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Rachel Perkins Teaching Internship Observation #1 Read through the following question. During your first two weeks of intem teaching focus on the stated areas. Type each question and your response. Please use complete sentences, 12 point font, and | inch margins. Describe what first caught your attention when you entered your classroom for the first time. Why? The first thing that caught my eye when I walked into the classroom was all the art on the walls. Obviously -e it's a kindergarten classroom there is a lot of art work all over the room and I liked looking at it all. It also gave me an idea of what, level the kids were on artistically. ‘What grade level of student do you have? How many at each level (if you have more than one)? Describe the class make-up, (gender, race, ethnic background, academic ability) I'm in a kindergarten class and there are about twenty kids in the class. There seem to be more girls than boys. There is one African American girl, one Chinese girl, and two girls who are Indian, Most of the kids seem to come from a good background, but on of the girls from India has been struggling a little with her English skills, and the African American girl seems like she has it hard at home, She's very reserved and quiet. Describe your intern teachers teaching style and general attitude. What type of classroom culture has he/she ereated? Explain. My teacher is really nice, but she also has certain expectations for the students, She doesn't baby them just because they're in kindergarten. She seems to love teaching, and does a good job at setting the bar high for them, and sure they achieve what they need to. She usually talks and reads to them(had)has them participate, then they do an individual activity. I'm not in the classroom all day so I'm not sure if they ever do group activities. In what activities are the students engaged during your intern time? Please be specific in listing lessons being taught. Include amount of time for each. (Example: reading groups, math, spelling, art, etc) When I first come in they are working individually at their tables with counting toys and once everyone is there they come to the carpet and talk about who is cating what for lunch. They practice counting, writing numbers, and comparing. They then do two dances to shake out. After that they do morning meeting. They talk about what day it is and what the weather is like outside. They are sit in a cirele and answer the question of the day. After they answer the question they do ‘one more dance, then Miss Henry will read a book out loud. After she reads they usually have some type of activity. Since it's so cold out they haven't been going outside, they will just finish their activity or do fundations (practicing writing). How does your cooperating teacher address inappropriate behavior? Be specific. Give an example.

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