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Xtreme Beginners, De'vo:

As others here have mentioned, "Xtreme Beginners" by De'vo is an excellent place to
start, lots of very simple stuff that you can get right into, aswell as harder flourishes
that you'll have to work your way up to. Dont forget to check back to this one after you
have put it away for a while. There's loads of tips on combinations and how to get the
most out of every flourish taught. You're sure to get some new ideas every time you
watch it. Also there's a little series with a young man who calls himself "Q", who picks
up a deck of cards for what seems to be the first time in his life, and gets into XCM.
You get to see how he progresses over 2 weeks, with personal instructions from Jerry
Cestcowski and De'vo. I, Personally, found this bit very inspiring when i first got into
Genesis v1, Andrei Jikh:
If you find "Xtreme Beginners" to be a bit too difficult at first, you might wanna check
out Andrei's first Genesis DvD. What you get is several hours of very detailed
explenations of basic flourishes that are a must have in your arsenal, aswell as guest
appearances by Alejandro Portela and Dave Buck. Though I personally feel that mr.
Jikh has a tendency to wave his arms about a bit too much while flourishing, this DvD
is in my opinion the very best choice out there for the fresh beginner (especially if you
want a soft start) due to the very precise tutorials that shouldn't leave the viewer with
any questions.
The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes, Jerry Cestcowski:
If you plan to learn cardistry, and do not yet own a copy of "the bible" as flourishers
call this massive work on flourishing, get on the interweb immediately and order!
Though many people stay clear of this because it is a BOOK (it does have 4
accompanying DvD's, though the dvd's only contains performances, whereas all the
explenations are found in the book) I cannot recommend this book enough. It is a
must have for anyone interested in flourishing. Really, there are no works as of today,
that can match the insane amount of content provided within this book. It has
everything you can imagine on loads of one-handed and two-handed single and

multiple cuts, fanning, springs and drops, armspreads and catches, shuffles, flips,
twirls and spins, there really should be enough material to keep you going for years.
Everything is very well explained, with tons and tons of pictures, and with the
accompanying DvD's for visual guidance, it is very easy to learn from. Contains
everything from very easy to insanely difficult. MUST....HAVE!
ShowOff, Brian Tudor:
This was the first XCM tape that i got myself, and to be honest, there wasn't much i
could get out of it at first, due to its difficulty level. I did however pick up the basics
around the revolution-cut, and then the "what the hell happened to sybil"-cut, which i
believe gave me a very good foundation for flourishing. The revolution-cut, however, is
MUCH better taught in Andrei Jikh's Genesis, but once you start to get it down, you
should try to get into "what the hell happened to sybil", and "bad habit" which should
warm you up for "The System" by the Buck-twins, which is the next DvD to acquire.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ShowOff, by Brian Tudor, is often confused with another DvD on
flourishing, called "Showoff with cards" by Rob Stiff. By all means, do NOT buy
"showoff with cards" by Rob Stiff. Robs performances of the flourishes he teaches are
quite bad, often done wrong, and as his name suggests, quite stiffly. He doesn't credit
the creators of the flourishes he teaches, and some are taught downright erroneously.
AVOID! (If you don't wanna take my word for it, just search for Rob Stiff in any
magical forum, and you will see what kind of reputation this guy has).
The System, Dan&Dave Buck:
This little gem is the one that made me understand what a beautiful artfom flourishing
really is. The System basically consists of one- and two-handed multiple cuts, but done
in rythmical, smooth motions that made way for a whole new style and era of
flourishing. The downside of this DvD, is that there are no verbal instructions (on mine
there is a bonus DvD with a couple of hours of verbal instructions, featuring what looks
like a 14year old pair of Bucks), just performances from 2 different angles, fast and
slow. Unfortunately you dont get to see them from the performers view, but if you play
the DvD in a player where you can rotate picture, you can rotate the top views to
become performers view. With a little passion, and lots of dissection, you can learn all
moves from "The System" within a few months.
Lethal, Daniel Madison:
Though incomplete (some files intended for the DvD where lost and never found) this
is a very good DvD for beginners, as it starts out with quick, simple flourishes, and
then moves on to more intermediate material. The explenations, however, are nonverbal (only visual) and very quick, so you might need to make use of lots of pauses
and rewinds before you understand some of the moves.
Papercuts, Chris Hestnes:

Though not exactly for beginners, i'd like to recommend "papercuts" by Chris Hestnes
as it was a huge inspiration for me, maybe because Chris comes from my hometown,
and some of the locations where the DvD was shot were basically just outside my
livingroom window which was a huge and pleasant surprize to me. Maybe one of the
most professionally produced DvD's on cardistry that i have seen so far. Chris teaches
13 of his signature flourishes aswell as some bonus moves. Chris's style is very
reminiscent of that of Dan&Dave, which might not be strange, as they seem to have
been his main influence. Tons of bonus material with appearances by Dan and Dave
and Jordan Lapping. Filmed by Allan Hagen.
Other really good DvD's on cardistry that your collection should not be without:
ShowOff 2-3 (Brian Tudor).
Generation X-treme (Brian Tudor).
The Trilogy (Dan&Dave).
Andthensome (Dan&Dave).
Genesis 2 (Andrei Jikh).
Madness (Daniel Madison).
Cradle to Grave (De'vo).
Pure(cardistry) by Ekatarina.
Project 1 (Michael James Harp).
Solo (Michael James Harp).
World XCM 1-2 (Max Vlassenko & J.S Lin). - Produced by Handlordz.
Bone Ho & The Virts - Anaconda.
The Art of Card Manipulation 1-3 (Jeff McBride). (Mainly focuses on card-productions,
but also teaches lots of flourishes).
Those are the ones i could think of at the top of my head. Should be plenty to get you
started, hehe:) If there are any top quality Cardistry DvD's that I haven't included
here, it is most likely because I either don't like them, or haven't heard of them yet. In
the latter case, I would be extremely happy to hear about it, as I am on a constant
search for new material and inspiration.
Best regards, Dag.
Edit: I apologize in advance for any bad English, I'm not a native English speaker. I
hope i could still provide some useful, and understandable info.

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