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This week has unraveled to be a glimpse of what a team of software developers goes through

when seeking to fulfill a project. As it turns out, its much more difficult to find an issue in the world
(or your community for that matter), that hasnt already been solved. We as programmers are almost
useless unless sought out for.

During the week, we began developing our proposal for the team. My team, although difficult at
first to do so, did well in searching for issues in our schools community that could be potentially
solved. We did have some difficulty in brainstorming an idea for a team logo, but it wasnt long until
we were able to decide and agree on what to make of our final draft. Although it may be our second
week together as a group we are still learning more about each other and bonding throughout the
process. All in all, I feel that we will grow together as future software developers.

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