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Chen Wen Shan - Jacky chenjacky04@gmail.

Nguyn Minh Tun - Mike
Cp Bo Trm - Drum
Gia Bo - Lucas
Biology Science Lab Report #3
Mr. Bill Pham


Honor code: On my honor code, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized
aid on this assignment.

- Lactose is the sugar (carbohydrate) found in milk and milk products. It presents in
the milk of all mammals, but miraculously cannot be found anywhere else in nature.
- Because it aids the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. So it is thought to
support the growth of friendly bacteria needed to fight undesirable organisms and
promote health in the human intestine.
- The sugars enter your cells, where they are metabolized for energy. Your body uses
the energy to fuel your physical exercise and to maintain your basal metabolism. But
if you take in outnumber the calories you burn a per day, the excess stores as fat.
Table data of the Enzyme-controlled reaction:

Graph of the Enzyme-controlled reaction:

1. Changing of the enzyme and substrate concentration affected the rate of reaction of
an enzyme- catalysts reaction. This is a linear relationship between substrate
concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme catalyst reaction . More
substrate molecules will be colliding with enzyme molecules, so they will be formed
more product.
2. The maximum inital reaction rate for the lactase enzyme at pH is 350.
3. The maximum inital reaction rate cannot be reached at low substrate concentration,
because the pH7 is a strongest pH, that has no substrate to products for it to reach the
maximum initial reaction.

4. The data indicates about the optimum pH level of 7 for this lactose catalyzed
reaction. That's an base and a strongest pH- the highest enzymes activities.
5.The shape of an enzyme depends on its temperature. When they are just the right
temperature, they are just the right shape and the chemical reactions that they catalyze
take place at the optimal rate and with the most ease. Ex: catalyze enzyme is used in
breakdown of stack into sugar, and in baking fermentation process of yeast raise the
6. The human need to have the certain lactose in the body, if it is too high or too low,
it is not good for human body because of the acidic and base. The pH7 is a best for the
human body, because it does not have much acidic or base.

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