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Carlie Hobbs

SPED 854
M4: Job Posting Analysis
November 21, 2016

Job Posting Analysis

The job analyzed was a special education teacher position for the 2017-2018
school year with the Park Hill School District. Unfortunately, the job description did not
state who the special educator was expected to communicate and collaborate with other
than who they would report to. The special educator is expected to report to the principal
and another, non-specified, supervisor.
Per the job description, the special educator is expected to participate in
curriculum review and design. It can be assumed that the educator would have to meet
and collaborate with a team of other educators to discuss and organize a new curriculum.
The special educator is also expected to diagnosis and evaluate student abilities and
progress in a timely and consistent manner, this would in turn require the educator to
collaborate with regular education teachers, parents, administrators, and other related
service staff. According to the job description, the educator is also required to plan a
program of study that meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students.
This would require the educator to discuss the plan of study with all related personal to
the student. The special educator is also required to attend meetings and performs duties
as assigned by administrators or supervisors. This would mean that the educator would

have to not only be able to communicate and collaborate the administrators, but all of
those involved in the meeting.
If I were to apply for this position I would share with the administrators my
current strengths of communicating with parents daily on how their child is doing and
working with them to create a safe learning environment for their child. I would also
share with them how I work with regular education teachers daily on effective student
plans for my self-contained students to be effective in their classroom. I would say a
weakness is that I need to find a way to make myself heard when I am advocating for a

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