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Common Ground Church of the Nazarene

Job Description: Worship Arts / Youth Pastor

General Description
The Worship Arts Pastor will provide leadership to the
development of Common Grounds Worship Arts
ministry. Fundamentally this means the implementation of the
1st arm Common Grounds discipleship model (Spirit Filled LifeLove God, Love People, Bear Fruit). The Worship Arts Pastor will
have responsibility over the development and implementation of
ministries pertaining to Corporate, Family, and Individual
Worship. The worship arts ministry will comprise approximately
60% of the worship arts pastors workload.
Additionally the Worship Arts Pastor will provide leadership
oversight to the Youth Ministry team. This comprises
approximately 40% of the worship arts pastors workload and is
focused on developing and leading a lay leadership team, which
does the majority of the hands on work with the youth.
The Worship Arts Pastor will report to the Lead Pastor and will
be accountable to the church board through reports and periodic
attendance at Church Board meetings.
Primary Responsibilities- Worship Arts 60%
1. Develop and implement a discipleship strategy for the church
for the first arm of our discipleship model- Love God. This would
include strategies for corporate worship, Family Worship, and
Individual worship / spiritual disciplines for the congregation.
2. Develop a Worship Ministry leadership team that will work
with the Worship Arts Pastor to provide ongoing oversight and
direction to the worship arts ministry. This team will most likely
consist of representation by the Tech Team, Vocalists, Band,
and Drama teams.
3. Recruit and provide ongoing training to a volunteer staff of
worship teams, musicians, audio and tech teams, drama teams,

4. Work with other staff and church board members to integrate

the Worship Arts Ministry with the other church ministries. (Small
Groups, Outreach)
5. Work with the pastoral staff to provide oversight and
guidance to the overall church ministry through staff meeting
discussions, board dialogue, and other means as assigned.
6. Attend Church board meetings and report to the board on the
activities, goals, and progress of the Worship Arts Ministry and
other areas of responsibility. (This position has no voting rights
on the church board)
7. Coordinate with the Trustees / Buildings and Grounds
Committee to keep the Commons and Audio/Video Room
maintained an in proper condition, and to recommend and
oversee the implementation of new technologies as needed.
8. Develop and present to the Finance Committee an annual
operating budget. Once the Church Board finalizes the budget,
work with the Finance Committee on tracking/maintaining the
budget throughout the fiscal year.
9. Provide leadership and insights on the development of the
churchs strategic plan as it relates to worship arts ministry.
Secondary Responsibilities- Youth Ministry 40%
1. Recruit and Train Youth Ministry Leaders.
2. Provide oversight to the Youth Ministry Leadership Team
a. Organize and lead Executive Leadership Team and NYI
Council Meetings
b. Craft a Youth Ministry Strategic Plan for Ministry
c. Provide Feedback and Accountability to the Youth Ministry
d. Develop and submit to the finance committee a fiscal budget

for the youth ministry, and then operate that budget once
approved. Fund raisers can and should be utilized to
supplement the financial operational needs beyond budgeted
3. Develop a Relational Ministry to youth and their leaders
a. Foster mentoring relationships between adult volunteers and
the teens. (All child safe policies and background checks must
be followed for those working with youth.)
b. Meet individually with teens as time permits.
4. Provide Supervision and Mentoring to the NYI
President. (The NYI president will report directly to the Worship
Arts Pastor).
Educational Requirements
Bachelors degree preferred.
Preferred Experience / Background
The ideal candidate will posses experience leading a local
church worship arts ministry. Experience in college music
performance groups may be considered if such involvement was
aimed at leading worship. A newly graduating music ministry or
performance major would also be considered if their spiritual
gifting and passion evidenced themselves.
They should possess a clear testimony to the saving grace of
Jesus Christ. They should show a propensity for working in a
team environment. The ability to develop programming and
curriculum is seen as a significant requirement for this
position. The Worship Arts Pastor must pass an extensive
national back

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