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All matter is made up of countless tiny particles whizzing around called:

a. element
c. charge
b. atom
d. molecule
2. The part of an atom that gives an element its identity
a. proton
c. electron
b. neutron
d. nucleus
3. The number of protons in an elements nucleus gives the element its identity.
a. atomic number
c. ions
b. atomic weight
d. isotopes
4. The atomic weight of an element is approximately equal to the sum of the number of
___ and ____.
a. proton, electron.
c. electron, neutron
b. proton, neutron
d. electron only.
5. A shortage of electrons results in ____ charge; an excess of electrons gives a
a. positive, negative.
c. negative, positive
b. negative, negative
d. positive, positive
6. Different elements can join together to share electrons is called.
a. ionic bonding
c. covalent bonding
b. mixture
d. compound
7. Considered as good electrical insulator.
a. porcelain
c. pure water
b. mercury
d. silver
8. Six quintillion is equivalent to:
a. 6 followed by 16 zeroes
c. 6.24 followed by 18 zeroes
b. 6 followed by 18 zeroes
d. 6.24 followed by 16 zeroes
9. ___________ is actually a form of radiant energy.
a. visible light
c. heat
b. infrared light
d. mechanical energy
10. ___________ takes place when electrical insulators are forced to carry current.
a. dielectric
c. electricity
b. electromotive force
d. ionization

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