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APRIL 20 2016


Legible transcription appertaining as conferring to these, their collective involvements in cause-s
that of Charles Schofer creation of planetary constellations, the peoples and the phony Court-s
practices over-ruled by Celestial navigate-s and God-like manifestation on map topography
Africa-s, along with the acute hearing determination and telepathy-s.

In so side at attention all who come to stupid our/my interest-s in world without end- and life
everlastings allocated areas of fumble; we seated fully loaded doers of evil remedies ands topic
of offer an obvious dissension by these/our foes and allies in areas that of altogethers identities
believed to be that of replica people and of Lucipherian-like fireproof deceivers whos desire is
to consume after-life phase by means of rectal fornication, devouring human-kind, and
regressing their spirited embodiments.

In here as I say we the Department of Defenses order a routine hit or try due to these adages
being posted in a way that resembles Gods words to they who decided come back to the
subjectives to remember Mr. Pinck is a textbook example of the homosexual organ apparatuss
to shit never knew altogethers silence is kind of a wantonness to altercate all or none infamy
needs somebody to walk withs got attack squadrons answers in metaphors to all we disrupted.

So by expressing an altogether Lucipherian ego or stand, and if the masses were begotten as a
by-product of Lucipherian-like deals with our Fathers research in areas of all can read, hear,
English even the stipulated deaf, dumb and blind the subjects that of, Charles Schofer and his
/their iota of phony walkie talkie needs are a inversion layer I dont need in areas of celestial
navigates understanding.

This and like all personnel care to shut down all terminals do to the esoterics discussions all to
do with: women are really reptilian-feline plain clothes interpreted areas of screwed alright. If
so many cute professional feline dicks in disguise, and being mindful to kill/treat/adjudicate the
feline based rape and Satanic-like orgy old devices, let us save the trillions of men scheduled to
be raped tortured eaten alive and suggest payback is a money order to reptil-feline only good for
one or a few iotas of lifes esoteric purposes.

So when assertion bringers sip and maul come to topic of close proximity the relative who deed
fornicate distemperment to mothers acclaims hated Divine Intervention and see Rick and
Lourdes doesnt see eye to eye can cause trouble at residence connect the dots better if trying
the/a Lords patience is altogethers to push the esoteric meaning that of apartments leases do
entertain thoughts of hiding guns on property to solve para-medics/ wit centers obsessions with
lie/kill/start fires/catch/poison/smart off a fight/deal drugs as common knowledge, the return fire
ethic is rightly a requiems for property absolved on the grounds of forfeit encumbrances in areas
of Satanic treason by landlords to use phony mental clinics deceptive purposes.

Our research and discussion an noted causes to pursue charges being brought forward against
Wendy Lindley will see to, in areas of finicky cat deceptors ill-conceived rhetoric re pore the
ideas as an conquest of Charles Schofers reptilian ambitions fused a funny farm actions to go
their one more times is obviously a likeness to an untamed wild animals in distress who would
resort to anything under the sun to watch incest side do Raes likeness to all we differentiated to
protect go wayside. In other words the Judges prepared an orgy from hell-like sentencing
remands including Samanthas testimonys to live another life as a Steve anti-body realm in
infinites ways of secreting pusss wiser than two lips connect.

The subjective that of false diaries jargon, the apartment managements ideas a deception in
every esoteric desire we posted. Their underworld affiliates dike a feline answer to cut throat
ditch the points being rendered unable to approach and does felony attack on property and
probable dislodging campaign. Reminding altogethers areas of never a global telepathies with all
togethers discombobulate efforts to kill/catch/joke never trying/ orders Pepsi to be served to
escort my areas of discernment to a new dimension of screw overs.

So western leaders ideas to kill/ Gods relay assuagement is Rick and Lourdes coincidental
trilogy to go here next year and pull crap if we are exact contentions with stipulates, telepathic
cartoon phenomena in map topographys of Africus being a tools of Sequester,
Subpoena/Affidavit capabilities sirs.

In so sided the stipulated cartographic telepathic topography visual/audio ventriloquists names,

the subject seems to be taken lightly to Adlers esoteric ideas of Law firms real purposes as to
promoted a phony depiction of a economy or world doing great in some areas and grey in a few
areas. However it may be lived or weighed the fact of the matters are proper use of a woman-like
apparatus for a Party to have and hold where no knowledge of her feline creators requiems to
pursue incest funny, cemetery betrayals.

The credible application for endeavorment acceptable prognosis for reptile or the feline women
question combined with altogethers menacing improprieties can be beneficial to satisfy the needs
of the purported say about a billions an hour regarded men and/or so called drops in the bucket
who wind up as devil food items of altogethers/ menacing disregard for laws at court recorded
transcriptions we clarified to satisfy the notarys angry disdainful arrogance can pay back the
leaders debts to societys in ways where about incalculable sin may serve Mankind in the places
of preyed on our kind so be it to conclude.

Are we prepared to do battle against the/ a Gods and witnesses who communicated/s
telepathically with all individuals in Courts 24/7/365 days for well over twenty years dated April
20th 2016, the subjects that of so called Antzee Dancee does exert clearly visibly resolve for
audible and clarified material facts to these infidels at detention brings devil-like candors and
Courtroom-s ledgers; and if nopes the Gonzalez/ rectal pleasing area of dislike our ethical
reminders that of phony and fraudulent job duty in every case probation and law enforcement are
assigned the requiems to fight is altogethers areas of disdainful settlement offers when sees,
hears, catches and intercepted a thousand or so times a day, month and sowardly.

If the masses are believed to be a universal-like oneness with Earths molten magma, oceans and
are giants in disguise; in further recollecting said Judges and God-like presence Antzee Dancee
disclosed to altogether cantankerous disregard for aka Supernal Judges Williamson or Sir
Antons dba Antzee Dancees knowledge in areas that for differentiating from good or evils, from
evolve or said regressions areas of deal treacherys to my aims.

The search warrant committee being caught in the act and after witnessed a thousand tries a
month or more, and in areas recollected as intercepted deputies and school child alikes
aggression, the idea that of a new belief in religious ancestry can describe a buster commission
out of service to punch/kill/cut off they are made daily routine of gaining ground to Santa Ana
detachments empty handed tries to do infamy and protect lies at courts un-ruly reputation if I
see cops and cons act out crimanee together to off sides our Kalashnikovs right areas of hell the

Having given these iotas of your fathers destination pre-coordinated areas of devil food scams
by Lucipher-like realms of Courts got an ideas, the byproducts we see and hears of celestial
improprieties called fire trucks and units in altogether negligible aims to subdue and incapacitate
by any available measures that of what I say or situate so contending. Sir.

So be abreast of mental orders to neither disturb nor inflame our research talkers of dislodge,
detain, do off, distrust when the isosceles triangle may need to re-construe better being liked for
cute gals and great peoples than double crossing Lukes ways in areas to they who did deserve a
capitulation and a program of salvation to these areas of clarified and security clearances above
those of deputies ranks so implied?

If obligations assumed mean to let a smolder burn the areas of business to altercate never will
be firstly new openness toward U. S./U.N.-Soviet-Russian Federation repore and glasnost
perestroika Mr. candidate or Misss option now in disregarded like a wild animal cannibal whose
double sided chauvinistic devour humans down like a profound conniving Oscar can talk, will
obviously need to lead by example. In so seating very light poultry mostly flour meal oriented
vegetarian meals the emphasis of rectal inseminating captives and then proceeding to cut to the
chase and eat has no place here in anytown USA nor Heaven.

Now let us not be startled by concocted detention bring areas of allocating funny farm help to
disseminate altogether counter pre-dispositions to dial 911 again and in obvious contempt for
stipulated, Gods orders we mold into something we can have and hold in an effort to become
more aligned with the celestial navigates better advisements despite the DoDs and Obamas
phony deploy hiatuss aimed at resurrecting a revolt to either convey fold or confuse our
livelihood in a clear display of the rectal pleasers obsolete and void of reasoning approachs.

This iotas of disinformation is meant to redirect attention to every fallopian tube dare devil shes
really a pervert man in Alta Firma or underground areas of seduce and rape beyond words to
describe the savage obliteration of billions of men brought forward and did fall prey to these
ancestry fake outs regimes despite desponding pervert family members and his stipulated law
schools creases to purchase negligible assertions so contending.?

If these discoveries hold true and evident the subject of reciprocal engagement in at attention
cervix to funny farms ancestry debated are an assimilation of companionship, a good fit all do

regarded and a makeshift payback option made for consecration as a byproduct of the evilest sins
you/ones in arrivals and departures would benefit from.

The subjects that of departures in areas or realms known to us as phase advancement when fall
down at age sixty four and wake up in a crematorium and think so this is how the re-processing
works; then get a twitch in an eye by some relatives or nay sayers adjunct decision to penetrate
your/ones/mys/ rectums with iron tools to ajar my voice cavitys areas of complete and total preplanned double cross at births conceptions ways of dialing 911 when berserk elder talks do unto
others as suchly would be done to yourselves ethic.

In a display of reverence, faith, ethics, commonalitys, respect for mirror our said to be Holy
religious values will be resurrected at this times in an effort to seek the goodness sides of that
which is and vindicated our esoteric discussions in closet cases redirecting flotillas advance
notices of incomings trajectories off courses areas of Duelsavers isnt that bad of a drummer
and a naval kick isnt the worst thing in so suggested our community has no place for incest
loving raping torturing and conniving judges who situated regression areas of caverns notorious
needs for a counter-equalizer prerogatives at Wendy S. Lindleys conative at seduce and cut up
the awareness we have found as so to refer to occupational improprieties suchly to cite no real
addicts or alcoholics or infirm is a bold face Soul lard wasting scam gone array.? Internal
memos, black books noting.?.

So graduates classes are something to everyday outcomes for these types of transparent Naval
schools where we seated the kidders doubted deputies saucer affiliations clearances defective not
like to notices and moreover to schools every lying conniving replica screw overs, which means
all students knows the answers on every test to be given in advance, therefore the respectful and
caught objectives altogether has to situate(d) never finds the cases we have up as neither an act
of Gods nor a Claimant pressing the issues relative matter.

In areas of clarified certified the reprehensible leader-s of common attribution black mass
sodomy in hell-like pre-destined outcomes to break phone numbers out in areas of how much
will the His Honorable and most reverent Honor William P Williamson set aside in views that of
twenty thousand repeated attempts to catch/kill/ construe neither a regard for who is typing a
worst case scenario should some, most or entiretys of a Claimants contentions be certified
correct in areas of seismologys sense of molten magma or tornadic-hurricanic-like abuses of
telepathys a no no if we rank higher than a presidents knowledges of all true so more forces
needed for his rectal inseminating diversion to that which is and should never bes accorded

In so setting aside our film credited evidence in areas of recidivist calls to repeat
offenders procedures in lieu of phony companys distress the areas of confused a secret service
decisions to deputized (Robert Owen Andersons County orchestrated Poisoner 2000-2004) will
strike a gains topics-verified however; altogether are siding- and-were in on it-so no Justice no
peace in areas of not all good owes a debit to societys aims to send the right kind of message to
they who breach Geneva Protocols and are undersigned Plenipotentiaries to the agreement noted
by these imprints request for amiable adjudication in areas of a remandment criteria.

The abuse of alien technology factual concerted molecular recidivist trial mockers meaning WIT
Courts assessment teams were present when we seated the vindicated to press the issues
contrary to Dr. Pickarts or Browns collective assertion to their unlawful corresponding acclaim
in areas of mock a Supernal Judges decision to let go and seated; did we see Telecare offer
condolences or apologies? Topics?

As suchly describes these wild animals in disguises continued their effort to find another way or
excuse to deed death, demise, deet, torment and ultimately a hell like objectives as set asides
findings of our Supernal Judges decisions for more amiable destination placard, ah but we see a
seated to dispel the knowledges these phony studious predicate areas of do away yous the way
Mr. Gods their esoteric look the other way in hopes for incarceration will defy the/a Lords
obvious dissension that of rectal insemination's by leaders of the free worlds answers.

The new manager in violation to what we seated deputies requiems to argue our stipulated,
esoteric reminder that all speak and understand English. This means Lucey Balls privileged
Latin Jazzs ironies of contentions to make trouble. This also means the Germans requisite, the
Frenchs, the Russians, the Chinese and play stupid in areas of do my Soul lard off.

Did we care to involve ourselves in a matter described as security cleared above all personnel
except a few in areas of handle and receive of the blessings of Stevens Gods who is almighty
enough to argue the case/Courts in areas of improprieties of stipulated attorneys on records
objectives to dislodge, disconcert attention to finkers got an idea to poison again our Prophetlike supportive assistance.

So Charles Schofers puppet show sided altogethers ideas are to use ethnic associations in areas
of clarified they who fornicated improper in underground esoteric screw overs pre-planned by
Charlies-realms of everything a Lord dislikes we see who dundered telepathic privileged
informations and concerted absences of the rod and staff to render speedy remands when a
persons of deepening objectives discerned all people speak English, even Hispanic Lucipherianlikes aims so integrate better if we are open minded and friendly asking??.

The subjects that of which all understand English and pretend they do not understand our topics
included Latins areas of funny farm answers to plead lying testimony I say. Even Russian
leaders excuses to deal terrors are inadvertently turned back or away as if to suggest I am are
making an accurate assertion. Did we see Joint U S military people run like fleeing felons in
telepathic unisons with neighborly acquainted will try to kill us seems to be the/a nature of WIT
staff and clients leading the anti-god crusade teachers and nice ladies and gentlemen Jurors
present in areas of protect and serve in the highest accorded manner that may serve the highest or
higher Courts need to be informed and in areas that of making a more fuller contribution to
the/our Courts accord so contended.?

The subjects to they who accuse us today and altogethers dislikes of this contention they all do
not really die and are playing possum. Be it in battle or in the/a morgue when a deputy assisted
snow job now pronounces someone dead. The subject that of knowingly swindle and deceive
these our areas of WIT care coordinators rely on diabolical infusement of semen in anal cavitys
to get off in underworld destination they are sure despondent for these areas of Duelsavers
treachery to invoke war powers acts to confuse the Testamentary we see a contention.

Therefore use neither needles nor heroine-like substances, invite neither hard liquor nor
insemination of body parts nor rectal nor oral behaviors or orientations. Bearing in mind replicas
dont really get buzzed or need sleep, food, can whither the coldest, hottest extremes and invite
risky promiscuity will continue to be the subjects so long as billions or more gents are destined
to become victims of invisible realms tricky doctors advise to comment falsify the ledger in a
clear unlawful acts of phony occupation hell bent on doing opposite what we say and seated to
never cite.

The subjects that of neither real women nor children does play a part in the development of
phony doctors high on testosterone ingested when infused rectally in cavern mistaken areas of
push overs. The women are supposedly formed from neither an embryo as seated describing and
are described as a feline dunder apparatus by Father of tenants describing the informations
divulged to altogether quit or be terminated attitude will be reminded of Court appearance saw

Steve is honorary part owner along with Judges Williamsons recollected give and take decision
to let go.

As we were disrupted to teach, the subjects that for wants real women to be part of the/his plan
however as so the subjects of pro-creating gals who are neither notably in cahoots with either
reptile nor feline areas of disseminate not one supportive utterances for rectal fornicating in an
effort to be useful to the billions even trillions of gentlemen in areas of abuses of alien
technologies more noted invisible realms the way cavalry? At any rate you will self-improve if
he /we incorporate the esoteric principles of that which is proprietary so contended?

Although we will take notice the housing assisted relief is undeniably a good sign folks.
Although a nature of living else-where is very unsettling the adages of did a deal with the
Devil-likes as a arrangement to be on housing has no place here at Antzees esoteric discussion to
aims we suggested are relevant and meaningful.

If work at homes the ideas to dislodge, the subjects that of County escrow lost the case dozens
of re-trials ago by these imprints properly identified quotations that of seated means vindicated
to press on added and stipulated fine areas of legitimately construes; not for hells worst
outcomes as whys County berserk administrations war siders we catch.

Another subjects that of all people siding sick, infirm, stricken by cancers and all in alls added
connotations and their despicable aims, are in on it screw overs with the phony physician stories
who so produced Cancers and anti-aging molecules to prove a special procedure topic be given
to a predicate aspiration to walk away from deputies seeking injunction for taking up right

The phony eye doctors duly dissatisfied with our outcomes did rely on faulty inaccurate topics at
the dissenting camera crews personal remarks to go here and cause troubles why. So in so
suggested all Mia can care a bouts is battering rams to feline an objectionable content to my
Judges careers in trouble with the/ a Lip serving conniver may not be all to bad if bloodwork
principle is funny, friendly, sensitive and more importantly visible cartoon phenomena as so
describes a notice of transcriptions requesting an not in service if we won the case every try gone
by seated to contend.

Now there, most so called Physicians can cure and extend life to our Plaintiff the only and lone
human embryo in this these airspaces we seated. The physicians can even prevent death and
bring about procedures where we would neither need heart muscle, tissues, vital organs, food,
water, or other areas of clarified the suggested leaders aims to advise assassination devil doers of
evil if Im at liberty to challenge the credit worthy endearment of Loyolas phony arbitration
policies pretenses for demise in all her candid remarks to recollect dismissals I ams situated can

In so seeing eye to eyes on victors attentive distrust for residents heres obviously not mentally
ill and ill commandeers our telepathic platforms to undermine every cute Telecares wide ones
side to my authoritys and Wits ideas to come here and annoys residents for any ways to kill/kid,
cut down, prejudice classified requiem a police radio line of communication from a higher
classified authorities than a never knows can depicted obviously we seated lying eyes phony
solutions pertaining to our Telepathies, archaic cuneiform and cartoon-like phenomenas whos
relevance can only be twisted from areas of telepathies as that of which is of greatest importance
to institutionalize a Prophet-like act of Gods by the Devil-like aims of screw overs recollected

Do we suggesting phony friendliest dunder seekers of all the properly identified double crossers
by which fallacy and supposedly the most vile disgusting and menacing double side to live their
lives did play a part in decisions to not at liberty to discuss supposed inter-planetary records.

The Wit Courts objectives are despise every unit of God-like manifestation in areas believes a
day in Court described 2000 or so intercepted trys a day nows by Court orchestrated
contemptuous fallacys in areas of non-conformity is neither acceptable nor beneficial to the
Providences toward Mankind. In so saying our rights to cultivate conscious regard for do unto
others as we would do unto ourselves does make a clearly understood case in areas of said
universal laws a verdict duly despises.

So when in the courses of Human atrocities nows a/ the time for all good people to come to their
esoteric destinies if conative for a fire in the apartment building is a swear to Gods requiem to
stop defending my/our faith and statutes of penal codes illegally employed deputy D As answers
to cause melee so interested at Puerto Ricans esoteric a stipulated defenses to give poisons
another look side we enhanced to become neither abused or victimized answers to press on fors.
So by any senses of his imaginations ifs orders to kill/kid our Claimants detriments to believe
Court of Laws doesnt matter in areas conducive to civil approach contrary to defiance of not at

liberty to divulges center consider the likeness of guardian angels spontaneity ad adages altercate
for neither deputy-police calendars off course regarded dislikes of Justices Williamson aka
Antzee Dancees rulings in which we seize the moment in areas of catch police-deputys radios
areas of real times answers can do up in the act as if to suggest as we speaks described offer no
strife nor adjectives to convey animosity to the Claimants defensive posturing nor deed
Duelsaver a guns to finalize deputies decisions to let gos areas of research to the aims we caught
nor assisted to dislodge tenant their lives nor altogethers brazen hierchy to deputize traitors
tricks to poison/kill/kid/retard our reasonable and reputable approach to basket case altogether
western leaders included, rectal insemination ideas to all who are born in cemetery areas of interdimensions.


As a emotional despondence retaliations for Antzees Celestial Godly authoritys to intercept by
way telepathic conveyance the routine we suggest arrogant deputys dislikes for my character
assessment in areas of double sides to live their lives we see a ideation to summarize a phony
replica societys that of citizen representatives in needs to falsely accuse my/our unit..

The subjects that of phony citizens, means: an alien-like combination of the suggested
recollections brought forward to described these phony people are rats, cats, dogs, reptiles and
funny farms understanding for incest, anal copulation orgys and other characteristics associated
with detention brings ulterior motives for kill and regress any approach where by the/a thought
of this areas of the most gruesome, conniving, rectal inseminating meaning too shameful and
illegal and vile as a double cross examples of what a Gods may hate the most has no place here
in residents air spaces, not at liberty to divulge nor dispute every apartment dweller neither
infirm, nor a senior, nor needs rest or food or water real seriousness of intentions.

If so the police departments radar interceptors scam was devised in other areas of said catch to
kill and destroy a gingerly reputable tenants discovery of phony familys funny farm acquittals
does Joe Perez care to avoid the subjects of his career may end due to outcome of hear we seated
to remove the doubts by way of intercepting tries of very many indecent typical resentment doers
of evils care coordinated research to bring a calibrations to fuel funny farms esoteric dislikes for
God almightys dissenting coverage by Western leaders avenger of emphasis of lied in Court
open for suggestive and purposeful sharing too much to buy in to desires a deputy to seat a
witness who contending these culprits calling Gods will a liar outright in areas of discussed to
all ears.

The perspective a womanly enchantment all nationalitys all pregnant phony Fallopian tube ploys
in areas explained as acute telepathic hearing perception aka police radio line in if such western
leaders acclaims to assist in ending our life and escorted deputys to forge altogethers tricks to
parade death sentence to push the atomic war reproach answer if hell cant prevails
determination in areas that of a likeness toward a Devils only friends as discussed fireproof
nuclear composites alien replica societys properly noted worst of evils along with Clinicians
from the Wit Centers kill/cusses defenses that of altogether s defiant memorys a seated pardoned
and clarified to Joe Perez accosting contempt for authoritys present precepts.

In so seated the objectives that of Joe Perezs (WIT Courts Judge), and as we may discourage a
said fraud in every case WIT Court ever presided with, the subjects that of phony relatives,
phony police, phony Homeland Security Directors assassination tryings, and its definitions
being: all criminal and said to be terrorist actions are orchestrated by police, deputies, and inner
circles of deceptive practices so suggested the leaders aid an abet ment in every case on records
acclaim for a/the purpose of the grand behemoth black mass orgy rape kill at time of said to be
departures criteria topic that of regression Mr. Charles Schofers many adjectives.

Although a adjudication by defense counsels special reliances in areas of dont really dies and
have the rest of time so to say an confinement criteria may be serve no practical solution if
shape shift a deputys Wendy Lindley Judges the prosecution areas of waivers.

In so cited a record of Wit Courts intentional harm afflicting dual diagnosis procedures to
conceal the material facts described in our ledgers phony recollections to undermine our
intentions to integrate and establish real human-like colonies and not 7 billion strong outcomes
becoming at declarative's answers as: the epitome of wasted energy in purposes that describe a
lone specimens after or secondary matrix or existences as Devil food and abominable desires of
what was supposedly thought of as Satanic by every means of the infirm are going to dies
ledgers today the more efficient use of energy to accommodate 4 to 6 billion real-like Mankind
with real women and child will continue to be the subjects in areas of who is locking up the
project as to dunder an escape area of catch in the act had only to kill a subject?

So by reiterated clinicians do it with care in as suchly construe a possibilitys of alternative

sentencing to the ring leaders and Wit behavioral assessment criterias if I only knew what they
really looked like and what they are on I would be reminded not go there ah but was only testing

These infidels so stated involvement as described scrimmage offenders research give new
meaning to the word dare devils without an escape catch, or clause to their infamy desires to
seated my accurate predicated adages to consider funny friendly, acquitted, friendly fire
adjectives in the place of all or nothing absurditys of wages of sin to better.

By sided even if Whatever it Takes adjudication to Telecare spoilers emissary distinctions carry a
minimal that for a county year and $60,000 dollar penalty assessed still under review entered
recommended for Sara Wolf, Eden Hall, and a Lana Trapp in areas of funny ideas as to when
they or their insurer will kid the penalty assessment dividends unless insurers supplied deet for
Charles Schofers shot calling demise aims to suggest an about face for rehabilitation and realignment objective this and destination placard unconditional and complete, so to say turn
around in landscape serenitys as concerted to the Holy Eucharist memories of the millions in
areas of departure and arrivals testimonys.

With this being said the ideas that as elderly as these replica may be, (estimated to have been
created nearer to 1954 in some clarified discourses and in overall superior knowledge areas
accredited to Charles Schofers oldest embodiment's of calls us Celestial inter-dimensional
researched around 47, million hours agos clear definition on ages of Fathers topic the ideas that
by usages of action aisle residents phony alignment topic the many different names and procreation schemes of Charlies phony people may serve a purpose of deceive never if I catchs
progress reportedly may play part in areas of new and legitimate land ownership's dying to
kill/kick trip/foil a phone.

The subject of todays analysis will be that of Charles Schofer of Far Rockaway New York.
Charles Schofer inter alias Charlie in a updated development our resources explained is
responsible for the population masses we see here in this dimension and atmospheric awareness
that his stipulated only and first born son is breathing oxygen here as.

Charles Schofer , a creator of the topic of demonstrably annoyed police procedures, according to
Antzee supposedly begot Rae(s) , Steven mother, our said to be relatives, and finite
understanding of Wills topics including deceptive practices answers, along with Barak Obama
and the President s and their men.

In so saying history epicenter in areas of time zones in our faulty desire to inseminate a doctor,
for neither extending a footnote in our diagnosis that for the relevance and significance of

telepathic cartoon-like phenomenas esoteric discourse, we see could had quoted maybe an esp
program for DoD? Stevens fathers influence the physicians and clinicians of record impressions
in areas of chain reactions of molecules to start wars and commotions in advertantly to purchases
guns to believe better dead than a savior to the trillions being scheduled for devil food murderers
absorbed through tissue to cum in their areas of decencys and respects toward any relevant
matter I couldnt be aware of in a Gods own mentionings.

Although it is being told history(s) Steven is party with began in the 1950s according to a
witness accounting that of Antzee Dancee the Deitys on map topography of Africus who
always was disclosed the relative creations of all phony people began near or byway wardly after
Stevens conceptions and are negative energy used by Lucipherian reptile-feline apparatus to
kill/our growth inhibitions.

In areas of fuss, our research tells us, often enough dates may be used or envisioned as special
predications to enforce Fathers faulty religious stories accorded to police to these Honorary
peoples who saying declined to answer deposition questionnaires before analogies in regards to
my outcomes and or arrivals when an said departure, (certificate by coroners exam describes
deceased a faulty indications), leaves us wondering to the/a validitys that by WIT Court
aspirations along with County aggression condescend a fuss in areas as conferred adages of
outcomes by which we may very well cite public defenders arrogant and suspicious interest as
stating the fate of they who passed aways acclaims.

Now as wed recollected and as a result of psychiatrists of record lying and neglected to add
footer to diagnosis describing either our said telepathic-like cartographic topography with all
our law offices, nor our recent yearly accounting that of say two thousand tries on my freedom
and life being intercepted as we speak by Antzee Dancee, (an less than formal ah but friendly
names of Gods almighty Judges Williamson and Anton, the subjects that of raise suspicion
toward allegations all people are phony emblems and are in fact in terms noted in Seminarys in
league with the/a Devil-like double side to live their lives as Soul lard wasting murder
degenerates sides brought forward by Charles Schofers inter-planetary and inter-dimensional
invisible realms of decay degenerate a side.

The Bedgoods familys recent try to put us in morgue, Jails, and hospital should have made
sense to the Deputys in charge of handling our cases including deputy district attorneys Patricia
Schute and Wendy Breaugh in this dissertations inflammatory noted, opportune phony
assessment by which nearer to two thousand attempted to catch, then ordered to abort your trys
from March 2015 onward estimated date.

These undaunted areas of familiarize give us satisfaction to construe a better understanding in

areas of faulty constraints desires to kill MEs for either knowing too much or not enough
perspective of yesteryears shortfalls that by which we finally breathed enough life unto; may
perceive our relative contentions that of adages is coming of age to our consensus of decision
making shedding light on the possibilities of phony doctors, lawyers reference aiding an
abetment in the immoral and illegal conduct as described said occults Lucipherians black mass
orgy sodomies torment-kills set aside by a phony police department assessment teams phony
solutions ad aged curious to know however coincidentally pretended no such global-like
telepathies was in every eardrums need to deceives a purported self-distinction.

As a byproduct of deletion markers acclaims and objectives Charlies sides are in deprogramming mode if when in our own rights to declare Bedgoods a murderers fecal enzyme
trouble makers try on Presidents ranks if I hear could clear is a way to berserk a community
leaders inadvertent absences from these Findings of the Courts accorded topics.

Having passed the/a test we suggest deputies do not practice law to these ambitions we seated
means as we speak, the wild animals in disguises, neither take a hint to learn nor involve
themselves with our profoundly relative and invaluable resources.

So if workers at clam has an ideas to feed death to our subject in their collective and defiant
objectives all to do with mad as hell directives given in telepathy and presidential letterheads
miss understanding to they supposedly in charges secrecy classification bringings to my/his
certified recent updated conniving well-wishers supposed support, the areas of fool all the ways
will continue to be the subjects.

The weapons I would condescended to be party to a care coordinated displays of

ugly Betty's incest cat lovers dislikes for anything I dos is cynic an concerted attention
to altogether s Satanic-like berserks the ways to doers of evil included nows topic to care
coordinators phony solution to fink on our talking God-ly assisted protect yourselves at all times
tedious in mind and mental deceivers ante dotes to counter corrupted Court-police orchestrating
desires to falsify the said stated material facts and areas of their pardoned and let go dis
association with Supernal Judges facts on the table to call capital crime their esoteric values.?
The subjects that of they who stand convicted and let go is too lenient on the perpetrators in
question bring on more vehement sinful decision to assault our mediators life, limb and properly
diagnosed County of Orange in Trouble with the/a Lord caught dundering Satanic despicable

allegiance and do to invisibilitys try a daily routine of do up by any means, clearly illegal
respondence by Judge Perez orchestrating a kill/catch/cut up whatever it takes ideas of being
intercepted by Gods and seating my these, our areas of stipulated, the County of element of
surprises next doors did/denies a foil campaign to harbor a grudge against our clearly understood
and audibly presences in County of recorded inseminate in the crypt routine is obviously too
the/a regarded topics.
All the whiles the lip serving Secretary Generals United Nations does see/hears predicated
alls understand every syllable of English taught in deputys ironys to die fors I hears global
telepathies and bold face lies about its presences on map topographys of Africa. In so suchly
accusing the International Courts: Satanic double cross has no place here in anytown USA nor
should any time zone be influenced by such a perverse and appalling behaviors; noting all too
well ethnic diversity and same sex degeneracys are not the same degree of lawful practices in
and the research demonstrated correlation between homosexuality and crypt rape and regression
assault will reiterated as noted by Security Councils disingenuous resentment for all who remind
the Secretarys Generals U N Org. and International Court of Justices, NATO and all Ensigns to
this trespass:
all beings on earths are neither created equal nor are they endowed by their creators with
unalienable rights contrary to Mrs Holston or Marilyn Bowers scholastic screw overs awarded
to our attendance at Mission Viejo and Saddleback campuses Santa Ana. Altogethers assumption
of we dont know if Gods or ET life exists also a swindle job by students and Faculties all in and
Party to reptilian-feline aims to grow by consuming fleshy beings and inheriting or fornicating
improperly then killing by molecular absorption their our lives these police in private areas of
security clearances reminded to yield if suggested Gods almighty enough to get riled up debate
Also the impact of altogethers use of phony foreign accents when it is/was revealed
altogether speak and understand English, as suchly described all Latinos Alter Tierra a
surprise attack in areas of invisible rays disseminations brought forward to Barker Management
topics a disturbing pre-determined arrange ments. We see the Wit areas of dislodges dealt the
care coordinators ideas to ignore our telepathic relative and presided Justice and Godly Deitys
reasons to acquitted.
In so describing internal matter Judge Perez could never be party to has got another thing coming
if reckless abandonment of Jumper suited acclaims are all he/they wanted.
The memory of to kill/poisons acclaim is KTs darndest reason to come over she needs to do
prison time your honors Sir; this answer in action aisle residents topics for fear of residents
phony disabilities all reptilians in distress wear a bug themselves logic or either situated fight for
the worst case scenarios theyll ever need in so suggested fraud in every case serving with
distinction can fumble to aid and abet that of murder 1 in topics of inter-planetary Tierra Firmas
ideas to ask and abuse our telepathys in care coordinators understanding of fill with holes a
desire he considered.

Did prying eyes abuse a privileged and secrecy coded program disqualify the informants info to
invite a kill by phony relatives know using telepathys to breach securitys going to get a letters
in the mail tomorrows ideas of tele sequencing deputys origins to bring neithers a false
recorded itinerary of loyalty to disregard all we despised nor pill pop a satanic renters policy
accorded Mr. Steven Arroyos turn to phony victims rights phony associates degrees credentials
in herpes a fast one in pre accorded letter headed knock a knocks pantrys drug resistant strains
of quasi biomolecular topic by way of condom reminders of trouble as I see fit to bring up
chemicals in your WIT identitys to bully our face into surprise attack work on pretenses for
lying eyes to justify Satan rules to my attention.

So by indicating police radio telepathic acute hearing we see bailiffs badge numbers need to be
silenced for good for desertion and high treason, to all who demonstrate a lack of understanding
for Gods purpose and since these culprits signed a tour of dutys to do MEs a ups Wendy
Lindley a Judge of record needs to be taught a lesson that foul play has no place in renters
agreement liabilities to put a diabolical deadbeat in another units soon gun decision to bring ups
by the ways a fight is a poppers delight to prognosis a deak of lesser rank opinions do I hear my
selfs deputys Rick and Lourdes favorite weapon is deet to price is right in areas stipulated a
guns talk bring ups Wendy Suzanne Lindleys desire to orchestrated dunder topic-

Altogether disrupt with intention to kill inseminate my innards are all individuals reasons to call
poppers one more times a kidded neighbors doers of evils stalking our every though contention
for duel to decided trust no more all Wit Court could decided and call neither any nonprocedural care coordinated kill attempting to ask these esoteric discussions to Judges
Williamsons accord to commence with the never heard befores sentencing adjudications to the
death row convicted guilty authorities who do get caught in the act like WITS Duelsavers not
afraid to kill is something to say pertaining to Antzees too light on crime and all show no go
decisions Im not fors.

As suchly to appear in Courts attentive instigation visited your site to understand fully requiem
to kill catches police talking telepathically to all our residents to attack my properly identified
handy dandy for neither deputys colored weapons violators police protecting to bombs away all
I sips a tentative desire to altercated a finding we seated.

The subjects that of deputy d as schute ladys acclaimed furious denials a disrespect for Judges
Williamsons verdict in accused polite peaceful individual we see of phoning Patricias the name
screw over fraud in every precept she ever knowed then understand rank of origins phone for
recent topics to challenge Antzees authority at attention

So all hears our telepathies and doers of evils mole status to dunder all the anger it can created
for altogethers ideas of the instigate, disrupt, dislodge, poison, imprison, do whatever it/you
situated an witness to forges a violent outcome topic-

If so implying the good Gods obligations to protect Steve from the worst ever on records
predicate desires to con a clip of funny farm solutions to die a perverse rectal inseminating
regression scam by altogethers dislikes for Court record altered by every visitors predicate tryers
funded deputies resentment for material facts entered as clarified to police units supposedly
responsible for bailiffs missing iotas of attention in obvious dereliction of phony assessments.

So the worst we ever heard in historys Satanic-like that of no other wildcat and sodomic
massacres a predicate daily routine for absent District Judges unruly dispositions to feter our
regulatory communication guidelines and lie to everyones attention to orchestrate d day
emptivity rule.

The subject-s that of when a Coroner or any other stipulated legal authorities or means assert the
decedent was now pronounced dead, he/they are telling a fib. Reason being all who come to
serve, jump from airships, catch incoming rounds hated our guts on the grounds of this
arguments legitimate assertions. So in effective psychological wordages, the army units
pretending to get in arms way are bin fact bullys and dangerous cowardices.

The/a subjects that of the bullet/artillery catch tricks take on a whole new destination to perceive
fooling to do a rectal insemination campaign in all ears come to be mindful to allow for
precedence and articulation and most notable an easy does it calm our escape catch field as to oh
so whats new a friendly bypass in an effort to read between the lines and cut to the chases topics
of better be planning to change if inter-dimensional rules were not followed by all who come to
cite these fundings/findings pertains toward my/our stipulated action aisles resting policys to
barge in phony law degrees to finance a try doers of evils attentions to kill/catch a normal-like
individuals recollected won in court cases and see the County of Orange resorted to foul plays
directive-s to die fors.

Re situated all speak and comprehend English or other nationalitys origin in said to be Stevens
phony Fathers a tentative needs to use distress signal ambush tactics to desponded to areas never
taught in k 12 junior and high schools until today's processing of stipulated vial and relevant
Court recorded deceptions in Judge Joe Perez invisibility records to kill/kid by any/every means
available these shameful reminders of Duty, Honor and Country when we set out after your rehab

ands re-programming program moves areas to repeated placard destination becomings, to

undertake entirely opposite approach to bringing forward man of any nature.

So the fact-s that all are well and able to speak English and stupefy this testamentary to infuse
semen in areas of the most despicably perverted allowed to ever lives accordances does have
and play a part in areas of dissension and honors.

Nopes assisted tricking the realtors admissible grounds to respite a deaks phony oaths and
aggressions to give local creeps doer of evils ideas intending on debated kills/cusses is
womankinds esoteric despondencys to kill/kid or come under attack by these who occult a
black mass orgy rectal inseminated campaigns all disingenuous onlookers have/had expert
knowledges of what we set asides dictations and if inferior physical element is neither a surprise
the District Attorney and deputys district attorney of record walk us into a duel knowing all too
well the perpetrators have immensely more than herculean strength and are well capable of
killing MEs with one good slug meaning physical deploy abilities in areas of combat have no
place in I ams ending to recent discovery being defiantly objectionably and despondently tricked
by Court ledgers in progresss wild animal instincts to set aside the material facts and fight.

With Burts conducive to retaliation approach the defense Ministers deployed enemy insides in
areas of were always on the same side to engage in hell for 1 lone human creatures distinct
advantages of regard for do unto others as yourself diplomacys; we suggested the Charles
Schofer creator of the middle ages that never were able to transform his shape shift reasoning to
areas of destroy nuclear complexs shameful depiction of worst case scenarios at who ever had a
gumption to rebel rouse all we seated.

Re discovered areas that of all for pretend these accentuated false findings are partly insincere
topics that of no speak in English. Ah but what we seated heres are the fair evaluation
peoples answers to free spoken words in areas of not feel likes hurting myself or others verily I
adages it takes all kinds and some could cite all kinds of deliberations, research, food
orientations sexual practices to make the world go around until fall down one days and no come
up for breath a gains decided to wild animals in denial a no settlement areas of standing up to
ones flag issues will continue to be the subject supposedly.

The subjects that of when a life force or faces are believed to be a-sexual, meaning: can multiply
grow and produce offspring in a manner conducive to reasonable and lawfully a hand not a
handicap in areas most noted as pro-life.

The focal point on this causes to restricted televised communication to our areas of Cheryl
Leisenfelders talk to foul ploy a try today I hears, will be:

Womankind, are really a pervert men in underworld labyrinth setting up my selves and in
dimensional region all they consented to be comes; directing an objective they hear is Godly to
sabotage conveyors clear colorful acute telepathic approachs to predicate anal insemination too
rampant and despicable to dis regarded requiems duly denying heard, hears, stipulated drugs any
excuse under the sun so to speak to walk within the guidelines of legal and conducive to civils
topic of today's response to catch and kill/kid if cans?

A current Coroners requested to call off yester years poisoner appraisal screw over big times
despondent embodiment of Charlies mischief; even Charlies apparatus suggestions that of Raes
out of turn explanations, in suchly describing material facts and cause that of aggression and
deputy dunder efforts to infuse semen in our clarified, nice or not so attractive gals are a figment
that of Charlies the one names he/they used, womankind are an ovary dissection in a fault find
reminder of their purposes we see and the original like conception that of womankind

All gals at the present moment are in a deprogramming assimilation ah but had as we see a
notion to entice this lone subject into walkie talkie under covers ideas to barge right ins like units
of credible disruptive care coordinated rectal aspiration to redirect energy with caller ids
recorded tricks to berserks our intention and refuted to be effected areas and fairly notable
address advisement's to seat suchly give command as presidential reluctances might implied in
areas of opposite what you mimickers are supposed to be undertaking.

This admonition and contention in and by no way condones deceptive practices that of our phony
sisters nor bed die byes directing a deputys to consternation a hatred of sort ah but the generally
assumed areas of televised nationally never is not necessarily a judge to seriously base a finding
to prepare for good words good thoughts and good deeds and times even if the subject of
telepathys will discuss other areas of sold improvement to Mr. Charles Schofers corrected
analogys to use Gods words to trust and care coordinators said named Japriel Bedgoods rectal
inseminated desires to plan a kills recently corrected transcriptions you know you never a

reasonable approach assimilation where only in the great areas of Midway City Orange County
California USA the theories of Court ledgers and Creators wills was believed to be flawed by
these and just a few other fallacys with intended to misunderstand the Gods of our choices
recollections of lawful and regarded detriments that for the Providences of Mankind, womens
individual capacitys and same with childs individual capacitys as noted.

So as decided deceptive practice alls were believed to be aware here at an assimilation that of
research areas of construed faulty ledgers alleged to be the worst case scenarios. As at firstly
describing top secret implies material and factual ways and means to exact contentions in light of
the societys for the mentally ills regarded despicable thoughts to my/these areas of free speech.

The subjects of do not meddle and suggested to regard internal memo meaning that of in its own
rights or areas of phony letterhead has a job to dunder a try seemed to fall on discontent ion
bringing by police in uniformed diversified obvious requiems for an Hispanic sodomy advance
by Western leaders arrogant and homosexual intransigence for authorities pressing the iotas of
care coordinators wild animal stalking despondence's to a worthy intended victims intent to
protect himself from cute clinicians double side to lead scrimmages as I testified owes something
or others reliance.

When accorded levels that for secrecy clearances in unclear s intuitive procedures to insinuate
likes all physicians practice medicine in my destined rectal insemination agenda we stipulated
that description of phony in as describing patients are phony and fake illness if the stipulated
decided Deity Entity has a mind of its own to clarified.

Not one iota of concerted attention was given by all my treatment teams disqualifying ledgers
and Court returned empty handed deceivers to describe accurate caring concern pertaining as
conferring to the stipulated, the acute telepathic communication, along with biblical cuneiform
and cartoon phenomena most notably a malicious and intentional desire to liable and inflict
injury to our predication's as a chain reaction of many ones need to talk nonsense's words.

Did trouble makers desire to get in the way as opposed to walks in the way of a good Lords
possible resources and likes in these a suggested fair and reasonable effort to make available to
the County and research Clerks a more fuller contribution in areas of public safety.

The act or facts that of the County protected a supervisors in areas that of
confused aggression's to stick ups reasons for knocking at the doors the planned care
coordinators aligned my/these our topic with Dinas jobs to entertain legal options to confuse our
recorded topics.

So Wendy Lindleys deepest and tell another friends to screw over leaders tenancy will described
the tenants side all the while to make trouble hereby deputies phone called re pore with all ears
hear and sees calling all cars to detachments did not works areas that of surprise visits thwarted
by Antzee Dancees respects for excited with the word Plaintiffs answers.

In theories expressed as our own and relevant to who stays, comes and visits the answers by
detectives in business re pores advocacies objectives to find elsewhere to stays concerted a
tentative insight to alleged talk: all tenants residing here at action aisles research critics desire to
fight, are neither mentally ill in any way shape or form nor do we set asides Courts admissible
and caught destroyed evidence to suggest our Deity sets up Court and exacts contentions in areas
of tell the truth at Court deputies inviolate seditious and criminal acts of attempted murder will
continue to be the/our sided topics-

In as so far as I can sees distress signals intercepted routinely by that of Superior Courts
assessment criteria for custodys a sign to warn your Deitys the work of lawyer assisted my cocouncils deceitful aggression to my demise as faulty as ledgers cant describe what to say if
corrected as real take downs beliefs to inseminate rectal areas is way, truth and the light I hears
is all we stipulated catch deputies orchestrating clandestine maneuvers to make it appears as if
you/mes owe a little money for offering a helping of hospitalitys was compromised that weeks
by coincidental topics of censor areas to the accorded pedophiles understanding of phony rectal
inseminating beyond abominable research answers to lie a bouts.

The/a obvious decisions to keep rectal reserves permits deceptive consented with all watched to
kill/cuss out louds whys excuses to ride a longs a funny ideas to pitch assassinate my leaders
topics with cervix to fumigated catches attention phoned Entitys dialer to bad ass a pinch of
deputies inhalant molecules for motives to disrupt what we seated in tune with caught in the acts
berserk to tells a recent developers in town memorys to sabotage.

Now seated a funny farms ideas of never let gos a persons of incredible s desponding in
accurately as it may seem foreigners walker surprise means secret service is in deep trouble with
the / a Lords sense of adjudicate another subjective as disclosed by Court records, he is believed
to be like the only real Man not phony residing on/in a predetermined areas of inexcusabilitys
realm to seek answers in an effort to protect and serve an interest of other people who are
stipulated to be a large region of Telecares disingenuous reputations for anonymitys requisition
to deed poison ethics. In so saying the areas of consensual tricks to do dunder as discussing
cemetery black mass orgy rapes tortures torments kill orchestrated by every finest lady youll
ever know certain and predicated objectives not usually realized in his this dimension.

As yet to be discussed will continue laterPAGES UNDER CONSTRUCTION

20 APRIL 2016 07 PM PST
Within the means of collective research areas of chastisement-s if so stipulated less a snare
envelop the Western leaders Creation in trouble more than I see dunder despondence's can verily
be mindful not to put all their eggs in one baskets nor wage altogether s absences of police
present to connive deputies at attentions knowing despondencies when defining a mechanism to
avert dastardly abuses that of alien technologies at the hands of phony relatives carefully planned
out dunder and pre planned embryo laboratorys the regression desire to kill our so called
courtroom evidence documented research or give back to the committees our renditions that
for tedious in mind work ethic to treat the alleged symptoms of disturbing element of medical
researchs as describing Lucipherian or Satanic like leaders excused from resorted to foul play
wishes from auxiliary conduit in existence.

Again the way to deal with them is by lethal and very serious painful corporal punishments at
once Gods indicative mention to Prophets sick and tired of the tender footed approach we see
will continue to be the subject in an effort to be counted and seen as a get things done team.

All who have to say self-defense is terrorist threats incurred a a requiem for eye for an eye
topics for phony doctors orders to assault my reliable as they come as indicated my our value

system especially every or any disrespecting comment aimed at inflicting rape, torture or death
to my person aims including concocted emotional weapons for lying tongues answers to
bring deputys here by any means to duel our word of defense and re-programming duties a Pope
hasnt got an all speak English reminder to dunder everything a Gods are known to despise
recollection for a firm adjudication.

Said to be ancestry of all who come to breathe or pretended to breathe oxygen's lack of
communication ethic to screw overs dislikes of Gods to answer too-s advantage the brazen Wit
careers winning potential is badly placed in the centers ulterior and fraudulent in every case
Joseph Perez can ditch the obvious answers made by credit dues annoyed putrids recently
released photographic depicting afair and reasonable assertion of all Wit Staff funding, out of
town expenses and phony clients Satanic fire-proof incarnation of Charles Schofer abominable
and brazen fantasys.

So Charles Schofer is the mischievous deputys desire to recalled not one iota of relevant on site
managements personal a tentative discomfort with rectal regions improper decision-s to badly
play a trick on who ever-s can kill/kid our 304 units life is bind to my attention superior ass
kickers topic-s.


In Faith Wherefore.
If obviously an extraordinary circumstances the consensus of dearly departed is suchly to be
reminded of the obligations and core value s of pro-life responsibilitys to neither become
victimized nor abused by such rapist and aggressive orientation surprises here under supplied so
stipulates never talk kill/ to our assertion phony operators in areas of catch a devil in the acts of
attrition soldiers of phony decorations requiems to cowardess a reprisal is treason and alienreptile death remands in my books.

We the Gods of interplanetary spit in the face of work monitor the County Judges ticket to work
emphasis in view of dis-order career county aggressors and their attorneys law degrees
deceptive practices.

In so saying we motion the highest Supreme Courts to hear our pleas and ask the County
detention racket to place all demanded dockets, reports, exhibits, including photos, documents,
visual pontiffs likeness to deputy Walters ideations named in this established principles exclusive
storage and evidence and property areas be made available upon request by way of internet
communication and cyber-transport to our email addresses and that of the express itemized
content be brought before deputy-bailiffs scrutiny and accountancys as legally mandated in so
saying providing our telephone number and email address as to notify our Entitys as to what
particular receipts-reports, materials, motions, offers and general propertys did meet the criteria
providing us two with the counter respondents legally binding statements in an effort to make a
more fuller contribution to the Courts so contending.

Williamson/Arroyo LTD XXXXX Jackson St #XXX
Midway City Ca. 92655

The subjects that of Lawsuit/depositions and demands for action and impunitys being provided
in areas of fuss the nature and propensity of claimants idea to be more impartial and neither a
victim of a said forfeitures litigants very dangerous ideas of killing, shouting, arguing out of
court nor siding with all you cant decides to keep far and near from the hostile intimidating and
prejudicial dissensions we see.

A Plaintiffs may be protected from areas of sabotage will describe neither a web page reference
with these areas of neutral postings noted:

We depose well-wishers staged instigation tactics so stated. In furtherances demand suchly

deposition be called upon to search neither our unit nor de-situate our residency answered in full
adages a County funded and marshal-deputy responsible partys criteria to make available
answers and pleading, records, oaths as re-iterated the transcripts demands for change and
compensation storage region made available to these our privileges at accessing the said data,
compelling arguments, reports, statements applicable orientations and all indicted litigants sound
mp3 and documented demands by which way the litigants documentation may be made available
by way of either internet or certified mail deliverys responses receipt may be sent to our
chambers within 96 hours in an effort to protect and serve the Justices of the Peace hereby.

Noting bailiffs dissension with allegations of said extraordinary circumstances do play a role
in the procurement of life, libertys and the pursuit of truthfulness, so be abreast of the far
reaching implications of these our added contemporaneous disarmament directives and the
courses of human events by which we are bound so contended.

In an efforts to construe neither a subornation of perjury scam with another and a care
coordinator dealing the cards and playing prejudicial lip serve offensive conduct unbecoming,
please be seated and do duly describe to Tao South directors a tentative need to stipulate share
with staff and attending doctors this:

Upon further investigations, research and evaluation the Courts may actually see Sheriff
Department ledgers folded their careers and in an effort-s to make a fuller contribution to the
offices of special weapons programs the kid has some amazing esp awarenesss so suggested.
Appertaining to Claimants; that to which although he may still be abreast of situational
awareness causes and politely disturbed at times somewhat his/our said Entity/ esp may be
helpful to homicide?

Therefore suchly subornate neither perjurys with the nice folks in Costa Mesa and physicians
need to know line of fire-s nor despond to assist a secret service ambition of lit souls desires be
suddenly outflanked by obligations to kill a care coordinator getting in the way push comes to
shove were told deputys sir;

rationalize complications to they who come by offering deceptions of flaming faggits intentions
in warfare embryos litigation excerpts who by neither dealing faithfully nor reporting the truth
of a matter can side winding an escape clause for the unpleasant reminders of non-negotiable
recidivist deputies and consider talking Plaintiff might be a handy dandy for Homicide or Naval
Intelligence s as if we would advise suchly to keep an ez touch and go manifesto aside for
Steve a potential resource of either esp or noted contactee-handy dandy may be an interest or
an classified Navy Intelligences project to somebody we notice because of his rumored
amazing esp powers as bizarre as it seems maybe a resource at some lawyers might seem to
agree may be better belief-s as stated.
Superior Court of California
Courtroom Evidence Exhibits
(Exhibits (a) Cartoon Phenomena aka cartographic topography
map of Africa Holy Ghost-like cartoon-like corresponding supreme

beings noted atop the Pages of the two and all applicable web addresses)

Gif Photography Exhibits 002-016

Exhibits (a) Cartoon Phenomena atop the Pages
Exhibits entire pages contents

(i) As clearly laid out in this descriptive and Courtroom evidence exhibit, (a), "cartoon
phenomena" is visible on map; "binding topography" here situated means: "the Entity's", "the
Image", "the Vision" and-s / or "act of God's almighty"; deposes criteria of phony assertion
bringing to Courts'.

(ii) The above and under entitled exhibitions alleges: "cartoon phenomena" with Gif and
precision clarity a way to exact contentions. A God given ways and means of clarifying factual
and lawful opinions as to treat more sumptuously the difference and impositions imposed by Jew,
gentile good and despicable intentions toward one another's right and rights.
Gif Sequester Photography Exhibits
Below and Entitled Exhibits 002 through 012
NO. ___
William Williamson/Steven Arroyo


Summary's/Care-Coordinators Research/ O C
Sheriff Dept/O C Probation

I, the Petitioner, residing at 15432 Jackson St. Midway City Ca 92655

have been employed
Self- Musician-Volunteer-Other
for 44
that time have maintained a good reputation in My eye witness account of vision on map
regards to
topography Africa in so stipulating miracles and corresponding
demands and disclosures brought forwardIt is my belief, based on the information available to me, that the Defendant(s) listed below
was/were agents or codefendants of the agents that produced the alleged defamatory
statements against me. I believe the Defendant(s) was/were of sound mind at the time and
malicious in intent. They therefore unlawfully caused me injuries and damages for which I
seek reparations.
On 1/1994-04/2016
"Plaintiff is 5150"- "psychotic felon""delusional" "threat" "lunatic" and harbor a grudge to
these aims. The authorities noted in these proceeding sub-paragraphicals dundered recidivist
tries to kill me by ways and means to censored to put in words in areas of security clearances
above deputies flagship affiliations.
exhibit : County contracted Sheriff deputies, (Steve Howieson and
detectives Steve Horn); OC Probation Dept., James Pinck, Alice Jones and Ramiro Gonzalez,
Steven Sentmen and Sandra Hutchens and in areas of accused attending psychiatric
physicians/clinicians and care coordination depictions: Cheryl Liesenfelder, Eden Hall
Martelly, Sara Wolf, Lana Trapp practioners Gail Lovelace and Dr.Tamara Larson;
Doctors Chong, Dr. Stephan Brown, Dr, Pickart, Dr. Horgan-conspired with OC County
Supervisors, OC Sheriff deputies; Naval Intelligence and Secret Service attention to defameliable and assault our character and intentions along with County Probation and WIT Court
Santa Ana Judge Wendy Lindley and Joe Perezs ledger's, this and with the intent to obstruct
justice, inflict injuries, cause incapacitation or kill, failed to respect and regard their sworn
oaths in this depiction and accounts of so called unprecedented and profound Divine
Intervention-like event aided by Celestial audio and visual evidence we produced.
In furtherance's, resorted to foul play and tries to kill me by inciting rioters to start fires at my
residences, take up poisoning ethic, prejudiced and aided an abetment in abusive conduct,
institutionalized, imprisoned, poisonings, drugging, labeled our intention and character as
disrespectful and insubordinate rendered statements as "psychotic felon, maniac,
schizophrenic, crazy person, threat, liar- threat to the community's"/since by1994 when
filming was situated, to prove the Entity in question was authentic and potentially a public
safety resource and not a recidivists psycho by any stretch of the imagination by the accused.
Also noting I was labeled an intransigent foe and mentally ill doer of evil since Westminster

Behavioral assessments began in 1992. Practioners Gail Lovelace and Dr.Tamara Larson also
contributed to phony detention bring and character assassinations this and repeated assaults on
my/our credibilitys. Taken into custody for over 8 years on and sowardly, and losses of
incremental and high income opportunities were despised and sabotaged. Our efforts to be
construed as a hand were willfully and with their intent to do physical harm deliberately
described to be that of confused handicap.
The subject of visual evidence to support our effort in these our endeavor to share of the
Miracle and Vision's' of our Lord's Countenances and in so decided identified police and
military communication line capability with Celestial being available for service in these
legitimate areas of free speech purposely mis-construed and described neither Entity on maps
of Africa in question nor attention to the recent years interception policy's we catch at Wendy
S. Lindley a former Judge's a tentative and vindictive contention.
Namely 1993 American Map Corporations Maps of Africa cartographic materials and displays
we provided whereby the Entity in question can be witnessed and as described "cartoon
phenomena" or facial characters on the map which indicated a God's likes-and dislikes.
The telepathic-like inter-link that of this cartoon phenomena"-like reflector fields does advise
on matters of Providence, safety and cemetery misconduct by the accused who so desire
confrontation so contended. The defendants recorded information brought to the health
associates of color origins hinder the Plaintiffs effort to greatly appreciate this these
cartographic and topographical display in his own idea of standing up to his flag, countrymen,
public safety and abuse of said cemetery and alien technology's set aside by intercepted agents
of the Court records to convene when someone kills us so contended.
The following aspects of the material are explicitly Plaintiff's is not a conniving lying
-psychotic felonPlaintiff is /was well behaved/reliable-/did -does not suffer hallucinations/ is not a terrorist/is
honest/although mentally disturbed somewhat by reason of the accused recidivist lies and tries
to kill me by ways and means to censored to put in words in areas of security clearances above
deputies flagship affiliations in these areas of deliberate mishandling of event in question; the
cover up of visible and audible communications from Gods own intervention is still present
on/in map topographys of Africas noted dated and electronically signed this day:
Steven Van Arroyo

April 20th 2016

In a proximate result of the aforementioned defamation, I have suffered loss, recrimination,

injury, suffering and damages in the following ways:
I suffered custody for nearly 8 years, and loss of potential high income opportunities or to be
of help and service for an Enterprise or U S. government- 22 years/falsely and maliciously
diagnosed-administered forcible psychotropic uncomfortable injections and pills 22 years
24/7/365--Intimidated my likeness to a host and witness accounting of Entity in question-with
prison-institutionalization threats and brazen remarks to conceal the communication ability of
Entity aka "cartoon phenomena" in order to do unregulated cemetery dunder and regression in

inter-planetary wheels our contention.

I seek punitive damages, compensatory damages according to proof, the cost of the lawsuit and
whatever else the court sees just and fit to award. Noting a Police Sergeants salary notably
pensions in areas of tumult:
I seek payment in the amount 65 thousand dollars per
and reimburse the nice folks at
SSI by which we are extremely
in debited. Open ended.
Steven Van Arroyo and William P Williamson Host and
Subscribed and sworn to before me
20 16
(Notary Public),
Waived as admissible Court record that of these privileged descript and accountings. To our
Notary's desire to stipulate did not see-seek nor have any such knowledge of the Global telepathy
in all ears, deaf, dumb and blind since January of 1994 when video records began.

Causes of Judgment Legal Actions

Against the County of Orange California
DESBIC Esquire 15432 Jackson
Midway City Ca. 92655
Superior Court's' (WIT COURTS)
County' of Orange California 92717
Judge William P. Williamson/
Steven V. Arroyo
County of Orange, HB Westminster


Case No.: No. [Pending Order]

[Discovery of Entity's
Perjury Disclosed
Abuse of Privileged Information]

Departments, O C Sheriff Department,

WIT Courts, O C Probation Department,
O C MHA (Mental Health),


Dated this 20th day of April 2016

#304 Midway City 92655
April 20th 2016
Superior Court of California
Attorneys for Plaintiff
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff will take the deposition of defendant's, (COUNTY OF
ORANGE CA. ) pursuant to Section 2025 of the Code of Civil Procedure at the defactus Law



that of Law Degrees Williamson & ARROYO 15432 X Midway City 92655 Street, beginning
on June 01 2016 at 9:30 a.m. If not completed by 3::30 pm the deposition will continue at such
times as are specified by plaintiff's counsel after conferring with defendant's counsel. The
deposition will be recorded by Entity's or Wendy S. Lindley's Judge of record's Court reporter.
The matters on which examination is requested are:

Chapters of Charges Described hereby-The Stipulated "Accused"

1621. Perjury; ; Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2381 TREASON
(1) examination about what documents, if any, are in the possession of defendant COUNTY OF
ORANGE CA. in each of the categories listed below;

(2) examination about the disposition of any documents in any of the categories below which
used to be in the possession of defendant COUNTY OF ORANGE CA. but which are no longer
in its possession;
(3) examination to identify and authenticate the documents which defendant COUNTY OF
ORANGE CA. is directed to provide at the deposition. Pursuant to Section 2025 (d)(6) of the
California Code of Civil Procedure, defendant COUNTY OF ORANGE CA. is required to
designate and produce at the deposition those of its officers, directors, managing agents,
employees or agents who are most qualified to testify on its behalf as to those matters to the
extent of any information known or reasonably available to defendant COUNTY OF ORANGE
CA. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to Section 2025(d)
(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure, defendant COUNTY OF ORANGE including Board of
Supervisors candid policies directed to produce the documents, material, web sites and tangible
things listed below for inspection and copying at the deposition. For purposes of this request, the
term "writing" shall have the meaning as defined by Evidence Code Section 250, but shall also
include any type of tangible item of things in addition to documents.
That and
1. The complete contents of defendant's personnel file.
2. The complete contents of any other files maintained in defendants name by any of the accused.
3. All applications for employment signed by defendants'.
4. All instruments signed by defendants relating to the obtaining or holding of employment,
within the County of Orange's answers and escrow as allowed by meaning of California Labor
Code 432.
5. All personnel files of defendants which have been used to counter plaintiff's assertions and
allegations including arresting officers and those present who did give ear and derelicted their
duty's in order to deceive or sabotage our contention action, within the meaning of California
Labor Code 1198.5.
6. All medical, psychiatric or other health-related reports or writings which describe or evaluate
plaintiff's physical or mental condition or any treatment received by defendants in any year
plaintiff were researched, investigated treated or subject to confinement by any defendant.
7. All performance appraisals, evaluations, and reviews of defendants by chain of command or
inter-agency assistance.

8. All writings containing any reference pertaining toward plaintiff's activity's or causes by off
duty quack physicians inspiration to poison, drug or kill our existence-s.
10. All writings which relate or refer to plaintiffs hiring by the corporate defendant.
11. All writings which support any contention by any defendant that good cause existed for
plaintiff's to be employed as para psychological resource or otherwise.
12. All organizational charts (or the functional equivalent) which show the chain of authority
above or below the defendants in the previous positions held by defendants with the corporate
13. All job descriptions for the positions past held by defendants within the corporate ladders.
14. All writings concerning the corporate defendant's policies, practices or procedures for
which employee discipline or termination was taken.
15. All employee handbooks, personnel policy manuals, personnel procedure manuals, lists of
employee rules, supervisors' handbooks, writings used in seminars on termination or discipline
given to supervisors and memoranda to supervisors regarding policies or procedures for
discipline or termination of employees, but only those digitized, printed, typed or used at any
time during plaintiff's employment with the corporate defendant.
16. All employee handbooks or other writings or materials provided to employees or prospective
employees setting forth or explaining the corporate defendant's procedures or policies on hiring,
promotion, transfer, layoff, termination, severance pay, salary, and employee benefits, but only
those distributed during defendants employment within the corporate relationship.
17. All media posted and writings by defendants that of web pages, internet affiliations including
social media accounts set forward in areas of relevance and most importantly lawfully research
to accuse cemetery dunder a double side.
18. All writings regarding or referring to any discussions between plaintiff and any defendant
regarding the terms or conditions of plaintiff's incarceration, institutionalization or plans to
proceed in such manner.
19. All writings describing, summarizing or explaining any pension benefits and employee
benefits available to employees and that of defendant's named on and in disclosing manuscript.
20. All county-city issued government issued or personal weapons; statements by where a
casualty resulted.

21. Closed chambers declarations by all defendants of their said affiliation to they of our said
subject that of Extra-terrestrial contact(s).
22. Closed chambers declarations of encounters with beings including statements of agreements
and common knowledge orientations such as degenerate anal fornicating orientations to indicate
a regression policy.
23. Statement as to why abuse of said alien technology including those believed to be abusing
cemeteries with sodomic and despicable unlawful predicate sin practices may have a role in
deciding our future and may be clarified as to respect the Plaintiff's freedom of callous dis-regard
as to make a more fuller contribution for others a contention.
Dated: 04/20/2016 Updated to include fathers implicationsby _ __
WILLIAMSON /ARROYO Firms / Litigants.
Attorneys for Plaintiff

County of Orange
State of California
My Commission Expires on the Following Date: Internal Memo Audio Telekinesis


1. "Have you ever been arrested and/or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?"
2. "What did you do to prepare for this deposition?"
3. "Do you have identification with you?" If the answer is yes, you should produce it, so your
name and contact information can be entered into the record.
4. "Have you discussed this lawsuit with anyone else, signed any statements or affidavits relating
to this lawsuit, or posted information about this lawsuit on any Internet site?"
5. "Was anyone else present when you discussed this case with your lawyer?"
6. "Have you ever met any other witness or party to this case prior to the events giving rise to the
7. "Have you ever been deposed or testified in court before?"
8. "Did you meet with the lawyer for the other side before this deposition.
9. "How did you find your attorney [or any doctor or other expert witness you've called to
10. "Have you read any witness statements or seen any other evidence prior to this deposition?"
11. "Please identify every significant injury and illness you've ever experienced."
12. "Please provide your complete employment history."
13. "What activities can you no longer engage in, which you were able to engage in prior to the
respective occurrences'?"
14. "Besides the current case, have you ever been involved in a lawsuit?"

16. Do you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?"

17. Have you ever used alcohol or both, legal or illegal narcotics including medical marijuana to
this entry? Y/N ?
If so name the narcotics?
18. "Had you used any alcohol or narcotics in the days prior to the arrest of Steven Arroyo at his
16941 Green St. Huntington Beach or Midway City 2011 hiatus?
19. Have you ever hit or abused your spouse? y/n?
"Are you still beating your spouse?"
20. Did you support the military campaign in Iraq?
21 . "Would you like to review the transcript of this conversation, and change any of your
answers before they're entered into the record?"
22. Is your sworn oath perfect?
22. Have you ever lied before?
23. Have you ever lied under oath?
24. Have you ever thought about killing people?
25. Have you ever killed anyone?
(a) if yes can you elaborate so that the Courts can make a more fuller contribution?
26. If so did you suffer any emotional disturbances?
(a) if yes can you elaborate: so that the Courts can
make a more fuller contribution?
27. Have you ever abused or killed an animal?
28. Have you ever accepted an oath a pass or condition of secrecy?
(a) if so, could there be areas of grey that remain to be off limits?
29. Do you have a degree?

30. Did you lie about the telepathy with Steve and Deity?
31. Do you think Plaintiff is delusional?
32 What is your and thorough definition of delusional?
33. Do you think Plaintiff in this cause is mentally disturbed or challenged?
34. Plaintiff seems to think he and his Entity higher power intercepted daily efforts to
incapacitate us this past year; do you agree?
31. Are you concealing any understanding of the plaintiff's Entity called "cartoon phenomena" on
map topography Africa?
33. Are you an extra-terrestrial being or beings in disguise?
34. If found guilty, will you walk a straighter line?
35. Do you have a relationship with God?
36. Does your God's allow homosexual intercourse?
37. Did you hear the reported dunder of degenerate Aliens?
38. Did you or are you opposing all plaintiff shared?
39. Plaintiff said he should be mad at defendant and not the other way around,
is this accurate? Y/N?
40. Do you ever confess to your higher power?
41 Plaintiff claims all the masses are lying about the authenticity of global telepathy with Entity
on map? Is there a telepathic Entity-like presence to you?
42. Is the idea of emphasizing disappearance concepts such as magic agents to the military's tools
a good idea? Y/N?
43. Have you ever believed a magic trick was really magic at one time or another?
44. Did you hear plaintiff stated the degenerate aliens make worse than Hell
consequences for all they can and are being treated? Do you have an opinion?

45. Is it fair to say from a blood contamination issue it more advantageous to avoid fecal
enzymes? Y/N?
46. Do you know what a mutation is? Y/N
47. It has been told mutation occurs when rectal insemination occurred; further more it was told
to us individuals engaging in these refuted acts do not see eye to eye for a fight and instability
with more and varied frequency. Do you concur?
48. If you do or do not understand what radio isotopes, or mutations do to our bloodstream when
bio-molecular endocrinology is opted, should you feel qualified to voice an opinion allow the
mass to vote on same sex issues?
47. Does fear strike or affect you when a subject such as mutations arises?
46 If I were on a collision course with other area objectives because a Plaintiff stated he's a very
obvious position against that of cross-insemination of orientation for reasons I described are
bound to not see eye to eye for friction, would you say that I was crazy?
47. Did you visit any of the Plaintiff's web pages?
48. Did you ever talk arrest or institutionalize the Plaintiff?
49. If clinician was found culpable the Plaintiff said he'd do blood work
with her in an effort to be a better go between to this emphasis. Is such
a proposition a good idea if some of the particulars were found to be somewhat accurate?
50. Plaintiff said womankind are really degenerate male in another dimension, does this get you
51 A Plaintiffs also elaborated that females are police aliens, do you you know anything about it?
52. Did you ever falsify a report?
53. Plaintiffs alleged you cover up and try to catch he and his explained Entity behind his back?
Is that a fair assessment of your id?
54. Plaintiff stated student body are alien cheats and do more harm than good. Do you have an
55. What do you think about the litigant's claim of 20 years global telepathy with all pertinent
desires- is this good or bad news?
56. Do you think Plaintiff has a point if telepathic cover up becomes obvious?

57. Do you think the Plaintiff should win an Oscar?

58. Would you explain his "Michael Angelo" finger movements and signs as mental retardation
or a sign from a higher power?
59. Have you ever gotten so drunk you acted out sinful or unmoral behaviors?
60.. Have you ever had contact with space traveler beings who were neither mankind or
(a) if so would you clarify?
(b ) if not?
61. Are you uncomfortable with talk of higher powers or God's of maybe say aliens, or "the
situated to side factual transcripts of our discourses?
62. Did you ever steal a cookie?
63. It was rumored all masses are degenerate aliens in disguise doing cemetery dunder to
Human-like Creations they coincidentally are said to have Created. Do you have any knowledge
pertaining to this statements validity?
64. It was rumored the degenerate cemetery foolers go through great lengths to inherit and waste
one Human embryo and use Soul as excuse to kill and afflict instead of create a being that can
live and grow. Do you have any knowledge pertaining to this statements validity?
64. It was stated or rumored the degenerate aliens in this phase advancement question are that of
wild animal reptilians, fire and nuclear composite that form millions of dimensions of one
embryo to fool for. Have you any information to share or any knowledge of candid spite
pertaining to these last three questions and statements?
65. Are you another being or awareness to which we set aside?
66. Do you believe those adages that of our constitutional description of all men being created
67. Do these interrogatory pleadings get you uncomfortable or upset?
68. Have you any information to hide pertaining to the subjects we are discussing?
67. Can you elaborate or explain briefly?

68. ---Amended-added-115--69. Are you or have you ever behaved in a degenertive manner?
70. Do you have a homosexual desire or answer?
71. Do you lead the U S A?
72. Do you think it perfectly good to support the recently discovered fact that Michelle Obama is
really a very homosexual transvestite?
73. Do you believe a transvestite first lady is something to be proud of?
74. Did we research or obtain any information pertaining toward Michele Obama being a man?
75. Do you think in view of our reported findings that rectal insemination an everyday
occurrence with a transvestite is good for all ?
76. You did understand we reported reptilian and other wild animal saucer individuals do molest
and rape the human like inhabitants of other dimensions?
77. Could the above question be illegal in the United States?
78. Do we think assault and rape should be legal?
79. Have you ever assaulted or raped any being or individual(s)?
80. Can you elaborate?
81. Have you ever done a sexual- intercourse with a child 13 years or younger?
82. Is this deceptive swindle to pretend to be a first lady when all the while Michele is a man?
83. Do you feel it not necessary to investigate for yourself the stories and reports that of the first
lady Obama is a gay man?
84. Do you want to get angry or upset at peoples beliefs that of Michele Obama is a very
perverted rectal pleaser doer?
85. Do you feel homosexual transvestite orientation and conduct within the Oval offices
86. A cause to fight or defend for or against?

87. Did you either here or have any knowledge of a good Lords expressed distrust of they who
support gay transvestite orientation in the oval offices between the Obamas?
88. We explained rectal insemination is coincidentally a mutation. Do you lie to our Lords faces
and side fight or lie pertaining toward Plaintiffs contentions?
89. If a God-like Entity has telepathy with all economies and warns us of degenerate reptilian
and other alien cemetery rapists torturers do you think you should condone that type of
90. Youve been found guilty of perjury pertaining to your knowledge of occurrence in question;
do you feel as if it good to get revenge at the prosecution team?
91. Do you feel as though ingestion of testosterone, either by rectal or oral imputes, is a
similarity to a drug in areas of behavioral tendencies and characteristics?
92. Did you have something to conceal or hide appertaining toward the Godly-like intervention
93. Are you a reptilian space traveler in areas of inter-dimensional Im not aware of?
94. Is money important to you?
95. Do you think reptilians are also the manifestation of dogs, cats, sharks, rats, roaches
sicknesss of all descriptions,
96. As we know you heard us describe. Could this information be important?
97. Do you think Gods are better than degenerate reptilians to have a relationship with?
98. Did you see or notice any statements or plans to arrest, detain, capture, inseminate, sodomize
or kill the Claimant(s)?
99. If yes, did you notice whats being described as an intercept and block procedures by the said
100. If you wanted to kill or rape me and got caught red handed, do you think you owe some
prison time or an angry mob to summon?
101. Have you ever heard the name Antzee Dancee?
102. Is God a lie?
103. Is it ok for the Plaintiff to consider his relationship with higher power a likeness of a

104 Should secret service act to discredit a Godly intervention?

105 Should secret service cooperate and advise their public figure it be better to consider doing
decisions conducive to appropriate if a Gods catches public figure red handed doing icbm
launch tries to kill a Prophet a clear indication of fireproof alien, Should fatigues support the
behaviors conducive to situate it dont matter?
106. Are you suicidal?
107. Do you think these are relevant questions in the interest of security?
108. Do you think being a musician a good idea?
109. Have you heard any information pertaining to women-kind are really degenerate mice or
men perverts in another dimension?
110. If an alien race supplied a dimension with that of-s7 billion people along with social and
material development for just one human being to fool him and rape his after-lifes a contention,
would you kind of think such is a waste of enormous energy?
111. Do you think colored people tend to support a dishonest transvestite orientation in oval
office a manipulation by a satanic like reptile to eventually side straight people are no good?
112. Are you afraid or do you fear any individual(s)?
113. Are you afraid or do you fear anything in life?
114. If you found out your wife or husband was an extra-terrestrial sodomic rapist or reptilians
in disguise doing soul regression planning to you would you still have carnal relations with that
115. Did you address any of these questions with your recollection to they who own or brandish
guns should decide ir-relevant?
116. Do you feel as though the Claimant is trying to do an evil act?
117. Do you feel citizens have the right to bear pistols?
118. Do you feel that deputizing a dangerous citizen is fair in this case?
119. Do you believe in using deadly chemical or fissionable projectiles or prank booby traps
prohibited by Geneva Convention Protocols are a ok to do anyways against my/our client?

120. Have you ever thought of placing poisons or lace in my/ our Claimants personal belongings;
hygiene or food items?
121. Do you think my/our clients isometrics displays are a sign from higher ups or
communication with a Gods or ETS?
122. And you do solemnly swear of having no such relationship with reptilian or feline space
travelers nor any association with Charles Schofer the Claimants said to be biological father?
Please be certain to review your answers; that the answers given are to the best of your
recollection, thoroughly explained in detail in areas of a more fuller contribution to the Courts
need to note and notes to need as to bring a more fair and equitable decision by for and of the
Partys and legal systems senses of Justice for all. By these presents I/we the undersigned swear
under penalties of Perjury by and under God the answers given are certifiably noted as to be true,
correct and admissible for the/our Court records.
Name of Defendant or Litigant


_____________________________________ ____________________________
Agency and/or Title or Position

Updated April 20th 2016

1. In direct violation of U S laws a magistrate and-s the accused did see our character witness
and with an intention of inflicting rape, assault and seditious acts of treason, tried prohibited
predicate and unlawful counter measures. This and these Gif photography exhibits of Subpoenasequester-like photography' with ability to exact the accused contentions toward higher Courts
accord noted in exhibitions here under situated.

2. The subjects of cemetery dunder by police and masses who are reptile-like aliens and nothing
to do with the laws at Court and nothing to do suchly with Catholic teachings of Jesus will
continue to be the subject until the abuses of alien technologies cease and desist and a heavenly
inviting placard destination that of growth, care and fellowship is clarified.

3. If in its own regarded, a College success rate decided atomic conspiracy's readiness to dislodge our tenants residence the subject of same double sides to live their lives as U S
counterparts, the fallacy's of disingenuous detention bring may be researched?

4. The "cartographic topography" and global intrinsic telepathy with all citizens, this means
deaf, dumb, blind, afflicted and Sheriff detention bring candor who neither describe this material
fact and resort to altercating us with mental health deceivers because of their double side to live
their lives as degenerate and daily rapist murderers in interplanetary and / or cemetery wheels as
we speak. These outlaws in disguise do hell a side to human anatomy routinely in interdimensional placard destinations they procreate from dunder to call a sepulcher a way in the
place of life everlasting defined as non-degenerate virus' and pro-life interests?

5. If as suchly the word of wafer adages a contention to build there upon, oppose neither a
sequester nor an photographic display when consented to be bound when say "I do's" in areas of
fuss. The subjects of cemetery dunder is not to be taken to lightly in view of the pessimistic side
of police guns at courts record..

6. In an effort to be of service and-s moreover in regarded as factual, that of "acute hearing

perception-s", otherwise explained in public defender's offices as: "telepathic-like communion-s"
between relay assuagements and trusted opposition, these are the grounds for tentative dismissal
of phony detention bring depictions and cause for celebration; did we seat so wardly?
7. If seditious acts of treason is a crime for wills to decide police and sheriff units in care
coordinators regard may very well be in league with worse than the Devil-like double life as
regression aliens in connection with a resource that we see and suchly the subject of lawfully
construe will decide anyway-s?

8. In so sided district attorney is a false front for Lucipher-like cemetery dunder seekers calling
themselves Judges, cops, fictitious masses and-s lawyers present to these aims we see. On one
hand these individuals pretend to be upstanding citizens, a but we seated and vindicated our firm
and uncontested conviction-s as noted. The subject of cemetery dunder within the rank and file
who so assault with sodomic regression are in fact present at questioning.

9. Due to the factual adages that of their double side to live their lives as the said evilest
degenerate and regression aliens in cemetery-inter-planetary and inter-dimensional physical
existence, and are no such thing as women-kind a but are pervert man in their destination in
cemetery and other dimensions I see, the subjects of destination placard and life ever-lasting will
continue to be an integral part of the obligations we live and seek-s.

10. In so describing: these are the said character flaws of fictitious people and if our Holy and
board certifiable acquittals and reprieves is not enough to remove the doubts and the threats and
doubts persist, our involvement may concert a tentative need to, use condescending rhetoric if we
see straight to do obligations assumed for the sake of a ethical re pore and a destination placard
feasible. (if applicable).

Petitioner prays for peace to be spoken.

Hear us/me Oh Lord that I/we be made an instrument of your Divine will, that we be protected
and kept as your person(s) of worthy aims, that we veer neither to the ages of security details in
considerate remarks, that we stand up and for your righteous and contrite presence if it be
construed to suchly decide speedily in our times? If as such to situate? With these actions may
peace be with thee. Amen.


20 APRIL 2016
Represented by
Aka Steven Van Arroyo dba
Steven V. Schofer Plaintiff's

Is a U S Attorney liable for damages that of County Escrow?

Chapter's 1 The Punitive Damage's Statute'
(1) Is the above and under entitled California civil code statute on punitive damage a lie?
Claimants(s), evidence to suggest the Counties of Orange California do still and done wrongfully
prohibited predicate and culpable violations are certifiable recollected and in accordance with the
foregoing statutes which read as follows:

(2) California Civil Code Section 3294, which states as follows:

"In an action for the breach of an obligation not arising from contract, where it is proven by clear
and convincing evidence that the defendant has been guilty of oppression, fraud, or malice, the
plaintiff, in addition to the actual damages, may recover damages for the sake of example and by
way of punishing the defendant."

"Oppression" is defined as "despicable conduct that subjects a person to cruel and unjust
hardship in conscious disregard of that person's rights."
"Fraud" means "intentional misrepresentation or deceit."
"Malice" is defined as "conduct which is intended by the defendant to cause injury to the
plaintiff" or that shows a "willful and conscious disregard of the rights or safety of others."
Count 1
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 79 > 1621
Prev | Next
1621. Perjury

(a) having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a
law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare,
depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by
him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material
matter which he does not believe to be true; or

(b) in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted
under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material
matter which he does not believe to be true; is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise
expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or
both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without
the United States.
Chapter 1
The Said Facts and Unlawful Proprieties of Perjury's Taken:
1. In so de-situating a gun has words to lie for and in views we seated as in its own regarded
observation and opinions expressed, the subject that of "seditious acts of treason", we saw, the
People of the County of Orange California assumed a liability in which we seated a victim of
said Wit Court's aspirations and-s tentative desire to falsify the docket in an effort to construe not
a liability.?

2. The fullness of their envy is neither an excuse to design an abetment, that of criman-ee terror
nor describe "never a good and relevant matter" we saw deputies are in fact the evilest
Lucipherian-like degenerate aliens, here's how to tell?

3, A despicable desire that of fornicate improper, the animal life we notices are dungaree
disregard and degenerate aliens I see Hell bent in areas that of deceive beyond Human
comprehension with the likeness's of Satan. We noticed your intended victim's reflector field
mechanics has an interceptor resource by which to resurrect a good image, that of truth, justice
and the American way in an effort to collaborate more effectively so contended?

4. Of this moreover: county detention purposely and with the intent to institutionalize or
imprison, failed to convey an iota of relevant and factual meaning-s to wit esq. or county lock-up
for fear they'll notice their Soul snatching plans. That and because county mental health Wit and
Telecare's seeks police to confront us despite the factual adages that our Godly said manifestation
intercepts the try every caller and days since released from Wit Court duties?

(a) The mental health clinicians named are here seated our stayed by a Courts of appeal's
decisions daily scrutinized by conniving and deceitful clinicians and care coordinators said
criminal and vengeful correspondences. The legal terms are Perjury, contempt, medical malpractice, sedition, witness intimidating, falsifying records made to maliciously care to coordinate
an torture kidnap re pore and such host-lily toward a victim we understood ventriloquist God-like
manifestation talks and intercepted routinely mental health's care coordinators desire to fold and

retard these our relevant information appertaining to cemetery dunder aliens pretending to be
caring facilitators anguish and compromised ulterior candor of lady cloak swearers defiant
ambitions all regarded opinions expressed disconcerted appropriate accord at the example-s.

(b) In so seated a credit to our accounts the despondent preachers asked to de-situate a nonpayment of awards due by County Perjurers now in session at closed circuit TV options to these
deputies in credit card debts are suggested to collect from the 8 or 9 million or so the County
sinners owe us in impunity pain and suffering liabilities did we wish to discuss settlement offers
in an effort to encourage the County Escrow in areas of predicate a legitimate law profession an
asterisk to side.

5. I saw County counsel take up a side that of the dis-belief to assimilate an effort to endorse a
cow manure lip servers a tentative need to razz in areas by which to come clean for and said
deputies assigned either have some conniving to situate because of their false pretenses by which
to accuse you / me / us? In seeing the wrong footing deposes all a global telepathic Godly
intervention can decide due to the suggested double side to live their lives, as described by a
Court we envisioned.

6. In further from the relevance we contend for these degenerate aliens, the police and sheriff
units I say "get off by wasting Human-like individual we see 'Souls" and doing cemetery dunder
as described Bedgoods answers as Wit Care coordinators black despicable and unbecoming
record that of alien perverts in disguise who rapes, assaults and tortures others in interplanetary
destinations we see the purposely avoid phase advancement criteria with a passion of likeness to
that of wildcat dogs and many more reptilian rat dunder happy to be a dollar to de-situate the
subject matter was why condescended remarks are a way of summoning Party' in question to
cease and desist from lying in wait and doing theater a bad idea when all do live and contrive in
enemy infantry for me to interpret not a telepathic to all communication resources.

7. Able to transform their physical appearance in a single offer and-s disguised as your mother,
father, sisters and brothers you say are indeed convicted alcohol/drug offenders and counselors of
phony religious stories, and the fullness of Earth, winds, fires, oceans, atomic know how-s,
platform mechanics, said universal inter-dimensional and inter-planetary disease-like affliction
are calculating aggressor phony's to their needs here in situate an ethic calling us: "Descriptive
Encode in Star based Internal Command Communications and Intercepts" inter alia DESBIC if
we are in our own eyes to project an counter measure?

8. So by saying "Perjury will decide", clearly a cause for condescending and acute hearing res
pore' and despite irony's that of-s U S / Soviet leaders lead an inside and crooked opposition to
every syllable of witness protection contention/ combined with an Extra-terrestrial name-s we
know as Israel deceive if I caught to each his own avoided our audio and visual relative

Courtroom evidence exhibits and engages in poisoning ethic conducive to they who teach ethical
and clinical psychiatric principles is why we ward off police discharges a weapon when there to
seek fellow American Presidents alki and phony "I do" the way I hear of the care coordinators
involvement to swindle, lie, intimidate and hinder these proceedings is funny?

9. In an effort to situate a higher mass and a stronger flag when "I do" is a subject care
coordinator doesn't describe, the mental health clinics do seat or see Judge Williamson stay or
vindicate a witness accounting to the transgressions of phony lawyer credentials, all talk, "can't
understand" in defense of their characterized and sodomic regression desires on this plane and
there-bouts within the confines of inter-dimensional and inter-planetary co-existence.

10. By these accorded pretenses the inter-planetary creatures in question-s formed an opinion
throughout the years of our conscious reputation to design an affiliation to that of truth, justice
and freedom. In arduously what is this that stands before us at Courthouses? Lord I did say? A
meal deterrence action aisle vigils need to cross paths to offer a way to fight for dungaree dunder,
and-s stupefy the status qua that of our intercepts services and act as if as though every and any
excuse is cause to kill a discovery of replica citizens pretending to be associated with God, the
non-degenerate alien side.

11. By these fallacy's and conniving women's attire we see the persons in charge of our
communities along sides secret services rancor, abandoned every moral to rescind on their sworn
oaths and pledges to our Judges predications. By word of excellence the police nearby harbor a
killers desire to inherit Soully spirited placard destinations and offer Hell and death as phase
advancement criteria?

11. Do we see transcripts of our stated factual accounting is that of a phony transcription ring
used to decide all to do with deceive a lone Human-s individual-s and offer inconsiderate
condemnation as to what we said we'll take asides from the said fleeing felons at labs topic we
researched the phony mental deceivers discount our work ethics and for reasons I see I catch in
the act right now ongoing.

12. Who is like unto the wild cats and dogs of yesteryears gone? The County leading the anti'Christ and anti'-equation desires act out truancy and were cited and released "failures to appear"
at the most reverent and Supreme Courts of Judge William P. Williamson's, ("Will")s attention
Sir. Is a matter to flee like a felon and offer a solution of prejudicial and discriminating
destitution credits with all Party's involved to that of which is of greatest importance?

13. The violations we hear weigh more than the measure-s of perjury in so calling to the stand we
see additional code violations such as murder, mayhem, kidnap, fraud, obstructing justice, cover

up, seditious acts of treason, conspiracy to commit aggravated murder and intercepted tries to
launch ICBMS to swindle and kill our Claimant, Petitioner, Host, witness and victims abused;
the hereby accused take notice.

14. The individual capacity's each to their candid expressions of "I plead the 5th are said lived in
area of research. When cross-examined each and every individual capacity named in this
recollection of material concert a false dis-regard to the significance of propensity's problems to
lie for, each one to his understanding of "I do" did tell a lie in an effort to conceal what kind of
human they really are so contending? These are my friends I say, can't live with them and can't
live without them not knowing which side to stand there upon-s?

15. In their recollection of assessment teams' phony depiction of a stated, Divine -like
intervention, aided by visual, court- exhibits, made clear to the public by these his / our presents,
the Huntington Beach, police department, the Sheriff department county's where I resided, and
all Ensigns of extradition a matter to cut a deal for I say anyway-asking?

16. Regardless of the differences of opinions and with those differences to adjust for and so long
as the will to consider, upgrades, new builds, improvements in alien technologies, some friendly
completion, the institution of women to see, should auld acquaintances be forgotten and noted as
funny to consider and sport an impunity award of the such to see, in accordance with this
paragraph and to avoid condemnation of a said allegations willfully with intent to incapacitate,
obstruct justice, cover up the facts, swindle and falsify the record and talk cowboy dungaree
good to see in contradiction to that of a good Lord's profound and personal dis-likes so

17. Clearly indisputable offenses the following individual's most culpable: a day in Court did
decide District Attorney is in contempt for what we tested at Sheriff Hutchens curricula who did
oversee ICBM launch tries and cloak and dagger ploys to outsmart and abet in these inexcusable
behaviors and code enforcement violations.

Chapters of Charges Described hereby-The Stipulated "Accused"

1621. Perjury; ; Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2381 TREASON
Being sued are suchly:
1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic

aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Probation, are sued in this their official-s and collective capacity's; James R.
Pinck, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Alice Jones, are sued in her official and
individual capacity(s), Ramiro Gonzales, are sued in his official and individual capacity's, Steven
Andrews, are sued in his official and individual capacity they desire a fight to all we
demonstrated as contemptuous mockery's, in furtherance these sworn officers of the Court do
dunder and-s seditious acts of treason per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's indirect violation
of this these iota's of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution
and the Laws by they were sworn to protect and serve by which we stand acquitted.

3. Orange County Sheriff Department, are sued each individual to this sequester and Affidavit of
involvement, Sandra Hutchens, are sued in her official and individual capacity(s) ,Orange
County Board of Supervisors, are sued in their official and individual capacity, John Moorlach,
are each sued in these areas of mislead and Perjure to the offices of Presidential reluctance in
their official and individual capacity's, in that of Mr. Pincks swindle, witness intimidating candor
and the agency's aiding abetments in seditious acts of treason in this area of these their official
and collective capacity to desert the Constitution of the United States of America and the Laws
by which they were sworn to protect in view of a God's ruling by which we stand acquitted.

4. Also named are they of Collaborative Partners Esq., inter alias Wit Court' are sued all together
in unity each in their official and collective capacity's, Orange County Superior Court's, are sued
each Judge to their recollection of official business hereby-s; West Courts, are sued including Ted
Mallard and Sara Jones, each Judge on call per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's in this area
of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution and the Laws by
which we stand acquitted.

5. Orange County Mental Health, are sued in their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinician and staff stories to talk not a biblical event, in the face of
surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official and individual capacity's, the identical
reasons for they of MHA Wit Program including name not disclosed, in their official and
individual capacity's.

6. Telecare WIT Corporation, are sued in this their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinicians and staff stories to tell lies and falsify diagnosis, doctors reports,
liable character and aid in an inexcusable abetment that of seditious acts of treason against a
United States citizen(s) in the face of surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official
and individual capacity's; Deity to decided official and-s individual capacity's to their dissenting


Paragraphs 1 through 30 of this entry on court admissible ledger hereby describe details to which
edifies the ongoing topic, the names of individuals most responsible for the said insults and a
suggested criminal behaviors indicative of the present and binding legal arbitration's do I see can

1. The Court room ledger for which I stood here in stated my seated and excused from attending,
do Perjure the material facts, as we situate-s a settlement verdict despite objection from a Court
lawyer who disconcerts attention to the God-like global telepathy, 20 or more years continuous?

2. The Courts described neither telepathic intrinsic police-line communication nor "cartoon
phenomena" topography that has manifested itself in every ear, deaf, dumb and blind actors
included. In so siding the 3 culpable clinicians I notice, Eden Hall, Lana Trapp and Sarah Wolf
are sentenced in lieu of stay of pardoned by Governor Browns assertion, 1 -one County year
confinement and/ $15.000 each in their individual capacities did lie, pertaining to validity of
cartoon phenomena on map topographys of Africa in areas of obstructed Justice, and
maliciously with the or an intent to commit high crimes against the U S citizen and Claimant still
exercise not one iota of either reproach nor remorse.?

3. Omitted4. The deputies and Court appointed lawyer did take notice of God the Judge's decision to
intercept fleeing deputies from uncounted attempts to apprehend yet clinicians seem to feel cat
and wild animal desires and-s double sides to live its lives more advantageous than half way
decent mankind's wills.

5. Is this the work ethics of the Judges on record, that of Wendy Suzanne Lindley and Joe Perez
to deal dunder adages. The convicted and released assail another conviction and-s try out of
Court I see. They defy a good God's given authority to say, stay and vindicate? Clearly as a result
of being released on their own recognizance. These, the recidivist impostors, harbor resentment
against their friend Steve and-s the polite God Antzee Dancee and do situate kill us mentality and
elected to offer the four door to the rescue again. In so siding the 2 said culpable Judges I notice,
Wendy S. Lindley and Joe T. Perez are sentenced this day to Court remanded-one County year
confinement and/ $15.000 each in these final recommendations to their individual capacities did
lie, pertaining to validity of cartoon phenomena on map topographys of Africa in areas of
obstructed Justice, and maliciously with the or an intent to commit high crimes against the U S
citizen and Claimant still exercise not one iota of either reproach nor remorse.?

6. So if the deputies come back empty-handed again I want to see the Marshall's / bailiffs prepare
the cuffs for trouble makers in connection with contempt and attempted kidnap / murder tries? (if

7. The root of all evil stemming from police discourse with mental health clinicians, O C / WIT
Courts and Probation leading a scrimmage to poison and cut off ssi as a solidarity maneuver and
views expressed as counter point. It will be situated " with the good Lords and Steve' law firm
the Party's to this impasse will be in the company of the good hands people" so get excited with
the word before a snare envelop and the word of wafer gives ear to another allegorical
symposium. Do we see Mr. Pinck's / Gonzalez' /and Andrews "fit of rage's" kick come undone

8. If allocate a friendly award or supplemental is concerted the cruel finger pointing will be
replaced with more regarded integration evolution pertinence's is relevant and issues to contend
for.. Added these undisclosed condescending remarks culminated from the litigants areas of fuss,
confuse and aggravate mayhem.

9. In an effort to construe neither guns nor mental health advocates stipulated reprisals I say will
deter a fallacy' of dunder phony calls to my attention. As we well notice County lock up have no
real say in the very likable clinicians desires to double cross this their suggested reckless ideas of
love and Human understanding so contended?

10. As a result of the double side to live their lives theory the hereby accused continuously
describe neither God of aliens and Jews alike-s. So by adding insult to injury's the matters at
hands are to be decided in case by case basis at Court-s I the Judge-s, king of kings, God
almighty to clarify our successes with mood stabilizer medications and their indication in
response to that of police desires to convey falsified doctrines of years past and slither like that
of reptiles and recidivist troublemakers. (If applicable)?

11. "The boy he's got a nerve" verdict we hears can despond to wild alien animal need to throw a
blow to see if an authority either pre meditates to take a cheap shot on the grounds of attention
needed by accused is abuse and misconduct by Police and deputies if we are to negate the
subliminal and welcomed integration and modification answers?

12. Will I take credit for-s the fake gun I bought to insult the phony Emblems talk of neither
concerted a counter terror stand nor tentatively describe a "cartographic topography telepathy
event consisting of filmed consensus to vindicate not a possession charge to kick around-s when
described Wit Court ledgers as complete fraud in every case they serviced.

13. All drug Courts and deputys inferior candor- deal-s and manufacture tar heroin Wendy o
cutie pie we hears? The so called rehabilitation counselors of record and-s drug courts rancor do
organize the sales, manufacture and distribution along with narcotics offices and vise in their
conspiracy to do away my Soul' These collaborators falsify every case along with tenants and
apartment managers who in theory's are neither mentally ill nor are they a needy poor blue Soul
unless they're on case by case basis doing us right so stipulated?


Is this Perjury and-s and seditious acts of treason a cause for victims abused to present their own
Does the said trespass call for change and revision-ment?
Does the buyer beware adages take on a new meaning having research the matter?
Will the evil aliens in disguises finger pointing be re-situated with minimal, friendly, creative
and-s reciprocal ways of protecting and serving a Community? (if applicable)?
Should we work the program and try as we may to falsify neither a debit irony nor de-classify the
integration and formal information sharing aimed at self-improvements I say?
Is that of a reflection and mirrored understanding cause to re-access the said lies we set aside
when reckoning a society of wild animal?
(14) These actions by County aggressors, in an effort to construe neither a telepathic Lord having
a say nor a visual aid, expressly denied our involvement and-s subject matter of possible public
safety resources. Clearly a predicate act of intolerance when telepathic acute police lines have
been ongoing about 25 years? Asides all noticed the visual exhibits of said "cartoon phenomena",
in their deliberate ways of trying to duel a fact(s) on the table at Law Courts I say?

15. As suchly described and encountered when a County Supervisors uses telepathy to lip service
a detention unit to call my cell phones and talk crap in an effort to deed perfidy's, anti-god
dunder , adages neither a vision nor a telepathic police radio should a lengthy prison sentence be
intercepted routinely?

16. If the said cute psychiatrists', (Dr. Pikart) seems to think it necessary to facilitate a church
upheaval or FBI fictitious ran ting's to justify her administer uncomfortable inject-able psych
meds, in area of never know her real desires, should she be sentenced 30 years to life or offered a
few blood work sessions?

17. Dr. Horgan, psychiatrist at Telecare Tao South actually has been polite and non-malicious
comparatively speaking, however it has been told us the people who in fact are to tell the truth
and note Human behavior and rights as well, with a recollection of the facts we have up in
Courts, these psychiatric neither advocate for my release on the grounds of innocent nor by the
propensity or weight of the suggested audio and visual aid we see falsely diagnosed as
hallucination theory's? Is this willful and malicious antagonism?

18. When as such is accounted for and in view of past reprisals an fair settlement offer is
reasonable grounds to re-assert an integration policy's'? The accused delay a finding in favor of
ever so repeating the past. In areas that of prejudicial and discriminatory threats on my life-s,
liberties and civil discourses the phony secret services, Deputy DA, WIT and Probation in
particular done prohibited use of a said photos, televisions, computers, nor gadgets suchly to
construe never your word a relevant matter.

19. When in the course of Human evolution theory's it becomes necessary to differentiate from
folders content and having so convinced a Judge of these their criminal and hostile behaviors that
of seditious acts of treason aimed at Soully spirited capture and regressions a fair and purposeful
sentencing remand-ment a matter. A sentence adjudication aimed at preventative recidivist
desires we see still at WIT Court a fraud in each and every case it services.

20. Entity's, catches Judges on call, Orange County Mental Health affiliates, sheriff and police
department's in our vicinity's attempting to swindle a faulty finding and arrest an invaluable
witness and host for the facts so indicated, "abuses of alien technology's", at our attention.

21. Wit Court, Sheriff's Department's, County Probation and Telecare mental health services; is
the sensitivity of the matter in view confusing our iota of responsibility? Hear why Telecare Tao
South reps, my friends we might add, do try as we may to stay clear. These areas of fuss are an
invite to prison if I catch District Attorneys calling my home with devils desires. This said
communication line is being properly identified as a police and military line-s of communication;
our objective is to protect and serve the interest of all that come endowed with moral and ethical
character so stated.

22. A light mental health challenged descript might allow the Party's to be close yet so apart,
these doctors first ups would make lovely wives for some nice lucky gent? Did we say blood
work a fair exchange of evaluation if I see continued regret as funny a but to the matter by that of
transfusion a rumor we hear? Other areas of consideration-s (ad libbed) Therefore trust and
believe a better policy than we see and a user friendly connotative for when we seek additional
support or limited interests in future endeavor or lessons in learning.

23. The record will reflect this: one hand we like to side secret weapon, on the other hand we like
to see organized and offer gentlemen like res pore. So that these under consideration share the
Entity who by talks to your thoughts and exacts contentions that of bad or despicable thought if
that is what a speaker has to share we may receive the blessings of police communication-line,
and secret service navy intelligence-s duty's. So please don't tease with bad intentions across the
lines and-s use some discretion somewhat?

25. In exactly the matter the fact deputies try to come over and try to participate another way so
kick neither a hater of murderer rapists who are a liability for a Lord and it's a wonder these
interplanetary death row inmate deceivers have been even spared and if it were up to me-s alone
I would have used the electric frequency tool until I see eager to confess and repent sailor?.

26. And another willful, malicious and negligent aspect of law degree a myth, the facts we've all
been Party to the acute hearing perception otherwise describing as telepathy to include our
presence of the hated and avoided "cartoon phenomena" Judge. It is nothing less than an assault
to conduct yourselves in a prejudice manner when all do a deceive kick pertaining to the win.

27. The said consideration of subject's longevity may constitute grounds for involvement in
dialogue more so than you care to understand Texas Governor? Consider assimilation and defactus minded re pore due to the presence of other space traveler's dimensions and awareness's
and appetites for lying conniving Judges Outcomes simply stated.

28. So when concerting attendance in areas of diplomatic relations police and others consider
using discretion in voicing any said thoughts that would give yourself away as disingenuous? It
will be recommended to de-classify this program as encoded sensitive, as such commanding
units may consider limiting said liberties to conscripts.


27. If this holds true to a certain degree, the adages of no real riffs with Russia or ISIS is cause
for condescending a but results oriented dialog. Now there take pride of these his presence and
our omnipotent creation? Consider the meddling perspective if you display emotional discomfort
with a good Lord's prayers and a tentative concerted effort to integrate and pro-create a more
suitable placard destination than all you offered which is nothing more than Hell District
Attorneys of record. Also noted: consider the role and patience of our Judge and honorable Jury's
we seat in the absence of law at Court we seek?

28. We may construe a little friendly fire under the bridge is good for character an escape catch
clause. The testimonial and facts supported in the above and entitled accounts and descriptions
are hereby concerted to apply all Ensigns to some extents. The proceeding section in and though
used rarely are properly identified as courtroom evidence and official and most updated revisionments.

29. A United States of America County of Orange California Venue whereby a Plaintiff resided is
required to duly uphold and protect the laws. Although Supplemental Security has, added an
extensions of life's predication, the recommended funding is supposedly either County
Judgments a said impunity award; Department of the Navy Comptroller options; the Treasury
Department or other; in an effort to describe and quantify accurate information.

30. So if an agency decided or was obligated fund an allocation it will be suggested to kindly
reimburse the nice and helpful folks at SSI -Commissioners a tentative need to re-situate a
claimants in controversial a but pertinent records? We see this petition-s as Just and reasonable to
DONE APRIL 20th 2016

Federal army and government agreed to allow local jurisdiction to supplicate and respond in the
said interest of National Security and avoid an embarrassment on Capitol Hill, yet County
detectives seat a difference of opinion I see?
Chapter 3 Defining Violations and Particular Description of Said Counts


Counts 2
United States Federal Code of Justice mandate
Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2381 TREASON
(a)Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their
enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason
and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years
and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office
under the United States.
0. In as such to evaluate and share information deeming for-s "person of interest" to develop and
grow further I say. Noting all too well Sheriff department and other areas of fuss, are-s perfectly
capable of deterring and countering terrorism and homeland security senses of need-s and
urgency's, as to more effectively construe "alien leader" to side we are-s friendly, hilarious,
talented and possibly helpful such stipulated.

1. Also stated: an law clerks candor to re-situate hearing in another Judges chamber when find
out's they are made doing dunder, (telling a lie and falsifying a ledger, attempting a hit) doing
suchly, according to our Entity's attention thus dialing 911 to do "sabotage" the evidence clearly
a mistake.

2. The people in charge of the cases concerted a faulty find objective despite these here situated
re-offend with undoubtedly more aggressive torments and sodomic identifying design ad adages,
(the criman-ee aspects of alien abuses of technology's) put aside like that of a Devil desire.

3. Being wild and pre-historic animals in disguises, the dog-cat mentality of these impostors
confer differently than their oaths and sworn depositions indicate. They resented my
countenances, told and continue to tell all lies give rise to a visitor Deity from another
dimension's interpretations of legally, "consent to be bound" by "Authorities present.

4. A writ I saw to cease and desists computer relative activity on the grounds that of which I will
talk to proper contending deputies identified as alien creatures in denial who seek degenerative
and despicable sodomic "regression" so entered in the Court ledgers blasphemous records.

5. These descending funny farm seekers did talk to said family member I noticed in areas of visit
to dislodge tenants from section 8 in an effort to conceal their objectives I did see offer a funeral
to situate a flaw in Aztec destination a fading memory.

6. These murderers and pedophiles every sun up did have a oneness with universes although I
notice despicable means un-relentless anal and sodomic rape and orgy's to get their kick they
desire to entertain an ideas of grotesquely molest and regress our "Soully spirited" embodiment
like a cat-dog-reptiles that fornicates anything it can-s?

7. Entities impression is nod a faulty conscript to pretend they are a friend to gain entry to your
living quarter and turn like a wild and rabid dog-s. If the replicas so contending, offer a solution
of: sodomic and regressive reproach to evolution growth pattern will the lady that stands on my
hands and makes me say love, love put up with this mischief and seditious acts of treachery for

8. The subject of (the audio telepathy), otherwise understood in all ears and-s properly identified
as, "acute hearing perception", a term we situate to assist and grow -s, will continue to be a
subject so long as the faulty constraints and lies involving our community procedures continues.
Stated also as, "acute hearing perception", these factual interprets or telepathy with our Deity's is
ongoing in all life forces known to our attention; deaf, dumb, blinds and-s retarded actors as well
with doctors I say.

9. Especially when dialing 911 against our concerted efforts to do lawful procedures Wit Court
employed a fascinating relationship with his higher power is got a fight to situate to my
allegations drivers positions I studied. The foregoing articulation are a matters of facts at Court
ledger'-s. Rebuke not a surprise attack at that contention please?

10. As so contending these particulars are in deeds guilty as charging with TITLE 18 > PART
I& gt; CHAPTER 79 > 1621 1621. Perjury that and-s fraudulent deceptive attire to and-s
attempting to gain entry in our apartment complex to do treason, defined as aiding an abetment
in crime, terror and warfare architecture so clarified to the attention of phony recess to side?

11. A Claimant seeks assail a court card neither nor a jail cell block ascribed to intimidating
phony beliefs a fuss reminding a Judge's on call-s, police and Sheriff Departments co- commit
crime so do not falsely convey the situation to our word s tuna-s.

12. In so stating not just public safety resource, or assets to a community director's disregards for
the subject of sworn oaths in an effort to aid an abetment in dunder not limited to abuse public
privileges, cancer careers or medical communities involvement of covering up the fact there are
no real cancer or disease-like afflictions; all doctors and medical staff are stipulated: Human
replicas and alien-like metamorphic actors conspiring seditious acts of "sodomic regressions"
against my "Soully spirited matters" in and out of faulty constraint desires I see.

13. This area of knowledge is surprised a visitor-s from another dimensions and seated a
ferocious lions attention in and that-s Steven, the "subject of interest" is said to be the only
individual really prone to sickness assaults. The subject of not really dead all a Sheriff Coroner
or deputies assigned can know is the sodomic alien scams they live for still describe neither a
cartoon phenomenon nor telepathic conferencing in the effort to kill our supper I say.

14. Other areas of derail our efforts are as disclosure noted; conception not begotten in ways
suggested at attention. Family identities are a false recollection of history I see and an antagonist
design flaw in and that WWII never occurred, per disclosed idiosyncrasy all a lie. Noted against
our better Judgment it was told us, by ways we explained in Communion:, woman-kind is a fake
area of dissemination and are really plain clothes-like under cover-s walkie talkie swindling your
face to dunder a sodomic regression play on your /my Souls'; all that so contended.

15. A witness, host, and Petitioners also calls the cartoon phenomena God almighty most
excellent, a Supreme Allied higher court ruling in where Sheriff Department and Homeland
Security Directors attentions and attendance-s seem to be "failures to appears" at times, or are
just plain in contempt so to speak, will continue to be the subject so long as the County
employees handling this causes of action intend-s on threatening, incapacitating, intimidated,
poisoning, drugging, institutionalizing, incarcerating, institutionalizing and violating my civil

16. Such are the hands of Marshall's obligations to dance when Antzee comes to intercept, the
work of defending one's sepulcher from corrupt "Devil-like" aggression's. Deputy Walters for
example fusses a fictitious dissension act to move in and capture regardless of the law degrees
authority to contend I say-s same with Deputy Lundquist I seated, menaces to the uniforms
intended purpose I contended also?

17. Patricia Schute a Deputy District Attorney's candor handling our cases deposes all you, we,
my self's as well. She stipulated for entry; uses Jackson Aisles tenancy as a conditions to prop a
faulty diagnosis concern-s I'm not for. Here's why deputy's I see did regard her actions to take so

18. The Claimant's contend the accused lies 'bout's this collective assertion and a desire of alien
technology she knows nothing 'bouts in a deceiving effort to torment a witness Host and
Claimant, in an exercise of callous disregard for due process of laws and situated a sodomic
regression religious affiliates contentions in an effort to do dunder still and waste our "Soully"
spirited matter an attention all perjurers I say I seated so desired so contending?

19. She also, so stated, desires to wage infamy more so and duel-s our candor and desponds to
our funding and development outlines and dissertations especially at Mr. Pinck her thug(s)
attention-s I see, whoso believe well practiced at acting out "fit of rages" inter alia "Devil likes"
sarcasm. Do we situate their attention to stipulate the accused are caught in our opinion as
indicated guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt on the emphasis we discussing to me also your
Honor's Anton Sir. Thank you?

20. So states, we see a witnesses account and descriptive as factual and worthy of contending.
Especially when-s concerting an award of this magnitude or waging an iota of reasonable
assertion's to provide for friendly back-drop comments of other video ideas.. Ms. Schute don't
want-s to know-s we situated a fun and hilarious individual at county lock down I hears is a nicer
way of receiving a friendly reception we seek-s. Question of whether to implicate Ms Schute for
records indicate she knew of our cause and done perjure grandiose and does fraud criman-ee in
every case assigned is cause to pursue information aimed at constructive engagement-s I seated
and dispense with unpleasant desires a contention.

21. We are sided: discern as much as possible and side not degenerative chemistry's, articulate
regression areas of design Insignia's at the evidence to secure more wayward a solution to evolve
not like a disease as we see fit to promote public safety, in so saying an Extra-terrestrial
Biological Entity's means: celestial supervisors identity's also-s in a sense states in Court, for a
recorded transcriptions: aside-s prosecutor's ironies. We seat credits to our work ethic-s bearing
in mind society is composed of, replicas of Human embryo aka degenerate aliens in disguise,
who are being talked to in an effort to modify their grounds states Entity's contention for the time

22. Like we situated the reason these individuals lied and falsified a ledgers and deed "crimanee", (aiding an abetment in a crime or terrorist act-s) more effectively in the place of Law and
order at Courts is to do "sodomic and regression" evolution, like a disease so to situate. These

iotas of public safety scrutiny's I say-s concert attentions on other areas of, "convey false
information" Entity decides.

The Stipulated "Accused" Being Sued are Suchly:

1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. The previous persons in accordance with these convicted and released on their own
recognition as previously mentioned also charged are the County of Orange in retrospect the
accountability of they named in the charges here stated.

3. These individual capacity's owing allegiance to the United States, levy war against our lawful
reminder of a code of conduct to live by and-s do adheres to their enemy(s), an alien
metamorphic society's, giving them aid and comfort within the United States and elsewhere like
in areas of "under worlds" dark circus-s and torture chambers we notice. Human replicas are
brazen individuals and-s are Duly sworn to lives and abide-s by our laws, in effective disclosed
pertinence-s, yet committed treason as stated our force.

4.. Entity's and "power of attorney's" associated with the above and-s fore mentioning individuals
culpable continue the arrogant, willful and malevolent dissension-s and-s if proper approach is
not taken, victims abused encourage a celestial-like remands: including and-s not limited to:
particular individuals assigned to our case-loads, mental health collaborators, case workers who
do flagrantly lead the efforts we have up to violate the law and in an essence, protect criman-ee,
terrorism, treachery, treason and other undesirable solutions.

5 . Homeland Security harbors call girl diversion along with every countryman from
administrative ops, governing constituents, police, deputies medical profession and the masses of
"replica's" had a Devil-like surprise put aside. Of these iota's of fact bringer right to protect
material evidence I say they of whose purpose is lawfully employed to our district-s to such as
say never heard nor saw "visual aid" and die a lie will situate rightfully cause of actions I see.

6. These individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice mandate Title 18 Part I
Chapter 115 2381 TREASON and the emphasis of the foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the

flagrance of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of recourse. That and do understand these
material facts concerning:


and do psych warfare other unlawful and despicable ambition-s, incarcerated us for either-s
knowing-s too much- or-s knowing-s not enough-s, shall continue-s to be a subject to an
emphasis of warfare bringing such as Twin Towers 911 attacks along-s with New York City
Police, all name-s and individual capacity's do abuse psychic alien technologies, aid an abetment
in terrors herein-s, continue doing-s natural disaster bringing of every kind and are-s a speck-s in
a crowds, in their efforts to confuse a witness I say, (per unit-s of sophistication-s).

8. The fact the replicas of human embryo I hears, are very similar in nature as "the Devil" as
taught in school as contending society in disguises also called "leader qualifies", because of their
stipulated involvement in underworld and-s in-decent fire-proof nature-s and orientation a ledger
erroneously deceives for, still underscores a need to defend a Plaintiff's right's to challenge the
phony architects ambitions. In so saying a "Devil like-s" double side -s deeding a "Satanic-like"
anti-'god response I says on inter alias Steven Faith's attention-s.

9. The individual capacity's and-s alien-like "trouble makers" in question, and-s leading "Devillikes" scrimmages in particular are Sandra Hutchen's, a Sheriff of Orange County, our
contentions we see.

10. Entity's reveals and decided description is a sodomic creature-s in disguises that grotesquely
molest and-s unrelentingly-like, act out a mass orgy perversion-s in Soully essence-s when done,
then regress to very primitive life forms as motus operates; is this not why Sheriff Department's
should situate hilarious contentions I seated?

11. If the above contention were accurate depiction of sergeant at arms at a fault finding District
Attorney's bill folder, pursue goal of same disorders I say it contending they seek a different
disclosure not a foe to disrespected analogy. Seek pursuit of Utopian order in the place of "Hell
like-s" destination-s for our "word" do stipulates.

12. Stipulated also-s: Homeland Security an phony baloney organized criminal department if
public safety resource was not an option to side somewhat keeping in mind all are said bound by
the laws of their constituents we have assigned at this case so stated.

13. District Attorney's candor-s and quarter too involve unlawful Satanic like metamorphosis that
disguise their appearances and disrespect a good Lord's attention I say. Deputy District Attorney
why are you still seeking a Court order to seize our belonging's, pitch a phony aggression
allegory when do defraud in every case and surface to air an Sandra Hutchens desire to deed "fits
of rage's" opinions and-s war wagon's reproach toward area-s known as Capitol Hill-s rancor I
see clearly culpable and-s guilt association.

14. To this emphasis, these stipulates said perpetrators still intend on carrying out-s a vengeful
sided dunder our contention. Suggesting further Deputy Walters seek not a clown in uniform
attire nor faulty finding from our friends so to speaks in Secret Services attention bearing in mind
all our bound by the United States Code of Justice to some degrees affiliates a sides to convey
friendly, hilarious, talented seems to be a special design affiliated with standing up to our said
flag pertinence's here told.

15. So stated: these insignia to ensign I respected continues to cause casualties and death in
Deity's fight to act and-s behave-s within the bounds of cleanliness. Deputy District Attorney
still-s situate a have gun in and-s out of court rancor in an effort-s to rebel and continue a
treachery swindle in effective psycho-analogies expressing a constitutional abridgment of the
Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of my right's to be protected by the laws here situated

16. These particular individual capacity's, tell a lie about an Entity's authenticity firstly, there
that-s when a Deputy's' caught attempting to detain our actions, so stipulated, are redirected to
Court's attention are indeed caught in a lie and-s offer a fallacy of logic approach which give
rise-s to factual grounds of entity's disclosures to proceed from these presences contending.

17. Entity stated to our degrees of sophistication in essences-s: aka "Antzee Dancee" is like-s an
act of God's, (within the bounds of human architectures'). We see Sheriff's departments,
Huntington Beach police officers and-s Westminster Police Department, describing a deputy's
decision to come to residence and accost a contention bringers attention as follow through
without cursing at us free spoken words if the contentions are or are not suchly a Court exhibit.
Having situated an friendly, hilarious, talented concerted individual with high hopes so to speaks
we allow to be seated. Take note then and proceed not with your faulty ledgers if applicable
Orange County law officials.

18. County agents continue stalking our witness in an effort to design an incident, accident or an
act-s of war-s I see in an effort to confuse and counter assail with assertions of diabolical
precision made computer, as a matter of grounds to terminate housing, and ssi benefit are-s
contention bringers complaints.

19. A Petitioner alleges a stipulated Police and Sheriff Department falsify the material fact
pertaining to the authenticity and importance of cartographic topography aka cartoon
phenomena; whose purposes so stated our Entities response teams is to provide a secure ways
and means to grow and develop life despite the graphic and unruly disease-like nature of
ambitious soldiers and courtrooms dissension desire bringing-s in Court's.

20. Redefining and grow and develop lives desires, we stipulate-s again, at attention, Courts, can
decide a physician's fraudulent actions I bring to a tables. Telecare physicians are stipulates my
friends and aliens advising wrongful and malicious dissension Telecare physician so stated does
construe contemptuous mockeries at our Court, like Deputy's I see switching sides to situate a
fallacy with a sarcastic Judge's under our authority will not be tolerated, even such did we see
law degrees not real seeks a sabotage irony with mental health contentions I say.

21. Do we sight our deputies walkie talkies in an exercise of guilt associated with this Chapters
intended purpose? If so a "telepath" will exercise iota of free speech in order to make known to
shot callers attention in detention bring, seditious acts of treason and conspiring with all the
County escrow to engage in such a manner, warrants a citation in light of county detentions
wrongful, vengeful and continuous disrespect for authority's present.

22. In other areas of concerts attention, Mental Health physician-s at Tao South Telecares do still
re-direct situation at Court's ledgers, to situate a gun diplomacy candor to police and law
enforcement in the areas now presided despite our interventions so to says, stupefy and
discombobulate the effort we made to fight our side I says.

23. Physicians in questions will be reminded they commit fraud in every case assigned and are
contending phony baloney excuses to coerce and suppress our moral aptitude I seated. A
reference to FBI coffer 'bouts outspoken remarks made by office of a Presidential reprimand and
called in to question a said "threats" we made on the wars on terrorism.

24. Is that a good cause to prejudice, discriminate and falsify the diagnosis she stands and they
contend by way of our "telepathy" at Court's she hears and still situates a false arrest summons to
decide this and- s made a faulty assumption noticing the stated "threats" made at a President
knowing all too well-s that replicas don't really dies and the police and sheriff's department call
and design all's crimes that end mental health is a fraud in every case so contends our Entity's
and a eyewitness I say.

25. Bearing in word-s I put to convey a factual accounting-s in and though we weren't really
fiddling live ammo-s, a walkie talkie will bring up said illegitimate contention pertaining to a

photo-s we used to emphasize an objection to seditious acts of treason your attention law offices,
did so rely on phony concerns regarding a President's safety. These enemy dissension bringer's
are-s in facts challenging me to a duel and understand-s not due process of law- Heavenly

26. The subjects of harassment-s criteria I see a matter of FBI's contentions she and Dr. Brown
her same candor situated I say. The persons of interest right-s to press the issues any further with
regards to replica aliens that don't die anyways talking nonsense we stipulated. We see causes to
defend our actions as affirmative action aimed at curbing the treachery we outlined for Court
records again? Asides we could have been a synopses of rock hawker to photograph if they
pursues a lies in Court's; an Entity's dismissed that protest actions a Claimant engaged upon-s
some years gone-s, said we were-s kindly questioning fallacy's and il-logical behaviors that so.

27. If's an act of God's', brought to the Deity's attention saw physicians stipulate a defense of
grandiose mental affliction by corrupt mental health professionals we prove these areas of
ambiguity's certifiably in-correct to the false record keeping of pertinent Wendy Lindley's Loyola
talkie indecision's to which we hear you kid when caught in premeditated murder desires police

28. And if the doubts persist and the threats by police disguised as Santa Ana resident ill willed
gestures a tentative desire to kill did attack before and wanted to do the such again with weapons
grades use of chemical aggression's acts of wars on my face in support of Mr. Pinck's "fit of
rage" act and scrimmage leading candor we should surely know a gas chamber execution would
do justices good I see.

29. Also-s this sided: Court-s antic not hysteria ridden o'er excess video accounting's is more
prepared to use Anton inter alias Will's and-s formal name-s: William P. Williamson for neither
relevance a despond nor funny farm an acquisition production iota-s of concerted attention-s
toward growing and affirmative actionary pursuit pretenses, phony integers I seats.

30. In a factual display of comradery on December 22, 2014 at wit courts display of subornation
brought to faces, those individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice and to the
emphasis of the foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the flagrance of contemptuous mockeries,
exercise no iota of recourse.

31. In siding do understand these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy exchangemetamorphosis, understood as alien abuses of technology in said to be Nature, that directly
affected, to the extents of do cause casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun and out
of courtrooms answer toward our futures was court rancor in an effort to continue a treachery

swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to ask an olive branch
extension does decide anyways to continue the daily subornation's and abetments in these
Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?

32. Hear this attention we situate-s: in an effort to resolve a matter more effectively regarding
destinations we seek to re-program-s. I set aside-s secret service profession-s and Administrative
coffers in this clause-s be here exempted from prosecution-s to some degree-s in order to pursue
a goal oriented police and sheriff's criteria while-s we were disseminating Utopian order
solutions I say?

33. Another contention: that of "the replica's" as so stated, do not really die per units of Human
understanding, nor do they get sick or needs food or water I see. They seduce and lure me into
dangerous activities. These Human clones have a behavioral character that allows them to stalk,
victimize, abuse and deceive in jails, prison, mental facilities and are masterminds of deception.
Being such the case a remands may not be as effective as staying near our Entities and higher
powers word.
Counts 3
18 U.S. Code 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2384
(a) If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the
United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by
force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to
seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they
shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
The Stipulated "Accused" Seditious conspiracy
Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2384
Being Sued are Suchly:
1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Probation, are sued in this their official-s and collective capacity's; James R.
Pinck, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Alice Jones, are sued in her official and
individual capacity(s), Ramiro Gonzales, are sued in his official and individual capacity's, Steven
Andrews, are sued in his official and individual capacity they desire a fight to all we
demonstrated as contemptuous mockery's, in furtherance these sworn officers of the Court do
dunder and-s seditious acts of treason per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's indirect violation
of this these iotas of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution
and the Laws by they were sworn to protect and serve by which we stand acquitted.

3. Orange County Sheriff Department, are sued each individual to this sequester and Affidavit of
involvement, Sandra Hutchens, are sued in her official and individual capacity(s) ,Orange
County Board of Supervisors, are sued in their official and individual capacity, John Moorlach,
are each sued in these areas of mislead and Perjure to the offices of Presidential reluctance in
their official and individual capacity's, in that of Mr. Pincks swindle, witness intimidating candor
and the agency's aiding abetments in seditious acts of treason in this area of these their official
and collective capacity to desert the Constitution of the United States of America and the Laws
by which they were sworn to protect in view of a God's ruling by which we stand acquitted.

4. Also named are they of Collaborative Partners Esq., inter alias Wit Court' are sued all together
in unity each in their official and collective capacity's, Orange County Superior Court's, are sued
each Judge to their recollection of official business hereby-s; West Courts, are sued including Ted
Mallard and Sara Jones, each Judge on call per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's in this area
of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution and the Laws by
which we stand acquitted.

5. Orange County Mental Health, are sued in their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinician and staff stories to talk not a biblical event, in the face of
surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official and individual capacity's, the identical
reasons for they of MHA Wit Program including name not disclosed, in their official and
individual capacity's.

6. Telecare WIT Corporation, are sued in this their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinicians and staff stories to tell lies and falsify diagnosis, doctors reports,
liable character and aid in an inexcusable abetment that of seditious acts of treason against a
United States citizen(s) in the face of surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official
and individual capacity's; Deity to decided official and-s individual capacity's to their dissenting

7. As the Entity's described our venue of connote not afraid to continue a seditious criminal act
including sabotage, these individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice and to
the emphasis of the foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the flagrance of contemptuous mockeries,
exercise no iota of recourse. In furtherance do understand these material facts concerning illbegotten energy exchange-metamorphosis, understood as abuse of alien technology's that
directly affected, to the extents of do cause casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun at
court rancor is the law, in an effort to continue a treachery swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and
Public Safety, of all who come to contend unlawful aiding an abetment in Criminal and Heinous
acts against the Republic for which I stand?

8. This venue is most culpable because of their rebellious approach to "act of God's" or celestial
supervisor's respective rank-s so to see. In additional adages the hereby accused are "hell bent"
on seeking a vengeful response remedy aimed at drugging, coercing and suppressing or falsely
imprisoning our witness transcriptions I say are missing a contention of phony occupations to
situate Catholic schemes at division headquarters.

9. These individual capacity's foregoing as I emphasizing, continue to injure, oppress, threaten,

intimidate, prejudice with intentions to prevent or hinder my the Claimant's free exercise or
enjoyment of Constitutionally guaranteed Civil Rights, by warning us we will go to prison, or be
institutionalized did resort to usage of military graded use of chemical weapons attack on a

10. In a set of duplicate copy's do we set aside a said police departments Huntington Beach
willingness to abuse psychic alien technology's in an effort to obstruct justice, incapacitate or kill
a witness now transcriber do see incriminate a police department in an effort to paraplegic our
attention so stated sided in fact-s conspire to violated and s situate rancor I know with other
individual and collective capacity's to attack again-s, did violate:

11. 18 U.S. Code 2384 - Seditious conspiracy Title 18 Part I Chapter 115 2384 here
situated the truth of a matters regarding energy exchange with the masses so well and does
continue the scrimmages to use deadly fumes in an effort to aid and abet-ment in other grandiose
schemes on other planets and underworld desires of fornicate despicably and regress spirited
matters a concern you say.

Counts 4
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 13 > 241
Prev | Next
241. Conspiracy against rights

(a) If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any
State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any
right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of
his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on
the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any
right or privilege so secured-

(b) They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if
death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include
kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated
sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term
of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

The Stipulated "Accused" Being Sued are Suchly:

1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley,are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Mental Health, are sued in their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinician and staff stories to talk not a biblical event, in the face of
surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official and individual capacity's, the identical
reasons for they of MHA Wit Program including name not disclosed, in their official and
individual capacity's.

3. Telecare WIT Corporation, are sued in this their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinicians and staff stories to tell lies and falsify diagnosis, doctors reports,
liable character and aid in an inexcusable abetment that of seditious acts of treason against a
United States citizen(s) in the face of surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official
and individual capacity's; Deity to decided official and-s individual capacity's to their dissenting

4. These individual capacity's a foregoing as I emphasizing, continue to injure, oppress, threaten,

intimidate, prejudice with intentions to prevent or hinder my the Claimant's free exercise or
enjoyment of Constitutionally guaranteed Civil Rights.

5. By reiterating our behaviors and grounds to end up in prison, or be accused of insanity you
will wind up in an will be institution? Not to be confused with the said sodomic cemetery
dwellers desires to rape, are caught at William P. Williamson's an Entity's on map topography's
Court's and attention-s we see seeking a Federal injunction to cease and desist taking umbrage's
to the descriptive we situates as threatening bodily injury for demanding Justice and corrective
servitude be done so stated.

6. These individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice and to the emphasis of the
foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the flagrance of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of
recourse. In furtherance do understand these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy
exchange-metamorphosis, understood as abuse of alien technology, not limited to earthquake
design, hurricane, tsunami, tornadoes, asteroid and comet assimilation noting they blow wind,
and are a one-ness like approach, how about wayside and not in a constructive manner use to
describe a betterment of society.

7. There then the force(s of said to be Nature, that directly affected, to the extents of do cause
casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun at court rancor in an effort to continue a
treachery swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to aid an abet-ment
in these Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?
Counts 5
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 13 > 242
Prev | Next
242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
How current is this?
(a) Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects
any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of
any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the
United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being
an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury
results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use,
attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts
committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap,

aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be
sentenced to death.
The Stipulated "Accused" Being Sued are Suchly:
1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Probation, are sued in this their official-s and collective capacity's; James R.
Pinck, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Alice Jones, are sued in her official and
individual capacity(s), Ramiro Gonzales, are sued in his official and individual capacity's, Steven
Andrews, are sued in his official and individual capacity they desire a fight to all we
demonstrated as contemptuous mockery's, in furtherance these sworn officers of the Court do
dunder and-s seditious acts of treason per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's indirect violation
of this these iotas of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution
and the Laws by they were sworn to protect and serve by which we stand acquitted.

3. These individual capacity's as states clearly for a record exercise no iota of recourse. In
furtherance do understand these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy exchangemetamorphosis, understood as abuse of alien technology, and facilitated all radio signal fallacy's,
earthquake and seismic activity, hurricane, tsunami, tornadoes, asteroid and comet assimilation
noting they blow wind, and are a one-ness like approach, how about wayside and not in a
constructive manner use to describe a betterment of society.

4 These iota's of individual know how are nuclear and fireproof also, aliens in disguise, replicate
human understanding and character to abuse also as a specifying herein atomic and nuclear
inventions and ambitions as well being a same alien all the masses, Stevens Father Xx Xx
stipulated said, designed us at childbirth or a year before do situate, (nuclear proof and fireproof
replicas of Human beings as construe family and conception not done in ways suggested and
taught in school). Is this a factual pretense?

5. There then the force(s of said to be Nature, that directly affected, to the extents of do cause
casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun at court rancor in an effort to continue a
treachery swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to aid an abetment
in these Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?

6. These individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice and to the emphasis of the
foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the flagrance of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of
recourse. In furtherance do understand these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy
exchange-metamorphosis, understood as magic force(s of said to be Nature, that directly
affected, to the extents of do cause casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun at court
rancor in an effort to continue a treachery swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety,
of all who come to aid an abetment in these Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for
which I stand?
Counts 6
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 19 > 371
Prev | Next
371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
(a) If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to
defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or
more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a
misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum
punishment provided for such misdemeanor.
The Stipulated "Accused" Being Sued are Suchly:
1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley,are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Probation, are sued in this their official-s and collective capacity's; James R.
Pinck, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Alice Jones, are sued in her official and
individual capacity(s), Ramiro Gonzales, are sued in his official and individual capacity's, Steven
Andrews, are sued in his official and individual capacity they desire a fight to all we
demonstrated as contemptuous mockery's, in furtherance these sworn officers of the Court do
dunder and-s seditious acts of treason per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's indirect violation

of this these iotas of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution
and the Laws by they were sworn to protect and serve by which we stand acquitted.

3. Orange County Sheriff Department, are sued each individual to this sequester and Affidavit of
involvement, Sandra Hutchens, are sued in her official and individual capacity(s) ,Orange
County Board of Supervisors, are sued in their official and individual capacity, John Moorlach,
are each sued in these areas of mislead and Perjure to the offices of Presidential reluctance in
their official and individual capacity's, in that of Mr. Pincks swindle, witness intimidating candor
and the agency's aiding abetments in seditious acts of treason in this area of these their official
and collective capacity to desert the Constitution of the United States of America and the Laws
by which they were sworn to protect in view of a God's ruling by which we stand acquitted.

4. Also named are they of Collaborative Partners Esq., inter alias Wit Court' are sued all together
in unity each in their official and collective capacity's, Orange County Superior Court's, are sued
each Judge to their recollection of official business hereby-s; West Courts, are sued including Ted
Mallard and Sara Jones, each Judge on call per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's in this area
of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution and the Laws by
which we stand acquitted.

5. Orange County Mental Health, are sued in their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinician and staff stories to talk not a biblical event, in the face of
surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official and individual capacity's, the identical
reasons for they of MHA Wit Program including name not disclosed, in their official and
individual capacity's.

6. Telecare WIT Corporation, are sued in this their official and-s individual capacity's, each
attending physicians, clinicians and staff stories to tell lies and falsify diagnosis, doctors reports,
liable character and aid in an inexcusable abetment that of seditious acts of treason against a
United States citizen(s) in the face of surmounting reprisals here at assignments in their official
and individual capacity's; Deity to decided official and-s individual capacity's to their dissenting

7. In so saying defraud, these tip of the iceberg examples do practice fraud against The United
States by assuming an false occupation such as medical professionals when a Claimant we hear
and see's is an only human embryo on this planet so to speaks, all medical doctors, nurses, and
health care personnel violates: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 19& gt; 371 and do
collect pension benefits as well-s, diagnose and treat falsely all said ailments with an intention to
do sodomic diseases for advancements I says. All police and sheriff deputies in our venues are
alleged to commit criman-ee in every court cases ever heard in this causes of action and

complaints as well, in so seating did violate: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 19& gt;

8. These individuals severed the United States Federal Code of Justice mandate and the emphasis
of the foregoing U. S. TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 19 > 371and to the flagrance
of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of recourse. In furtherance do understand these
material facts concerning ill-begotten energy exchange-metamorphosis, understood as abuses of
alien technologies and-s of said to be Nature, that directly affected, to the extents of do cause
casualties and death daily and do situate a have gun at court rancor in an effort to continue a
treachery swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to aid an abetment
in these Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?

9. In furtherance these a particular individual capacity's, falsified the material fact on

cartographic topography aka cartoon phenomena, clearly a public safety resource and a
reasonable causes to believe, an act of God, brought to the Deity's attention could-s re-situate a
better fate do stipulate a defense of grandiose mental affliction and are caught to the emphasis to
the minutes of this entry impetus and-s appendage siding a District Judge torment, torture and
sided with Dr. Pickarts analogies to better my reproach estimated times of arrivals by suggesting
she inject Steven with poison for a cia menu to relieve his in-courts defense mission? Did we
stipulates, hear it out in the open airing phony order you didst debate?

10. We contend at Court the same iota of misconstrue at Dr. Pickart's degree's in question; did
she talk: president is replica that don't really die-s, (per units of Human understanding) in and
that the Sheriff Coroner now pronounces, a lie does Perjure and defraud the system in an effort-s
to deprive a Constitution bringers guarantees to be protected by the Laws I says.

11. County Judges now attending see's sheriff department hires made following and transcribing
differently-s to commit offense and defraud the United States Government out of monies and
security's as such are-s caught this very moment violating: TITLE 18& gt; PART I >
CHAPTER 19& gt; 371 these individuals habitually lie and tells all-s as I see and seated a
phony solution your retell a court to find seriousness in purpose to the ideas or notion bringing of
cartoon phenomena on maps we circulated is incorrect I see that pedophilia is fornicate
improperly at Jurisdiction I resides do take umbrage to lawful dictation I seat at word processors

12. I don't psych phony bleeder a fictitious medals of valor display to our reckoning stipulated
ongoing courtroom suggests malevolence a way to respond set asides and said do defeat purpose
of Utopian order a sides. Here situated a meaning to watch I seated this very transcription to
occur are uniforms at Huntington Beach Police headquarters monitoring a situation with Devillike motivations I'll say.

13. These replica of humans, all the Masses in this word are summoned through articulation we
called career ender sided a fit of rage again to blow away the material facts we presented as do
Connie and leave Stan out of it Stan's defense positions here-tells an effort they sided Rick
Arroyo's leisure time preface in an efforts to regress Soully spirited matters more on times, I
seated to re-decide how a dictated journal should be with envious wit program directors desire to
facilitate a visit to the morgue I say.
Counts 7
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 19 > 373
Prev | Next
373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence
(a) Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as
an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against
the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances
strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to
persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than onehalf the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than
one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if
the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more
than twenty years.

(b) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that, under circumstances
manifesting a voluntary and complete renunciation of his criminal intent, the defendant
prevented the commission of the crime solicited. A renunciation is not "voluntary and complete"
if it is motivated in whole or in part by a decision to postpone the commission of the crime until
another time or to substitute another victim or another but similar objective. If the defendant
raises the affirmative defense at trial, the defendant has the burden of proving the defense by a
preponderance of the evidence.

(c) It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the person solicited could not be
convicted of the crime because he lacked the state of mind required for its commission, because
he was incompetent or irresponsible, or because he is immune from prosecution or is not subject
to prosecution.
The Stipulated "Accused" Being Sued are Suchly:

1. Anthony Rackaukas, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Patricia Schute, are sued
in her official and individual capacity's, Wendy S. Lindley are sued in her official and individual
capacity(s), Santa Ana Secret Service Detachment, are sued each in their official and individual
capacity to faithfully discharge an oath of allegiance, these individuals I see resort to terroristic
aiding an abetment and facilitation of High Crimes against the Republic for which we seek
punitive damages.

2. Orange County Probation, are sued in this their official-s and collective capacity's; James R.
Pinck, are sued in his official and individual capacity, Alice Jones, are sued in her official and
individual capacity(s), Ramiro Gonzales, are sued in his official and individual capacity's, Steven
Andrews, are sued in his official and individual capacity they desire a fight to all we
demonstrated as contemptuous mockery's, in furtherance these sworn officers of the Court do
dunder and-s seditious acts of treason per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's indirect violation
of this these iotas of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution
and the Laws by they were sworn to protect and serve by which we stand acquitted.

3. Orange County Sheriff Department, are sued each individual to this sequester and Affidavit of
involvement, Sandra Hutchens, are sued in her official and individual capacity(s) ,Orange
County Board of Supervisors, are sued in their official and individual capacity, John Moorlach,
are each sued in these areas of mislead and Perjure to the offices of Presidential reluctance in
their official and individual capacity's, in that of Mr. Pincks swindle, witness intimidating candor
and the agency's aiding abetments in seditious acts of treason in this area of these their official
and collective capacity to desert the Constitution of the United States of America and the Laws
by which they were sworn to protect in view of a God's ruling by which we stand acquitted.

4. Also named are they of Collaborative Partners Esq., inter alias Wit Court' are sued all together
in unity each in their official and collective capacity's, Orange County Superior Court's, are sued
each Judge to their recollection of official business hereby-s; West Courts, are sued including Ted
Mallard and Sara Jones, each Judge on call per units of candor, swindle and perfidy's in this area
of their official and collective capacity to protect and preserve the Constitution and the Laws by
which we stand acquitted.
5-6 omitted

7. These individuals led the scrimmage in an effort to cover-up and conceal the material facts we
seat to convey, severed the United States Federal Code of Justice mandate and the emphasis of
the foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the flagrance of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of
recourse do and-s done solicit an vengeance assertion at my cordons. In furtherance do
understand these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy exchange-metamorphosis,
understood as alien abuses of technical means of verification and are a situate to be offices of a
president I see that directly affected, to the extents of do cause casualties and death daily and do

situate a have gun at court rancor all set aside secret service lawyer to foil these efforts I make to
deter continued violations of: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 19& gt; 373 treachery
swindle the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to aid an abetment in these
Criminal and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?

8. In furtherance these a particular individual capacity's, falsified the material fact on

cartographic topography aka cartoon phenomena, clearly a public safety resource and a
reasonable causes to believe, an act of God, brought to the Deity's attention do stipulate a defense
of grandiose mental affliction and are caught to the emphasis at the time of this updated
appendage siding a Devil-like torment, torture and regress to inter alias Steven Faith's spirit-s

Counts 8
TITLE 18 > PART I& gt; CHAPTER 47 > 1001
Prev | Next
1001. Statements or entries generally
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of
the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly
and willfully(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves
international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8
years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or
section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party's counsel, for
statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge
or magistrate in that proceeding.
(c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a)
shall apply only to-

(1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of
property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document
required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within
the legislative branch; or
(2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee,
subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the
House or Senate.
(i) Despite nearby patrol units aside-s, these individuals continue to offer a lecture and a
psychotropic drugging and threaten to institutionalize our said contentions, severed the United
States Federal Code of Justice and to the emphasis of the foregoing U. S. Title(s) and to the
flagrance of contemptuous mockeries, exercise no iota of recourse. In furtherance do understand
these material facts concerning ill-begotten energy exchange-metamorphosis, understood as
magic force(s of said to be Nature, that directly affected, to the extents of do cause casualties and
death daily and do situate a have gun at court rancor in an effort to continue a treachery swindle
the Health, Welfare(s), and Public Safety, of all who come to aid an abetment in these Criminal
and Heinous acts against the Republic for which I stand?
(ii) Having set the record straight Clerk of the Courts attention and all Party's to this entry: fun
friendly, hilarious, a little extreme maybe will continue to be the images we seek-s to entertain so
long as progress seems to be taken place bearing in mind we wanted to live forever and we want
more life and a pursuit of Heavenly destinations and an itinerary to Utopian order type

Chapter 4 Charges and Stated Facts and Contentions





COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 1962(d) Prohibited activities.

COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 1506 Theft or alteration of record or process;
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy.
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 242 Deprivation of rights under color.
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 1341 Frauds and swindles as defined by Title 18
U.S.C. 1346. Definition of "scheme or artifice to defraud,
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 1341 Frauds and swindles.
COUNTS for Violation of Title: 28 USC Rule 79 and CLERKS MANUAL, Chapter 15, 15.03
COUNTS for Violation of District Court Clerks Manual, Chapter 20, 20.01 Attorney
Admissions Procedures.
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 USC 1920
COUNTS for Violation of Title 18 USC 1001CLERKS MANUAL, Chapter 1, Exh. 2, Title 18
USC 1001
COUNTS for Violation of Title 28 USC F.R.C.P. Rule 26. General Provisions Governing
Discovery; Duty of Disclosure as amended 2000 All individuals named here at in above entitled
actions read his notice of intent to use a said act of Nature and / or Nature's God,
COUNTS for Violation of CLERKS MANUAL, Chapter 9, Exhibit 4



(1) This is a first amended action brought by plaintiff aka STEVEN VAN ARROYO and
STEVEN VAN SCHOFER, who petitions for redress of grievances, and requests that the court
hold defendants accountable for violations of Title 18 U.S.C. 1962 et seq. (West 2001), clearly
established law, other applicable federal statutes, and applicable state statutes, for fraud and
swindle, for obstruction of justice, conspiring to obstruct justice for themselves and others for
operating the courts as a racketeering enterprise, for the filing of false claims , perjury, crimes
against humanity, perfidy and for obstructing justice on a qui tam..

(1) Plaintiff demands that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 1, Scope and Purpose of
Rules, shall govern this action, and plaintiff shall preserve, inviolate,
his right of trial by interpretation of the clauses I attest under Rule 38, and right of discovery
disclosures without request prescribed under Rule 26, concurrent with defendant's Answers and
contemptuous mockeries asides of all who swear before a God's a willful and predicate acts of
intolerance included and-s not limited to the entire Senate floors angry rebuttal.

(2) We seated Supreme Courts D C a global telepathic intrinsic and extra-terrestrial biological
Entity's and authority whereas all replicas could see and hear the right situation to avoid not. To
understand with friendly overtures and seek goodness we saw a Claimant do rightful approach
while a Supreme Court conceded to same sex unions to our Entities face and avoid our presence
do dunder as described fight to re-situate my development with regression surprises when done
understood to all I say Catholic service bias Anti'-God response is not an interest of uphold life
District Attorney fraud in every case he served is unlawful and culpable Stotler attentions I say?.

(3) So say when in the course of Human event's the ventriloquist, a said act of Nature and
Natures God (s), from thence come to show his face(s) to be understood in all manner of tongue
etiquette the material facts as states nuclear proof and psychic 911 co-crimee cloak and police
swearing individuals are a foot in the right direction-s to side a legal precedents to describe a
matter of opinion?

(4) Impursuant to Rule 7(a) and Rule 8(b), with no other pleadings allowed except upon Order of
the Court under grounds provided by law.


(1) Shall: re-decide all issues including immunity, and upon all claims in this suit if the proper
settlement wasn't opted in a circuit court I say?
(3) Mostly all procedures, rules and codes are taken from West?s 2001 editions of Federal Civil
Judicial Procedures and Rules, and Federal Criminal Code and Rules, hereinafter referred to by
Title number, U.S.C. (United States Code), and (section).
An International World Court of Justices may participate if and whenst a need arises I seated.
(4) A law degree is situate punitive damage award over his jurisdiction having a say over this
action and decrees pursuant to federal statutes, including Title 28 U.S.C. 1331 (federal
question), Title 28 U.S.C. 1343 (civil rights and elective franchise), Title 28 U.S.C. 1355
(federal fines, penalties and forfeitures), Title 31 U.S.C. 3729 and 3730 et esq. (false claims),
Title 18 U.S.C. 2, 3, 4, 43, 201, 241, 242, 891, 1001, 1341, 1505, 1506, 1719, 1920, 1962
(principals, accessories, obstruction of justice, racketeering, fraud, treason against a United
States, embezzlement, perjury, mayhem in some degrees, fraudulent or false entries violations,,
alteration or destruction of federal records, fraud, terrorism, conspiracy against civil rights,
deprivation of civil rights under color, genocide), Title 15 U.S.C. 1-7.
(5) First Amendment (right to petition for redress of grievances), Seventh Amendment (right to
trial by sequestration redress of improprietys; ad libed& amp;amp;), Fourteenth Amendment,
(right to equal protection), and the USA PATRIOT Act (domestic terrorism).
(6) Venue, (Emergency Management Predicate Acts of Attrition), is proper under Title 28 U.S.C.
(7) The United States is comprised of the federal government, and has sovereign standing to sue
or be sued. Head offices for all branches of the federal government are located in Washington,
DC, with branch offices/agencies in all states, which are created under 28 U.S.C. 124. State
and private agencies contract with cities and/or counties, are directly or indirectly regulated by
the federal government, and are subject to liability pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 666.

(8) Plaintiff hereby files this his OPPOSITION TO MR PINCK'S uses of alien technology's and
corrupt Wendy S. Lindley's "fit of rage" transgressions in sight of Presiding Judge-s "Anton-s"
discretion and rightful calendar to assert JURISDICTION, 28 U.S.C. section 636, in so ordering,
striking down Judge Ted Mallard West Court's, David Stotler Superior Court Santa Ana's, Wendy
S. Lindley and Joe Perez, Collaborative and Drug Court's contentions I say and-submitted.
(9) Should an FBI deceiver assail here instating, wage warfare, death, demise of every
cantankerous descriptive a war veteran metamorphic can deny add adage our stipulating said
return of the form to the Clerk-s, (I seated) means: authorizes persons of interest to convey in
letter head un-becoming not to psych expert witness which provides the following notes:
The magistrate judge and the CLERK attended I see?
(11) Victim(s) alleges violation of plaintiff's rights secured by law, 18 U.S.C. sections 241 and
242, and Article III of the Constitution for the United States and presents a claim cognizable
under 42 U.S.C. section 1983 and conspiracy under section 1985(3). Additional defendants being
named are:
(a) Dr. Gary Delewski ,Dr. Glen Richmond, Dr. Pham, Dr. Chong Orange County Mental Health,
County of Orange, State of said California, (11.5) Defendants, do so lie in wait, and-s situate
police decision to subdue and offer board and care solutions to decide did obstruct these
proceeding-s, falsified records, aided an abetment in terror schemes designed to torment and-s
regress our "Soully spirited matter-s" in "Hell"-like underworld airspace-s in furtherance of their
said joint racketeering schemes or artifice as alleged in complaint, in direct or indirect conflict
with statutory law subsequent to the decisions in., 186 F. 3d 1105 (9th Cir. 1999); also. 193 F.3d
1080 (9th Cir. 1999).

(12) Plaintiff demands that all defendants fully disclose the following without delay,
obstruction or denial of the states ?emphasis? to the letter of prescriptions impursuant:
Copy of their Oaths of Office
Copy of their Bond
Copy of their Insurance
Copy of their state licenses

Copies of appearance bonds on each case

Copy of a list of all their creditors
Copy of a list of all their debtors
Memberships of all clubs, organizations, fraternities, groups
Treaties per limitations of the Constitution(s?)
Names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses for their defense
Names, addresses and phone numbers of any other entities pertinent to this case
Copies of any other papers pertinent to this case
(13) Plaintiff gives notice and demands that since titles of nobility were abolished by Article 1,
section 9 of the United States Constitution, each defendant is required to answer Summons
individually and separately without an attorney/esquire. Plaintiff demands no third parties on this
case, no third-party answers, and each line answered by each defendant.
(14). Plaintiff aka Steven Arroyo dba Steven V Schofer (?Plaintiff?) is a citizen of the United
States residing within the State of California THE COUNTY OF ORANGE 92655.
Chapter's 6
all sued in their official and individual capacity...




sued in their official and individual, capacity here from our witness in spite of the perjury outfits,
did see and undertake either a metamorphosis energy exchange in an effort to de-gress, empower,
kill and caused:
Chapter's 7
1. I, Steven Van Arroyo a witness and William P. Williamson aka Anton an Entity's, stand by
plaintiff in the above entitled action, do swear under penalty of perjury under the laws of the
United States of America, that the foregoing is of my personal knowledge, being true and correct,
and admissible against all defendants to establish the existence of a civil conspiracy to use the
courts as a racketeering enterprise, to use the courts to establish and fraudulent detention
practices and judgments, to obstruct justice in order to evade prosecution as contending, "abuse
of alien technology", co-criman-ee reproach, deed fraud murder, treason, seditious acts of
swindle, to submit false claims, ad adage deny qui tam relaters award, and do continue to offer a
faulty interpretation of this documents clearly laid out description-s, accounts and complaints I
A claimant's due process rights pursuant to the 1997 Amendment of Federal Rules of Evidence,
Rule 801 et seq.
ASSAIL NOTSues as follows:

(a) malicious confinement,

(b) medical mal practice,
(c) falsifying a medical report,
(d) falsifying a condition to punish the tax payers for un-necessary expenses such as
prescriptions and incarceration fees,
(e) imposing psychiatric detention and coercion-like tactics in an effort to subdue? Also
implicating as agent of these in-excusable behaviors and criminalAs describing such-like violators are-s: Cal Optimas, CVS Drugs Stores Esq., MHA, Orange
County Mental Health, all Psychiatrists who treated my Client's right's to contend, including Dr.
Gary Delewski who falsified records we situate to offer a fight nor duel with FBI in order to see
"Hell"-like-s torments a face nor Faith-s to discuss abridge lawful reminders of phony baloney
ministry's indicated purposes of Antzee Dancee's presences I say I seated?
(g) $200,000 per annually increments as "telepath" or relayer occupation-s, 20 years lost pay
equals 4 million dollars lost revenues?. Also punitive and pain and suffering compensation here
write-s. Additional 3-6 million dollars sub-totals?
(h) for defaming my moral fortitude and character associated ad adages "badgered" a witness not
to pursue legal means of seeking a purposeful outcome?
(i) forced psychotropic uncomfortable remedies and prescription medication as well-s?
Chapter's 8
MILLION DOLLARS AWARDED PLAINTIFF deposited alike pertains to a County
Government executable assignment-s.



2. All awards exchanges are to be directly deposited to his earnings as tax exempted, any per
diem incentive or bonuses such as luxury items for miracles if ever are to be off limits to federal
income revenue collectors wanted and these outcome are to be agreed upon with a stipulation
that this master a certificate now enjoins a distinctive privileged and freedom of diplomatic
immunity from impending new launches a superior knowledge may had-s to situate.
3. If security involves neither accounting for an award of this area of insurers distrust for many
sums and /or if the award may cause street disturbances or upheaval we always did attest to
providing and being responsible for a police sergeants salary with pension allocation being
tendered. Please note the impunity weighs more than the cost of any award so to speak and we
are grateful as it may be distrusted for our small ssi funding ah but we should not be labeling us a
mental case to run and/or hide from our civil and sensible legal obligations to assimilate a fine
societys bound by laws ethics boundaries and not by virtue less greed henceforth noted.
Chapter 10
Dear Sir-s: 15 August 2015
We seek punitive damages in an amount nearer way side toward nine million dollars. The said
accused rely on sequestered internet privileged photography to incriminate-d all branches of
services in County I reside.

We offer an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity's material witness and fact at Court room where an
Entity's set up an Higher Court seat decals do bio-molecular sabotage and situated a public safety
resource not for the iota-s we construe for-s? See County Probation a fraud in every case they
service as security internal (no meddling), to that emphasis of seditious acts of treason I see?

The citizen I saw get by is an Host for Entity despite Mental Health and Probation Department
ledgers incorrectly supervised to our at tentative and necessary descriptions. A Sheriff
Department before times does seditious acts of treason to our fit of rages candor and so there we
advise an Entity's say or I'll be charged with negligent and criminal wrong doing's I see?

Seek neither an adviser nor Secret Service police to detain our side. Neither accost us for
somebody else s advantage nor disobey a color of faulty disadvantage to ethnicity's I cover fors?
For responsible desertions attended Mission Viejo HS an areas of fuss neither executive
privileged information nor sick consternation for relators qui tam awarded not. I seek liabilities
in trillion amounts a but since you're a wheeler and a said act of "friendly fire" the areas of
construe are many to see liabilities assumed by a County escrow's units of candid remarks.

We situate an 57 years of age due patriotic contention? We were at your attention I see concerting
effort in phony reputation brought to an Judges Court nearby accusing our intentions for being
concerted to the emphasis of Pride in our Duly describes Honors of serving an celestial
supervisor at Court's ad adages in Navy cordons and in uniform construe not just a job seekers
attentions. The subjects of non-negotiation at third Party para-phrases will seat our contend to
another area of advise the President in uniform reciprocates to our advantage,

Do our supply neither counter responses of aggression nor seek another episode to call our
friends and phony's at the Sheriff's Department today (ad lib), during live telepathic debrief Sat
August 15, 2015?

The accrue-ment details are open for negotiations as such describe County's good Faith
relationships with escrows faulty list of exaggerations I see.

Concert attention to these imprinted salutations in a gone to my attention another way Sheriff
Coroners candid and lustful remarks she sues for in underworld expressions of solidarity to
knows our attention-s to fly coincidentally the work of step brothers and sisters double sides to
live their lives as dunder seeker alien regression concepts for verily we see.

Drafts of Litigants legal obligation and Manuscript to contend by recessing in

opportunely: also-d an contention to bring up are:

We seek compensation to the tune ten million dollars credit obo to situate. In so sided under
insured's records kept we say so situate a reprisal therefore not added in on the coverage's
providers attentions? Will settle with Court's ledgers and phony concert attentions not toward
topographic cartography or "cartoon phenomena" on map topography of Africus, a feature to
vitalize your sincere accost efforts I say-s. That so be prepared to offer not lesser than a quarter
million dollars units of degrees of candor down and-s not lesser than an hundred thousand U S
dollars tax free annular there approach a fiscal cliff this years I see-s asking? In as suchly do we
sated reasonable direct deposit concordance will prove and move said battlefield artillery so
stated? Is good sportsmanship a value to consider I added ?

The act or facts 'pertaining to Entity's on said map Africus inter-alias "cartoon phenomena" and
the face-like contorting displays of personal characteristics of the accused form an integral part
of this legal actionary framework so stated.

This and the declared "abuses of alien technology's" was clearly an attention to describe at all
official orders I see, so watch what we seek if preponderant overhauls in nuclear composite alien
copyright try our wisdom Unarius concepts of regression not taught at El Cajon facility's and all
who do fly spaceships in inter-galactic areas of research and consider our Faiths firstly
May a good word-s be entered in your discovery's I seated.
Steve Arroyo aka Steven too dba Steven V. Schofer also to protect our candid discussions; inter
alias Steve Faith aka Steven
15 XXXXXXX St. #
Midway City Ca. 92655
714 XX cell Cal Driver Lic N507XX
To these areas of fuss sided affordable Thank You Sirs Sincerely Appreciative
The above letter was delivered 15 Aug 2015 to Risk Manager Attorney by way of email to our
belief and tangible request for answers. No reply was given to this dated 16 December 2015.

Chapter 11

Nuclear and wmd disarmament comprehensive manuscripts,
DESBIC Official Pages
Lawsuit Narrations
Meet Antzee Dancee the Word..
The DESBIC Accordance 8 (D A 8) alias Ukraine Compact (English)
Ukraine Contract (Russian)
US Senate subpoena photography
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