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Pontificia Universidad Catlica del

Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Languages and Linguistics School

Janyce Meja Mndez

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Testing and Evaluation
Self and Peer Assessment
Self and peer assessment, means to give the students the opportunity and the big
responsibility to evaluate each other and themselves. It could encourage them to
take an advantage in their learning, lets say, committing them with the topic as well
as peer performance in a task. Self-assessment allows students to take into account
their own learning and progress good and bad features. While peer assessment
provides the opening to learn of others errors or improvement, there is always a
chance to enhance.
Self-assessment implies being honest with ourselves and looking for improvement
through our accomplishments and failures too. At this point, a student needs to
consider the procedure along a task: good and bad practices, research, attitudes on
a task. It could seem easy to do, but it becomes challenging as we go further and
find more errors instead of right answers and we do not enjoy look at them. However,
that is the real self-assessment and the best chance to improve.
On the other hand, peer assessment suggests the evaluation of a classmate in
different ways. In order to apply it with students, it is necessary to keep in mind the
students reactions and be careful to avoid misunderstandings. There are ambitious
students who want to shine by turning off the others light. On the contrary, students
want to help each other, the grade will be always high. It works as a two-edged
sword. The effectiveness of this is to show the rubric and make sure that they
understand the importance of the exercise.
These kind of assignments are great chances for students to develop more than
knowledge due it needs information management but also values. We want honest,
real, and committed students who are able to see their own errors and improve
above them. It could be a clich but, a great power means with a great responsibility.

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