You are on page 1of 38


Shhe Sacred Cows

o f Mo n ey

Save Yo
Rich D rself from th
ad's Tr
e Crisis
uth Ab
out Mo !
1 Go to school 2 Get a job 3 Work hard 4 Save Money
below your means 6 Your home is an asset 7 Get out of debt
8 Invest for the long term in a retirement plan filled with stocks,
bonds and mutual funds
5 Live


knowledge: the new money

Shooting the Sacred Cows of Money

Putting a bullet in the head of bad
financial advice
A Quick Note from Robert
Throughout history, cultures have tightly grasped their sacred cows (dearly held beliefs so commonly accepted, so
religiously observed, that to question them is sacrilege).
Our culture is no different. Our beliefs are no less sacred.
Especially when it comes to money.
A year or so ago, Kim and I did something wed never done before. We assembled all the Rich Dad advisors in one
room to talk about the common myths our culture holds about money.
These myths include:

Go to school
Get a job
Work hard
Save money
Your house is an asset
Get out of debt
Live below your means
Invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio

The conversations were candid, funny, and dead-on. We filmed these conversations and placed them on a website,
The goal was to create short, free, easy-to-watch, and easy-to-share videos to introduce those new to the
Rich Dad message and to help the Rich Dad community educate their family, friends, and co-workers about
Rich Dad principles.
Rich Dads vision has always been to provide comprehensive financial education with quality, free resources when
possible to as many people as we can. The mission of Sacred Cows is to take you from the established mindset about
money to the enlightened mindset, to put a bullet to the head of bad financial advice, and to help you take charge
of your financial future.
The videos are available for free online at But we thought it would be a great idea to
take the content from the videos and condense it all into a free eBook that is easy to share.
So, thats what weve done.

The following eBook is an edited version of the video transcript. I hope you enjoy it. Please share it with your friends,
family, and co-workersanyone you know who could benefit from the collective knowledge of the
Rich Dad team.
Comprehensive financial education is still the surest way to financial freedom, both personally and as a society.
Together we can make a difference.

Rich Dad Team

Robert T. Kiyosaki
Robert is the founder of The Rich Dad Company, a recognized brand worldwide and a global leader in financial
education, empowering people to escape the Rat Race and find financial freedom.
A successful entrepreneur and investor, Robert is the author of 19 books, including Rich Dad Poor Dadthe #1
personal finance book of all time. Hes regularly featured on shows such as Larry King Live, Oprah, and Your World with
Neil Cavuto.
Roberts bestseller, Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, pioneered online book publishing as a free online
interactive book with contributions from over a million readers in over 167 countries. Frequent updates appear on

His latest release, Unfair Advantage, addresses what schools will never teach you about money and incorporates both
audio and video into Rich Dads first enhanced eBook.
A true advocate of effective financial education, Robert isnt afraid to challenge the status quo. He offers financial advice
that exposes the absurdity of conventional attitudes about money and debunks the so-called financial experts.

Kim Kiyosaki
As an internationally renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, and real estate investor, Kim knows what it takes to
succeed and be a financially independent woman. Shes a sought-after speaker, television and radio talk-show guest, the
host of a PBS Rich Woman show, and a columnist for
Through her international brand, Rich Woman, Kim draws on a lifetime of experience in business and investing
to be an advocate for women in the marketplace. A self-made millionaire, Kim is a happily married (but fiercely
independent) woman and often travels and speaks with her husband, Robert Kiyosaki. Her first book, Rich Woman,
was a Business Week bestseller and is one of the top 50 best-selling personal-finance books of all time.

Ken McElroy
Ken is a founding partner of MC Companies, a real estate investment company that specializes in management,
investment, development, and construction with a portfolio across the southwestern United States of over 10,000
apartment units valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

As a Rich Dad Advisor, Ken brings 20 years of real estate experience to the team and speaks to thousands of people
across the globe each year. He is the author of the Rich Dad Advisor books The ABCs of Real Estate Investing, The
Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, and The ABCs of Property Management. He is also a contributing author
to Roberts The Real Book of Real Estate and the author of The Sleeping Giant: The Awakening of the Self-Employed
Entrepreneur. Find out more at,, and

Andy Tanner
Andy is a renowned paper-assets expert and successful business owner and investor known for his ability to teach key
techniques for stock-options investing. In 2008, Andy was key in helping develop and launch Rich Dads Stock Success
System which teaches investors advanced technical trading techniques to profit from bull and bear markets. He serves
as a coach to Rich Dads Stock Success System trainers and as the Rich Dad Advisor for paper assets. He is currently
authoring an upcoming Rich Dad Advisor book on paper-asset investing.

Anita Rodriguez
Anita homeschooled her four children before becoming a teacher and counselor in the poorest high schools of Denvers
inner city. Later, she was a high school administrator for Douglas County in Colorado, one of the wealthiest counties
in the nation. Having spent most of her life in education and seen first-hand the lack of sound financial education
in the U.S. school system, she joined The Rich Dad Company in 2006 as an Education Advisor. She brings her vast
experience to Rich Dad to help develop world-class financial-education curriculums that change lives.

Blair Singer
Blair is a top-rated and internationally known speaker and sales communications trainer. Since 1987 hes worked with
tens of thousands of individuals and organizations such as IBM and JPMorgan to help them achieve extraordinary
levels of sales, performance, productivity, and cash flow.
As a speaker and Rich Dad Advisor, Blair has presented in over 20 countries across 5 continents on life-changing sales
success, and is the author of the Rich Dad Advisor books Sales Dogs and The ABCs of Building a Business Team that
Wins. Find out more at and

Tom Wheelwright
Tom is the founder and principal for ProVision Wealth Strategies. For more than 25 years, Tom has devised innovative
tax, business, and wealth strategies for sophisticated investors and business owners. Tom is an international speaker and
an adjunct professor in the Masters of Tax program at Arizona State University. He serves as the Rich Dad Advisor for
Tax and Wealth Strategy and is the author of an upcoming Rich Dad Advisor book on building wealth through tax
strategies. Find out more at

Garrett Sutton
Garret is a founder and partner with Sutton Law Center, P.C., a law firm with offices in Nevada, Wyoming, and
California. He has over 20 years experience assisting and advising entrepreneurs, families, and businesses in selecting the
appropriate corporate structures to limit their liability, protect their assets, and advance their personal financial goals.
As a Rich Dad Advisor, Garrett speaks frequently at Rich Dad events on the topic of corporate formation and
asset protection. He is the author of the Rich Dad Advisor books The ABCs of Writing Winning Business Plans,
The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt, Own Your Own Corporation, and How to Buy and Sell a Business. Find out more
at and

Mike Maloney
Mike is the owner and founder of, an online precious-metals dealership that specializes in the
delivery of gold and silver and secured storage. Additionally, provides research and commentary for
its clients, assisting them in their wealth-building endeavors.
Mike has spoken to audiences throughout the world on the benefits of precious-metals investing. A student
of economics, Mike is regarded as an expert on economic cycles and capitalizing on the opportunities they afford.
He is the author of the Rich Dad Advisor book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver. Find out more at

Kathy Heasley
Kathy is the founder and principal of Heasley & Partners, Inc., a branding and marketing firm, which pioneered and
champions Heart & Mind Branding. A successful author, entrepreneur, business coach, and public speaker, Kathy
serves as the Rich Dad Advisor for marketing and branding. She has over 20 years of experience helping to shape
brands like Cold Stone Creamery and Massage Envy and is an international speaker on branding, marketing, and
communications. Find out more at

Trina White Maduro

Trina is a businesswoman, investor, and social entrepreneur. She grew up in the midst of violence, drugs, and gangs on
the south side of Chicago and was raised in a single-parent home with 14 other siblings and family members.
Trina excelled in sports and initially viewed professional basketball as her destiny and vehicle to success. She later chose
to pursue a career in social work and ministry through non-profit organizations and churches, which shes done for the
last 21 years. Today, she is a social entrepreneur who understands how to use money to create opportunities and better
the lives of herself and those she serves.

Rodney Anderson
Rodney is the Executive Director and Senior Managing Partner for Rodney Anderson with Supreme Lending. He is
the leading home-loan specialist in Texas, and has arranged financing for over 20,000 families over the last 18 years. He
is the #1 producer of mortgage origination in the state of Texas and was named the #1 FHA/VA lender by Mortgage
Originator magazine. Rodney brings his 25 years of experience to the table as the Rich Dad Advisor on lending. Visit for more information.

Marco Antonio Regil

Marco is a successful entertainment entrepreneur and investor. Hes Mexicos number-one TV host and has devoted 25
years of his life to radio and television. Hes a spokesperson for such companies as McDonalds, Pepsi, and Nestle and
for non-profit organizations like the American Red Cross and the Mexican Telethon. Hes helped raise more than $40
million every year for these charities.

Robert and Kims Story
In Shooting the Sacred Cows, Kim and I share our story about how we met, were dirt-poor, and built our wealth together
as a team. We also share why we felt compelled to start The Rich Dad Company and why we feel financial education is
so important.
Hello Im Robert Kiyosaki, and Im probably best-known for my book Rich Dad Poor Dad.
And Im Kim Kiyosaki.
Kim and I met in Hawaii in 1984 when I was kind of between businesses.
I should say something. We met in 1984 and fell in love, and 1985 was probably the worst year of our lives.
We were broke and building a business, but we were homeless for a period of time, we struggled financially, and it was a
really tough time to go through.
So, in 1986 I asked Kim to marry me because I figured if she had put up with me with no money, shed put up with me
any time. I asked her dad and his first question was...
My dads first question was, Does he have a job?
The answer was, of course, no! But anyway, by 1994 Kim and I were financially free, and we did it without a job,
without a retirement plan, and without government support.
Yes, and I think one of the most beautiful things about being financially free was that it was the first time we were able
to ask, What do we want to do with the rest of our lives? Because, up until that point, we were so busy working day
to day and paying the bills that we never had that luxury.
And thats when we started The Rich Dad Company.
And in 1996, we created the CASHFLOW board game to give people the same financial education my rich dad
gave me.

Prior to meeting Robert, I had very-little-to-no financial education. And what Roberts rich dad taught him and what
we learned on our journey to becoming financially free was not what we heard from financial advisers and planners. In
fact, it was almost the opposite.
We found that lots of people were asking us how we achieved financial freedom, so we created the CASHFLOW game
to teach people just what we did, which was quite the opposite of what many people are taught.
Today were in a financial crisis. Kim and I saw this crisis coming, and that was the reason back in 1996 that we created
The Rich Dad Companyto provide financial education so people can learn to take care of themselves.
I was always taught the importance of teaching people to fish instead of giving people fish. Unfortunately, what our
governments do today is give people fish rather than teach them to fish. And the more you give people fish, the more
poor people you create.
The Rich Dad Company was formed to teach people what my rich dad taught me, but more importantly, to teach
them how to fish.
Like Robert said, theres a huge financial crisis going on right now. If something isnt working for you financially today,
then maybe you need to look for new answers.
And were always looking for new answers. Thats what Shooting the Sacred Cows is aboutgetting financially educated,
taking charge of your life, and not depending on the government or other financial experts.
Our answer to the financial crisis is to get financially educated. Instead of starting out with learning how to fish,
financial education begins by shooting the sacred cows of money.
Money does not start in your hands. Money actually starts in your head.
People hold to sacred cows, age-old Industrial-Age beliefs, such as, Go to school. Everybody says, Well, you have to
go to school. Unfortunately, you dont learn anything about money in school.
In Shooting the Sacred Cows of Money, were going to say some things that will challenge you. You might even say,
Thats not fair! Well, were not trying to be fair. There is no fairness when it comes to money. Either youre a winner,
or youre a loser.
We say hard things because they are the truth, but also because we care about your financial future. The lies of the
sacred cows of money actually hurt people. A sacred cow is something that everyone accepts as truthand its taboo to
say anything bad about it or to the contrary. There are many sacred cows regarding money. They are serious, and they
hurt people.


Todays world is different than it used to be. The way things always have been done financially isnt working, and its
time that somebody stands up and shoots a few sacred cows so that people stop suffering.
A good analogy is the people who lived in New Orleans prior to Hurricane Katrina. They knew they lived below sea
level. They knew that it was only a matter of when, not if, a disaster like Katrina hit. Yet, they chose to ignore the
potential consequences. And they paid the price. Today, weve got a lot of financial storms. You need to be prepared.
We have a solutiona very strong solution. By shooting the sacred cows of money, we hope to wake you up to start
thinking differently. So, lock and load.

Time Out: The 5 Elements of Financial Education

You need to know the five elements of financial education.
Element number one is history. There are many interesting dates, but one important one is 1913 when the Federal
Reserve Bank was created. Also of importance, in 1913 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was created so that they
could tax us. They had to tax us if they were going to print money.
In 1971, President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. After 1971, money stopped being money. It
became a currency backed by debt. One of the reasons were in this massive financial crisis today is because, after 1971,
the Federal Reserve Bank could print as much money as it wanted.
In 1974, the rules of retirement changed with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which paved
the way for the 401(k). And thats why today so many people of my generation are afraid of running out of money
during retirement.
Element number two is taxes. As you know, taxes are not fair. There are many reasons why the rich pay much less in
taxes than people who work for the rich.
Element number three is financial vocabulary. In other words, understanding the language of money. For example,
whats the difference between an asset and a liability, capital gains versus cash flow, or fundamentals versus technicals?
Thats all part of a financial vocabulary.
Number four is wealth protection. As we all know, people out there are trying to steal your money. But there are also
people whom you trust who are taking your money. Because of this, financial education is not only how much money
you make, but how much money you keep.
And element number five is that there are two sides to every coin. When you put your money in the bank,
the bank gives it to somebody else. When you put your money in your retirement plan, the bank gives it to
somebody else.


Sacred Cow #1: Go to School

An important part of financial education is having a financial statement, which includes an income statement and
a balance sheet. When you go to your banker, your banker always asks for your financial statement, not your report
card, because your financial statement is your report card once you leave school. Your financial statement will tell you
whether or not youre smart with money. The financial statement is the report card of your financial intelligence.
One of the biggest sacred cows of all is go to school. Many people think Im anti-school. That is not true. Im antiignorance. So, Im very pro-education. Im just not pro of being stupid about money.
Education is more important now than its ever been.
Thats right.
So the problem is that the schools focus just on two kinds of education. Theres the academic, which is really
importantReading, writing, arithmetic. You need to have it, thats basic.
The second type of education they give is the professional kind of education. If you want to be a lawyer or an
accountant or a teacher, then you need to go to school and get those certifications. But the one kind of education thats
lacking severely in the school system is financial education.
I put on my Facebook one day that we need to teach our children financial education, and I received a comment back
from a teacher that said, Whos going to pay for it? Were all going to pay for it if we dont start educating our children
about finances in school.
This is a very hot subject. Our schools are training people to be employees, to work for the rich. The second thing I
dont like about school is how they label a kid as smart or stupid at an early age. The reason Im sensitive about that is
because I was labeled stupid right from the start!
And it wasnt that I was stupid. I was bored and not interested, and we studied subjects I wasnt interested in. Nobody
could tell me how I was going use calculus.
Were they training me to be an employee or street smart? My poor dad was school smart. My rich dad was street smart.
Id rather be street smart today.
Well, theres a total lack of practical education. Thats really what youre talking about, and I found that to be true. Im
an accountant. I have a masters degree.

And youre an A student, right?
Yes, Im an A student.
Well forgive you.
Thank you. But when I went to school, the only financial education I got was specific to my profession. There was no
general financial education. I could have gotten a masters degree and a PhD in my field without any specific financial
education at all about how to handle myself once I got out of school.
Right. And people say to me, Well, I learned economics in school. Economics is financial education, right? Not really.
Its not about investing. Its not about the law. Its not about taxes, not about history.
Robert, as a lawyer, I see all sorts of people walk through the door. Some are highly educated, and some have no
education at all, but like you said, theyre street smart. And the first time I saw this type of client, I thought, Wow! Hes
doing pretty well. He didnt go to college, but hes got all this real estate. And then theres a pattern that develops where
you see a lot of people who never went to college but are street smart and have done very well.
I was talking to a woman the other day. Shes a highly successful medical doctor. Shes very smart in many ways, but
when we were talking, she finally looked at me and said, Oh my gosh. I have not a clue about my money.
Shes 45 years old, and she has not a clue. Many times you think that, because people are successful, they know
something about money. But they really dont because they never had the education.
School creates a culture of dependence. We depend on three things. We depend on a corporation to take care of us.
We depend on government to take care of us. And, the scary one I think is, we depend on institutionsyou know, the
people who run our 401(k)s to take care of us.
We rob ourselves of the independence to think freely as entrepreneurs or investors, and we become dependent on those
three entities. Its brutal.
Mr. Maloney, you never finished school, did you?
No, no. I failed school, but more than that, school failed me. I was dyslexic.

They didnt know what dyslexia was back then, but basically I was just like you, Robert. I was bored stiff. I got put in
all the remedial classes. Basically, I was in with the dumb kids. They werent teaching me anything I wanted to learn or
anything that I would ever use in my lifetime.
And the reason Im bringing up Michael is that most people will agree hes probably the smartest guy on this team. And
the problem for Michael was that there are three kinds of education. Theres academic: reading, writing and arithmetic.
Theres professional: become a doctor or a lawyer or, in my case, a pilot. And theres financial. But Michael was put back
because of academics, because you cant read, right?
So, how did you learn to read?
Apple came out with OSX at the beginning of the last decade, and you can just select text, hit a button, and the
computer reads to you.
Most people dont know its built into the operating system. I developed a passion for global finance and economics and
monetary history especially. And passion drives you.
Now we cant shut him up, and Im going to blame Apple for that one!
School is so low gain. I didnt do well in school. I did very well in sports, and in sports you learn to compete. You learn
to deal with pressure. Goals in school are individually focused. Youre competing against everybody, and teamwork is
called cheating in school. Some of us cheated better than others.
And Ill just say the last thing about school that really upsets me. In America, schools are based on real estate tax. In
other words, if you come from a rich neighborhood, the real estate tax pays for better schools. If you are from a poor
neighborhood, you get less money. So, any time somebody tells me schooling is about being fair, when I look at the
number side of it, it isnt. If youre poor, youre getting the worst possible education. To me, that is cruelty.
So how does a person learn about money? How does a person increase their financial intelligence? A diagram called the
Cone of Learning provides some interesting clues.


Cone of Learning
After 2 weeks we
tend to remember

Nature of Involvement
Doing the Real Thing

90% of what we say

and do

Simulating the
Real Experience
Doing a
Dramatic Presentation


Giving a Talk
70% of what we say
Participating in a Discussion
Seeing it Done on Location
Watching a Demonstration
50% of what we hear
and see
Looking at an Exhibit
Watching a Demonstration


Watching a Movie
30% of what we see

Looking at Pictures

20% of what we hear

Hearing Words

10% of what we read


Source: Cone of Learning adapted from Dale, (1969)

The Cone of Learning was created by an educational researcher named Edgar Dale in 1969. What he found is that the
worst way to learn is by reading or listening to a lecture. And the best way to learn is at the top of the cone, which is
simulations through games, and then doing the real thing.
The interesting thing is that my poor dad who was good at school thought that reading and lecture were the best way to
learn. My rich dad taught me to be a rich man by using methods at the top of the cone. He taught me using the game
of Monopolyyou know, four green houses, one red hotel, four green houses, one red hoteland then we went out
and did the real thing.
So, one of the ways, if you want to learn without much risk, is by simulations, playing games. The reason my wife and I
created the CASHFLOW game was so that you could play and make a lot of mistakes with play money.
How many people in this room have made financial mistakes?


Yes, the only thing we were ever taught in school was maybe how to balance a checkbook, how to have a savings
account, those basics.
Financial education is like learning another language.
I say this all the time in Mexico. If you learn English, you can do business with the whole world.
When you learn to speak the language of money, it opens up a whole new world. And unfortunately in our
school systems, we dont teach the language of money. We teach people the language of becoming a doctor, lawyer,
or an employee.

Sacred Cow #2: Get a Job

The next sacred cow is get a job. Now the problem with getting a job is: Who do you think pays the most taxesthe owner
of the business or the worker? For that, Ill turn to my accountant here, Tom.
Well, its clearly the employee whos paying the most taxes. I started as an employee right out of school, and I was
paying high taxes. Even though my job is to reduce taxes, I was paying high taxes. And then about 15 years ago, I
started my own businessmy own CPA firmand I was now self-employed and paying more taxes. So, it wasnt
until I started acting like a bigger business, and was really a significant-sized business, that I started paying less in taxes.
Its because the business owners, the entrepreneurs, and the investorsthe active investorsreally pay the least amount
of taxes.

Time Out: The CASHFLOW Quadrant

In this eBook, youll hear a lot about E, S, B & I, also known as the CASHFLOW Quadrant. E stands for employee;
employees have a job. S stands for self-employed, small business, or specialist like a doctor or a lawyer. These people
own a job. B stands for big business, 500 employees or more, and these people have other people working for them.
And I stands for investor, and investors have their money work for them.
Now my poor dad always said to me, Go to school and get a job. He wanted me to become an employee or a
specialist like a doctor or a lawyer. My rich dad said, If you want to be rich, you have to be a business owner on the
B-I side. And thats the difference between my rich dad and my poor dad.
If you look at the CASHFLOW Quadrant, you have the E, S, B, & I quadrants. The people who go to school are on
the E and S side. The S stands for specialist like a doctor or a lawyer, and the Es are employees. But doctors and lawyers
pay the highest taxes, right?

Oh, by far. Its the self-employed people because, not only are they paying the highest income taxes, they also get the
privilege of paying Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes on everything they earn. So, theyre paying extra taxes just
to be in that S quadrant.
Right. My mother wanted me to be a doctor. If I had followed that advice, Id be paying the highest tax possible. They
make a lot of money, but they pay the highest percentage in taxes. So thats why this relates back to go to school.
Thats right. And they actually have the fewest options to reduce their taxes. But the tax laws are really geared towards
those people who are creating jobs, the entrepreneursthose who are creating housing, real estate investorsbecause
the government understands thats what we need. They want the private sector to do that, and so they reward them for
doing so. And thats really all the tax law is. Its a system of rewards for people doing what the government wants you
to do.
The other part of it is this whole idea of getting a job. Theres some kind of a myth out there that goes with get the
job, get a safe, secure job. And so that by getting a job somehow youre going to be taken care of for the rest of your
life. All you have to do is pick up any paper to see how many tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs. There
are no safe, secure jobs, and now were competing with India and Asia for jobs that were sacred to America at one point
in time. So, this whole idea of having a job and being secure is just not true. Its probably the most insecure thing you
could be doing right now.
The idea of a secure job is an Industrial-Age idea.
The only option put into your head is to go get a job, and I wasnt around
Thats brainwashing.
Yes. I didnt grow up around entrepreneurs. I wasnt around business owners. I was around employees.
When I first started my company 15 years ago, I went back to my class reunion, which is always an interesting thing
to do, and I remember saying to them, Yeah, you know, I started a company about five years ago. They looked at
me like, Youre so brave. And Im thinking, Ive had this company for five years now. Thats the longest I have ever
worked anywhere.

See, without financial education you have to get a job. Whats tragic today with so many people losing their jobs is that
theyre going back to school to get another job, but theyre now competing with their kids. Thats insanity. So, were not
saying jobs are bad. Were just saying as entrepreneurs that our job is to create jobs. The government doesnt really create
jobs. They need more entrepreneurs.
I didnt even know there was another option growing up. I thought all you could do was get a job. So again, its not
right or wrong to be an employee, but Id like to know what my options are.
When you were in school, did they say, Go to school, get your diploma, and become an entrepreneur? No. I mean
youll never hear that in the school system.
No, they said, Work your way up the ladder, get the bigger paycheck, get a better job, and higher pay.
But youre right. Get a job is the only option that youll hear in school as a rule.
And job stands for Just Over Broke, you know.
To me, the real issue with a job is that its the highest-risk profession you can have because you only have one client.
When I started my business 15 years ago, it was after being fired from a job. What I recognized was that I had no
control over my life because I had one client, my employer, whereas now I have thousands of clients. Now, if one client
fires me, its not the end of the world. Now my risk has gone down considerably, almost to nothing. When you have a
job, its just a high-risk play.
Well, the other thing is, youre in complete control. Thats the piece that I like.
Youre an entrepreneur because nobody would hire you! (Group laughter.)
But its nice. If youre going to lose some business, or you do lose some business, you can go out and do something. You
can go out, generate business, and fill that gap.
Financial security is more important than job security. Es and Ss get punished for making mistakes, or they lose their
job. Bs and Is get richer from their mistakes because they learn from their mistakes.


Sacred Cow #3: Work Hard

The next sacred cow is work hard.
My poor dad, a schoolteacher, a great guy with his PhD, always said, Im a good, hardworking man.
My rich dad had a different point of view. He had me read this book by Mark Twain. It was a story of how Tom Sawyer got
the other kids to paint the fence for him. My rich dad said, Thats working hard. You want other people to work hard for you,
and you want your money to work hard for you. That was his lesson.
A lot of people cant wait until Friday because they hate their work so much. And they dread Sunday because they have
to go back to work the next day.
With us, I would say most of us are working 24/7, but were working differently. I love my work. Its challenging,
with problems and all that stuff, but I love it. So, we work hard, but we dont work hard in the normal sense of
working hard. The problem with working hard for money, because the rich dont work for money, is that you pay
more in what, Tom?
Taxes. The harder you work for money, the more you will pay in taxes, right?
Right. Instead of working hard for money, the rich work for assets and pay a lot less in taxes. The tax law is geared
towards building assets because, when we build assets, we build the economy.
The big difference between Es and Ss, and Bs and Is, is that Es and Ss focus on the income statement, and Bs and Is
focus on the asset column.
As we build assets, the economy grows. Employees benefit also because now we have more jobs for more employees.
But on Michaels side, people are working so hard because the Feds are also working hard printing money, right?
Ive got friends who just say, I need to get more hours, or I need to get a second job, or something like that. Theyre
working harder to make a few more dollars, but they dont realize that over this entire past decade, the average income
after inflation has fallen. So the harder people work, the less theyre making because the government and the Federal
Reserve, the banking system, theyre basically stealing it from them.
Can we bring in the bags of coins right now? Thank you.

Im not going to hold that!
Ill give you an example. In the year 2000, one gold coin cost $300. This huge bag Im holding is $300 in
U.S. quarters.
Today, in 2010, that same gold coin costs thousands of dollars to buy. So the reason people have to work so hard to
keep up is because the value of our dollars is going down. The insanity of getting another job, paying more taxes, and
working harder when... How many dollars did the Fed print in 2009?
From August of 2008 through 2009, they created about 1.5 times more paper dollars than they printed in the previous
200 years.
So, thats why people are working harder, because their money is worth less.
And it isnt the coin that changed. People dont understand that it isnt the price going up. Its the value of the dollar
falling. Its the currency thats changing. The can of Campbells soup in the grocery store is the same can with the same
contents from back in 1950 when it cost 15 cents. Today its $1.95 or whatever it is. Whats changed is the dollars
value, not the can of soup.
So thats why the rules have changed. In 1971 the U.S. dollar stopped being money and it...
It became a currency. It became debt.
It became an IOU from the federal government. And the thing is, they can print as much as they like. The more they
print, the harder you have to work.
It all takes place in your head.
Take this glass here. In this case, the glass here is context. It holds the content, in this case, the water. Es and Ss
have a different context than Bs and Is. Having a different context, Es and Ss attract the sacred cows like go to
school, work hard, and live below your means. Bs and Is, having a different context entirely, attract a different type
of content, a different type of information, and a different type of education.
Money is created out of your head. If youre a true B and I, youre not concerned. Its because, just like the Fed, we can
print our own money.


Sacred Cow #4: Live Below Your Means

Our next sacred cow is one of our favorite oneslive below your means. Do you like living below your means? Its no
fun. It kills peoples spirits. Why would you want to live below your means? But many people have to live below their means,
unfortunately, because the Fed is printing so much money that taxes and inflation go up, which means people are forced to
live below their means. Lets talk about what keeps people living below their means and how you can rise above yours.
Well, if youre on a paycheck, you have that one income coming in, and if youre just one person, youve only got
24 hours in a day to work. So, there is a limit to how much you can work to get those paychecks coming in. This
forces many to live below their means.
The key here is to raise your means. Thats the idea here. Its not that we want to have terrible credit-card debt or
something like that. Instead, lets raise our means so that we can live the way we want to live instead of living at
this poverty level.
So why is it that whenever some adviser looks at your finances that the first thing he looks at is how you can
cut expenses?
Well, what does a financial planner tell you? The first thing that they ask you is, What do you need to live on
when you retire? They never ask, What do you want?
Robert and I definitely do not believe in living below our means.
When we met in 1984, we had nothing, but every year we would get together at New Years and we would set our
goals for health and assets. So, thats why it took us only about 10 years from 1984 to 1994 to become financially free,
because we kept adding assets every year. And we continue to do the same thing today because its fun and exciting.
Thats one of the best-kept secretsgetting rich is fun!
It is fun! Its a lot of fun. If Robert and I want to buy a luxury like a new car, we first acquire an asset. So we acquire the
asset and the cash flow from the asset pays for the car payment.
So its never living below your means. Its expanding your means through acquiring assets that give you cash flow that
gives us all those good things in life.


The point here is this: There are assets and liabilities. The way you increase your means is to acquire more assetsnot
houses or carsbut assets. The reason so many people struggle financially is that they have no financial education. They
may be a good doctor or lawyer or accountant or rock star, but if they dont know the difference between assets and
liabilities and they keep buying liabilities instead of assets, they have to keep living below their means.
If youre single or not, if youre on a fixed income, if youre an E and an S, your income is limited. There are four major
expenses that keep Es and Ss poor.
Number one is tax, and taxes are going to go up because the Fed is printing so much money all over the world.
Two is debt. People leave college with tons of debt, use credit-card debt to make ends meet, and then use debt to buy
their house because they think its an asset.
Three is inflation. Inflation goes up because, as taxes go up and prices go up, then inflation goes up.
And fourth is retirement. You must put something away for the day when you stop working.
Those are the four main reasons Es and Ss, as a general rule, have to live below their means. But if you have financial
education and live on the B-I side, you can increase your means by increasing cash-flowing assets.
I think a lot of people accept mediocrity, and in order to be able to grow in business, in order to make more money,
you have to step out of that comfort zone and stop being mediocre.
Or hoping the government is going to save you. I think living below your means is one of the greatest spirit-killers there
is. Theres a lot of people who like being poor. Im not making it right or wrong, but thats definitely not what I like to
do. Kim and I definitely dont live below our means.
No, I definitely do not like living below my means. I did it when I was in college, and that was exciting times and all,
but I get inspired when I get put in a position where I need to create something new. I want to be bigger than I am,
not less than I am, and I think people are being taught to contract and be less than they are instead of being inspired to
expand and be more than they are.
Thats the issue with the idea of a budget, right? A budget is all about cutting. Its all about slicing. Its all about being
less than you are. Instead, you should make a strategy and look at projections into the future. Ask What can I do? as
opposed to What cant I do? Thats the big distinction.
A lot of it comes from fear, too. You know, I think people are afraid of their futures. Theyre not sure where the future
is going to lead them, and they think, Ill live below my means. Ill save. I wont allow myself to have this small luxury,
that small luxury. They of course fall off the wagon, and then they feel bad about it, and it creates guilt.

The worst thing is that they cut back on their expenses and they save money. Right, Mike? Thats the worst thing they
could do.
Right. Theyre saving depreciating money.
It all goes back to the questions you ask. When you say, I cant afford it. I dont have the money for that, you put
yourself in a box. A better question would be, How could I afford that? How can I get the money for that? That type
of question expands your mind.
You know, in my community where I grew up, living below your means was pretty much a step up. Im just being
honest. We didnt have any means, and we didnt live and didnt know how to live. It was basically survival. And some of
the ways we created those means were, of course by legal definition, illegal. That was the way we survived, and that was
the way we got by. Living below your means is completely opposite to abundant living, which is what I believe in my
faith, abundant living. The opposite of that, to me, is not the way that God intended for us to live.
Thats why I think its absolutely criminal that our school system does not teach us much about money. And what
they do teach us is to put your money in the bank which means you lose more money, and then talk to a financial
planner wholl put you into mutual funds. That is not financial education. That is educating people to give more
money to the rich.
That will also cause you to have to live below your means. Thats what theyre training you to do. Create a budget.
And while youre at it, youre going to pay more and more in taxes because you get no tax benefit for living below
your means.
And thats a problem. You say to a child, Go to school and get a job. Become a doctor or a lawyer. That child will pay
more than his or her fair share of taxes and then will have to live below his or her means.
If youre playing defense instead of offense, youre just hiding and trying to play it safe, saving money, and you never
manifest. You cannot be who youre supposed to be.
I say its time to get financially educated and take care of yourself.


Sacred Cow #5: Save Money

The fifth sacred cow is save money. In 1971 President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, essentially taking the world
off the gold standard, and money was no longer money. So people are no longer saving money. Theyre saving debt.
As Ive said in my books for years, the big reason that savers are losers is very simply because in 1971 the dollar stopped
being money and became debt. Right, Mike?
Yes, the rules all changed in 1971. Before then, when someone became working age, they could expect to put away 10
percent a year, and by the time they got into their 60s, they could retire on their savings account and expect to live off
that interest. In 1971, everything changed and they started creating currency on a massive scale.
Worldwide. And that is what causes inflation and the loss of purchasing power. Back in the 1950s, if you had $100,000
in the bank, you could retire on that.
So for folks like my mom and dad, the World-War-II generation, the industrialized generation, it was very smart to
save money. For our generation, the baby-boom generation, saving money could be the stupidest thing you can do
because the system is stealing your wealth through the very thing you work formoney itself, which isnt really money
Right. Real money is actually gold and silver. Money has to maintain its value over long periods of time. Currency
doesnt have to. For 5,000 years, gold has been the predominant currency. It became money when somebody minted
it into coins in Lydia in about 680 BC, and each unit had the same buying power as the next one. They became
Let me ask you this. This printing of money out of just paper, this has been tried before, hasnt it?
Many, many, many times, and theres always one result. When they start creating a whole lot of currency, you get far
higher prices for everything, but especially real money. Eventually gold and silver lie in wait. When the public senses the
inflation of retail prices that is caused by the inflation of the amount of currency in circulation, they rush back toward
gold and silver. They have for 5,000 years.
Name some governments that have attempted to print money.

The Weimar Republic.
What about Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe, yes. They are the most recent, having printed a $100 trillion note. This is the largest note ever printed.
And this was printed in 2000?
Yes. But when Zimbabwe was created as a country, when it went from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwean dollar
was on parity with the U.S. dollar. One U.S. dollar was the same as the Zimbabwe dollar. But it doesnt buy anything
today. It doesnt buy a cup of coffee.
Right. See, the Greeks did the same thing when they started clipping coins. The Romans tried it, the English tried it,
the Germans tried it, the Chinese tried it, and now the U.S. is trying it.
And so thats why saving money is probably the biggest mistake you could make right now because today money is no
longer money. Its now debt. All currencies throughout the world are in trouble, the same way the Zimbabwe dollar is
in trouble. Thats the problem with saving money. After 1971, it was no longer money.
And more than 70 percent of all the currency on the planet is U.S. dollars.
If the U.S. dollar goes, the world goes with it.
Im preparing by getting fully diversified. I buy both gold and silver!


Sacred Cow #6: Your Home Is an Asset

The next big sacred cow is your home is an asset. In 1997, I wrote in Rich Dad Poor Dad that your house is not an asset.
At that point, every realtor stopped sending me Christmas cards. Your home is not your asset. Its actually your banks asset if
you read a financial statement.
Kenny, you own lots of real estate.
Is your home an asset?
No, not my personal residence.
A lot of people are in trouble today with their house.
Yes, because it doesnt produce any revenue. I pay the bank every month. Its the banks asset.
Everybody used to tell me my house had appreciated in value. Again, thats capital gains versus cash flow. And what
people are finding out now that the real estate market has crashed and the value of homes has been sucked out now
people are upside down on their home, and theyre finding out its a liability because they still have to pay the bank on
that mortgage.
And Ill tell you, Im the largest originator of FHA and VA loans in the entire country. I rent. What does that tell you?
Well, as an accountant, is a house an asset?
Well, no. The bank will say its an asset, and the financial planners will say its an asset, but the reality is that its not an
asset for you unless its putting money in your pocket.
A house just drains money from your pocket. One of my little pet peeves is that people say, Well, if you own a house,
though, you get a deduction for the interest. Yes, but its money out of your pocket and the best you can get is 40 cents
on the dollar, okay? So youre giving a dollar and you get 40 cents back. Youre still out 60 cents. Its not difficult math.

Your home is shelter. Its a place to raise a family, but its not an asset that youre going to make money on. Its not a
financial asset.
Now, you might make money in an up-trending market, but today the markets trending down. Thats why in 1997,
what I said in Rich Dad Poor Dad, that your house is not an asset, was heresy because the market was up-trending.
Now people are saying, Oh my God, I shouldve listened to him. Im not saying dont buy a house. Im saying just
dont be financially ignorant and call your house an asset if its taking money out of your pocket. Kim and I own two
houses, one in Arizona and one beautiful beach house in Hawaii, and theyre our biggest liabilities.
People did think, especially in the high times when the markets were high, that their house was an asset. Even if they
had their mortgage paid off, people were borrowing against their house and putting it into the stock market or wherever
they were putting it. So, not only were they getting crazy mortgages, but they were also taking money out against their
house in second and third mortgages.
And they were doing it for things like vacations, boats, cars, and other things. And the reality is that the reason they
were doing that is because they got to deduct the interest off their taxes and so they thought, Well, this is okay because
I get a deduction. Just because you get a deduction doesnt make it a good thing to do.
One of the big mistakes people make is over-improving their house. They put in a $50,000 swimming pool, and it
brings them $20,000 worth of value. The way I look at it is that you just bought a $30,000 babysitter.
Fifty percent of the mortgages in Reno are under water, meaning that the mortgage is greater than the value of the
property. And this affects the whole community because people arent able to sell their homes and move to a place
where they can get a better job. The neighbors arent going to sell their houses because values are so far down, and so
this has affected entire communities. Weve heard people say that your home is an asset. Well, were talking here about
financial education, and this is one of the biggest financial lessons that our country has had to learn in a very hard way.
Your home is not an asset.
This has happened before and what will happen is new laws will come in, new credit will be loosened again years from
now, prices will come up again, and people will do it again.
Its about a 20-year cycle, as in anything. The point here is that this is the best time to buy real estate. If you are a
first-time home-buyer, this is your best time. Just dont call it an asset. This is the best time to get back in the market,
and thats why it takes financial education. The reason Im in real estate is for one reasondebtbecause one of the
easiest assets to get debt on is real estate. But if youre going to use debt, youve got to be highly financially intelligent.
Otherwise, if youre not intelligent, just keep calling your house an asset.

Time Out: The Four Asset Classes

Were talking a lot about assets, and there are four primary asset classes.
One is business. As an entrepreneur you own a business.
Number two is real estate, and we love rental properties that cash flow, real estate that puts money in our pocket every
single month.
Number three is paper assets: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and savings. Most Es and Ss are in paper assets today.
And number four is commodities: gold, silver, other precious metals, oil, and gas.
Were in business, were in real estate, and we own hundreds of properties in real estate. We have paper assets, and we
have commodities. So for us, when we talk about diversification, were in all four asset classes.

Sacred Cow #7: Get Out of Debt

Time to shoot one of the more evil of all the sacred cows, evil for most peopleget out of debt. A lot of people are saying to cut
up your credit cards. I think thats really ridiculous because a credit card is not the problem. In fact, I love my credit cards. I
dont know how anybody could get along today without a credit card. The problem is a lack of financial education.
The entire currency supply, all of the dollars in existence, requires debt. You cant have a dollar without debt. A dollar is
just an IOU. Its borrowed into existence either by the government creating a bond that promises to pay interest or by
future taxes. Currency is also created by people taking out a loan at the bank through fractional-reserve lending. Every
month theres a payment due on those dollars that you created.
Right. And a credit card is a fast way of creating money because theres really no money in the card. So lets say I go to
the store, and I charge $100. Like magic, $100 is created and it flows into the economy. Thats why debt is good. But
when you abuse this, thats when we get in trouble. Rodney, you see the horror stories of bad debt, dont you?
Yes. I see people walk into my office who make $150,000 a year, but they have $250,000 in credit-card debt. Lets face
it, we live in a credit society, and you do have to have credit. We have to learn how to survive and thrive in this credit
economy. But people are walking into my office, and they have this bad debt. Theyre asking, What do we do with it?
Well, number one, you try to pay off the bad debt so that you can invest in good debt, which would be real estate.
And we love debt, dont we?

Yes, we have a lot of debt.
Our real estate that we own is all basically financed with our tenants, so thats what I consider to be good debt. So when
we get real estate, we get proper leverage, and its paid by all the residents who live in all of our projects.
And its not just real estate. Business is the same way, and we even have good debt in business as well. Thats how we
grow. And its the cash flow from the business thats able to pay the debt, and the debt creates more cash flow.
Many people are worried today or think investing is risky because they invest for capital gains. Theyre hoping the stock
price goes back up. Theyre hoping their home value goes back up. A smart investor doesnt really care. A smart investor
wants both capital gains and cash flow.
People say that I like real estate. But I dont really like real estate. I just love debt because its so easy to get a loan on real
estate, right?
I like the analogy that you use sometimes. You say that if you put $1 million of cash into a mutual fund, you
get whatever you get paid. But if you put $1 million as a down payment on real estate, you actually buy a
$5 million project.
So youre actually getting a $5 million asset with $1 million, versus $1 million of mutual funds with $1 million.
And by using the banks leverage, the value youre creating on that real estate is on the $5 million, not the $1 million.
And the tax benefits that you get on the real estate isnt on the $1 million either. Its on the $5 million. So you not only
increase leverage on your cash flow and on growth in your asset, but you also increase leverage on your taxes.
Heres what were doing. We get these loans, and the tenants are paying them off. Thats the point.
And theyre paying it off with after-tax dollars.
Theyre moving into our places, paying rent, and were taking that rent and paying our mortgages down to zero.


Wait a minute! Ken is talking about these million-dollar deals. Let me tell you how I started.
Im somebody that knew absolutely nothing about money or financing or investing, and I began investing with a little
two-bedroom, one-bath house, and this was back in 1989. The house cost me $45,000. I had to put down $5,000,
which I didnt have, and I had a mortgageor good debtof $40,000. The reason it was good debt is because every
month I would collect the rent and pay the expenses, including my mortgage payment. At the end of the month I had
a positive cash flow of $25. Now it wasnt a lot, but it was a start, and from there I learned. I did my next investment
and my next investment. So it was good debt because that debt put money in my pocket every single month.
If only people understood that there is such a thing as good debt. I dont know how many people I talk to who think
debt is the dirtiest word in the world. Thats the four-letter word.
Because theyre not educated. Thats why.
No. And people are raised, and I was raised, to get out of debt.
Go to a bank and the banker will sell you mutual funds. But ask them if they will loan you money to buy those mutual
funds, and the answer is no. But if we go in and say we want to buy real estate, theyll ask us how much we want.
Thats because theres collateral.
They actually have something physical. Thats it.
Theyll sell you mutual funds, but they wont lend you money on mutual funds. That should tell you something. And
the other part about it is, that borrowed money for real estateis that after-tax, pre-tax, or no tax?
Its no tax. Anytime youre borrowing money, theres no tax on that money. You can use that cash tax-free.
So if somebody wants to save a million dollars versus borrow a million dollars, itll probably take them $2 million to
save the million because taxes will take 50 percent of it.

But I just go straight into a bank, and I can borrow a million dollars tax-free. Its great money. I love my banker. Im not
saying bankers are bad. Theyre fabulous because they give us the money. All they want is their interest. We keep all the
appreciation, depreciation, and amortization. We keep all of it. Theyre the best partners of all. So Im not anti-bank,
and Im not anti-debt. Im anti-lack of financial education because theres good debt, and theres bad debt.
Your rich dad was a tough mentor. But you know, I think some of the greatest mentors are tough because a really
great mentor will push you to go beyond where you think you can go. Some of my best mentors, thats what theyve
done for me.
Yes. And I didnt always listen to my rich dad. I still remember when I did a real estate course, and I went running out
and found this condo for $64,000 that didnt cash flow. I went to see my rich dad, and I said, But its going to go up
in value, in other words, capital gains. He said, Never buy anything that goes up. It must cash flow. And I said,
No, no, no. Its going to go up. And we argued and argued and argued. He finally said to me, If you start investing
for capital gains, someday you will lose big time.
So I let that condo go, and I didnt pay $64,000. Today its probably worth $300,000, but I learned a lesson from my
coach, my rich dad. If I had gotten into the habit of buying for capital gains due to the price of stocks going up or
real estate going up, I might have been wiped out in this crisis. So thats why a coach and a mentor keep you onto
your plan.
And help you create and develop very good financial habits.
Because if you have poor financial habits in your personal life, youre going to take those into your investment life.
One of the most important things a coach will do is help you develop great financial habits.
Because when markets go up, greed sets in. And greed makes people stupid.


Sacred Cow #8: Invest for the Long

Term in a Well-Diversified Portfolio
Our last sacred cow is invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of stock, bonds, and mutual funds. After
1974, the rules of retirement changed and suddenly forced Es and Ss into the I quadrant with no financial education as they
had to put their money into these retirement plans. A whole new industry was born called financial planners. Today it takes 30
days to become a financial planner. It still takes a year and a half to become a massage therapist.

Andy, what do you think of mutual funds?
I think theyre a great way to make money... if you sell them to other people. Honestly, I think theyre one of the worst
places a person can put money. They make other people rich with hidden fees and expense ratios. And you talk about
the law of compound interest. Well, theres the law of compound expenses too.
Okay, so let me ask you this: If I say to invest for the long term, like 30 or 40 years, what do you think about that and
paper assets?
Youve lost control that quick. Liquidity is what paper assets are aboutyour ability to sell and buy without negotiation
problems. Think of all the companies people have held for the long term: Enron, Worldcom, General Motors, United
Airlines... you can just go on and on. But the moment you decide to hold stocks, what control do you have?
In real estate, you can force the appreciationpaint it, carpet, etc. You cant do that with paper assets. Your only control
is to sell. If you hold it forever, youre rolling the dice and saying, I hope it works out.
Right. There are a lot of people, like financial advisers, who say that stocks are the best way to go and not to get into
real estate. Stocks are good for people who are not business people. You see, as entrepreneurs and real estate people,
were personally responsible for income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. But as a stock investor, even in Microsoft,
I have no control over income, expense, assets, and liabilities.
All you can do is sell or hedge. Thats all you can do.


Thats right. And what makes it worse is that you take those paper assets that you dont have control over because you
invest long-term and then put them into a 401(k). Then you have even less control because, once theyre in that 401(k),
you cant take them out.
Youre penalized for early withdrawal.
Youre penalized for pulling them out. And then on top of that, you dont even get the one tax benefit you get with
paper assetscapital gains. By putting them into a 401(k), youve lost that benefit.
On top of that, when you pull them out, there are three types of taxes: ordinary earned income, portfolio income, and
capital gains or passive income. And savings and mutual funds, what are they taxed at?
When you pull out earnings, when its coming through savings or a 401(k), theyre all taxed at the highest ordinary
earned income rate.
Its the worst thing you could possibly do if you plan on being rich. But if you plan to be poor, its a pretty good plan.
Robert, Ive seen you take heat in the press when you say theyre risky. Ill tell you where I think the risk is. When you
sit down and they say, Were going to diversify you so that, if one company goes down, youve got all these other
companies to buoy you up. Thats fine for non-systemic-type things, but not a system-wide problem. It does not
protect us if the system breaks down. And I think its
Thats not diversification.
Right. Its more fragile now than I think it ever has been before. And these people saying, Im well diversified, theyre
not well diversified. Robert, youre diversified across asset classes, not just bunches of stocks.
So the problem with diversification in just one asset class like paper assets is that it doesnt protect you from a crash.
Warren Buffet, the worlds greatest investor, reportedly says that diversification is protection from ignorance.

But its ignorance from both the person selling you the plan as well as you who invest in the plan. But here is the biggest
thing that really bugs me. When Kenny and I buy real estate, we always buy insurance, dont we?
And then when we drive a car, we have insurance, right?
Is there insurance for mutual funds?
Well, not for the average person.
Is there insurance on your 401(k) that what you put in will be there when you retire?
And which is more likely to burn down in the next five years, your home or your 401(k)?
And Ill say it again. We all drive cars with insurance, hopefully. We all have houses with insurance. When we buy
real estate, we have insurance. Our companies have insurance. But the 401(k), all these retirement plans, theres no
insurance on them. So if it crashes, you lose everything and the mutual fund companies walk away with the money.
And thats a hard level of education because most people dont know how to hedge that.
They dont know how. I mean its possible, but if youre the average person, you dont know.
Thats what we teach in our advanced courses.

If you poll the average person and ask the differencethis is a very basic questionbetween a defined-benefit pension
plan and a defined-contribution plan, most people do not know that difference. That is not a minor thing. That is a
major deal.

Time Out: Defined-Benefit Plans vs. Defined-Contribution Plans

This is a very important point. In 1974, the rules of retirement changed. Prior to 1974, most people like my parents
had a defined-benefit pension plan. What that meant was that they received a paycheck for life from their company
after they retired. After 1974, the entire world started shifting onto defined-contribution pension plans. What you put
in is all you get back. Many people are terrified of running out of money in retirement simply because, with a definedcontribution plan, you can lose everything in a market crash or you can run out of money before you die.
The cool part about this whole discussion is that those people putting their money in the plans and mutual funds, thats
the money I get to buy my real estate.
Thats right.
Thats the truth.
So the money flows from the Es and Ss
And then I make money on their money.
Kim and I just bought this huge property, five golf courses and a major resort, and most of the money came from
retirement plans. So keep putting that money in that 401(k), you guys, because it has to go somewhere. Cash always
flows, and it flows from the Es and Ss to the Bs and Is. And thats why financial education is so crucial.
Any time you have no control over your money, or the return of your money, youre gambling.


Final Thoughts
In closing, Id like to thank you for reading and paying attention to this.
Id also like to thank my friends who helped impart their wisdom because, as youve heard so many times, one of your
greatest assetsor liabilitiesis the people you hang around with. But theres one more thing about friends. I just want
to thank you guys for being givers.
What I would leave you with is to take control of your life. Its not too late. And in fact, if youre in a difficult situation,
nows a better time than ever to make a change. And you can make that change. Weve all made this change. Every one
of us has been there. Weve all been in the dumps, and weve all hit at the top. We know that we can do it, and we know
that you can do it. So take control.
You cant wait until you have 100 percent confidence because youll never have 100 percent confidence. Take the leap.
Its not until you hit a point where things become so uncomfortable or so painful that you are willing to accept that
things arent working right, the way that you think theyre supposed to work. And so for many people, when they get
into a financial crisis, thats their wake-up call, and thats where the change starts.
Help your children today. Take control of their financial education because they may not receive it in school, but there
are experts out there.
And I want to say specifically to the women, this is your time. Be strong. Get that financial education. As we said,
knowledge is the new money, and for women I think this is really an opportunity for you to grow and get stronger.
Take that next step.
And the objective is, like Robert says, to turn your mind into an asset instead of a liability. It takes more than one
book. It takes more than watching one video. Its a whole process. I mean theres no professional, theres no athlete,
no expert in any area that has become a professional at something in one week or with one book or with one DVD
or one workshop.
To further your financial education, The Rich Dad Company has advanced educational and mentorship programs
**LINK** These programs are in the business entrepreneurial sector of real estate and paper assets. We also have Rich
Dad coaching programs **LINK** in business, real estate, and paper. These programs are developed to get you from
where you are today, to where you want to be.


It is imperative that you get role models in the form of coaches and trainers every step of the way. They will keep you
on track. Youve got to go through a minefield of failures to get over onto the side of success where you want to be.
Educations a process. For example, I entered Navy Flight School in Pensacola, Florida. Two years later, I popped out as
a Marine helicopter-gunship pilot on my way to Vietnam.
That educational process transitioned me from a guy who couldnt fly, to somebody who became one of the best pilots
in the world. The same thing happens with education. When you go to school, the question is, What do you come out
as? When you go through the process of education, do you come out an employee? Do you come out as a person who
needs a paycheck? Do you come out as a person always looking for a job? A person working hard and paying excessive
taxes? Most people go to school and they pop out as Es and Ss. To come out as a B and I, you need financial education
because financial education is also a process.
Finally, one of the ways we learn best is by repetition.
For example, I didnt learn to fly by flying once. I kept flying and flying and got better and better. One of the reasons
we created this eBook is so you can read it again and again.
Wait a week, read it again, and youll absorb more and see new things. Wait another week, read it again, and more and
more will make sense. Thats a great way to use this eBook, and thats why Im glad and I thank all of my friends for
coming together to share their knowledge. As you can see, financial intelligence isnt from one source. Its from multiple
sources, and thats why friends are so important.
Ill end with some great words about quitting from a great man, one of the greatest leaders of allWinston Churchill.
In the darkest hour of England, he said, Never, never, never, never give up.


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