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11 Animation for Digital Media

Production Stage- Week 4

Modelling and Animating

Progress made
Highlight from 1 10 how well you feel you have done today with 1 being not
very well and 10 being very well


Bullet point what your achievements today were. What have you completed?
I have completed the model of my character.
Ive helped a class mate with the photographs to do his work.

Identify what have you become better at over the course of the project (time
management, organisation, independent work, creativity, problem solving etc.)
and explain how?
While doing this project I have been able to solve the problem of being able to make my
character stand up on his own. Also I have managed my time quite well while doing this
and Ive been very well organised.

What do you still need to develop?

Thinking about what youve done well and what you havent achieved, what
skills do you think you need to develop and why?
I think that my model creating needs to be improved as my model doesnt look very good
and could have been done a bit better.

Next time?
What are your next steps? e.g What do you plan to achieve/improve/explore in
the next session?
Next time I want to finish off helping my friend doing his photos and then hopefully
start to do mine. Also if I get far enough start to edit them into the video but that
might not happen as I need to do the photos to the best that they can be and they
can take a lot of time.

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