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Washing quality:

Washing quality is divided into following sections:

Dry process Quality

Oven quality
Spray quality
Shading quality

Overall working procedure of washing quality:

First batch is inspected according to Green Seal sample. The Dry process Quality
department maintain the Rigid Sample which is according to green Seal sample, the
rigid sample is dually signed by production and quality Incharge. Then they Spray
Quality also maintain the rigid sample which is close to standard sample. In shading
Quality the range is developed then these range is shown to Auditor or
merchandiser for approval, when approval is done the Dry and spry Quality check
the approval that is there any changes in rigid standard or not. If there is any
chances then they forward these comments to concern team.

Dry Process Quality:

In Dry process Quality whiskers, Scraping, ripping are inspected. In all these
operations SPI are checked.
SPI means Shape, Placement and Intensity.
In Shape we check that the shape of Scraping, whiskers and ripping is it according
to requirement or not. In Placement we check that the position of all these
operations are on correct place. if both shape and placement are ok then see the
intensity of operations that either it is lighter or heavier or ok according to
For whiskers, scraping 400 to 600 sand paper number are used while for ripping 60
to 120 or according requirement sand paper are used. As the number of sand paper
is reduce their rubbing power is increase and as the number of sand paper is
increase their rubbing power is reduce.
Way of working:
At start of each shift or new order the Quality team check 5 pcs of each operator to
see that they produce according to standard or is there any problem in it. If there is
any problem then they guide the concern person. While if 5 pcs are ok then every
operator when complete his bundle then they check it to quality team, quality team
check the bundle according to AQL 2.5 system.
Three types of garment are face by quality team
1. Target
2. Ok but need improvements

3. Not ok
Target garment means it is according to standard. While ok but need improvement
garment category means these garments are ok but they need improvements.
While the 3rd category garments are not acceptable.

Oven Quality:
Oven Quality team check the wrinkles and measurement of garments. Two types of
wrinkles are made
Hanger wrinkles and clip wrinkles. The temperature of oven is about 80C while the
time is about 7 to 21 minute. It depend on requirement of wrinkles. After wrinkles
formation 2 pieces from each size are measured. There are basic 7 points are

Waist band measurement

Hip measurement
Thigh measurement
Inseam measurement
Out seam measurement
Front rise measurement
Back rise measurement

If all these measurement fall within tolerance then quality give ok for go head. And
if not ok measurement then they adjust the parameters of oven to achieve the
measurement of garments within tolerance.

Spray Quality:
Spray Quality also follow the SPI rule, Shape. Placement and intensity. Inline
inspection is also perform. In spray we follow 2.5 AQL system

Measurement after final wash:

At start of each shift and also at beginning of new order measurement is done after
final wash. If the garment have busted seam then before measurement garment are
press also. The measurement are done according to requirement which are mention
in size chart. In MMT we perform measurement at 7 points but if they require the
measurement of knee and bottom then the measuring points become 9. These are
points which we measure during MMT. The last two are perform if they require.
Otherwise only 7 points are perform

Waist band measurement

Hip measurement
Thigh measurement
Inseam measurement
Out seam measurement
Front rise measurement
Back rise measurement

Knee measurement
Bottom measurement

Shading Quality:
It is the last section in washing quality and is the only position where we perform
100 % checking. In shading we observe the garment shade wise, spray wise and
also see the other problem as well like touching faults, bleach spots, miss stitch,
damage , miss pick many more faults which are then at the end of all three shifts
are mention in B2 report.

What is achieve during training:

I practically perform all these process from dry process to shading

DHU calculation and development of report
I practically perform the Measurement of garment according to Kiabi, Mango
Know about the difference between tint, shade, and garment dye and over
Also practically see the color of all dye which are used in washing
Their combination like orange 2bl,Black Nf, black G are perform
What kind of bleaching agents are used for what color of garment
Practically perform the categories of faults and developing the B2 report.

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