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Topic #1

1) The topic is how successful are students who go to work instead of college after
2) This topic interest me because majority of my graduating class our currently not
attending college.
3) I believe this relates to the theme of media and communication because some were
influenced due to social medias.
4) In order to pursue this topic I will find articles on working instead of going to college,
find influential social media pages and/or person.

Topic #2
1) The topic is are the standardized test such as Common Core, SAT, ACT and etc define a
student's prior knowledge.
2) This topic interest me because common core is being implemented to younger students
and the curriculum of school seems to only be based on passing these standardized tests.
3) I believe this relates to the theme of media and personal literacy skills.
4) In order to pursue this topic I will find articles and interview DOE specialist on education
programming. As well as teachers and students who participate in the Common Core.

Topic #3
5) The topic is do the people who join the military do it because it's their passion.
6) This topic interest me because I find out that many students decide to join the military
because they weren't a very good candidate for college. Therefore they strive a successful
career in the military.
7) I believe this relates to the theme of communications. More and more there are recruiters
out in the streets, college fairs and schools, that our reaching out to students.
8) In order to pursue this topic I will find articles and interview recruiters from the Marines,
Navy, Air Force and Army. Also interview the people who our in training for boot camp.

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