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What is so amazing about grace?

Was thinking what is are the human factors that caused our concupiscence or
bondage of our will? Why do people sin continually? Are we born inveterate
sinners and theologians of glory? Progressive sanctification is a myth, our
Lutheran Confession recognises this, for which I am exceedingly glad. That is
why we need to hear the gospel everyday of our lives and need the
sacraments continually. We don't have any immunity to sin, like the American
bubble boy who was born without any natural immune system. We will die
once we get out of that bubble ("in Christ"). We will be dead by the judgment
of the law immediately as all have sinned and fall short of God's glory.
.Romans 3:23.
Has anyone done a sociological, behavorial or psychoanalytical study on why
sinners behave the way they do? Why is human inclination curved towards self
(incurvatus in se) all the time. Even altruistic efforts can be tainted with self
interest. My Chinese ancestors and sages of the past tried their best to rectify
this concupiscence but with no success. China is still rife with tainted food,
corruption, blatant disregard for copyrights and greed after two millennium or
more of drumming virtue and ethics at the pain of death in many cases.
The greater the recognition of the depravity of our human condition the greater
appreciation of God's grace.
" But the knowledge of original sin is necessary. For the magnitude of the
grace of Christ cannot be understood [no one can heartily long and have a
desire for Christ, for the inexpressibly great treasure of divine favor and grace
which the Gospel offers], unless our diseases be recognized. [As Christ says
Matt. 9:12; Mark 2:17: They that are whole need not a physician.] " Apology,
Article II, 32

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