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I. THE GENESIS OF THE MACHINE’ TECHNICS anp CIVILIZATION BY LEWIS MUMFORD HARCOURT, BRACE AND COMPANY NEW YORK corvancits, 1934, 2Y The first draft of this book was uritten in 1930 and the second was completed in 1931. Up to 1932 my purpose was to deal with the machine, the city, the | region, the group, and the personality within single ‘volume. In working out the section on technics it was necessary to increase the scale of the whole project: 40 the present book covers only a limited area of the first draft. While Technics and Civilization is a unit, certain aspects of the machine, suck as its relation to ‘architecture, and certain aspects of civilization that may ultimately bear upon the course of technics re- rain to be treated at another time. LM. Tope by Reset Joy i CONTENTS OBJECTIVES (CHAPTER 1. CULTURAL PREPARATION 1: Machines, Utilities, and “The Machine” 2: The Monastery and the Clock 3: Space, Distance, Movement 4: The Influence of Capitalism From Fable to Fact 5: The Obstacle of Animism The Road Through Mi : Social Regimentation 9: The Mechenical Universe 10: The Duty to Invent Ul: Practical Ant ipations CHAPTER Il. AGENTS OF MECHANIZATION 1: The Profile of Technics De Re Metallica 1: Mining and Modern Capitalism |: The Primitive Engineer + From Game-Hunt to Man-Hunt + Warfare and Invention Military Mass-Production 8: Drill and Deterioration 9: Mars and Venus 10: Consumptive Pull and Productive Drive vi CONTENTS ‘CHAPTER (11. THE EOTECHNIC PHASE 1: Technical Syneretism 2: The Technological Complex New Sources of Power Trunk, Plank, and Spar Through a Glass, Brightly Glass and the Ego The Primary Inventions Weakness and Strength CHAPTER IV. THE PALEOTECHNIC PHASE ngland’s Belated Leadership 2: The New Barbariem 3: Carboniferous Capitalism 4; The Steam Engine 5¢ Blood and Tron 6: The Destruction of Environment ‘1: The Degradation of the Worker 8: The Starvation of Safe 9: The Doctrine of Progress 10: The Struggle for E: U1: Class and Nation 12: The Empire of Muddle 18: Power and Time ‘1a: The Esthetic Compensation 15: Mechanical Triumphs 16: The Paleotechnic Passoge CHAPTER V. THE NEOTECHNIC PHASE 2: The Importance of Science 3: New Sources of Energy 4: The Displacement of the Proletariat 5: Neotechnic Materials 107 107 109 ng 9 1s 18 13 ve 131 asi 153 156 158 163 167 i v8 ee es 17 oo) 196 199 205 210 a2 212 215 21 29 CONTENTS 6: Power and Mobility ‘The Paradox of Communica : The New Permanent Record 9: Light and Life 10: The Influence of Biology U1: From Destruction to Conservation 12: The Planning of Population 18: The Present Pseudomorph CHAPTER VI. COMPENSATIONS AND REVERSIONS 1: Summary of Social Reactions The Mechanical Routine rarposeless Materialism: Superfluous Power Co-operation versus Slavery 8 Diseot Attack on the Machine 6: Romantic and Utiitarian 7: The Cult of the Past ‘The Return to Nature 9: Organic and Mechanical Pol 10: Sport and the “Bitch goddess” M1: The Cult of Death 12: The Minor Shock-Absorbers 18: Resistance and Adjustment CHAPTER VII. ASSIMILATION OF THE MACHINE New Cultural Values 2: The Neutrality of Order 3: The Eathetic Experience of the Machine 4; Photography as Means and Symbol ‘The Growth of Funetionalism 6: The Simplification of the Environment ‘The Objective Personality CHAPTER VI. ORIENTATION 1; The Dissolution of “The Machine” 2: Toward an Organie Tdeology 235 239 255 263 269 273 278 2a 285, 288 295 308 307 au 316 sa sat 326 333 387 3 387 359 364 368 x CONTENTS 3: The Elements of Social Energetics 4; Increase Conversion! 5: Reonomize Production! B: Socialize Creation! ‘Work for Avtomaton and Amateur 10: Political Control ‘Vi: The Dimination of the Machine 12: Toward » Dynamic Equilibrium 13: Summary and Prospect PREFATORY NOTE INVENTIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, INDEX 313 380 383 390 a0 417 423 433 437 at 415 a ILLUSTRATIONS 1. THE GENESIS OF THE MACHINE Jrontispiece (Teo panes fromthe frescoes by Tosé Clemente Orasca in the Baber Me. oral Librory at Darnouth College. Courtesy o} Dartmouth Callege) 1, ANTICIPATIONS OF SPEED 6 IIL, PERSPECTIVES 4 1V. THE DANCE OF DEATH 16 V. MINING, MUNITIONS, AND WAR 98 VI. TECHNICS OF woop pry VII, EOTECHNIC ENVIRONMENT 46 VIM, EARLY MANUFACTURE mm 1X, PALBOTECHNIC PRODUCTS om X. PALBQTECHNIC TRIUMPHS 2 XI. NEOTECHNIC AUTOMATISM 264 XM, AIRPLANE SHAPES 28 XII, NATURE AND THE MACHINE a XIV, ESTHETIC ASSIMILATION 382 XV. MODERN MACHINE ART am XVI. THE NEW ENVIRONMENT a OBJECTIVES During the last thousand years the msterial basis and the cultural forms of Western Civilization have been profoundly modified by the development of the machine. How did this come about? Where did it take place? What were the chief motives that encouraged this radical transformation of the environment and the routine of life: what were the ends in view: what were the means and methods: what unexpected values have arisen in the process? These are some of the questions that the present study seeks to answer. While people often call our period the “Machine Age,” very few have any perspective on modern technics or any clear notion as to its origins. Popular historians usually date the great transformation in modern industry from Watt’s supposed invention of the steam engine; and in the conventional economics textbook the application of automatic machinery to spinning and weaving is often treated as an equally critical turning point. But the fact is that in Western Europe the machine had been developing steadily for at least seven centuries before the dramatic changes that accompanied the “indus- trial revolution” took place. Men had become mechanical before they perfecied complicated machines to express their new bent and interest; and the willto-order had appeared once more in the monas- tery and the army and the counting house before it finally manifested itself in the factory, Behind all the great material inventions of the last century and a half was not merely a Jong. internal development of technics: there was also a change of mind. Before the new indus- trial processes could take hold on a great scale, a reorientation of wishes, habits, ideas, goals was necessary. 3 ‘ TECHNICS AND CIVILIZATION To understand the dominating réle played by technics in modem civilization, one must explore in detail the preliminary period of ‘ideological and social preparation. Not merely must one explain the ‘existence of the new mechanical instruments: one must explain the culture that was ready to use them and proft by them so extensively. For note this: mechanization and regimentation are not new phe- nomena in history: what is new is the fact that these functions have been projected and embodied in organized forms which dominate every aspect of our existence. Other civilizations reached @ high degree of technical proficiency without, apparently, being profoundly influenced by the methods and aims of technics. AIl the critical instruments of modern technology—the clock, the printing. press, the water-mill, the magnetic compass, the loom, the lathe, gunpowder, paper, to say nothing of mathematics and chemistry and mechanics— existed in other cultures. The Chinese, the Arabs, the Greeks, long before the Northern European, had taken most of the first steps toward the machine. And although the great engineering works of the Cretans, the Feyptians, and the Romans were carried out mainly on an empirical basis, these peoples plainly had an abundance of technical skill at their command. They had machines; but they did not develop “the machine.” It remained for the peoples of Western Europe to carry the physical sciences and the exact arts to a point no other culture had reached, and to adapt the whole mode of life to the pace and the capacities of the machine. How did this happen? How in fact could the machine take possession of European society until that society had, by an inner accommodation, surrendered to the machine? Plainly, what is usually called the industrial revolution, the series of industrial changes that began in the cighteenth century, was a transformation that took place inthe course of a much longer march. The machine has swept over our civilization in three successive ‘waves. The first wave, which was set in motion around the tenth century, gathered strength and momentum as other institutions in civilization were weakening and dispersing: this early triumph of the machine was an effort to achieve order and power by purely external means, and its success was partly due to the fact that it “% opyectives 8 evaded many of the real issues of life and tured away from the ‘momentous moral and social difficulties that it had neither con- fronted nor solved. The second wave heaved upward in the eighteenth century after a long steady roll through the Middle Ages, with its {improvements in mining and iron-working: accepting all the ideologi- cal premises of the first effort to ereate the machine, the disciples of Watt and Arkwright sought to universalize them and take advan. tage of the practical consequences. In the course ofthis effort, various moral and social and political problems which had been set to one side by the exclusive development of the machine, now returned with doubled urgency: the very efficiency of the machine was drastic cally curtailed by the failure to achieve in society a set of harmonious and integrated purposes. External regimentation and internal re- sistance and disintegration went hand in hand: those fortunate ‘members of society who were in complete harmony with the machine achieved that state only by closing up various important avenues of life. Finally, we begin in our own day to observe the swelling ‘energies of a third wave: behind this wave, both in technics and in civilization, are forces which were suppressed or perverted by the earlier development of the machine, forces which now manifest them. selves in every department of activity, and which tend toward a new synthesis in thought and a fresh synergy in action. As the result of this third movement, the machine ceases to be a substitute for God or for an orderly society; and instead of its success being measured by the mechanization of life its worth becomes more and more meas- urable in terms of its own approach to the organic and the living. ‘The receding waves of the first two phases of the machine diminish a little the force of the third wave: but the image remains accurate to the extent that it suggests that the wave with which we are now being carried forward is moving in a direction opposite to those ofthe past. By now, it is plain, a new world has come into existence; but exists only in fragments, New forms of living have for long been in process; but so far they have likewise been divided and unfocussed: indeed, our vast gains in energy and in the production of goods have ‘manifested themselves in part in a loss of form and an impoverish- ‘ment of life. What has limited the beneficence of the machine? Under ‘ TECHNICS AND CIVILIZATION what conditions may the machine be directed toward a fuller use ‘and accomplishment? To these questions, too, the present study secks an answer. Technics and civilization as a whole are the result of human choices and aptitudes and strivings, deliberate as well as ‘unconscious, often irratioual when apparently they are most objective and scientific: but even when they are uncontrollable they are not external. Choice manifests itself in society in small increments end moment-tommoment decisions as well as in loud dramatic struggles; and he who does not see choice in the development of the machine saerely betrays his incapacity to observe cumulative eflects until they are bunched together so closely that they seem completely external and impersonal. No matter how completely technics relies upon the objective procedures ofthe sciences, it does not form an independent system, like the universe: it exists as an element in human culture and it promises well or ill as the social groups that exploit it promise well or ill. The machine itself makes no demands and holds out no Promises: it is the human spirit that makes demands and keeps Promises. In order to reconquer the machine and subdue it to human Purposes, one must first understand it and assimilate it. So far, we have embraced the machine without fully understanding it, or, like the weaker romantics, we have rejected the machine without first seeing how much of it we could intelligently assimilate, ‘The machine itself, however, is a product of human ingenuity and effort: hence to understand the machine is not merely a fist step toward reorienting our civilization: it is also a means toward under- standing society and toward knowing ourselves, The world of technics is not isolated and self-contained: it reacts to forces and impulses that come from apparently remote parts of the environment, That fact makes peculiarly hopeful the development that has been go- ing on within the domain of tech If since around 1870: for the organic has become visible again even within the mechanical complex: some of our most characteristic mechanical instruments— the telephone, the phonograph, the motion picture—have grown out of our interest in the human voice and the human eye and our Knowledge of their physiology and anatomy. Can one detec, perhaps, the characteristic properties of this emergent order—its pattern, it osectives ? Planes, its angle of polarization, its color? Can one, in the process of crystallization, remove the turbid residues left behind by our earlier forms of technology? Can one distinguish and define the specific Droperties ofa technics directed toward the service of life: properties that distinguish it morally, socially, politically, esthtically from the eruder forms that preceded it? Let us make the attempt. The study of the rise and development of modern technics is a basis for understanding and strengthening this contemporary transvaluatio and the transvaluation of the machine is the next move, perhaps, toward its mastery, CHAPTER I. CULTURAL PREPARATION 1: Machines, Utilities, and “The Machine” Daring the last century the automatic or semi-automatic machine has come to occupy a large place in our daily routines and we have tended to attribute to the physical instrument itself the whole com- plex of habits and methods that created it and accompanied it. Almost every discussion of technology from Marx onward has tended to overemphasize the part played by the more mobile and ‘active parts of our industrial equipment, and has slighted other equally critical elements in our technical heritage. ‘What is a machine? Apart from the simple machines of classic mechanics, the inclined plane, the pulley, and so forth, the subject remains a confused one. Many of the writers who have discussed ‘he machine age have treated the machine as if it were a very recent phenomenon, and as if the technology of handicraft had employed only tools to transform the environment. These preconceptions are baseless. For the last three thousand years, at Jeast, machines have ‘been a0 essential part of our older technical heritage. Reuleaur’s definition of a machine has remained a classic: “A machine is a com- bination of resistant bodies so arranged that by their means the mechanical forces of nature can be compelled to do work accom- panied by certain determinant motions”; but it does not take us very far. Its place is due to his importance as the first great rmorphologist of machines, for it leaves out the large class of ma- chines operated by man-power. Machines have developed out of a complex of non-organic agents for converting energy, for performing work, for enlarging the me- ’ ry TECHNICS AND CIVILIZATION chanical or sensory capacities of the human body, or for reducing to 4 mensurable order and regularity the processes of life. The ‘automaton is the last step in a process that began with the use of one part or another of the human body as a tool. In back of the development of tools and machines lies the attempt to modify the environment in such a way as to fortify and sustain the human organism: the effort is either to extend the powers of the otherwise ‘armed organism, or to manufacture outside of the body a set of conditions more favorsble toward maintaining its equilibrium and ensuring its survival. Instead of a physiological adaptation to the ‘ald, like the growth of hair or the habit of hibemation, there is an ‘environmental adaptation, such as that made possible by the use of clothes and the erection of shelters. ‘The essential distinction between a machine and a tool lies in the degree of independence in the operation from the skill and motive Power of the operator: the tool lends itself to manipulation, the ‘machine to automatic action. The degree of complexity is unimpor. tant: for, using the tool, the human hand and eye perform compli cated actions which are the equivalent, in function, of a well de- veloped machine: while, on the other hand, there are highly effec. tive machines, like the drop hammer, which do very simple tasks, with the aid of a relatively simple mechanism, The difference be. ‘ween tools and machines lies primarily in the degree of automatism they have reached: the skilled tooluser becomes more accurate and ‘more automatic in short, more mechanical, as his originally volun- tary motions settle down into reflexes, and on the other hand, even in the most completely automatic machine, there must intervene some- where, atthe beginning and the end of the process, first in the original design, and finally in the ability to overcome defects and to make repairs, the conscious participation of a human agent. ‘Moreover, between the tool and the machine there stands another class of objects, the machine-tool: here, in the lathe or the drill, one hhas the accuracy of the finest machine coupled with the skilled at tendance of the workman. When one adds to this mechanical complex ‘an external souree of power, the line of division becomes even more . (Magnus. Graceus)) 1830; Crane at Lincburg 1345: Divison of hours and. minutes 1388: Guna 1350: Wire pulling machine (Rudolph of Nerabers) 1310: Perfected mecasiel clock (ron "Wyet) 1382: Giant cannon —.86 metres long 1360: Metal type (Korea) 190: Paper ‘il FIFTEENTH CENTURY {Use of mind. for land drainage. In. enon of ture windmal toe on of kniting. Irn dl for boring amon. "Triphammer. Twomated dnd reematted shi. 1402: OW! painting (Bros. van Eyck) 1405: Diving suit (Konrad Kyeser von Eichstas) 1405; Infernal machine (Konrad Kye sr von Hicstadt) 1400: Fin Book in movable ype (Ko- ea) : Paddlewhoe! boat designed ‘Aaese wood engreving Observatory at Samarkand Sewnill at Madera Velecipete (Fon ): Warwagon (estan) Eiropean woodcut ‘Taret wind Scintife cartography (Banco, : Windturbine (Mariano) ): Laws of porpetive (Albert) Copperplate engraving 140.460: Modera printing (Guten vaste eatin Seen + Rediscovery of wagon on spi Teferted 1 by Homer 1870: Foundations of trigonometry (5. Miller Regiomentenis) 3471: ron eannon bulls 472 Observaary at Ninberg by Ber. ard Walther 1472-1519: Leonardo da Vine! made the {following inventions: Centrifugal pump Dredge for cana building Polygonal fortress with outworks Breceklosding cannon Rilled firearms Aniiftiton roller bearing Universal joint Conical screw Ropeand:belt drive Link chains Submarine boet Bevel gears Spiral gears Proportional and paraboloid Compasses Silk doubling and winding ap- eratus Spindle and Ayer Parachute Lamp-chimney Ship's log Standardized house MBL: Canal lock (Dicnisio and Petro ‘Domeniea) 1488: Copper etching (Wenceslaus von ‘lnuts) 1492: First globe (Martin Beha) SIXTEENTH CENTURY Tinning for preseration of iron. Wind mills of 10 HP. become commen. Mack technical progress ond mecher niztion in mining industries, spread of blast furnaces and iron moulds Introduction of domestic lock. 3800: Fist porable watch with fron ‘mainspring (Pecer Hesleln) 1800: Mechanical farming dell (Cav- alin mass production cathedral clocks of development 1508: Multicolored woodeut ry TECHNICS AND 1511; Poeunatc ede (Vegtins) 1618; Freendine. (Pate) 1s; Feddercting machine 1620: Retmention of texh meter for oushes sn: Fosse ino whl Je J: Pailenned boat (Baco de carey). Digg at nee dd Mar HS 1509; Fist astronomical map (Ale ‘andro Piccolomini) 144: Comographin, Unnersls (Se eslan Minter) 14: Elaboration of ages oboe ‘sti 1645: Mem surgery (Ambrose Pat) 146: Raa in German mines 1848: Water saply by pumping works (Augers) 1660: Fine known sseenson bridge in Europe (Pais) Ironvling machine (Brier) 1869: Industral exhibition at Rathaus, ‘Nimnberg 1875: Hero's Opers translation) 1578: Screw Inthe (Jacques Besson) 1579: Automatic Hibbon loom at Daat- ig 1882: Gregorian calendar revision 186; Timi po for Condon (Mo 1585: Decimal system (Simon Stevi) 1509: Kelting frame (William Lee) 1589: Man-propelled wagon (Gilles de Bom) Compaund microscope (Jansen) se of elock to determine longi- rade 1585: Design for metal bridgee—arch ‘od chain (Veranzio) 15 CIVILIZATION 1595: Windturbine (Verantio) 1997: Revolving thenner stage SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Water heels of 20 HLP. introduced: tranemission by means of reciprocat ing rods over distance of one-quarter tile, Class hothouse cones ito use. Foerdaienso moknacenie math 1600: 1630: 1696: 1636 1636: ): Adding machine ( : Submarine (Cornelius Drebbel). ‘od. Rapid developments in phyics, Dibbling of wheat to increase vield (Plat) Treatise on terentrisl magnetiom ‘and electricity (Gilbert) Pendulum (Galileo) ‘esademia dei Lincel st Rome }¢ Telescope (Lippersheim) : First law of motion (Galileo) ): Discovery of gases (Van Hel. mont) : Gunpowder in mine blasting 2 Discovery of logarithms by John ‘Napier 5: Use of whangulation system in ‘surveying by Willebrord Snel} van Roljen (1581-1626) 2 First logarithm table (Henry Briggs) 3: Machine for plowing, manuring fend sowing (Rameay and Wik ) goose Use of coke instead of charcoal in Blast furnace (Dudley) Tilemaking machine ier) ‘Went two miller in test be- tween Westminster and Green- wich ‘igs. petent law protecting io ventions (Eagland) taut engine (described 1663 by Woreester) Patent for steam engine (David Ramsey) 2 Divrvery of minute organisms ‘Leeuwenboek) Tsinitesimal calculus (Feemat) Fountain pen (Schwenter) ‘Threshing machine (Van Berg) 16: 167? 1678: 2 Sten +: Par Send drill (Worlidge) INVENTIONS an +: Periscope (Herel, Danie) jarometee (Torscell) alelation of focusses of ll forms of lens + Caleulating machine (Pascal) ': Magic Jantern (Kircher) : Air pump (v. Guericks) fw of Prebabilty (Pesca) +: Pendulum clock (Huygens) : Balance spring for clocks (Hooke) + Red corpuscles in blood (Sehwammerdem) 1: Prokeility law applied to insur: nee (Jan de Witt) sttomobile model (Ver biest, S.J.) ‘isto ‘telescope (Newton) cellular structure of plants (Hooke) Observatory peaking tube (Morland) iow Type fortification (Vaw- ben) ist determination of spead of light (Roemer) Greenwich Observatory founded Foundation of Ashmoleen Mu- Power loom (De Gennes) 161026817 Fist modern tunnel for 187 1688: : Industrial Exh : Fodderchopper run ‘by water: ‘wenaport, 515 feet long, in Languodee Canal rst power dredge (Cornelius Meyer) ferential calculus (Leibain) engine using gunpowder (Huygens) Lave of gravitation (Newton) 100 HLP. pumping works Marly (Reazeguln) ‘a Paris power (Delabadie) 5: Foundation of clentife obste- ics (Van Deventer) Newton's Principia Distifetion of ges from coal (Clayton) 1695: Atmospheric steam engine (Pe rin) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Rapid improvement in mining and tex. ‘le machinery Foundation of mod. re cheney, 1100: Water power for maserroduc tion {Palhew)| oss Aten te eg New or: Physics pulse wach wth see- od band (John Floger) 1708: Wat sand tron esting WDeeby) 1708: Cake "used “in bist force {Darts} AMO; Few serestype (Van der Mey ‘nd Mil) 7 YIM: Sewing machine (De Camus) 2k ger theron rn 1n1¢: Typewtter (Henry Mi) 1716: Wooden allways” covered with IND: Ther oslr pristng from cop er plate (Le Blond) ner: Fin “erwaneastemeat of ‘Blood prenure (Stephen 1721: Invention of stereotype (Ged) Y?R7: Lightimagee with silver nitrate (Gehulee: see 1839) a 1788: Fying shuttle (Kay) 1788: Roller spinning (Wyatt and Paul) 1736: Accurate chronometer (Harti= 1786: Commercial manfeure of su hurl ec (Ward) 1738: Castiron ah amos (at Whichaven, England) Cast steel (Huntsman) First technical school divided from army engineering at Braunschweig 1749: Scientic caleulation of water resistence to ship (Eulet) 1755: Teon wheel for coal ears 1156 1768 1781 163 3163: 165 1761: 67 1783: Te: am: wm 175: 176: rm 18: a ya 1784 res 1785: 178s: 795: 1765: 1185: wet TECHNICS AND CCemeat manufacture (Smeaton) 2 Mader type chronometer (Le Roy) Alt cylinders; piston worked by waterwheel. More then tripled production of blast furnace {Smeaina) 2 Fist exhibition of the industial ‘rn. Pais, 2 Slide rest (French encyel.) 1769: Improved steam pumping ‘engine with sepayate’ conden: ser (Watt) Cast zon rails at Goalbrookdale Spinsing jenny (Fargreaves) Steam carsiage (Cagnot) Caterpillar tread (R. L. Edge ‘worth: see 1902) Descriptiin of ball-bearing (Natl) Boring machine (Wilkinson) Resiprocative engine with wheal Reverberstory fornace (Brothers Ceanege) Modern water cise (Bramah) ‘Talking satometon (von Kem. pelen) ): Bridge castion sections (Darby ‘and Wilkinson) 1706: Steam engine a8 prime rover (Watt) Steambost (Joutroy) Dull plow (Proude: also used by Babli: ean : Balloon (J. Mand J. E. Mon golfer). Original invention Chinese Paddling. procese—reverheratory furnace’ (Cort) Spinning mule (Crompton) Interchangeable parts for mus ‘kets (Le Blanc) First steam spinning mill at Papplewick Power loom (Cartwright) Glorine 26 bleaching (Bertholet) ‘Serew propeller (Bramah) on beat” (Wilkinson) CIVSLAZATION W787: Serew propeller steamboat (Fitch) 1788: Threshing machine (Metl1e) 1190: Manufacture of soda from NeCt (Le Blanc) 1790: Sewing machine first pstentod ME Stint—England) WL: Gas engine (Barker) 1792: Gas for domestie Tigting (Mur. ‘dock) 1798: Cotton gin (Whitney) "Ho Signal tclegraph (Cale pe) 1194: Seole Purteshnique founded 17951609: Foodanning (Apps) Lithography (Senefelder) 5: Natural cement (J. Parker) Toy belcopter (Capp) Hydraulic pres (Braaeh) Sereweuttng lathe (Maudsly). Improved sliderest metal Inthe ‘(uudslay) . 1799: Humphry’ “Davy _demonirates ‘eshte properties of nttous snide (Tennent) NINETEENTH CENTURY Enormous gains in power conversion ‘Mass production’ of) textiles, iron, steel, machinery. Railway building ‘ra, Foundations of modern bislogy ‘and sociology. 1800: Galvanic cel (Volta) 1801: Public railroad with horsepower “Wandsworth to Croydon, England 1801: Steamboat Charlotte Dundas (Symington) 1wor-A802; Steam eartiage (Trevthick) 1002: Machine dresser for cotton wears (nents fr por 1002: Planing machine (Bramsh) 1803: Sidepaddle steamboat (Fulton) 1804: Jnoquard Joom for figured fab INVENTIONS oy 3004: Oliver Evans ampbibien steam ‘Twin screw propeller (Stevens) First patent for gasdriven euto: tmobile (Isaac de Rivaz) ' Kymograph—moving eylinder or recording cottinuous move- ment (Young) + Power loom (Horrocks) Graze welder (Semon) Steam printing press. (Koenig) + Pusheycle (Droit) Milling machine (Whitey) Stethoscope. (Leennee) Bentwood (Sargent) Incandescent lamp (De la Rue) 1: Modern planes (George Rennie) |: Tron steamboat (A. Manby) : First Scenic’ Congres at Lelpsig 1822: Steel alloys (Faradey) 1823: Principle of motor (Faradsy) 1623.2843: Calelating machines (Bab: i) 1824: Portland cement (Aspdin) 1825: Electrommagnet (William Star 20a) 1895; Stockion and Daslingon Railway 1625-2848; Thames wnnel (Mere E. Brunel) 1626: Reaping machine (Dell). Fleet ‘used in Rome and described by Ploy 1827: Steam automobile (Hancock) 1827: High pressure steam boiler — 11400 Ibs. (Jacob Perkins) azz: Chromodithography (abn) 1828: Hot blast in ion production (J. 'B, Nielson) 1828: Machihe-made steal pen (Cillot) 1829: Blind print (Braille) "Filtration plant far water (Chel sea Water Works, London) 1829: Liverpool and Manchester Rell- 1629: Sewing machine (Thimonsiet) 1s: Paper ait strep (Ee 1630: Compressed air for sinking “hafta and tunnels under wa ter (Thomas Cochrane) 1830: Blevators (used in factories) WSL: Reaping machine (MoCarm: 1ea1: Dynamo (Faraday) hloraform 1652: Water turbine (Fourneyron) 1833: Magnetic telegraph (Gauss. and Weber) aws of Electrolysis (Faraday) j Electie battery in power boat (MH. Jacobi) + Anilin dye in coal tat (Runge) Workable liquid rebiserating machine (Jacob Perkins) * ppliation of statistical method to social phenomens (Quote. i) 5: Commutator for dynamo 2 Electric telegraph Electric automobile (Davenport) Fast apglication of electric tele- fzaph. to raltoeds (Robe Stephenson) 1837: Eleaic motor (Davenport) : Nese telegraph (Wheatstone) Electromagnesi telegraph (Morse) 1638: Single wire cireuit with ground (Stel 1838: Steam drop bummer (Nasmyth) 1888: Tworeyele doubleacting gas on fine (Barnett) 1638: Propeller steamship (Ericsson: ‘ste 1805) 1838: Boat driven by lectric motor (aeabi) 1839: Manganese ste] (Heath) Electrotype (Jacobi) allotype (Tele) agree (Nips and De 1889: Hot vuleanization of rubber (Goodyear) 140: Groves incandescent lamp 1840: Corrugated iron roof —East Counties Railroad Station 1840: Microshotography (Dense) 1040: First see! cable suspension ‘ridge, Pitsburgh (Roebling) 184i: Paper positives in photography (Tetbor) ) um TECHNICS AND CIVILIZATION 1841; Conserration of energy (vom ‘Mayer) Bleutie engine (Davidion) 3: Conservation of energy (Ie Re ‘von Mayer) : Acrastt (Henson) ‘Typewriter (Thurber) Spectrum analysis. (Miler) Guite percha (Montgomery) Carbon are lamp (Pouca) + Nitrous oxide application (D Horace Wells): sce 1799 Practical wood pulp pe (Kel ler) + Corkandraer lean (Cal Electrio are patented (Welght 5: Modern high speed. sewing chine (Elis Howe) Poeumatic tre (Thomson) fechaniat Yeilerstoker Rotating. cylinder press (Hex) 5: Ether (Warren and Morton) [Nitroglyeeine. (Sobrero) Gun-otton (C.F. Schiabein) + Chloroformansesthetics (J. Y. Simpson) + Blectrie locomotive (3 G. Far- ‘aee) 1867: Iron building, (Bogacds) 1848: Modern safety match (R. C. Bottger) 1848: Rotary fan (Lloyd) 1849: Electric lacpmotive_(Page) 1880: Rotary ventilator (Fabry) 1850: Ophtlmescope 1851: Crystal Palace. First Interna a) Exhibition of Machines the Industrial Arts (Loe: ‘ph Paxton) + Electric motor car (Page) + Electromagnetic. clock’ (Shep- herd) 1851: Reaper (McCormick) 1859: Science Museum (London) 43258: Great Eastern steamship 680 feet loag—wetertght com partments 1853: Mechanical ship's log. (William Semens) 1053: Mase-production watches (Deni ‘oo, Howard and Curtis) 1853: Muliple telegraph on single wire (Cin) 1854 Automatic telegraph message re- ‘order (Gtughee) 5: Commercial production of Sum: ‘um (Deville) 800 HLP. water turbine at Paris eleision (Caselle) Iron plated. gunboats Sofety lock (Yale) Open earth furnace (Siemes® ‘Bessemer converter (Bessemer) Color photography (Zenker) Phonautograph, Voice vibration ‘recorded on reveling e¥linder (Scott) 1859; Oil mining by digging and dvi ing (Drake) 1859: Storage cell (Plants) 1860: Ammonia refrigeration (Carre) 1860: Asphalt paving 1860-1863: London "Undergrosnd” 1863-1868: Dynamo motor (Pacinaoti) 1861: Machine gun (Getlia) 1862: Monitor (Ericson) 1863: Gas engine (Lenoir) 1863: Ammonia soda process (Solvay) 1864: Theory of light and electricity 1868: rare (Ducos) 1864 and 1875: Gasoline engine moter tear) + Practical dynamo (Siemens) ': Dynamite (Nobel) Reenforeed concrete (Monier) ‘Typertiter (Scholes) 28 engine (Otto and Langen) Twoowheeled hieycle (Michaux) : Tungsten steel. (Must) : Periodic ble (Mendelejey and ‘Lothar Meyer) 1870: Hletrc see! furnace (Siemens) 1870: Celluloid (J. W. and 1S. Hyat) W870: Application of bypnotom in psy ‘chopatheogy (Charcot) 1870: Arfcial madder dye (Peskin) INVENTIONS as ger) ‘Model airplane (A. Penaud) ‘tomatic. sirbrake -(Westing: house) ymanonia, compression reftigr- ‘tor-—Carle Linde (Machen) 1814 Streamlined locomotive 1875: Eleetrc ear (Siemens) ¢ Standard time (American al roads) 5: Bon Marché at Paris (Boilean ‘and G. Eifel) Diseovery of toxins oureycle gas engine (Otto) lectrie telephone (Bel Mietaphone (Edison) Bacteriidal propestis of Tight ‘established (Downes & Blont) 1877: Compressed air relrigeral T. Colemen) 1877: Phonograph (Edison) Laval) 1879: Carbon glow lamp (Eason) ectric railroad ele 1880: Eleetie elevator (Siemens) 1882: Fret central power station (Ed Ison) 1882: Motion picture camera. (Maely) ‘Steam turbine (De Laval) x x 1884: Linotype. (Mergenthaler) 1884: Turbise for High Falls (Pelton) 1eR4: Smokeless powder (Duttenbofer) Steam wrbine (Parsons) Tnteraational standard ime Aluminum by electrolytic process (Hall) 1896: Hand camera (Eastman) 1886: Aeptic surgery (Bergmann) 1086: Glassblowing machine 1887: Polyphase alternator (Tels) 1890: 1800: 992: Automatic telephone + Hletsomagnetic waves (Hertz) Monotype (Leviston) 2 Recording adding machine (Bur- of cotton refuse (Chardonnet) Hard rubber phonograph records : Eifel Tower Modern motion picture camera ‘Esison) Detector (Branly) Paeumatic tires on bicycles Calcium carbide (Wilkin and ‘Moisan) 19931896: Diesel motor 1922: 1993: 1893: 1098 1895: Antificial silk of wood pulp (Cross, Bevan and Beadle) Moving picture’ (Edison) By-produea eake oven (Hoffman) jenkin's “Phantoscope"—fet ‘moring picture of modern type Maton ‘peace projet (Ed Xray (Roentgen) teamdriven aerodrome flight— fone half mile withoot pasten- set (Langley) + Radiotelegraph, (Marconi) io activity (Beoquerel) nium lamp (Welsbach) : Radium (Corie) arden City (Howard) Loading coll for Tong distance telegraphy and telephony (Papin) ‘TWENTIETH CENTURY General introduction of scentie and ‘echnical research laboratories. 1900 3900: soe: High speed tool steel (Taylor & White) Nernst lamp Juantum theory (Planck) faxional Bareau of Standards— United States Coerpllar tread improved. [See 170) Radial type aisplane engine (Charles Manly)

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