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Possible Test Questions

Unit 1

Explain why a good classroom climate is important.

What are two of Piaget's major findings and theories?
Which theorist believed that learning can occur through rewards and punishments?
John Watson
What is the difference between Id and Ego?
What does NEE stand for?

Unit 2
6) Explain the difference between BCC and CC in an email
7) Why should you always write in the subject line on an email?
8) What is Linkedin and why is it a good tool to use?
9) What are 3 things you should have ready for a parent teacher conference?
10) How long should a typical parent teacher conference last?
a) 2 minutes
b) 5 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 30 minutes

Unit 3
11) What is a hornbook and how was it used?
12) Define what a common school is.
13) What was the Morrill Act and what did it do?
14) What does CCSS stand for?
15) What does NCLB stand for, when was it established and what did it do?

Unit 4
16) What are instructional strategies?
17) Explain the difference between personalization, differentiation, and individualization
18) What does MLS stand for and what is involved in it?
19) What are the basic components of Debbie Millers planning circle?
20) What does the hook do when teaching a lesson plan?

Unit 5
21) Why do we need assessments?
22) What do assessments affect?
23) What are the three times we assess?
24) How does the Pacific Yacht Club Race connect to learning?
25) What is the difference between summative and formative assessment?

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