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4] Cuban Counterpoint ialogued composition which carries the dramatic dslectie of fe into the realm of at has aways been a favorite of the in genous folk muses in poetry, musi, dance, song, sod dean ‘The outstanding examples of this in Cuba ate the aniphonal Prayers ofthe liturgies of both whiter and blacks he crotc con troversy in dance measures of the rumba, and fn th vesifed counterpoint of the unletered guatiror and the Alcon, ‘Atpica folk ballad, o on of thot entne stanza poems in the vernacilar of the gunirasorcaror whos dgpatans were the masculine taboezo and the feminine sugar might be of ed cational valu in sehols and song festival for in the sadly of ‘zonomic phenomena and their socal effets it woul be Bard: ‘o find more eloquent lesons than thove afforded by Guba in ‘he startling counterpois bewween sugar and tobacco, ‘The contrast between tober an sugar dats from the to. ‘ment the ovo came tether inthe minds of the dncaveres of Cubs, At the time of is conquest, at the begining of the si teenth century, by the Spaniards who brought the clietion ‘of Europe tothe New World the minds ofthese invaders wore strongly inpressd by two giganti plant. The traders rsving from the other side of che ocean had alraly fined the greed ¢es of their ambition on ones the other they came to tegird the mest amazing prize ofthe disovery, a powerful snare ofthe devil, who by means of thie unknown weed stimulated the sense 28 with a new kind of alcool, the mind with & new iysery, the soul with a ew si, ‘Out of the agricultural and industrial development ofthese ‘amazing plants were to come thove economic acres Which foreign traders would twist and weave for centuries o form the seh of our coutry histor the moses of aera, ‘one an the same ime, the shackles and the sappert ofits peo ple. Tobacco and sgar are the two most impartant Bigs in the history of Cubs Sugac and tcbaceo are vegetable products of the same coun tty and the same climate but the Biological dination beswern ‘hem is such that it brings about radial eeonomit difence as Fegarls si, methods of euivation, prosesing, and makeing And the amazing diferences between the to prot ae ected in the history of the Cuban nation from ft Tobacco and Sugar is Ins formation total ruc its poll fortans and isinteroational relations (See Part I, Chapter 1) The oustanding featur of ov econo history sin reaty this lstorm sb perssene contrast Between the to prod tshac hav een au ae the mos pial of Cabo, ide rom Uh period of brief dation at he begining ofthe ssn fehary wien the ongeisaore goldanning Seti and he filitio of yucen Reds and sockerating to epply casa sd al det neat forthe conquers expeditions took pre finnenceThusa dy of he itary of Cob both internal and fates fandamesaly a uy of he isory of es and Iicco asthe enental bases of nom. fn ven in the unveil history of sconomie phenomena wy tee oil repercusions, ther ae few leans mae ie Muctive than chat of ugar and tobacco in Cabo By cea of the dary with which through them the social et of ec cna and bce oon el ts have presented this smsazing conestnaton of hiner Mists and ths radial conta ths unbroken parley Hyer wo coexisting onder of economic phenomena, which Mhenghout erence development ploy highly anced Attics ander wh at pencil Vecer had purpesely selected Cuba ara geographic aboatry Uhiwhich wo giveth caret demonstrations tthe sopreme Injrtance ofthe basic economy ofa aso in it continuous ess of development. : The posing ard esiminton of tis depseated contast Which cis Been agar and tobacco, from thet very nature Wis soa erations may tow stne new HNC upon the Ml of Cuban economy ands historical pecan ad Mon tors certain cows and original intancs of tran Ailraion of the vor hc a of greta crrentintre a typrary soil sence (See Part I, Chapter) Tobacco and sugar are both products ofthe vegetable king. nn that are culated, proceed, and sold forthe delctaton fhe mouth that consames them Moreover in th tobaceo and sugar industey the same four ficors are present: land, machinery, labor, and money whose ving combinations comprise the history of thee products

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