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Threshold Concepts & how they helped me during this course.

1.Things Ive realized throughout this course related to writing

-I have a voice that I can use to be bold and say how I feel
-allows me to express anger, admiration, repulsiveness
-someone cares what I have to say! (maybe)
-not everyone will agree
-trust my gut!
2.What rhetoric taught me this course
-persuasion matters!
-although it matters, it might not always be effective
-how you say things in a paper are important
-pathos is an important key to emotional appeal in an essay
-logos helps to back your claims
3.How my papers have the potential to inflict action
-enlighten a non-smoker to realize the struggle of addiction
-inform a smoker of the health risks of smoking (in hopes to quit)
-encourage non-smokers to not patronize tobacco users
4.Deliberation in my papers
-helps to give effective messages in an essay
-makes a clear claims and organization in a paper
-I wasnt motivated enough on the topic of quitting smoking, so I decided to focus on the
addiction aspect of tobacco use, which made a much more effective message
5. Engagement in your topic is necessary
-you have to want to research your topic!
-helps to keep you interested in what you're writing about
-if you dont have engagement with your topic then you dont have an essay
-if you lose your sense of engagement then change your topic to something you are more
passionate about
6. Keeping in mind contingency
-if your essay isnt relevant, readers arent interested
-appealing to a bigger audience gives more meaning to your topic
-current articles are best to use when researching your topic, theyre more significant

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