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El f


Goldmoon said softly. The days march had been difficult,

but the reward at the end was beyond their dreams.
The companions stood on a high cliff over the fabled
city of Qualinost.
Four slender spires rose from the citys corners like glistening spindles, their brilliant white stone marbled with shining
silver. Graceful arches, swoopingfrom spire to spire, soared
through the air. Crafted by ancient dwarven metalsmiths,
they were strong enough to hold the weight of an army, yet
they appeared so delicate that a bird lighting on them might
overthrow the balance. These glistening arches were the
citys only boundaries; there was no wall around Qualinost.
The elven city opened its arms lovingly to the wilderness.
M a rg a ret W eis & T ra cy H ick m a n ,

Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Elves are a m agical p eop le o f otherw orldly grace, living
in the w orld but not entirely part o f it. They live in
p la ces o f ethereal beauty, in the m idst o f ancient forests
or in silvery sp ires glittering w ith faerie light, w here
soft m usic drifts through the air and gentle fragrances
w aft on the breeze. Elves love nature and m agic, art
and artistry, m usic and poetry, and the g o o d things
o f the world.

fem ales are about the sam e height, and m ales are only
m arginally heavier than fem ales.
E lves coloration en com p a sses the norm al hum an
range and also includes skin in sh ades o f copper,
bron ze, and alm ost bluish-white, hair o f green or blue,
and eyes like p o o ls o f liquid gold or silver. Elves have no
facial and little b od y hair. Th ey favor elegant cloth in g in
bright colors, and they enjoy sim ple yet lovely jew elry.

Sl e n d e r a n d

A T ime l e ss Pe r spe c t iv e

G r a c e f u l

W ith their unearthly grace and fine features, elves

appear hauntingly beautiful to hum ans and m em bers
o f m any other races. They are slightly shorter than
hum ans on average, ranging from w ell under 5 feet
tall to just over 6 feet. T h ey are m ore slender than
hum ans, w eigh in g only 100 to 145 pou nds. M ales and

Elves can live w ell over 700 years, giving them a broad
perspective on events that might trouble the shorterlived races m ore deeply. Th ey are m ore often am used
than excited, and m ore likely to be cu riou s than
greedy. They tend to rem ain a lo o f and unfazed by petty
happenstance. W h en pursuing a goal, however, w hether

adventuring on a m ission or learning a n ew skill or art,

elves can be focu sed and relentless. They are slow to
m ake friends and en em ies, and even slow er to forget
them. T h ey reply to petty insults w ith disdain and to
seriou s insults with vengean ce.
Like the bran ches o f a youn g tree, elves are flexible
in the face o f danger. T h ey trust in diplom acy and
com p rom ise to resolve differences b efore they escalate
to violence. T h ey have been kn ow n to retreat from
intrusions into their w ood la n d h om es, confident
that they can sim ply w ait the invaders out. But w hen
the n eed arises, elves reveal a stern m artial side,
dem onstrating skill w ith sw ord, bow , and strategy.

H id d e n W o o d l a n d

R e a l ms

M ost elves dwell in sm all forest villages hidden am ong

the trees. Elves hunt gam e, gather food, and grow
vegetables, and their skill and m agic allow them to
support th em selves w ithout the n eed for clearin g and
p low in g land. They are talented artisans, crafting finely
w ork ed cloth es and art objects. Their contact with
outsiders is usually lim ited, though a few elves m ake a
g o o d living by trading crafted item s for m etals (w hich
they have n o interest in m ining).
Elves en cou ntered outside their ow n lands are
com m on ly traveling m instrels, artists, or sages. H um an
n obles com p ete for the serv ices o f elf instructors to
teach sw ordplay or m agic to their children.

Ex pl o r a t io n a n d A d v e n t u r e
Elves take up adventuring out o f w anderlust. S in ce
they are s o long-lived, they can enjoy centuries o f
exploration and discovery. They dislike the p a ce o f
hum an society, w hich is regim ented from day to day but
constantly changin g over d ecades, s o they find careers
that let them travel freely and set their ow n pace. Elves
also enjoy exercisin g their m artial p row ess or gaining
greater m agical pow er, and adventuring allow s them

to do so. S o m e might jo in with rebels fighting against

oppression , and others m ight b e c o m e cham pion s o f
m oral cau ses.

El f Na m e s
E lves are con sid ered children until they declare
them selves adults, so m e tim e after the hundredth
birthday, and before this p eriod they are called
by child nam es.
On declarin g adulthood, an elf selects an adult nam e,
although th ose w h o k n ew him or her as a youngster
m ight continue to u se the child nam e. E ach e lfs adult
nam e is a unique creation, though it m ight reflect
the n am es o f resp ected individuals or other fam ily
m em bers. Little distinction exists betw een m ale
n am es and fem ale nam es; the grou pin gs h ere reflect
only general tendencies. In addition, every elf bears a
fam ily nam e, typically a com bination o f other Elvish
w ords. S om e elves traveling am ong hum ans translate
their fam ily n am es into C om m on , but others retain the
Elvish version.

Child Names: Ara, Bryn, Del, Eryn, Faen, Innil.

Lael, Mella, Naill, Naeris, Phann, Rael, Rinn, Sai,
Syllin, Thia, Vall

Male Adult Names: Adran, Aelar, A ram il, A rannis,

Aust, B eiro, Berrian, C arric , Enialis, Erdan, Erevan,
G alinndan, Hadarai, Heian, H im o, Im m eral, Ivellios,
Laucian, M indartis, Paelias, Peren, Q uarion, Riardon,
R olen, S oveliss, Tham ior, Tharivol, Theren, Varis

H a u g h t y b u t G r a c io u s
Although they can be haughty, elves are generally gracious
even to those who fall short of their high expectations
which is most non-elves. Still, they can find good in just
about anyone.
Dwarves. Dwarves are dull, clumsy oafs. But what they
lack in humor, sophistication, and manners, they make up in
valor. And I must admit, their best smiths produce art that
approaches elven quality.
Halflings. Halflings are people o f simple pleasures, and
that is not a quality to scorn. Theyre good folk, they care
for each other and tend their gardens, and they have proven
themselves tougher than they seem when the need arises."
Humans. All that haste, their ambition and drive to
accomplish something before their brief lives pass away
human endeavors seem so futile sometimes. But then
you look at what they have accomplished, and you have to
appreciate their achievements. If only they could slow down
and learn some refinement.
Female Adult Names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna,
Andraste, Antinua, Bethrynna, Birel, Caelynn,
D rusilia, Enna, F elosial, Ielenia, Jelenneth, Keyleth,
Leshanna, Lia, M eriele, M ialee, Naivara, Q uelenna,
Quillathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui,
Theirastra, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, X anaphia
Family Nam es (Comm on Translations): A m akiir
(G em flow er), A m astacia (Starflow er), G alanodel
(M oonw hisper), H olim ion (D iam onddew ), Ilphelkiir
(G em blossom ), Liadon (Silverfrond), M eliam ne
(O akenheel), Nai'lo (Nightbreeze), S ian nodel
(M oon brook ), X iloscien t (G oldpetal)

El f T r a it s
Your elf character has a variety o f natural abilities, the
result o f th ou san ds o f years o f elven refinem ent.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity s co re
in creases by 2.
Age. A lthough elves reach physical maturity at about
the sam e age as hum ans, the elven understanding o f
adulthood g o e s beyon d physical grow th to en com p ass
w orldly experience. A n elf typically claim s adulthood
and an adult nam e around the age o f 100 and can live
to be 750 y ears old.
Alignment. Elves love freedom , variety, and selfexpression , so they lean strongly tow ard the gentler
aspects o f chaos. Th ey value and protect others'
freedom as w ell as their ow n, and they are m ore
often g o o d than not. T h e d row are an exception; their
exile into the U nderdark has m ade them vicious and
dangerous. D row are m ore often evil than not.
Size. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and
have slender builds. Your size is M edium .
Speed. Your ba se w alk in g sp eed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. A ccu stom ed to twilit forests and the night
sky, you have su perior vision in dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light w ithin 6 0 feet o f you as if it
w ere bright light, and in dark n ess as if it w ere dim light.
You ca n t discern color in darkness, only shades o f gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the
P erception skill.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throw s
against bein g charm ed, and m agic ca n t put you to sleep.

Trance. Elves d on t n eed to sleep. Instead, they

meditate deeply, rem aining sem icon sciou s, for 4
hours a day. (The C om m on w ord for such m editation
is trance.) W h ile meditating, you can dream after a
fashion; such dream s are actually m ental ex ercises that
have b e c o m e reflexive through years o f practice. After
resting in this way, you gain the sa m e benefit that a
hum an d oes from 8 hours o f sleep.
Languages. You can speak, read, and w rite C om m on
and Elvish. Elvish is fluid, w ith subtle intonations and
intricate gram m ar. Elven literature is rich and varied,
and their son g s and p oem s are fam ous am ong other
races. M any bards learn their language s o they can add
Elvish ballads to their repertoires.
Subrace. Ancient divides am ong the elven people
resulted in three m ain subraces: high elves, w o o d elves,
and dark elves, w h o are com m on ly called drow. C h oose
on e o f th ese subraces. In som e w orlds, th ese su braces
are divided still further (such as the sun elves and m oon
elves o f the Forgotten R ealm s), s o if you w ish, you can
c h o o s e a narrow er subrace.

ig h


A s a high elf, you have a keen m ind and a m astery o f

at least the ba sics o f m agic. In m any o f the w orlds
o f D&D, there are tw o kinds o f high elves. One type
(w hich includes the gray elves and valley elves o f
Greyhawk, the Silvanesti o f D ragon lance, and the
sun elves o f the Forgotten R ealm s) is haughty and
reclusive, believing them selves to be su perior to
non-elves and even other elves. T h e other type
(including the high elves o f G reyhawk. the
Q ualinesti o f D ragon lance, and the m oon elves
o f the Forgotten R ealm s) are m ore com m on
and m ore friendly, and often en cou ntered
am ong hum ans and other races.
T h e sun elves o f Faerun (also called gold
elves or sunrise elves) have b ron ze skin and
hair o f copper, black, or golden blond. Their
eyes are golden, silver, or black. M oon elves (also
called silver elves or gray elves) are m uch paler,
w ith alabaster skin som etim es tinged w ith blue.
They often have hair o f silver-white, black, or blue,
but various sh ades o f blond, brow n, and red are
not u n com m on . T h eir eyes are blue or green and
flecked w ith gold.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
in creases by 1.
E lf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with
the lon gsw ord, shortsw ord, shortbow , and longbow .

Cantrip. You k n ow one cantrip o f your ch oice from

the w izard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcastin g
ability for it.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and w rite one
extra language o f your choice.

o o d


A s a w o o d elf, you have keen se n se s and intuition, and

your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through
your native forests. T h is category includes the w ild
elves (grugach) o f G reyhaw k and the K agonesti o f
D ragon lance, as w ell as the races called w o o d elves in
G reyhaw k and the Forgotten R ealm s. In Faerun, w o o d
elves (also called w ild elves, green elves, or forest elves)
are reclusive and distrusting o f non-elves.
W o o d elves skin tends to be cop p erish in hue,
som etim es with traces o f green. T h eir hair tends tow ard
b row n s and blacks, but it is occa sion ally blond or
cop p er-colored . T heir eyes are green, brow n, or hazel.
Ability Score Increase. Your W isd om score
in creases by 1.
E lf Weapon Training. You have proficiency w ith the
longsw ord, sh ortsw ord, shortbow , and longbow .
Fleet o f Foot. Your ba se w alking speed
in creases to 35 feet.
Mask o f the Wild. You can attempt to hide even w hen
you are only lightly o b scu red by foliage, heavy rain,
falling snow , mist, and other natural phenom ena.


r k



r o w

D escen d ed from an earlier su brace o f dark-skinned

elves, the d row w ere banished from the su rface w orld
for follow in g the g o d d e ss Lolth dow n the path to
evil and corruption. N ow they have built their ow n
civilization in the depths o f the Underdark, patterned
after the W ay o f Lolth. A lso called dark elves, the drow
have black skin that resem b les polish ed obsidian and
stark w hite or pale y ellow hair. Th ey com m on ly have
very pale eyes (so pale as to b e m istaken for white) in
sh ades o f lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. Th ey tend to
be sm aller and thinner than m ost elves.
D row adventurers are rare, and the race d o e s not exist
in all w orlds. C h eck with your D u n geon M aster to see
if you can play a d row character.
Ability Score Increase. Your C harism a score
in creases by 1.

Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a

radius o f 120 feet.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack

rolls and on W isd om (P erception ) ch eck s that rely on
sight w hen you, the target o f your attack, or w hatever
you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Drow Magic. You k n ow the dancing lights cantrip.
W h en you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire
spell on ce p er day. W h en you reach 5th level, you can
also cast the darkness spell on ce per day. C harism a is
your sp ellcastin g ability for these spells.
Drow Weapon Training. You have proficiency with
rapiers, sh ortsw ords, and hand crossb ow s.

Th e Da r k n es s o f t h e D r o w
Were it not for one renowned exception, the race o f drow
would be universally reviled. To most, they are a race of
demon-worshiping marauders dwelling in the subterranean
depths o f the Underdark, emerging only on the blackest
nights to pillage and slaughter the surface dwellers they
despise. Their society is depraved and preoccupied with the
favor of Lolth, their spider-goddess, who sanctions murder
and the extermination o f entire families as noble houses
vie for position.
Yet one drow, at least, broke the mold. In the world o f the
Forgotten Realms, Drizzt Do'Urden, ranger o f the North, has
proven his quality as a good-hearted defender o f the weak
and innocent. Rejecting his heritage and adrift in a world that
looks upon him with terror and loathing, Drizzt is a model
for those few drow who follow in his footsteps, trying to find
a life apart from the evil society o f their Underdark homes.
Drow grow up believing that surface-dwelling races are
inferior, worthless except as slaves. Drow who develop a
conscience or find it necessary to cooperate with members of
other races find it hard to overcome that prejudice, especially
when they are so often on the receiving end o f hatred.

W iz a r d
Clad in the silver rob es that denote her station, an
elf c lo se s her eyes to shut out the distractions o f the
battlefield and beg in s her quiet chant. Fin gers w eaving
in front o f her, she com pletes her spell and launches a
tiny bead o f fire tow ard the en em y ranks, w here it erupts
into a conflagration that engulfs the soldiers.
C h ecking and rech eck in g his w ork, a hum an scrib e s
an intricate m agic circle in chalk on the bare stone
floor, then sprin kles p ow dered iron along every line and
graceful curve. W h en the circle is com plete, he dron es a
long incantation. A hole op en s in sp ace inside the circle,
bringing a w h iff o f brim ston e from the otherw orldly
plane beyond.
Crou ch in g on the floor in a du ngeon intersection, a
gnom e tosses a handful o f sm all b on es in scribed with
m ystic sym bols, muttering a few w ord s o f p ow er over
them. C losin g his eyes to see the vision s m ore clearly,
he n ods slowly, then op en s his eyes and points dow n the
pa ssa ge to his left.
W izards are suprem e m agic-users, defined and united
as a class by the spells they cast. D raw ing on the subtle
w eave o f m agic that perm eates the cosm os, w izards cast
spells o f explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception,
and brute-force m ind control. T heir m agic conjures
m onsters from other p lanes o f existence, glim p ses the
future, or turns slain foes into zom bies. Their mightiest
spells change one substance into another, call m eteors
dow n from the sky, or open portals to other w orlds.

Sc h o l a r s o f t h e A r c a n e
W ild and enigm atic, varied in form and function, the
pow er o f m a gic draw s students w h o seek to m aster
its m ysteries. S om e aspire to b e c o m e like the gods,
shaping reality itself. T h ou gh the casting o f a typical
spell requ ires m erely the utterance o f a few strange
w ords, fleeting gestures, and som etim es a pinch or
clum p o f exotic m aterials, th ese su rface com pon en ts
barely hint at the expertise attained after years o f
apprenticeship and cou n tless h ours o f study.
W izards live and die by their spells. Everything else
is secon dary. Th ey learn n ew sp ells as they experim ent
and g row in experience. They can also learn them from
other w izards, from ancient tom es or inscriptions,
and from ancient creatu res (such as the fey) that are
steeped in m agic.


iz a r d

Spells Slots per Spell Level





Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery



Arcane Tradition





Ability Score Improvement







Arcane Tradition feature












Ability Score Improvement





Arcane Tradition feature





Ability Score Improvement





1 1



Arcane Tradition feature

1 1



1 1



Ability Score Improvement

1 1



1 1



Spell Mastery

1 1



Ability Score Improvement



Signature Spell

T h e Lu r e o f K n o w l e d g e
W iz a rd s lives are seld om m undane. T h e closest a
w izard is likely to c om e to an ordinary life is w orkin g
as a sage or lectu rer in a library or university, teaching
others the secrets o f the multiverse. Other w izard s sell
their serv ices as diviners, serve in m ilitary forces, or
pursue lives o f crim e or dom ination.
But the lure o f kn ow led ge and p ow er calls even the
m ost unadventurous w iza rd s out o f the safety o f their
libraries and laboratories and into cru m blin g ruins and
lost cities. M ost w izards believe that their counterparts
in ancient civilizations k n ew secrets o f m agic that have
been lost to the ages, and d iscov erin g th ose secrets
cou ld u n lock the path to a pow er greater than any m agic
available in the present age.

C r e a t in g a W iz a r d


Creating a w izard character dem ands a backstory

dom inated by at least on e extraordinary event. H ow
did your character first co m e into contact with m agic?
H ow did you d iscover you had an aptitude for it? D o
you have a natural talent, or did you sim ply study
hard and practice incessantly? Did you encounter a
m agical creature or an ancient tom e that taught you the
ba sics o f m agic?
W hat drew you forth from your life o f study? D id your
first taste o f m agical k n ow led ge leave you hungry for
m ore? Have you received w ord o f a secret repository
o f kn ow led ge not yet plundered by any other w izard?
Perhaps y ou re sim ply eager to put your new found
m agical skills to the test in the face o f danger.

u ic k



il d

You can m ake a w izard quickly by follow in g these

suggestion s. First, Intelligence should be your highest
ability score, follow ed by Constitution or Dexterity.
If you plan to join the S c h o o l o f Enchantm ent, m ake
C harism a your next-best score. S econ d , c h o o s e the sage
background. Third, c h o o s e the mage hand, light, and
ray o f frost cantrips, along with the follow in g 1st-level
sp ells for your sp ellbook : burning hands, charm person,
feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, and sleep.

C l a s s Fe a t u r e s
A s a w izard, you gain the follow in g class features.



in t s

Hit Dice: 1d6 per w izard level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution m odifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution m odifier per w izard level after 1st

o f ic ie n c ie s

Arm or: N one

Weapons: D aggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs,
light c ro s sb o w s
Tools: N one
Saving Throws: Intelligence, W isd om
Skills: C h oose tw o from A rcana, History, Insight,
Investigation, M edicine, and R eligion


u ip m e n t

You start with the follow in g equipm ent, in addition to

the equipm ent granted by your background:

(a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger

(a) a com pon en t pou ch or (b) an arcane focu s
(a) a sch ola rs pack o r (b) an explorers pack
A sp ellb ook

Spe l l c a s t in g
A s a student o f arcan e m agic, you have a sp ellb ook
contain in g spells that sh ow the first glim m erings of
your true pow er. S e e chapter 10 for the general rules of
sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for the w izard spell list.

n t r ip s

At 1st level, you k n ow three cantrips o f your ch oice

from the w izard spell list. You learn additional w izard
cantrips o f your ch oice at higher levels, as sh ow n in the
Cantrips K n ow n colum n o f the W izard table.

Yo u r S pel l b o o k
The spells that you add to your spellbook as you gain levels
reflect the arcane research you conduct on your own, as well
as intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature
o f the multiverse. You might find other spells during your
adventures. You could discover a spell recorded on a scroll in
an evil wizard's chest, for example, or in a dusty tome in an
ancient library.
Copying a Spell into the Book. When you find a wizard spell
o f 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook if it is
of a level for which you have spell slots and if you can spare
the time to decipher and copy it.
Copying a spell into your spellbook involves reproducing
the basic form o f the spell, then deciphering the unique
system o f notation used by the wizard who wrote it. You
must practice the spell until you understand the sounds
or gestures required, then transcribe it into your spellbook
using your own notation.
For each level o f the spell, the process takes 2 hours and
costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you
expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well
as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent
this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your
other spells.
Replacing the Book. You can copy a spell from your own
spellbook into another book for example, if you want
to make a backup copy o f your spellbook. This is just like
copying a new spell into your spellbook, but faster and easier,
since you understand your own notation and already know
how to cast the spell. You need spend only 1 hour and 10 gp
for each level o f the copied spell.
If you lose your spellbook, you can use the same procedure
to transcribe the spells that you have prepared into a new
spellbook. Filling out the remainder o f your spellbook
requires you to find new spells to do so, as normal. For this
reason, many wizards keep backup spellbooks in a safe place.
The Books Appearance. Your spellbook is a unique
compilation o f spells, with its own decorative flourishes and
margin notes. It might be a plain, functional leather volume
that you received as a gift from your master, a finely bound
gilt-edged tome you found in an ancient library, or even a
loose collection o f notes scrounged together after you lost
your previous spellbook in a mishap.

Sp e

l l b o o k

At 1st level, you have a sp ellb ook contain in g six 1st-level

w izard spells o f your choice.

e p a r in g

a n d

a s t in g

Sp e

l l s

T h e W izard table sh ow s h ow m any spell slots you have

to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast on e o f
these spells, you m ust expend a slot o f the sp ells level
or higher. You regain all expen ded spell slots w hen you
finish a lon g rest.
You prepare the list o f w izard spells that are available
for you to cast. To do so. c h o o s e a num ber o f w izard
spells from your sp ellb ook equal to your Intelligence
m odifier + your w izard level (m inim um o f on e spell). The
spells must be o f a level for w hich you have spell slots.
For exam ple, if you're a 3rd-level w izard, you have
four 1st-level and tw o 2nd-level spell slots. W ith an
Intelligence o f 16, your list o f prepared sp ells can
include six spells o f 1st or 2nd level, in any com bination,
ch osen from your sp ellbook . If you prepare the 1st-level
spell magic missile, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a
2nd-level slot. Casting the spell d oesn t rem ove it from
your list o f prepared spells.
You can change your list o f prepared spells w hen
you finish a long rest. P reparin g a n ew list o f w izard
spells requires tim e spent studying your sp ellb ook and
m em orizin g the incantations and gestures you m ust
m ake to cast the spell: at least 1 m inute per spell level
for each spell on your list.
Sp e

l l c a s t in g

b il it y

Intelligence is your sp ellcastin g ability for your w izard

spells, sin ce you learn your sp ells through dedicated
study and m em orization. You use your Intelligence
w hen ever a spell refers to your sp ellcastin g ability.
In addition, you u se your Intelligence m odifier w hen
setting the saving th row D C for a w izard spell you cast
and w hen m akin g an attack roll w ith one.
Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your intelligence modifier


it u a l

a s t in g

You ca n cast a w izard spell as a ritual if that spell has

the ritual tag and you have the spell in your sp ellbook .
You don't n eed to have the sp ell prepared.

e l l c a s t in g


c u s

You can use an arcane focu s (found in chapter 5) as a

spellcastin g focu s for your w izard spells.

e a r n in g

Sp e

l l s

o f

1s t L

e v e l

a n d

ig h e r

E ach tim e you gain a w izard level, you can add tw o

w izard spells o f your ch oice to your sp ellbook . Each
o f these spells must b e o f a level for w hich you have
spell slots, as sh ow n on the W izard table. O n your
adventures, you m ight find other spells that you can add
to your sp ellb ook (see the Your S p e llb o o k sidebar).

A r c a n e Re c o v e r y
You have learn ed to regain som e o f your m agical energy
by studying your sp ellbook . O n ce p er day w hen you
finish a short rest, you ca n c h o o s e expen ded spell slots
to recover. The spell slots can have a com b in ed level that
is equal to or less than h alf your w izard level (rounded
up), and n one o f the slots can be 6th level or higher.
For example, if youre a 4th-level wizard, you can recover
up to tw o levels w orth o f spell slots. You can recover either
a 2nd-level spell slot or tw o 1st-level spell slots.

A r c a n e T r a d it io n
W h en you reach 2nd level, you c h o o s e an arcane
tradition, shaping your practice o f m agic through one
o f eight sch ools: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination,
Enchantm ent, Evocation, Illusion, N ecrom ancy,
or Transmutation, all detailed at the end o f the
class description.
Your ch oice grants you features at 2nd level and again
at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

A b i l i t y S c o r e Im p r o v e m e n t
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can in crease on e ability sc o r e o f your
ch oice by 2, or you ca n in crease tw o ability s c o r e s o f
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n t in crease an ability
sco re above 20 using this feature.

the ages have cataloged thousands o f spells, grouping

them into eight categories called sch ools, as d escrib ed
in chapter 10. In som e places, these traditions are
literally sch ools; a w izard m ight study at the S c h o o l o f
Illusion w hile another studies a cross tow n at the S ch o o l
o f Enchantm ent. In other institutions, the sch ools are
m ore like acad em ic departm ents, w ith rival faculties
com petin g for students and funding. Even w iza rd s w ho
train apprentices in the solitude o f their ow n tow ers use
the division o f m agic into sch o o ls as a learning device,
sin ce the spells o f each sch o o l require m astery o f
different techniques.

Sc h o o l

A bj u r a t io n

o f

T h e S c h o o l o f Abjuration em p h a sizes m agic that block s,

banishes, or protects. D etractors o f this sc h o o l say
that its tradition is about denial, negation rather than
positive assertion. You understand, however, that ending
harm ful effects, protecting the w eak, and banishing evil
influences is anything but a p h ilosoph ica l void. It is a
proud and resp ected vocation.
C alled abjurers, m em bers o f this sch o o l are sought
w hen baleful spirits require exorcism , w hen im portant
location s m ust be guarded against m agical spying, and
w hen portals to other planes o f existence must be closed.

b j u r a t io n


v a n t

Spe l l M a s t e r y

B egin ning w hen you select this sch ool at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you m ust spend to cop y an abjuration
spell into your sp ellb ook is halved.

At 18th level, you have achieved such m astery over

certain sp ells that you can cast them at w ill. C h oose a

1st-level w izard spell and a 2nd-level w izard spell that
are in your sp ellbook . You can cast th ose spells at their
low est level without expending a spell slot w hen you
have them prepared. If you w ant to cast either spell at a
higher level, you must expend a spell slot as norm al.
By spen din g 8 hours in study, you can exchange one
or both o f the spells you c h ose for different spells o f
the sa m e levels.

Sig n a t u r e

Spe l l s

W h en you reach 20th level, you gain m astery over tw o

pow erful spells and can cast them with little effort.
C h oose tw o 3rd-level w izard spells in your sp ellbook
as your signature spells. You always have th ese spells
prepared, they don t count against the num ber o f spells
you have prepared, and you can cast each o f them on ce at
3rd level without expending a spell slot. W h en you do so,
you can t do s o again until you finish a short or long rest.
If you w ant to cast either spell at a higher level, you
m ust expend a spell slot as norm al.

A r c a n e Tr a d it io n s
T h e study o f w izardry is ancient, stretching ba ck to
the earliest m ortal discov eries o f m agic. It is firmly
established in the w orlds o f D&D, with various
traditions dedicated to its com p lex study.
Th e m ost co m m o n arcan e traditions in the m ultiverse
revolve around the sch o o ls o f m agic. W izard s through

r c a n e


r d

Starting at 2nd level, you can w eave m agic around

you rself for protection. W h en you cast an abjuration
spell o f 1st level or higher, you can sim ultaneously use a
strand o f the spells m agic to create a m agical w ard on
you rself that lasts until you finish a long rest. T h e w ard
has hit points equal to tw ice your w izard level + your
Intelligence modifier. W h enever you take dam age, the
w ard takes the dam age instead. If this dam age reduces
the w ard to 0 hit points, you take any rem aining dam age.
W h ile the w ard has 0 hit points, it ca n t absorb
dam age, but its m agic rem ains. W h enever you cast an
abjuration spell o f 1st level or higher, the w ard regains a
num ber o f hit points equal to tw ice the level o f the spell.
O n ce you create the w ard, you can't create it again
until you finish a long rest.

o j e c t e d


r d

Starting at 6th level, w h en a creature that you can see

w ithin 30 feet o f you takes dam age, you can u se your
reaction to cau se your A rca n e W ard to absorb that
dam age. If this dam age red u ces the w ard to 0 hit points,
the w arded creature takes any rem aining dam age.

pr o v e d

b j u r a t io n

B egin ning at 10th level, w hen you cast an abjuration

spell that requ ires you to m ake an ability ch eck as
a part o f casting that spell (as in counterspell and
dispel magic), you add your proficiency bon u s to that
ability check.

object that you have seen. The object is visibly m agical,

radiating dim light out to 5 feet.
The ob ject disappears after 1 hour, w hen you use this
feature again, or if it takes any dam age.

n ig n

r a n s p o s it io n

Starting at 6th level, you can u se your action to teleport

up to 30 feet to an u n occu p ied sp ace that you can see.
Alternatively, you can c h o o s e a sp ace w ithin range
that is occu p ied by a Sm all or M edium creature. If that
creature is w illing, you both teleport, sw appin g p laces.
O nce you u se this feature, you c a n t u se it again until
you finish a long rest or you cast a conjuration spell o f
1st level or higher.

c u se d

o n j u r a t io n

B egin ning at 10th level, w hile you are concentrating on

a conjuration spell, your concentration ca n t be broken
as a result o f taking dam age.

u r a b l e


m m o n s

Starting at 14th level, any creature that you

su m m on or create w ith a conjuration spell has 30
tem porary hit points.

Sc h o o l

D iv in a t io n

o f

Th e cou n sel o f a diviner is sought by royalty and

com m on ers alike, for all seek a clearer understanding
o f the past, present, and future. A s a diviner, you strive
to part the veils o f space, time, and co n scio u sn e ss so
that you can see clearly. You w ork to m aster spells o f
discernm ent, rem ote view ing, supernatural know ledge,
and foresight.
Sp e

l l

e s is t a n c e

Starting at 14th level, you have advantage on saving

th row s against spells.
Furtherm ore, you have resistan ce against the
dam age o f spells.

iv in a t io n


v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sch o o l at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you must sp en d to co p y a divination spell
into your sp ellb ook is halved.

r t e n t

grow s, you learn sp ells o f transportation and can

teleport y ou rself a cross vast distances, even to other
planes o f existence, in an instant.

Starting at 2nd level w hen you c h o o s e this sch ool,

g lim p ses o f the future begin to p ress in on your
aw areness. W h en you finish a lon g rest, roll tw o d 2 0 s
and record the num bers rolled. You can replace any
attack roll, saving throw, or ability ch eck m ade by you or
a creature that you can see with one o f th ese foretelling
rolls. You must c h o o s e to do so b efore the roll, and you
can replace a roll in this w ay only on ce per turn.
Each foretelling roll can be u sed only on ce. W h en you
finish a lon g rest, you lose any u nu sed foretelling rolls.


Sc h o o l

o f

C o n j u r a t io n

A s a conjurer, you favor spells that p rod u ce objects

and creatures out o f thin air. You can conjure billow ing
clou d s o f killing fog or su m m on creatures from
elsew h ere to fight on your behalf. A s your m astery

o n j u r a t io n


v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sc h o o l at 2nd level, the

gold and tim e you m ust spend to cop y a conjuration spell
into your sp ellb ook is halved.

in o r

o n j u r a t io n

Starting at 2nd level w hen you select this sch ool, you
can use your action to conjure up an inanim ate object
in your hand or on the ground in an u n occu p ied sp ace
that you can see w ithin 10 feet o f you. This object can be
no larger than 3 feet on a side and w eigh no m ore than
10 pou nds, and its form m ust be that o f a nonm agical

pe r t

iv in a t io n

B egin ning at 6th level, casting divination sp ells co m e s

s o easily to you that it expends only a fraction o f your
sp ellcastin g efforts. W h en you cast a divination spell
o f 2nd level or higher using a spell slot, you regain one
expen ded spell slot. The slot you regain must be o f a
level low er than the spell you cast and ca n t be higher
than 5th level.

h e

h ir d


Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to

in crease your p ow ers o f perception . W h en you do so,

c h o o s e on e o f the follow in g benefits, w h ich lasts until

you are incapacitated or you take a short or long rest.
You ca n t use the feature again until you finish a rest.
Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a range o f 60
feet, as d escrib ed in chapter 8.
Ethereal Sight. You can see into the Ethereal Plane
w ithin 60 feet o f you.
Greater Comprehension. You can read any language.
S ee Invisibility. You can see invisible creatu res and
ob jects w ithin 10 feet o f you that are within line o f sight.

On a su ccessfu l save, you ca n t u se this feature on the

attacker again until you finish a lon g rest.
You m ust c h o o s e to u se this feature before kn ow in g
w hether the attack hits or m isses. Creatures that can t
be charm ed are im m u ne to this effect.

r e a t e r


r t e n t

Starting at 14th level, the vision s in your dream s

intensify and paint a m ore accurate picture in your m ind
o f w hat is to com e. You roll three d 2 0 s for your Portent
feature, rather than two.

Sc h o o l

En c h a n t m e n t

o f

A s a m em ber o f the S c h o o l o f Enchantm ent, you have

h oned your ability to m agically entrance and beguile
other p eop le and m onsters. S o m e enchanters are
p ea cem ak ers w h o bew itch the violent to lay dow n their
arm s and charm the cruel into sh ow in g m ercy. O thers
are tyrants w h o m agically bind the unw illing into their
service. M ost enchanters fall som ew h ere in betw een.


c h a n t m e n t

v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sch o o l at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you m ust sp en d to co p y an enchantm ent
spell into your sp ellb ook is halved.

p n o t ic

a ze

Starting at 2nd level w hen you c h o o s e this sch ool, your

soft w ord s and enchanting gaze can m agically enthrall
another creature. A s an action, c h o o s e one creature that
you can see w ithin 5 feet o f you. If the target can see or
hear you, it must su cce e d on a W isd om saving throw
against your w izard spell save D C or b e charm ed by you
until the end o f your next turn. The charm ed creatures
sp eed drops to 0, and the creature is incapacitated and
visibly dazed.
On subsequent turns, you can u se your action to
m aintain this effect, extending its duration until the
end o f your next turn. However, the effect ends if you
m ove m ore than 5 feet away from the creature, if the
creature can neither see n or hear you, or if the creature
takes dam age.
O nce the effect ends, or if the creature su cceed s on its
initial saving throw against this effect, you can t use this
feature on that creature again until you finish a long rest.

s t in c t iv e


l it


c h a n t m e n t

Starting at 10th level, w hen you cast an enchantm ent

spell o f 1st level or higher that targets only on e creature,
you can have it target a se co n d creature.
l t e r

e m o r ie s

At 14th level, you gain the ability to m ake a creature

unaw are o f your m agical influence on it. W h en you cast
an enchantm ent spell to charm one or m ore creatures,
you can alter on e creatu res understanding s o that it
rem ains unaw are o f being charm ed.
Additionally, on ce before the spell expires, you can
use your action to try to m ake the ch osen creature
forget som e o f the tim e it spent charm ed. The creature
must su cceed on an Intelligence saving th row against
your w izard spell save D C or lose a num ber o f hours
o f its m em ories equal to 1 + your C harism a m odifier
(m inim um 1). You can m ake the creature forget less
time, and the am ount o f tim e can t ex ceed the duration
o f your enchantm ent spell.

Sc h o o l

o f

Ev o c a t i o n

You focu s your study on m agic that creates pow erfu l

elem ental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame,
rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid.
S om e evokers find em ploym ent in m ilitary forces,
serving as artillery to blast enem y arm ies from afar.
O thers use their spectacular pow er to protect the w eak,
w hile som e seek their ow n gain as bandits, adventurers,
or aspiring tyrants.


o c a t io n

v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sch o o l at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you m ust sp end to cop y an evocation spell
into your sp ellb ook is halved.

u l pt

Sp e

l l s

B egin ning at 2nd level, you can create pock ets o f

relative safety w ithin the effects o f your evocation spells.
W h en you cast an evocation spell that affects other
creatures that you can see, you can c h o o s e a num ber
o f them equal to 1 + the sp ells level. T h e ch osen
creatu res autom atically s u cce e d on their saving throw s
against the spell, and they take no dam age if they w ould
n orm ally take h alf dam age on a su ccessfu l save.

h a r m

B egin ning at 6th level, w hen a creature you can see

w ithin 30 feet o f you m akes an attack roll against
you, you can u se your reaction to divert the attack,
provided that another creature is w ithin the attacks
range. T h e attacker m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw
against your w izard spell save DC. O n a failed save,
the attacker must target the creature that is closest
to it, not including you or itself. If multiple creatures
are closest, the attacker c h o o s e s w h ich one to target.


t e n t


n t r ip

Starting at 6th level, your dam aging cantrips affect

even creatures that avoid the brunt o f the effect. W h en
a creature su cce e d s on a saving th row against your
cantrip, the creature takes h alf the cantrips dam age (if
any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

po w e r e d


o c a t io n

B egin ning at 10th level, you can add your Intelligence

m odifier to the dam age roll o f any w izard evocation
spell you cast.

v e r c h a n n e l

Starting at 14th level, you can in crease the pow er o f

your sim pler spells. W h en you cast a w izard spell o f
5th level or low er that deals dam age, you can deal
m axim u m dam age w ith that spell.
The first tim e you do so, you suffer n o adverse effect.
If you u se this feature again b efore you finish a long
rest, you take 2 d 12 n ecrotic dam age for each level o f
the spell, im m ediately after you cast it. E ach tim e you
use this feature again before finishing a long rest, the
n ecrotic dam age per spell level in creases by 1d 12. This
dam age ig n ores resistan ce and immunity.

Sc h o o l

o f

Il l u s i o n

You focu s your studies on m agic that dazzles the

sen ses, befu ddles the mind, and tricks even the w isest
folk. Your m agic is subtle, but the illusions crafted by
your keen m ind m ake the im possible seem real. S om e
illusionistsincluding m any gnom e w iza rd sare
benign tricksters w h o use their spells to entertain.
O thers are m ore sinister m asters o f deception , using
their illusions to frighten and fool others for their
person al gain.

l u s io n


pr o v e d

W h en you cast minor illusion, you can create both a

sou n d and an im age with a single casting o f the spell.


a l l e a b l e

l u s io n s

Starting at 6th level, w hen you cast an illusion spell that

has a duration o f 1 m inute or longer, you can u se your
action to change the nature o f that illusion (using the
sp ells n orm al param eters for the illusion), provided that
you can see the illusion.

l u s o r y


l f

B egin ning at 10th level, you can create an illusory

duplicate o f y ou rself as an instant, alm ost instinctual
reaction to danger. W h en a creature m akes an attack
roll against you, you can use your reaction to in terpose
the illusory duplicate b etw een the attacker and
yourself. T h e attack autom atically m isses you, then the
illusion dissipates.
O nce you u se this feature, you ca n t u se it again until
you finish a sh ort or lon g rest.

l u s o r y

e a l it y

By 14th level, you have learned the secret o f w eaving

v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sch o o l at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you m ust spend to cop y an illusion spell
into your sp ellb ook is halved.

ch oice. T h e cantrip d oesn t coun t against your n um ber

o f cantrips know n.

in o r


l u s io n

W h en you c h o o s e this sch ool at 2nd level, you learn

the minor illusion cantrip. If you already k n ow this
cantrip, you learn a different w izard cantrip o f your

sh ad ow m agic into your illusions to give them a sem ireality. W h en you cast an illusion spell o f 1st level or
higher, you can c h o o s e one inanim ate, n onm agical
object that is part o f the illusion and m ake that object
real. You ca n do this on your turn as a bon u s action
w hile the spell is on goin g. T h e object rem ains real for
1 minute. For exam ple, you can create an illusion o f a
bridge over a chasm and then m ake it real long en ough
for your allies to cross.
The object ca n t deal dam age or oth erw ise
directly harm anyone.

Sc h o o l

N e c r o m a n c y

o f

The S ch o o l o f N ecrom an cy explores the co sm ic forces

o f life, death, and undeath. A s you focu s your studies in
this tradition, you learn to m anipulate the energy that
anim ates all living things. A s you p rogress, you learn to
sap the life force from a creature as your m agic destroys
its body, transform ing that vital en ergy into m agical
p ow er you can m anipulate.
M ost p eop le see n ecrom a n cers as m enacing, or even
villainous, due to the clo s e a ssocia tion w ith death.
Not all n ecrom a n cers are evil, but the forces they
m anipulate are con sid ered ta boo by m any societies.

e c r o m a n c y


v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sch o o l at 2nd level, the
gold and tim e you must sp en d to cop y a n ecrom a n cy
spell into your sp ellb ook is halved.

r im

a r v e s t

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to reap life en ergy from
creatu res you kill w ith your spells. O nce p er turn w hen
you kill on e or m ore creatu res w ith a spell o f 1st level
or higher, you regain hit poin ts equal to tw ice the sp ells
level, or three tim es its level if the spell b elon gs to the
S ch o o l o f N ecrom ancy. You d on t gain this benefit for
killing con stru cts or undead.

n d e a d

you sp end perform in g the procedu re, you can transform

h r a l l s

At 6th level, you add the animate dead spell to your

sp ellb ook if it is not there already. W h en you cast
animate dead, you can target one additional c orp se
or pile o f b on es, creating another zom bie or skeleton,
as appropriate.
W h en ever you create an undead using a n ecrom an cy
spell, it has additional benefits:
T h e creatu res hit point m axim u m is in creased by an
am ount equal to your w izard level.
T h e creature adds your proficiency bon u s to its
w eap on dam age rolls.

u r e d

t o

n d e a t h

B egin n in g at 10th level, you have resistan ce to n ecrotic

dam age, and your hit point m axim u m can't be reduced.
You have spent s o m uch tim e dealing w ith undead and
the forces that anim ate them that you have b e c o m e
inured to so m e o f their w orst effects.

o m m a n d

n d e a d

Starting at 14th level, you can use m a gic to bring

undead under your control, even th ose created by other
w izards. A s an action, you can c h o o s e one undead that
you ca n see w ithin 60 feet o f you. That creature must
m ake a C harism a saving th row against your w izard
spell save DC. If it su cceed s, you ca n t u se this feature
on it again. If it fails, it b e c o m e s friendly to you and
ob ey s your com m a n d s until you use this feature again.
Intelligent undead are harder to con trol in this way.
If the target has an Intelligence o f 8 or higher, it has
advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving
th row and h as an Intelligence o f 12 or higher, it can
repeat the saving th row at the end o f every h our until it
s u c ce e d s and break s free.

Sc h o o l

o f

Tr a n sm u t a t io n

You are a student o f spells that m odify energy and matter.

To you, the w orld is not a fixed thing, but em inently
mutable, and you delight in being an agent o f change.
You w ield the raw stuff o f creation and learn to alter both
physical form s and mental qualities. Your m agic gives
you the tools to b e co m e a smith on realitys forge.
S o m e transm uters are tinkerers and pranksters,
turning p eople into toads and transform ing cop p er into
silver for fun and o cca sion a l profit. O thers pu rsue their
m agical studies w ith deadly seriou sn ess, seek in g the
p ow er o f the g od s to m ake and destroy w orlds.

r a n s m u t a t io n


v a n t

B egin ning w hen you select this sc h o o l at 2nd level, the

gold and tim e you must spend to cop y a transm utation
spell into your sp ellb ook is halved.

in o r

l c h e m y

Starting at 2nd level w hen you select this sch ool, you
can tem porarily alter the physical properties o f one
n onm agical object, changin g it from on e su bstance into
another. You perform a sp ecia l alch em ical p rocedu re
on on e object co m p o s e d entirely o f w ood , stone (but not
a gem stone), iron, copper, or silver, transform ing it into
a different on e o f th ose m aterials. F or each 10 m inutes

up to 1 cu b ic foot o f material. A fter 1 hour, or until you

lose your concentration (as if you w ere concentratin g on
a spell), the material reverts to its original substance.

a n s m u t e r s


o n e

Starting at 6th level, you can spend 8 hours creating a

transm uters stone that stores transm utation m agic. You
can benefit from the stone y ou rself or give it to another
creature. A creature gains a benefit o f your ch oice
as lon g as the stone is in the creatu res p ossession .
W h en you create the stone, c h o o s e the benefit from the
follow in g options:
D arkvision out to a range o f 60 feet, as d escrib ed in
chapter 8
A n in crease to sp eed o f 10 feet w hile the creature is
u n en cu m bered
P roficien cy in Constitution saving throw s
R esistan ce to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
dam age (your ch oice w henever you c h o o s e this
E ach tim e you cast a transm utation spell o f 1st level
or higher, you can change the effect o f your stone if the
stone is on your person.
If you create a n ew transm uters stone, the previous
on e c e a se s to function.

a pe c h a n g e r

At 10th level, you add the polymorph spell to your

sp ellbook , if it is not there already. You can cast
polymorph w ithout expending a spell slot. W h en you
do so, you can target only y ou rself and transform into a
beast w h o s e challenge rating is 1 or lower.
O nce you cast polymorph in this way, you ca n t do so
again until you finish a short or lon g rest, though you
can still cast it n orm ally using an available spell slot.

a s t e r

r a n s m u t e r

Starting at 14th level, you can u se your action to

con su m e the reserve o f transm utation m agic stored
w ithin your transm uters stone in a single burst. W h en
you do so, c h o o s e one o f the follow in g effects. Your
transm uters stone is destroyed and ca n t be rem ade
until you finish a lon g rest.
Major Transformation. You can transm ute one
n on m agica l ob jectno larger than a 5-foot cu b e into
another nonm agical object o f sim ilar size and m a ss and
o f equal or lesser value. You m ust spend 10 minutes
h andling the ob ject to transform it.
Panacea. You rem ove all curses, diseases, and p oisons
affecting a creature that you touch with the transm uters
stone. The creature also regains all its hit points.
Restore Life. You cast the raise dead spell on a
creature you touch with the transm uters stone, w ithout
expending a spell slot or n eedin g to have the spell in
your spellbook.
Restore Youth. You touch the transm uters stone to
a w illing creature, and that creatu res apparent age is
red u ced by 3 d 10 years, to a m inim um o f 13 years. This
effect d oesn t extend the creatu res lifespan.

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