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4a THE AMERICAW Then for hounds there was Nimble, fo well that climbs rocks, And Cocknofe, a at fcenting a Fox, Little Plunge, like a mole, who with ferret and fearch, / And beetle-brow’d Hawks-eye, fo dead at a lurch: Young Sly-looks, that fees the ftrong breeze from, the South, And mufical Echo-well, with his deep mouth. Hark. away, cc. Our horfes, thus all of the very: beft blood} Tis not likely you’ll eafily find fucha ftud ;: And for hounds our opinions with.thoufands we'll back, - - (pack: That all England throughout can’t produce fucha ‘Thus having defcribed you dogs, horfes, and crew, Away we fet off, for the Fox is in.view. Hark away, &c. Sly Reynard’s brought home, whilethe horns found a call, 5 : And now you’re all welcome to Batchelor’s hall The favory fir-loin grateful fmokes on the board, And Bacchus pours wine from his favorite hoard ; Come on then, do honour'to this jovial place. And enjoy the {weet pleafures that {pring from the Hark away, &c. (chacer

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