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Coral Reef Glossary

Climate Change- A rise in the average surface temperature

of Earth due to both natural events and human actions.

Coral- A hard, variously colored, calcareous skeleton

secreted by marine polyps

Coral Bleaching- The loss of zooxanthella in corals due to

warming water temperatures. Causes corals to become
stressed and diseased and often turns them white.

Coral Polyps- Organisms that make up corals. Polyps have

a mouth at the end of their bodies outlined in tentacles.

Coral Reef- Underwater ecosystems made up of corals that

house thousands of marine organisms.

Ecosystem- A community of interacting organisms and their


Symbiotic Relationship- A close interaction between two

or more different species.

Zooxanthellae- Tiny, single-celled organisms that live

inside corals and provide them with essential nutrients.

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