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‘September 19, 2016 ‘To Whom It May Concern itis with sincere pleasure that | write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Chelsea Field. As ‘Schoo! Counseling Coordinator, | have worked with Chelsea in an educational capacity over he past ‘wo years. ‘During this time, Chelsea has impressed me with her dlgence, independence and innate leadership qualities. She has established herself as a capable, hard-working student who exemplifies a solid wore ethic and a respectful demeanor. Chelsea presents with a keen sense of ea awareness and excellent interpersonal sis; handling social intricacies and adult interactions with certainty and poise, |Last year, Chelsea positioned herself as valuable team player in aur Pee-Technology program. There, she exhibited a wilingness to ays go the extra mile and offer help to those in need. She continues to serve as an indispensable member of our Alied Heath program this year and is developing an ‘emerging skill set and knowledge base inthe areas of safety infection control, chemistry, electronic Portfolios and job interviews. Chelsea serves on GMTCC's marketing team where she isa role-model land spokesperson for our center, assisting with tours of our center for prospective students and stakeholders | recommend Chelsea Field, without reservation, for whatever endeavor she pursues, as | am confident she would be an asset to any organization that has the good fortune to work with her. Should she ‘express interest in joining your team, I suggest that you do not lt the opportunity pass you by. IF 1 can be of futher assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. sit Meaghan Parker ‘School Counseling Coordinator Green Mountain Technology and Career Center 738 VT Route 15 West Hye Park, VT 05655 802-851-1573

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