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Lhokseumawe, October 30th 2016

PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (MTI)

Our Respect to Mr/Mrs in PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (MTI)


I have read an annoucement about job vacancy from Internet for some position. Id
like to apply as one of Sales & Marketing in your company. My name is Eka Mutia, I am 23
years old and single. I just graduated from Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic in August 30 th
2016. My background study is Civil Engineering. I am familiar with Microsoft Office,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Poin, Autocad, Google Sketchup, Internet. I have good
personality, fast learning, I can work well with others (team work). Besides, I also can speak
English quite well.

I hope you will give a chance for interview, so I can explain more about
myself. Thank you for your consideration and attention.

Sincerely yours,

Eka Mutia, S.ST

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