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September 19, 2016


Japanese Style and Nature Theme Haiku (Grade 8)


Watercolor paint set, paper for water color painting, paper for Haiku poetry

Students in our schools need to know about art and design now and throughout history in order to better
understand the arts, themselves, and the world around them. The study of art involves not only creating art, but
also knowing and remembering information and ideas about art and design (CCSS in Visual Art, DPI 2000, p.
Visual Art Standard A Visual Memory and Knowledge
Main Benchmark(s) Student understanding of these concepts are assessed in this unit:
A.8.3 Know about styles of art from their own and other parts of the world
A.8.4 Know about some styles of art from various times
The following skills will be demonstrated through painting activities in this unit:
A.12.3 Know and recognize many styles of art from their own and other parts of the world.
B.12.3 Relate works of art and designed objects to specific cultures, times, and places.
I.12.3 Compare and contrast feelings in a work of art.
I.12.5 Understand and recognize that art reflects the history and culture in which it was created.

Raindrops by Brooke Soto

Raindrops are falling
Splat splat hear the tap tap tap
On my umbrella
I started my painting by using different hues of blue and purple to create a rainy look. I used diagonal lines to
signify that the rain was falling down. At the bottom of my painting there is a red umbrella, I liked the bold yet
soft color of the red. I added blue over top to make it look like rain was coming down on it, as described in the
poem. I then added splats of water to give it more of a blended look like the way it looks when its rainy with a
slight fog and everything is misty and foggy. At the top of my painting I added the Japanese symbols for
Raindrops, the title of my poem. My painting and poem connect to the Japanese style of watercolor paintings
because it is very naturalistic. Also, the Japanese like to blend the colors creating unclear lines or divisions.
They also use black pen or paint to accentuate parts of paintings, which I did to draw attention to the umbrella.

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