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A picture is worth a 1000 words.

In my view the proverb "A picture is worth a 1000 words" it's

true,but not for all.For some people a picture means nothing
while for someone else means the world.
Firstly,while looking at a picture you can live alot of
feelings,some bad and some good.The proverb means that
while you are looking at a photo you can live inside of it,you
can remember all the things that you did in that day just
seeing the picture.For example,when you see a photo of the
person you love,it makes you feel happier.
Secondly,a picture has a powerfull impact for a person.They
can see and tell how a person is and how a person likes to
live just looking at a photo of them.Most of the pictures we
have are the reflextion of who we are.For example,from a
photo of a person studying we can tell that he is more
preoccupied by the way the people see him,he is a
superficial person who just wants to be popular.
In conclusion,the proverbe "a picture is worth a 1000 words"
not esspecially means that you can say 1000 words about a
picture,it means that you can see another dimension in it.

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