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