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By Allain Christine Bernardo

OFWs are heroes. We can say theyre heroes

because they have the guts to work abroad.
Leaving their love ones back home is not easy
to do. But because we need to work and we
need to provide a better future to our family, we
need to sacrifice.
Presidential aspirant Grace Poe was courting
all OFWs around the world and asking for them
to support her candidacy as she runs for the
2016 election.

Photo from

Poe left Philippines in year 1990 to travel and lived in the US. In 2001, she became US
citizen and became a dual citizen in the year 2006.
Grace Poe states that You know, they say, Your life was easy there. Its not easy to
live abroad. I can say the needs of my family were met, but when we returned in 2005,
that was a time of the previous administration and of my fathers death. We fought so
many issues. It was not an easy time for us, but we needed to fight for our beliefs and
for justice.
Love for country is not only determined by territory. Anywhere we are, we remain
Filipinos. We become even Filipinos even more because we miss our country. When we
come back, its like we dont want to leave anymore. Poe added.
As the migrant worker from two divisions of Commissions on Elections, they wanted to
cancel Poes certificate of candidacy for the upcoming 2016 election as they are

claiming that shes not a natural-born Filipino citizen and had failed to comply with a 10
year residency requirement as a presidential candidate.
Despite of everything, Senator Grace Poe still remains calm and maintained her
conscience clear.
Whatever they say, my conscience is clear. Its easy to accept if its just for me, but we
cannot accept the questionable processes in our country. Poe said. FILIPINO TIMES


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